• Published 25th Aug 2018
  • 277 Views, 3 Comments

Time and death intertwined - SilverHoof1

Morrow has been working as a taxi since his change, and one day after a stressful shift he finds a mare that will forever change his life

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Love Incarnate

I had been roaming the town I lived in for a while, following some people around while watching others hug and generally enjoy each others company. The sights often made me feel happy, but a little twinge in my own heart went off whenever I saw it. As happy as I was for the couples I saw, most of them had red threads leading elsewhere, with only around two out of ten of the couples I saw actually connecting. Those were always the happiest, the ones who had found their true love whispering soft things into their ears or sharing quiet kisses in little private places. When I was younger and had first started seeing red thread couples I had always gotten curious and wandered in after them when they retreated into their house for the night.

Some of the couples watched movies together, some cuddled next to a warming fire. These were always the cutest moments to see, but I mostly didn’t stick around long so they could have their privacy, even if they couldn’t see me. It just wasn’t polite to watch, although sometimes I was sorely tempted to see what happened next. Most of the time this was when the place they went to was the bedroom, but as a principle I never went in. Whatever they did in their was strictly them time, and I hoped I would have my own at some point.

That was the other reason my heart twinged when I saw others though. I could see everyones red strings, even the green man I saw casually flying through the sky sometimes had one far, far away. In Fact it seemed almost as if it spanned the world, and I could only wonder who it linked too. Sometimes the thread seemed to connect right next to him, but that had to be impossible because I would see them… right?

I could see everyone’s red thread and who they were destined to love, except for one person. I couldn’t see my own red thread, as if fate found it ironic that love couldn’t find her own soulmate while everyone else could. Fate was very, very mean. Then I saw the strangest couple I had ever seen, and I couldn’t quite describe it.

They sat on the fountain together, embraced and looking to the sky when I noticed them. The first thing I noticed was the red thread connecting the two, and my heart gave a happy little jump. Then my eyes took in the full sight of both of them, and I had to keep my jaw from falling open. Mostly because it would be impolite to gawk so obviously, but who could blame me? The boy was a pale blue with even lighter blue on his hands and markings around his eyes. For that matter his eyes were a strange pale color, almost white yet seeming to have a strange shine, making them look like shining opals. His girlfriend was the much stranger one though.

Her hair was a shimmering curtain of flickering blue flames tinged darker blue and even purple at the tips, but it seemed to move like normal hair as she turned her head towards his, the fire shifting as if it were resting on her shoulders. Her eyes were pitch black like space, and each even had a single sparkling dot in the middle, like a shining star to fight back the night of her eyes. Her body was a charcoal black, complimenting her boyfriend’s light blue tones along with her deep blue tinted hands. Grey markings were on visible parts of her body, and a tail like a long scythe emerged where a normal tail would be.

I myself had earlier figured myself to be bi, and even though a red thread didn’t connect me to them I still felt connected in a strange way to the two of them. They were both attractive in their own ways, but it wasn’t quite that. It was the way their bodies almost seemed to shimmer when someone walked by them, and I realized they were also personifications. They must be hiding themselves from the view of normal people, which made sense since everyone liked their privacy.

As I turned to walk away and give them that though, I felt a strange prickling sensation along my back and I turned around the find the boy’s eyes had turned a vibrant red. They almost seemed to ooze a red vapor, and his face looked hazy from the red mist around his head. Even though he was still looking at the sky it felt like I could watch him turn his gaze toward me over, and over, and over. It was like his eyes were everywhere around me, and it gave my neck an uncomfortable ache as though I were being watched.

Then he blinked, and the red haze along with the red in his eyes were gone, as if it had never happened. His eyes seemed older though, as if he had seen more than most could in just a few seconds, and then he was back to normal, turning to kiss his girlfriend's neck while I turned away, shivering just a bit. For some reason though I felt rooted, and after a bit of time thinking I decided to watch and follow them home, too talk to them. If I could see them they could see me, so I wouldn’t be able to sneak in anyway.

Some time later as dusk began to set in the sky I watched as the two emerged from a clothing store talking to each other and laughing, evidently joking with each other. They both carried a bag in their hands and the boy wore sunglasses, and I had to wonder if they had just taken the clothes. Most of the time I had just walked around naked since it was much more freeing especially since most people couldn’t see me unless I wanted them too, but the other half of the time I took an outfit from a store then returned it later after washing it in someone's home while they were asleep.

As they walked home I followed behind from a distance, and before long as the crowd thinned we reached a cozy looking home, the two walking straight for it. I followed behind still, but began to speed up once the crowd grew less and less. A few minutes later they reached the house and disappeared inside, and I walked up to the front door taking a deep breath. I prepared myself mentally, then knocked on the door.

After a minute of holding my breath, literally, the door opened and I breathed again, if a bit raggedly. The girlfriend stood at the door, giving me a strange look as I caught the breath I had been holding and cleared my throat, giving a friendly smile.

“H-hello, how are you?” I asked a bit nervously, my hands reaching behind my back to play with my fingers a bit. She seemed to consider me for a second, then responded, tilting her head a bit to the side. “I’m… well, what brings you here?”

“I saw you two at the fountain and I had a question I wanted to ask,” I quickly rattled off, looking to her trying to hold onto my smile. Her own lips perked just a bit, and I noticed her body flicker, showing she wasn’t used to a physical form yet. “Yes?”

“Are you by any chance personifications? I was just curious because I haven’t seen many others…” I asked slowly, watching for her reaction. She seemed shocked, her eyes wide and blinking, staring just a bit. Then I noticed the red thread connecting her to her lover seemed to move and the boyfriend emerged from behind her, smiling a bit as he casually rested his head on top of hers. Her cheeks turned a bit red from the motion, but she was too busy staring to completely notice him.

“Hello, yes we are notifications and you can call me Morrow,” he responded in a soft, joyful tone and held out one hand. This seemed to surprise the girlfriend as well, and she looked up at him with a questioning look. His response was a kiss to the bridge of her nose and her body noticeably arched to press to his. I blushed from the sight before clearing my throat again and took his hand giving it a shake. “My name is Amelia, and i’m the personification of love,”

His smile turned the smallest bit mysterious, and he shook back. “ I know, feel free to come in and take a seat on the couch, the three of us should talk a bit,” at this he whispered something soft enough into the girlfriends ear that I couldn’t hear, and I noticed the slightly suspicious look that had formed on her face fade away, replaced by that same small smile. Realizing her line of thought I quickly tried to find my words, stammering just a bit. “O-oh don’t worry i’m not here to like steal him or anything don’t worry, I was just uh curious and….” I faded off softly rubbing the back of my head embarrassed and she gave a small laugh. “I’m Inum, and its nice to meet you Amelia,” she replied with that same smile, and ushered me in and onto the couch, sitting on a seat nearby the couch.

Morrow retreated into the kitchen, to cook something I could only guess, and Inum looked me up and down, seeming to be judging just a bit. I smiled and subtly opened my arms a bit to give her a better view, and after a bit more she sighed mournfully. “Ahhh your so much prettier than I am,” she mused, shaking her head a bit. This had not been what I was expecting and I blanched, looking at her in surprise. “What? No not at all, your very beautiful Inum,”

“But I don’t even have that many curves my chest is smaller and i’m small,” she whined, looking down at her body with a small frown. I couldn’t help but giggle softly, and standing up for a second I walked over and traced a gentle hand along the side of her body. Her skin was smooth and silky, and despite being more petite she wasn’t lacking anything, her physice making her both cute and and beautiful, if not quite “womanly”.

“You look fine hun don’t worry about it,” I reassured softly, and went back to my seat as she looked doubtfully at me. For a second my eyes were drawn to the red thread connecting her heart to morrow’s, noticing how strong and healthy it seemed. The two had been really made for each other, and I felt that same twinge in my heart I usually did. She seemed to notice my look and tilted her head and looked where I was looking, confused. “I can see red threads,” I explained softly, pressing two fingers together before stretching them out to make a tiny red thread appear between them. “It links two people meant for each other… “ as I spoke i drew the fingers together, the thread getting tighter and more compact. “And when the two people meet it is guaranteed to be a healthy relationship, like a soulmate,” I finished, the fingers meeting and twisting around each other gently.

She seemed surprised, and look towards the kitchen the look of surprise fading away as passion flickered in the white dots of her eyes. I smiled a bit, then sighed loudly leaning back on the couch. “I’m so jealous!”

“Huh?” she asked looking surprised, her eyes going back to me as I sighed loudly. “I can see everyone’s red thread except my own, I have no idea how to find my soulmate even though i’m the incarnation of love,” I grumped, flopping onto the couch and looking at her from behind the seat of the couch. “Incarnation of love is supposed to have a lover, not be the only one without one!”

“There is one out there don’t worry,” she said calmingly smiling a bit, holding back a few giggles based on the way it almost looked like she was having hiccups. I pouted softly, and that's when they broke out, breaking into soft laughs as she walked over and patted me on the head gently, crouching down to get on my level. She petted my hair gently, and it almost reminded me of a mother, her smooth gentle fingers both soothing and warm.

Morrow emerged from the kitchen holding a steaming pot in one hand, the heat evidently not affecting him as he placed the pot on the living room counter. I thought that over again when I saw light burn marks on his hand, but a blue glow seemed to come from his eyes and the burns faded completely. He blinked a few times as if his eyes were moist, then waved to the pot.

“Help yourself, I made spaghetti tonight for us,” he stated proudly, before grabbing plates and utensils dealing them out to the three of us. I pulled off the top of the pot to see a mass of sauce covered noodles with mushrooms, bits of tomato and a few peppers mixed in along with what appeared to be ground beef. Using the offered grabber I pulled some of the food out for myself before passing it to Inum who did the same. Inum smiling a bit dealt out Morrow’s food as well while he grabbed drinks, and as he returned he gave her a warm smile.

The three of us ate together in silence, enjoying the food and company silently. The main reason it was silent I guessed was because the three of us were shoveling the food down like it was our last meal. Personifications didn’t really need to eat, but it felt natural to do so and always seemed to provide more energy and proper nutrients as it should. Watching Inum eat especially I had the feeling her body would turn any sweets she might have into nutrients, and if she chose, fat in the right places. Personifications had a build based on what they were like when they changed, but it was possible with time just like normal to develop a different body type.

After a solid fifteen minutes of eating we all began to slow down becoming full, except for morrow. He kept going at the same pace for another five solid minutes while me and Inum had a pleasant conversation. When he did finish, he looked to me with a smile and his eyes flashed yellow. Inum seem surprised, and he held out his hand to meet with that wide, mysterious smile and gave a wink as inum’s hand found his.

“Amelia, I think it's time we find your soulmate don’t you think?”