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The Konami Incident

Author's Note:

Read This BEFORE reading the chapter!

Harry Mason is the main character of Silent hill 1, in the game he goes into Silent Hill to look for his missing daughter after nearly avoiding a girl walking on the road.

Heather Mason is Harrys daughter.

James Sunderland is the main character of Silent Hill 2, In the game he goes to Silent Hill looking for his dead wife.

Pyramid Head is basically the embodiment of James's fears/Sexual frustration

No offense is meant to Konami.

3rd person pov

Cvt and I were walking through Minato, Tokyo, Japan. We were talking about the new Child which is Cvt’s latest story.

Cloudy pov

“I'm renaming the story. I came up with the perfect name, Fractured Memories. Hope you like the new name. If you don't, then I'll go back to the old one.”Cvt said.

"That name is like, 20 percent cooler" I replied. Giving my feeling on the name while referencing one of his older stories.

“Yep, I got the inspiration from Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.” Cvt continued as we started to pass by the Konami headquarters.

“I’m an agent from Konami and I’m here to inform you that We're sueing you.”

” Wait, what...?”You're using a similar name we have, thus you now owe us 20 million dollars. “and when you have the money give it to our boss.

“THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE!” shouted Cvt. “Too bad. Buy more of our stuff.” the agent replied. “Why would I do that?!” ”Because we told you to.” “Well, I guess I'm getting sued. I'm going to work on the next chapter now... While I figure out a way to get 20 million dollars... (Cries on the inside)” and starts to walk home.

Before he can get any further I hug him and he hugs back. After the hug I reach into my pocket, pull out and give him 20 million dollars.

“Here you go, now stop suing me for a dumb reason,” Cvt replied. “Now you owe us 40 million .” was the reply “You've got to be kidding.”

” We're not.” Then everything went red.

3rd person pov

"Hey, boss of Konami, all of your IP's are turning against you. The people from Metal Gear, everyone from Silent Hill, with Pyramid head leading them," said Cvt. But before the boss of Konami could say anything he and Cvt felt an intense wave of heat, they looked over to the source and saw where Cloudy Arrow had once been an extremely furious flame demon. The demon launched a blast of fire at the boss of Konami. The blast hit him square in the chest and set him on fire, Killing him. Then the demons flames dissipated revealing that he was Cloudy Arrow. Cloudy Arrow collapsed on the ground unconscious.

"This is a great show." Rainbow Dash said as she, Pinkie, Twilight, and Cvt watched the IPs destroy Konami's Headquarters.

“Yeah, wait where did I get this popcorn?” Cvt asked just noticing the bowl of popcorn he had been eating from.

“I gave it to you!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“How did I not notice that?” he questioned.

“Just... Don't question Pinkie.” Twilight replied

“Right... Anyway, this is a good show and good popcorn. I wonder what they're thinking about right now.

”The people destroying that building?” RD asked



Harry Mason walks up to the evil boss of Konami, who stole money from people and canceled Silent Hills. He only says one thing.

"Have you seen my daughter?" Heather Mason face palms behind him and cringes.

Pony Cloudy Pov

“What in the name of Equestria is going on?” I asked

“Way too many things. How did you get here?” replied Cvt

“No idea.”

“None of this makes sense.”

“Have you seen my daughter?” Harry asked

“I'm right here...” Heather said stand right behind her father.

“Yeah, Harry why do you keep asking that?”Cvt asked confused.

"I'm looking for Mary, have you see-”

“STOP! This is madness” Cvt shouted cutting off James. All of a sudden there was a loud BOOM we turned and saw the Konomi headquarters collapse.

“Well, that's the end of that,” Cvt said.

“Have you seen my-”

“Shut up!” Cvt shouted “Wait, where's Pyramid Head” I simply pointed toward Pyramid head in reply Cvt looked where I was pointing and saw Pyramid Head cuddling a dead body.

“You know that would be cute if the body wasn't dead...” he said

“Yeah... That's disgusting.” Heather said agreeing with Cvt.

“No, it's not,” James said.

“Says the person who puts their hand inside a poop filled toilet for a wallet that doesn't even belong to him!” Heather retorted.

“it's cute even if-GAH" I started to say before being pulled into a cuddle by my human version who is still unconscious.

"Dylan said hi" he muttered before turning onto his other side, me still trapped in his arms.

"Nice. Well, I guess it all works out in the end." Cvt said smiling.

"We still need to find my daughter," Harry said oblivious to his daughter who was standing behind him.

"Harry, I worry about you," Cvt replied.

"What about my wife? " James asked.

"UGH... "

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