• Published 1st Aug 2012
  • 1,055 Views, 12 Comments

Destiny - Zap-The-Pegasus

I, as my ponysona, Zap. Travel Equestria to help stop the evil that is threting to take over

  • ...

Where Am I??

As I started to come to, all I could here was voices, hundreds of voices. I opened my eyes slowly, and the first things I saw where a pair of crimson eyes staring right at me. I jumped to my feet and looked at the pony stood before me, a dark unicorn stallion, the funny thing was, he seemed strangely familiar...

"W-Who are you..." I stuttered, my voice was quite, I was scared and confused, why did this stallion seem so darn familiar to me?

"That's not important. Why are you here?" he asked, his voice showing no emotion but his eyes where full of anger.

"I--I don't know...I didn't mean to come here.." I muttered, he didn't seem to belive me though.

"Of course you didn't. You know, its not everyday I find an unconscious Pegasus laying in the street, shouldn't you be up in the clouds with all your friends." he said slyly, I didn't understand, I thought that everypony, regardless of there species, where welcome to roam the streets freely, but maybe I was wrong.

"What do you mean, I thought everypony was welcome everywhere, regardless of there species." I said, starting to find my voice.

"Where have you been the past three years?" He asked, the horn on his head started glowing faintly. My heart was pounding in my chest, I was petrified, I couldn't compete with unicorn magic. That's when I noticed, that all the ponies surrounding me, where unicorns, not an earth pony in sight, or a Pegasus for that matter. I was surrounded, there was no way out, I thought I was done for.

That's when I heard the flapping of feathers coming from above, a Pegasus flew down towards me and wrapped there fore hooves round my waist, lifting me into the air and flying upwards towards the clouds. I looked up at who had saved me, they had a solid blue coat, that seemed to dark a shade to be natural colouring.

We flew though the thick cloud barrier and they slowly lowed me onto the clouds.

"Who are you?" I asked, as they let go of me. But as they came into my view, I recognised them instantly, this stallion, was one of my OC's, one I'd made quite recently in fact, I knew who he was, but I didn't say anything.

"I'm Hurricane." he smiled. "Who are you? Haven't seen you round here before."

"I'm Zap." I smiled. "I'm not surprised you haven't seen me before, I only just arrived here. Oh and..thanks for helping back there."

"Don't worry 'bout it. Just don't expect me to save your butt again anytime soon." he smiled. "That guy's pretty violent, I don't know him very well but he will attack anyone who gets in his way. Come to think of it, why didn't you just fly away?"

"Well, I would of flew off, but I was..I was rather scared, I didn't know what was going on..." I sighed. Not sure how I was expecting Hurricane to react, guess I was expecting him to laugh, but he didn't, he seemed to understand. And if that unicorn was who I think he was, I'm not surprised.

"No need to be ashamed. I'd be pretty scared to if I was faced with him and about a hundred other unicorns." he said.

"This'll sound like a stupid question. But why where there only unicorns down there? And why did he seem so aggressive towards me? I never did anything." at first he didn't reply, the smile on his face disappeared, and I realised that something must of been wrong. "Is everything all right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'd rather not talk about it, but I guess you have a right to know if you don't already. For the past three years, the three species that roam Equestrian, well, they haven't exactly been getting along, I don't know why, and many ponies have tried to find out the cause of all the hatred, but so far, no one has been able to help. Even Princess Celestia can't stop who ever is causing all this. The thing is, not everypony wants to fight, some could care less, but some ponies who have shown little interest in fighting have literally disappeared, including my sister...She was young, she didn't understand, now I don't even know if she's still alive. I haven't seen my father in three years either. Since he isn't a Pegasus. Everypony's been hit hard by all this fighting, families have been broken apart and friendships destroyed. I've done what I can, but I fear that if I stop then I'll be taken away as well..." he said sadly, I walked closer to him and gently placed my hoof on his shoulder.

"It'll be ok, I'm sure your sister will be fine, and I'm sure that we can find the cause to all this." I smiled, trying to reassure him. But then it hit me, did this have something to do with why I was sent here?

He smiled softly. Before he spoke again. "Thanks, Zap. Come on, lets go find my mum, she's been trying to stop the fighting for a good year now, working with some of her close friends to help the Princess stop all this nonsense, she's been travelling back and forth from Canterlot allot recently, but I think she's at home at the moment, follow me its not far." He smiled, starting to look a little more cheerful. He flapped his wings a few times and took of into the air. I unfolded my wings and followed behind.

We where flying for about ten minutes before we made it to Hurricane's house, although, the cloud building looked allot like a certain cyan Pegasus mares house from the show. We landed by the front door, and as I looked around, I saw a small pen with straw and a little hut in it.

"Huh..what's that?" I said to myself, but Hurricane must of heard me, as he turned and hopped over the fence, how he jumped over it so easily I don't know, since the fence was nearly as tall as I was..

"This is Tank's pen." Hurricane smiled as he put his fore hooves into the little hut and pulled out a tortoise. "Little guys older I am, mum adopted him a few years before I was born." Tank smiled slowly as Hurricane held him in his arms.

"He's cute." I smiled as flew over the fence and walked over to them.

"Yeah. He is isn't he. You wanna hold him?" He asked. I thought for a moment before replying.

"No thanks. Maybe later. Besides, didn't we come here to see your mum." I smiled. I did really want to hold the little tortoise, but I was scared I would drop him, since I wasn't sure if I'd be able to hold things with my hooves yet..

"Oh ok." the blue stallion smiled as he put Tank down and jumped back over the fence. I followed, but I flew over the fence since I doubted I'd be able to hop over it like Hurricane did.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, it opened and a rainbow maned Pegasus stood in the doorway and smiled.

"Hi Hurricane." she smiled. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Zap." he smiled.

"Its nice to meet you." I said.

"Its nice to meet you too, Zap." she smiled. That's when I realised, that the mare stood before me was Rainbow Dash. One of the fastest flyers in Equestria. I was still so confused that I'd forgotten half of the things I knew about my own OC's, and actually meeting them didn't help my confusion go away either. I'd completely forgotten that Hurricane was Rainbow's son, which was weird considering the two's similaritys. There mane and tails wheres styled similarly, though Hurricane's was cut shorter, and they where both pretty fast flyers to.

I guess I'm a couple years ahead of the shows canon, or maybe a few more than a couple, I'm gonna guess a good twenty years, I dunno, since I have no idea how old Hurricane is...