• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 1,443 Views, 14 Comments

Time to get Golden - Moore

I bought a morphor and became the gold samurai ranger in Equestria

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It's morphing time - 1

‘thought’ ,"talking"

My names james It was a normal day woke up secretly watch my little pony because I'm a brony and then I put on my costume and went to the convention I was wearing the gold samurai ranger Antonio's suit didn't have a morpher though.I was walking around the convention while looking for some friends of mine.The convention though was crowded and sometimes I was stopped to Take a picture.The moment I was searching the merchant stalls for them I seen a person who looked like the resident evil merchant I only know what he looks like from watching my brother play part of it.The Merchant stall had a perfect replica of Antonio's morphor.I walked to the stall and seen a sign that said to stay in character to buy something so I went to a stop in front of the stall

"How can I help you?" the merchant asked giving me a handshake.

"I wanted to ask how you got my morphor?" I asked.

"Oh,I also have you and your friends zords, battle disks, and the black box,"he said as he took out a box of said items.

"I think we are going to need those so how much money do you want for finding them?" I asked.

"all I need is $250 for everything,"He said.

"Oh, how generous of you here is $250 ok," I said giving him said money.

"Thanks here you go have fun on your journey and I will also give you this suit case to help carry everything," he said as he handed me the morphor and the suit case packed.
Next day later

I woke up in the ruins of a castle in a forest.

"Huh ,where am I ...WAIT... is the the castle of the two sisters?!" I asked shocked as I am about to go see if the tree of harmony is there when I see a manticore blocking the only exit about to attack.

" g-good kitty! "I quickly said. The manticore jumped at me I then ran for the exit but the manticore blocked it again.
‘It might be a long shot but if this is mlp then maybe my morphor is real’ I grab my morphor and push a black button
"gold power!" I scream then my suit goes on except helmet the Japanese Kakadu for light appears in front of me before flying at my face taking form as my helmet the glass like like the Kakadu the baracuda blade appeared on my right hip and megablade on my left hip as soon as it is done I say "Gold is good to go!" while raising my right hand to the sky.I pull out one of my battle disk the disk is called the coraldisk.

I put the am around the base of my barricade blade then I spin around the manticore slashing my sword cutting it but the cuts only left scratches because I did not want to hurt it so I made sure I wouldn't kill or mortally wound him.The manticore somehow sensing I gave him mercy ran away I then went to see the tree of harmony.

"Hi tree how are you?" I said putting a hand on the tree harmony then In my head.

‘go to ponyville,’ Tree of harmony.

" wait tree of harmony what is there for me? " I asked.

‘the pony power rangers their you need to go to ponyville because your enemies are going to start showing up, ’tree of harmony.

"Got it I will keep the ponies safe for they might not be able to hit my enemies!"I told the tree.

‘thank you because for some reason the power rangers we have can not hurt your enemy like you assume,’ Tree of Harmony.

"Ok see you later, "I said then left to ponyville grabbing the bits abandoned in the castle firsthearing in my head the tree's goodbye.

a few minutes later

I made it to ponyville I walked in in my normal clothes and realized all the ponies are humanoid.I walk into market place to hear that the ponies from this universe can and does eat meat.

" lookout!?! "Before I can react something slams into me.

"Consarn' it ,Rainbow you hit someone!" Apple Jack said.

"Hehehe,"Rainbow Dash laughs embarrassed a little she crashed.

"Can you get off me ,Rainbow is it? "I asked her.

"Sure I can" Rainbow Dash gets up and helps me up.

"What are you doing here anyway"Rainbow Dash asked me.

" I plan to buy that. " I point at a cooler/grill cart I fell like selling fish. I answered with what I plan to do as a hobby.

" What in tarnation you can cook? "Apple Jack.

"yeah want proof?" I ask her.

"Yes"Apple Jack answered.I go to Apple Jack's house after introductions and buying the cart with Rainbow Dash and cook both of them and the rest of AJ's family fish after they finish.

"How did you make it so good!" Rainbow Dash.

"An reckon that this is better than ma' big sister's cooking ,so do you agree ,big macintash!?" Apple bloom.

"Eeeyup!" Big Mac.

" Ah reckon I have to get to of pride an agree!" Apple Jack.

"It tastes better than my cookin' too." Granny Smith.

"Go ahead follow your goal to open a fish shop it seems like a great idea for you!" Rainbow Dash.

" Eeeyup this food was good" Big Mac.

"Ok I will it is pretty late now though." I told them.

"How about you two stay over for the night?!" Apple Jack.

"Thank you I don't have a house yet."I told her.

" Ok I will take you to buy a house tomorrow and leave your new cooler/grill cart at the front door"Apple Jack tells me as I went to grab it.

"Ok so I will we both of you tomorrow mourning till then. " I go to my bed for the night. "They were really nice! "I say then put my morphor my suit case and make sure it is in a safe place for the night. " Good night world today was really Golden! " I then lay my head down and go to sleep for the night that is warm and peaceful for now.

Author's Note:

This is the first ever story I am sharing publicly so if their are spelling errors or grammar errors you can tell me.I can't write like Apple Jack talks i don't think.