• Published 25th Dec 2018
  • 220 Views, 1 Comments

Ice Like Stardust - BrittyFIM

The Ponyville ice rink is rarely occupied, but occasionally you just may meet a new friend, or something more.

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The cool crystals of white slowly fluttered down from the sky, scintillating in the dark, large clumps slowly built upon the ground. The cool night sky lit up in a bright, wonderous array of pinks and purples glittering from the stars up high. The mint colored mare precariously placed her hoof into the untouched fluff lying on the ground, sinking a short way down before it held her weight. The cold snow sent a chill running through her leg as she looked up in awe at the beautiful sight of the pegasi moving around their snow clouds for the start of winter.

This was Figure Eight’s favorite time of year. The beautiful snow, the wonderful weather, and even her favorite pastime… figure skating. Her vibrant coat was soft, a mint-tinged fur protruding from her skin. An elegant mane, slightly darker than her coat, sparkled with specs of snowflakes, a vermillion stripe blazing through her hair and curling throughout until it reached its length, her tail of similar colors. A long curved horn protruding from the top of her head to a fine point. Small dimples brightened her face as she smiled through the dark. Her Cutiemark shown a small white skate with a golden blade, its colors contrasting with her fur making it pop out. The starlight up above, complimenting the mare and making her glow in the bright winter night.

She carried a tote bag to her side, as white as the snow, the prisms of light in the sky guiding her way. She began her journey to the town pond, which during the winter, was transformed into a beautiful skating rink for ponies to practice on. She loved skating, though it did sadden her that there was only a couple of months in the year where it was possible. The rest of the year was just boring, though she had to admit she loved autumn. But, she'd just have to bear it and make the best of the short time she could skate.

She sloped her way through the snow, being careful not to slip on any small ice patches hidden under the fluffy white snow. Before long the rink came into view. A few small lights lit the rink from the dark, a velvet colored ribbon encompassed the rink keeping it enclosed, a bench and a few other necessities strewn around the area. Upon closer inspection, she realized she was not the only pony there. She slowly trotted over to the bench and carefully slipped behind it, peeking out at the other pony. It was a stallion, his fur a warm yellow, contrasting similarly to herself off the snow. His mane was a dark brown color that partially covered his cool blue eyes. On his flank sat a series of symbols that Figure Eight had never seen before. His face was rounded and held a small handsome smile, that made Figure herself smile as well. His coat was slightly sparkling with snow as he stepped out onto the ice. Wham! Almost immediately he went face first into the ice.

Figure pulled herself out from behind the bench making her visible again. She quickly ran up to the entrance of the rink and grabbed hold of the pony’s hoof. “Are you okay!?” her soft voice carried. The pony managed to his hoofs and carefully pulled himself off the ice, a small, embarrassed chuckle coming from his mouth. He gave Figure a cute smile as he blushed bright red, her own face flushing a light red. Her heart felt light and springy as it beat slightly faster in her chest.

A chuckle escaped the stallions lips. “Hehe, yeah I’m okay. Thanks.” His voice was smooth and warming, fitting well with his overall looks. It was slightly raspy and nasal sounding with a small Trottingham accent mixed in. It was calming and kind sounding. His large smile spread genuinely across his face as he looked at the mare before him, a small cut from the ice was spread across his forehead. He reached out a hoof towards Figure, urging for a shake. “I’m Star Dust,” he said politely. Figure quickly returned the shake still blushing.

“I’m Figure, Figure Eight,” she responded. A small trickle of blood ran down onto Star Dust’s muzzle. “Here, sit down.” Figure took the stallion over to the bench and sat him down. “I have some supplies.” She pulled a small tissue box out of her bag and using her magic, began to rub the blood from his face. Her cheeks suddenly became bright red as she quickly let go of the rag, shed realized how strange this probably was. “I’m sorry… That was probably really weird...I-I…”

Star Dust gave a little chuckle, picking up the hanky himself and finished cleaning off the blood. “Don’t worry, It’s not that weird. At least to me.” He gave a consoling smile in her direction making her a little more comfortable. She gave a small nod before pulling out a bandage from a small box inside her bag, handing it over to Star. “Heh, my point…” He motioned to his hoofs, obviously incapable of putting on the bandage. Figure took the reigns and placed it on his head using her magic, and covering the gash with the gauzy strap.

“There we go, that should help,” Figure sighed. “You new to skating?” she asked the stallion who was still rubbing away some blood.

He gave out a small chuckle. “Is it that obvious.”

“Maybe… Want some help?”

“You good?” he asked the mint colored mare.

A small, sly smile appeared on Figures face as she motioned to her cutiemark. “Here, give me a second.” She propped herself up on the bench and got her skates out of her pack, placing them one by one on her hooves. She wobbled her way over to the ice carefully attempting not to lose her balance on the soft snow. Her shuffling gave Star Dust a little amusement as a small snicker emerged from his lips, Figure couldn't help but giggle a little too.

Soon enough she reached where the ice met the snow and stepped out onto it, balancing easily despite the slippery ice. Before she knew it, she was gliding. The cool, frostbitten air against her warm face, the calm feeling of flying across the ice as she lost her surroundings in her skates. She smoothly hovered, a small line protruding from where her skates met the ice, etching the mark of her travel. She slowly rose two hoofs off of the ground to where only her back legs touched the ice. She threw her upper legs out, stopping her momentum as she pushed her body sideways. Slowly she began rotating, quickly gaining momentum. Suddenly she pulled her upper legs close to her body, tightly, her body thrusting into an even faster spin. She then lurched forward, her body halting its spin and fell to the ice. Her front hooves collapsing onto the ice in a grand display as she began gliding once again, a few puffs of air escaping her lungs.

She came to a stop and looked back up, she had forgotten the other pony had been watching. Star Dust just stood at the side of the rink, mouth agape staring at Figure. His eyes showing an obvious gaze of astonishment and surprise at what he had seen. “Wow,” was all the stallion managed to say after watching the display in front of him. Figure blushed to herself lowering her head slightly in embarrassment. Suddenly, a large smile spread upon Star Dust’s face, a smile directed at her. A small cheer emanated from the stallions direction as Figure gave a playful, joking bow. “That was amazing!” he yelled. “How’d you manage to do that, and on two legs no less!?” Figure gave a small chuckle to herself as she skated over to the side of the ring where Star Dust was sitting. The pony was clopping his hooves together.

“Heh, glad I didn’t just embarrass myself,” Figure said timidly.

“You kidding!? That was awesome!”

“Thanks,” Figure blushed. “Years of practice I guess. I’m a little rusty, first I’ve skated this year.”

“That’s rusty?” Star Dust competed. “I can't imagine what you’d be like after you’ve got used to it!” Suddenly Star Dust got a little red and changed the topic. “Anyway, you’re really good at this, I guess I have a long way ahead of me,” he sighed.

"Heh, don't worry. Sure took me a while to start out," she giggled. "Wasn't until a few years I was doing my first tricks."

"That's, uh, not a very good sign for me then." Star Dust's words trailed off slightly. Figure let out a small giggle, Star Dust giving a minor stern look in return.

"Don't worry, it'll come soon enough," Figure consoled. "I could help if you'd like." Figure blushed slightly at what she had just said, feeling a bit awkward. She put her hoof out toward Star Dust. Star Dust returned the gesture, placing his own hoof to Figure's.

"Thanks," he smiled. "I wouldn't really know where to start by myself."

"Don't worry, it isn't very easy at first. See..." Figure pointed to a small spot on her neck, revealing a light scar slightly brighter than the rest of her body. "I have multiple at this point," she chuckled.


"Heh. Don't worry I'll help." Figure smiled and blushed at the stallion, pulling him out onto the ice, holding him to his feet. "First things first, you need to practice balance..."