• Published 9th Aug 2018
  • 2,979 Views, 311 Comments

According to Plan! - The Buck It Bros

After reading a letter from her parents Octavia and her friends make a plan to stop her arranged marriage.

  • ...

Sinking Feeling

Sinking Feeling

Celestia was just starting to raise the sun as Alto made his way down the stairs to collect his daily paper. He had found himself in Harmony’s good graces again after taking her to A Restaurant for dinner on Hearts and Hooves day. After hearing his wife talking with Monotone about how their daughter always wanted to go there, he figured it would be a nice place to go too. Alto looked out at the calm city streets and smiled picking up the newspaper in his hoof. He took a seat in his favorite chair and started to read about the recent happenings in Canterlot.

“Oh, they’ve opened the Boating Pony early this year.” The stallion said looking at the front page. Being an earth pony he had a tendency to fold close and reopen the paper when turning the page, and when annoyed, he would be more aggressive about it. His night with Harmony had caused him to sleep in a little later than normal so he didn’t have long before the distractions would start. Alto’s assumption was correct as he didn’t even finish reading the second page of the paper when he heard the sound of his wife coming down the stairs.

“Alto, Alto my love, where are you?” Harmony called out clearly in a much better mood since Octavia finally met and went on a date with Monotone, as well as her own husband taking her out for Hearts and Hooves day. “Oh, there you are dear.” She said smiling trotting over happily. “Those roses were beautiful, thank you for a wonderful night.” She said kissing her husband on the cheek.

“Well, I just...” Alto started to say but was interrupted by his wife.

“Speaking of yesterday, I wonder how Octavia’s date with Monotone went. She must have been so excited when she went to A Restaurant. Thanks again for making their reservation for lunch and ours for dinner dear.” The mare said nuzzling Alto’s neck.

“Anything for you dea...” Alto attempted to respond before being cut off again by Harmony grabbing the paper looking at the front page.

“Oh, look Hun, they opened the boating pony early this year”

“I was about to t...” The ringing of the doorbell cut the Silver station short as Harmony jumped to her hind leg clapping her front hooves together excitedly.

“That must be Monotone. I can’t wait to hear how their date went.” She shoved the paper back into Alto’s hooves and rushed to the door as it was opened by a worker pony of the manor.

“Hello Harmony, the date with your daughter was a complete success.” Monotone spoke in his dry emotionless voice.

“Oh, that’s great to hear, why don’t you come in and tell us the details. I want to know everything.” The ruby mare practically dragged the short stallion into the living room and sat him on the couch before taking a sit in the chair next to her husband who went back to reading his paper.

“As you suggested I took her to a restaurant. We ordered at the counter and ate at a table by the window...” The short pony started but was cut off by a question from Harmony.

“What do you mean ordered at the counter?” She asked as her happy mood was slowing disappearing.

“I took her to Mc Hayburger. You order at a counter there.” The gray stallion said matter-of-factly. “Anyways the meal was silent.”

“You did what?!” The mare exclaimed having heard where her daughter was taken. Knowing what was about to happen Alto silently stood up, grabbed his paper, and began to walk out of the room. He hoped that the kitchen might offer him a quiet sanctuary from the yelling that was undoubtedly about to occur.

“Mc Haybuger!? I told you to take Octavia to A Restaurant!” Snapped the Ruby mare.

“I did as you asked. Mc Hayburger is a restaurant.” Mono said plainly. “We ate after she paid for the meal and...”

“You made her pay?!” The ruby mare exclaimed in shock and anger.

“Her meal costed more so she paid. Fair is Fair.” The short pony had no clue how close Harmony was to smacking him into next week.

Holding back her hoof and her building rage akin to the calm before the storm, she asked “So let me get this straight. On one of the most romantic days of the year, you took my daughter out to a fast food establishment and made her pay? How can you call that a success?” In her anger she enunciated the words slowly.

“We went out and ate. Therefore, it was a success.” He answered.

Harmony got up, walked over to the short stallion, picked him up with magic and smacked him with a hoof “That date was not successful” she smacked him again “You will fix this Monotone.” she smacked him once more time for good measure before dropping him on the floor.

“Ow” Replied the gray stallion, not breaking his dry voice.

Harmony’s horn glowed a silver color as she snatched Alto’s paper out from his hooves and levitated it in front of Monotone pointing a hoof to the cover. “You will take Octavia to the Boating Pony, and this time you will pay for it, like a gentlecolt should.” She ordered anger still in her eyes. “I don’t want to hear of another failure.”

“I never fail.” Monotone responded dusting himself off.

“Except on dates apparently.” Alto muttered as walked back into the room to retrieve his stolen paper.

Harmony glared at Alto as he grabbed the paper and left the room. Turning that glare back to Monotone. “Now you listen to me. I have a lot riding on this marriage and I can’t have my daughter hating you.”

“Don’t worry future mother-in-law, nopony can resist my charm.” Replied the short pony. “I will sing for her in the middle of the lake.”

Harmony doubted that him singing would win Octavia over but before she could comment the front doors busted open as Sir Trotterlot rushed in. “Is Octy here yet?” The explorer pony asked in a frantic rush hoping he didn’t miss her. He was unable to make it back to his hotel room until late that night but had a feeling that Octavia would come see her mother again to get out of this marriage.

Harmony rubbed her forehead and groaned in frustration. “Trotterlot, please stop slamming the doors open. Between you and that DJ, one of you ponies are going to break it.” She spat out in annoyance.

“Is Octy here?” Trotterlot repeated a little annoyed himself.

“No and if you’ll excuse me, I have more important matters to atten...” She started interrupted by her brother.

“More important than your own daughter? You see Dear Sister, this is exactly what I was referring to.” The mustached stallion said. “You would ignore her for this young colt who is here for what? Lessons?” He asked mistaking Monotone for a school foal.

“I am Monotone Symphony. It’s a pleasure to meet you, but even better to meet me.” The short stallion stated looking up at Sir Trotterlot. “I am going to marry her daughter.”

Trotterlot looked at the small stallion and then back to Harmony. After repeating this cycle a few more times his expression darkened. “Pardon me but it sounded like you said you would be the stallion to marry my dear niece Octy.” The explorer pony looked over the small one before him watching a slow nod.

“This stallion is perfect for Octavia. He has a musical background like her, has a career in music like her, and above all, is in a good social standing.” Harmony said proudly putting more emphasis on the last part than the others. “Not that I had to tell you Dear Brother, you have no say in Octavia’s life.”

“Neither do you Sister.” Trotterlot responded wiping the smug look off the ruby unicorn’s face. “You continue to deny it but you are way too controlling over Octavia’s life. You use to be a happy go lucky and fun-loving mother, wife and sister. I know that you use to plan things for Octy in the past when she was but a foal but it’s gotten out of hoof in the last couple of years.”

“I am not contr...” Harmony interjected but was cut off.

“I am not finished. You took it to far Sister. You planned every second of her life after switching your priorities to your career. That is why she left to live in Ponyville and hardly talks to you anymore.” He said still trying to get through to her.

“That isn’t...” She tried to start again and was once again interrupted by Trotterlot.

“I’m still not finished. Do you not see the pain you are causing Octavia? She is her own mare and can make decisions for herself just like you did at her age. I know that fun-loving sister of mine is still in there somewhere, so let go of this illusion that you need to be in control and give your daughter the love and support she deserves.”

Harmony glared growing tired of not getting a word in. “Don’t lecture me like I’m a little filly Trotterlot.”

“Can I finish, Please?! Please, can I finish?!” Trotterlot asked in almost a yell and after a moment of silence spoke again. “Alright, I’m finished.” He said smiling.

“You think you are being cute but Octavia will marry Monotone here.” The ruby mare said waving a hoof over the short stallion.

“Indeed, she will. Only I can make Octavia happy.” Monotone said his expressionless dry voice made Trottlerlot shiver.

“Shut up you disgust me.” The explorer said looking at the small pony with nothing but distaste on his face.

The room was dead silent for a while until a new voice broke the silence. “Uncle Trotterlot? Mother? What is going...?” Octavia’s question was cut short when she spotted the tiny terror that she had come to know as her betrothed. “You.” She said glaring at the small pony. “What is he doing here? I was going to talk to you about that ‘Romantic Date’ he took me on.” She said being very sarcastic with the words romantic date.

“Octavia, sweetie, I heard all about it and everything has been taken care of.” Harmony said as everypony looked to Octavia.

“It has? So, I don’t have to marry this complete disaster of a stallion?” Octavia asked hopefully.

“No Octavia, you misunderstood me.” Her mother said chuckling a bit. “I talked with Monotone and he is going to make sure that you are well taken care of on your date today.”

“But that date was horrible. I had a better time with Vinyl on our date.” The cellist complained making both Harmony and Monotone cringe at hearing it.

“I told you not pretend to be with that mare.” The ruby unicorn said coldly to her daughter.

Both Octavia and Sir Trotterlot were about to interject when another voice cut them off. “Indeed, could you image my bride-to-be being a fillyfooler?” Monotone asked following up with his cold dry laugh making every ponies’ skin crawl.

“How dare you say such a rude thing to my precious niece. This calls for hooftycuffs.” Sir Trotterlot challenged putting his hooves up to fight the short pony but was stopped by Octavia.

The gray mare shook her head. “This isn’t the time or place for that Uncle Trotterlot. Mother, you can’t be serious about this. I don’t love this...well... I would say fun-sized stallion but he’s not any fun to be around. Mother, I love Vinyl, and I want to be with her.”

“Octavia, that DJ won’t do anything to further your career. I’m trying to look out for your best interests dear. Just go on a few more dates with Monotone, I’m sure that you will see that he is perfect for you.” Harmony replied.

“She is right. Come on Octavia, I thought of the best date idea ever.” The short chubby stallion said before pulling her away from her family.

Octavia looked at her mother and Uncle with pleading eyes as she was dragged away. “Mother, I don’t want to do this.” Were the last words that the cellist’s family heard before she was out of sight.

Sir Trotterlot turned on his sister with a new-found glare plastered on his face. “Well Dear Sister, tell me again how that stallion perfect for her and how much you care about your daughter? Explain to me how ignoring Octavia, when she tells you she doesn’t want to do this is in her best interest.” He said turning away.

Harmony for once had nothing to say. She was at a loss for words because there was something about what Trotterlot told her that rang true. She had completely ignored Octavia’s plea that she didn’t want this.

The Explorer sighed “Remember this Sister, it’s only too late to change when you refuse to see what is true. I don’t believe that you’re beyond redemption yet. Your daughter needs you now more than ever, not as you are now, but as you use to be when she looked up to you.” Trotterlot said and walked towards the door. “I am going to watch over them, I have a sinking feeling about this date, as well as that stallion.”.

Harmony watched as Sir Trotterlot walked off into the distance before shutting the door. She was a bit shaken as it had been quite some time since she had been at a loss for words like that. The more she thought about it, the more she had to agree with her brother for once. The ruby unicorn walked up the stairs and look at herself in the same picture reflection as before. “I hate to admit it... but I’m starting to get that sinking feeling as well Dear Brother.” She said in earnest looking past the glass of the picture catching a quick glimpse of her and Octavia.

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Vinyl found herself sleeping in that morning as her late-night activities with Octavia had left her happily exhausted. Rolling over with a yawn the white unicorn cuddled with a body pillow thinking that it was her marefriend. With a yawn Vinyl greeted the pillow. “Morning Octy” Giving the pillow a hug Vinyl stood up and stretched. Feeling something weird on her leg, she looked down only to see a familiar looking bowtie around her thigh...again. With a small grin she made the comment “This is a morning tradition I can get used to.” Looking back at the bed Vinyl couldn’t help but want to get her cellist going. “What do you want to eat for breakfast Octy? I’m down for some leftovers from last night if you catch my drift.” she said immediately putting her hoofs over her head to shield the inevitable impact only to peek up when nothing happened. “What the...Octy?” Walking back to the bed, she removed the covers only to see a body pillow with Octavia’s lingerie on it. A bit confused, she walked around their hotel room to see if she could find the gray mare. Walking into the bathroom she looked around only to see something weird in the mirror. Looking closer, she saw a small piece of pink parchment stuck on her horn with some writing on it. “Huh?” the DJ asked using her magic to levitate the note in front of her.

“Dear Vinyl, I am going back to my mother's place to try and talk her out of this wedding. She is sure to stop this madness after hearing about how bad the ‘date’ with Monotone went. Love, Octavia.”

After reading the note, the DJ smiled. “Yeah, you tell her Octy.” Setting the note down, Vinyl was going to freshen up and get ready for the day when an urgent thought crossed her mind. “Oh buck! What if she makes Octy go on another date?” Vinyl thought causing her to quickly run out of the room and into the restaurant to look for the team.

She spotted Lyra, Bon Bon and S sitting at a table enjoying their meal. Vinyl ran over to them panting “Octy... gone... date... thirsty...” The DJ reached over and grabbed a cup in front of Bon Bon and started drinking it thinking that it was juice...it wasn’t. “Hot!” She whined dropping the cup waving a hoof over her tongue after drinking some coffee.

“Wooh” Lyra said catching the coffee with her magic. “Careful Vinyl, what’s got you all worked up?”

“Yeah? What's going on?” Bon Bon asked pushing the glass of Orange Juice in front of the distressed DJ.

“Yeah, what's got you all riled u...” S began to ask before catching something strange out of the corner of her eye. She looked closer at Vinyl’s hide leg while she was chugging Bon Bon’s OJ and began to blush. “Oh my...”

Finishing the drink, the white unicorn looked to her friends and answered. “I think Octy might be forced to go on another date with that stallion. We need to hurry.” Her horn lit up in a gray aura as she stole a few bites of Lyra’s muffin and shouted “Let’s go.” And began running out the door.

“D-did she just eat my muffin?” Lyra asked a bit upset.

“She drank my coffee Lyra, what’s your point?” Bon Bon said standing from the table.

“Did any other pony notice what Vinyl was wearing around her thigh?” Asked S.

The two thought back for a moment when the realization struck them “Oh Buck!” Exclaimed both Lyra and Bon Bon.

“We need to stop her before she gets to Octavia’s parents.” commented Lyra.

“On it.” S replied grabbing her watch, and Bon Bon’s flank, before flying out of the hotel.

“Hey! Hoofs off my wife!” Shouted Lyra running after the Yellow Pegasus. Bon Bon sighed as she grabbed their watches and proceeded out the hotel.

“Vinyl! Wait a sec!” S called out tackling the White unicorn.

“Ow, hey, what gives S?” Vinyl asked standing back up.

“You kind of forgot about something” Sunflower replied pointed a hoof to the unicorn’s hind corners.

“What...Oh...” The DJ turned a deep shade of red as she took Octavia’s Bowtie off her leg and levitated it in front of her. “I don’t suppose you have a saddle bag on you?”

The yellow Pegasus shook her head. “No. You ran off so quick that all we managed to grab were our watches.”

“Awww. What am I supposed to do with this then...Octy would kill me if I left her Bowtie in the street.” The white unicorn replied, staring at her marefriend’s attire.

“You could put it back in the hotel.” S suggested.

“I don’t have time for that. Octy could be going on a date at this very moment...aghh buck it.” Vinyl said putting the bowtie around her neck.

“There you are you hhhaaarrrlot... What the buck?” Lyra stopped and started to laugh at the sight of Vinyl Scratch wearing a pink bowtie. “That’s an interesting look for you.”

“Yeah, yeah, get your comments out now.” the DJ replied.

“There you are, you forgot your watch Lyrrraaa... That’s an interesting look Vinyl.” Commented Bon Bon trying to hold back a giggle.

“Yes, I get it. I look stupid in a bowtie. Can we please move on?” Said the blushing unicorn turning around and continued to trot to Octavia’s parents' house with haste.

“Hey, wait up marestro.” Replied Lyra as the three followed closely behind. Vinyl wasted no time in busting in through the front doors finding no sign of Octavia. A low groan would be heard from the adjustment room that got everypony’s attention.

“I know that groan.” The DJ said happily. “Come on fillies, Dad will know where Octy is.”

“Dad?” Lyra and Bon Bon questioned together looking at each other. They were both confused as to why Vinyl was referring Alto as ‘dad’. After a brief moment, they just shrugged and followed Vinyl’s lead.

“Hey Dad, have you seen Octy?” The DJ asked as she stood before Alto who was once again trying to read his paper. He said nothing as he flicked the paper to restraighten it as he was reading.

“Um Vinyl, I think he just wants to read. Maybe we should ask somepony else.” Bon Bon said softly.

“Nah, his future daughter-in-law is waaaaaaay more important right dad?” The white unicorn asked with a smile still receiving no response from the silver pony. “But seriously, you have to tell me where Octy is, I have to save her from being bored to death.”

The silver stallion closed his paper and glared at Vinyl Scratch and aggressively opened to paper back up to hide behind it again.

“I think Bon Bon is right, we should really find somepony else.” Lyra said walked over to pull Vinyl away.

Not wanting to give up, Vinyl poked her head over the paper and gave her best attempt at puppy dog eyes. “Pleeeeaaaassseee.”

Octavia’s dad folded the paper down for a second and looked at the white unicorn in annoyance before saying “I am trying to read, go away.” He raised his paper back up and aggressively turned the paper to make the DJ get the hint that he didn’t want to talk.

“Come on Vinyl, he’s not going to tell us. Let's go.” Said S.

“I didn’t want to do this, but you left me no choice.” Replied Vinyl clearing her throat. The three mares looked at the DJ expectantly, not knowing what she was about to do. “Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad.” Vinyl started to repeat dad over and over again causing the three mares to facehoof all at once.

The announce finally was too much for the Silver stallion to bare. Alto rolled up his newspaper and bonked the DJ on the head with it as if she were a pesky fly. “Enough! And stop calling me Dad. My wife told me not to tell you so go away.” He said throwing the paper down on the floor and began walking away mumbling his frustrations. “All I wanted to do was to read my paper but nooo, everypony has other plans.”

“Well that was rude.” The white unicorn said rubbing the top of her head.

The girls started laughing. “Well, you were being rude as well you know.” Commented the yellow Pegasus.

"Yeah, and why were you calling him dad?” asked Bon Bon.

“Yeah that was kind of weird.” Lyra said and watched as Bon Bon was reading the paper on the floor. “What are you doing?”

“I call Octy’s parents' mom and dad for two reasons. One, it annoys them. And two, they will be my in-laws someday so they better get used to it....” The DJ replied and watched as the candy maker picked up the paper and began folding it. “Yeah, what are you doing Bon Bon?”

“Well, while you two were talking, I think I might have found out where our missing cellist has gone.” Answered Bon Bon pointing a hoof to the article about the Boating Pony being opened.

S looked at the article and commented. “Well, a nice boat ride does sound like a date classy ponies would think of.”

“Octy...and a stallion... alone on a boat? Not on my watch.” Replied the DJ. “We need to see if Octy is at this boating pony at once.”

“I already see my pony.” S said looking at her watch’s display which had a picture of Bon Bon’s flank on it.”

“What the buck? Where did you get that...and change that image at once!” Lyra exclaimed as everypony was looking at the picture.

“No, I took it when Bon Bon grabbed the paper, but that’s not what’s important right now. I pulled up the data from the Boating Pony and look at who made reservations recently.” S replied sending the information to everypony’s device.

“I forgot these glasses could do that.” Vinyl said laughing a bit before getting serious again. “We should probably get going.”

The four left the house and started to make their way to the Boating Pony. Just as the front door closed, a silver stallion walked back to grab his paper. “Finally, I can finish reading my-”

“Alto, who was that?” Harmony asked causing the stallion to sigh and walk away from the one thing that he wanted to do today.

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Octavia groaned as she looked at the pony behind the desk. “Don’t have any boat that isn’t so... flashy?” The gray mare asked looking at the boat that was near them. A white wooden boat with hearts painted on it.

“Well it is perfect for a...date?” The clerk pony said looking at her and then the short stallion.

“Yes, this is a date. I am paying because I was told too.” Monotone said bluntly and gained a facehoof from Octavia and a confused look from the clerk pony.

“Look lady, that's the only boat that I have. Its either that or Old Leaky there.” The clerk pony said pointing a hoof at an old boat whose paint has been worn out from the passage of time.

Octavia look at the older boat and before Monotone could say anything she spoke up. “We will take Old Leaky.” She said, making sure that Monotone paid. She laughed as she watched him try to get his bits on the counter by jumping. The cellist hoped that the leaky boat would shorten their time on the pond.

“Octavia, you have to help me into the boat.” The dry voice of the short pony said in a demanding tone.

“Okay.” The gray mare said with a smile pushing him into the boat hoping to knock him into the water. “Oh, so sorry Monotone.” She said while gravely disappointed that he didn’t fall in.

The short chubby pony spread all his legs out as far as he could. He tried to keep his balance. “That wasn’t funny Octavia. I can’t swim.” Monotone remarked, still no emotions or expressions from him even when in trouble.

The cellist rolled her eyes and got into the boat with the stallion. Octavia had hoped that talking with her mother would result in this whole thing being called off. However, that not being the case, she regretted not staying in bed with Vinyl. The cellist sighed as she would have to figure out how to sabotage this date without the aid of her friends. It was then that she noticed that they haven’t left the dock yet. Looking at the small conductor she asked. “Well aren’t you going to row us around?”

“I am too short to reach both paddles, you will have to row us.” The gray stallion said plainly and stared at her intently.

“You can’t be... you are, aren’t you?” Octavia sighed and took to paddles in her forelegs and started to row them out to the middle of the lake. Hoping to break the awkward silence she asked. “So... um... what do you do for fun?”

“I like to watch paint dry.” Monotone responded as serious as he always was.

Octavia burst out into laughter upon hearing this. She laughed so hard that she was rocking the boat causing the gray stallion to hug the seat. “Oh, that was a good one, and here I thought you were terrible at jokes.” She said panting a bit trying to catch her breath.

“Why are you laughing. That wasn’t a joke. I like watching the shine slowly fade.” The short conductor informed his date, loosening his grip as the boat stopped rocking.

The cellist rolled her eyes and looked off to the side. “Oh... that’s just sad.” She whispered under her breath.

The short stallion sat there looking at Octavia as the boat slowly moved across the small lake. As the name of the boat suggested, it was slowing leaking causing a small puddle to form at the bottom. Octavia sighed as she wished that the leak would be faster to end her torture. Still trying to break the silence she came up with another question to ask him. “Sooo, what kind of music do you listen too?” The cellist asked thinking that he would have some long response working in the music industry like she was.

“I don’t.” Monotone responded.

“Don’t what?” Octavia asked a bit confused.

“I don’t listen to music.” Monotone said blatantly.

“B-but you’re a conductor, aren’t you?” The gray mare asked in shock as she stopped rowing the boat. “How can a conductor not listen to music?”

“I like to keep work at work. No music is allowed in the house at all. Speaking of which, when we are married, you are not allowed to practice in the house.” The short stallion commented.

“What?!” Octavia shouted, outraged by the thought causing her to stand up on her hind leg to tower over him.

The cellist’s voice was heard all over the lake, even reaching the ears of Vinyl and the rest of the girls who had just arrived. “That was Octy.” Vinyl said looking around only to spot her marefriend standing up on an old boat. “Don’t worry Octy I’ma coming.” She ran to the only available boat at the dock. “Yo, rental pony, I am commandeering this boat.” She said jumping on the white boat covered in hearts. With one hoof on the bow of the small ship her horn lit up causing the paddles to start rowing towards Octavia.

“You know, Vinyl kind of looks like that pirate on the Captain Griffin bottles.” Bon Bon commented watching the DJ speed away with the clerk pony watching.

“Vinyl? A pirate? No way, I just can’t see it.” Lyra responded shaking her head.

“Yaarr! I’m off to reclaim me stolen booty.” The white unicorn called out pointing a hoof to Octavia’s direction.

“You were saying?” Bon Bon commented.

“I...Nevermind” Lyra replied in defeat.

“Well if it means anything, I don’t see it either.” S said agreeing with Lyra.

The mint green unicorn turned around to thank her only to catch the real reason why the yellow Pegasus didn’t see. “S! Stop staring at Bon Bon’s flank!” she said standing between Sunflower Shine and her wife.

“Come on Lyra, I was just enjoying the view.” The Pegasus said in her defense.

Bon Bon turned around and wacked both S and Lyra on the back of the head. “Stop that you two, we are here for Vinyl and Octavia, remember?”

“Fine.” They both said together and looked the other way.

“You didn’t say for how long.” S mumbled to herself with a smile.

“Ok, here’s the plan. When a new boat comes back to dock, Lyra and I will go out on the lake to assist Vinyl. S, you stay by the docks in case we lose them. Sounds good?” Bon Bon asked as the two nodded. “Sweet, let’s go.” Replied Bon Bon as they all just stood there waiting for a boat that may or may not come.

“Soooo...what do you want to do in the mean time?” Asked the mint green unicorn trying to break the silence.

Both Bon Bon and S shrugged as they continued watching Vinyl speed her way across the lake to reach Octavia and the mystery stallion.

As Vinyl approached her targets, she tried to slow down but the boat was coming in too fast. “Ah oh. Brace for impact!” Vinyl shouted as her boat rammed into Old Leaky causing Octavia to fall into Vinyl’s hooves. Trying to play it off, the DJ quickly added. “Ahoy me lady, it’s time to set sail.” Before bucking Old Leaky causing the two boats to separate.

“What the? Vinyl? What are you doing here?... And why are you talking like a pirate?” Octavia asked very confused as to what just happened.

“Just play along Octy, I always wanted to do this.” Vinyl whispered looking back at the boat “Yarg, I’ve reclaimed me booty. What say yo-” Before she could finish, Vinyl began breaking out in laughter seeing Octavia’s date for the first time. “You got to be kidding me. That’s him? He’s so bucking short.” The DJ wiped away some tears.

Octavia sighed. “I thought you were trying to be a pirate”

“Oh yeah, ahhem. Ye need to find yourself another mare matey. This one be taken.” Vinyl said, looking back at Old Leaky.

Monotone clung onto the boat as it rocked not noticing that the two ores fell into the water. Standing back up, the gray stallion looked at the unicorn pirate and said “Hey, that’s my betrothed. Give her back.”

“I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request.” After a brief moment of silence Vinyl continued “That means no.”

“Vinyl, I’m just dumbfounded that you know that but you didn’t know what betrothed meant.” Replied Octavia

“I-” started the DJ before hearing a dry voice from the other boat.

“Vinyl. I have heard that name before. Though I thought it was the name of a DJ.” Monotone said giving the white unicorn her another taste of his voice this time she shivered in disgust. “You have got to be the worst Pirate I've ever heard of Miss Vinyl.”

“But you have heard of me.” She replied looking back to Octavia. “Way anchor matey, we’ve got our heading.”

Octavia facehoofed “Vinyl stop it, you are not a Pirate... and where did you get the parrot?” Octavia asked.

“Parrot?” The white unicorn asked turning her head. She was shocked to see that there actually was a bird resting on her shoulder. “What the?”

“Raa, shiver me timbers.” The parrot squawked.

“Cotton, get back here.” A mare in a boat from a few yards away called to the parrot. It gave a sad squawk before flying away to the mare.

“Ooookay... that was weird.” Vinyl commented as she began rowing their boat away from the short stallion.

The small conductor was about to protest when he saw that Old Leaky was taking in more water from being rammed. “Can you help me out friend?” He asked in his same emotionless tone. “I can’t swim.”

“I’m not your friend, guy.” Vinyl replied as her boat started to get farther away.

“I’m not your guy, buddy.” Monotone was quick to respond but with no emotion it made Octavia laugh a bit.

“I’m not your buddy, friend.” Vinyl said back to the small stallion the distance being greater.

“I’m not your friend, guy.” Monotone’s voice was becoming hard to hear the farther they got.

“I’m not your guy, bud- Ow!” The DJ was stopped by a hoof to the back of her head. “Octy why?”

“That is enough of that.” Octavia said shaking her head. “Besides, we should help him. He can’t swim.”

“But he started it.” Vinyl whined and pouted.

“And I finished it. Now are you going to go back and help?” The cellist asked a bit annoyed she was being ignored.

“He’ll be fine, the water is only like three feet deep.” The white unicorn said leaning back and waving a hoof dismissively.

“He is only three feet tall.” Octavia said facehoofing after explaining it. “Oh, nevermind, it looks like the parrot mare is helping him out.”

“Well since we don’t have to worry about him.” Vinyl said pulling Octavia to close to her. “How about you and I enjoy ourselves.” She said using her magic to slowly row them around the lake.

The cellist smiled. “Fine. I was getting tired of rowing anyway.”

Octavia laid down next to Vinyl as they both looked up to the sky. The clouds that hung in the sky which had just been placed there by the weather ponies. There was a scheduled storm to come in a few days, but right now, the clouds seemed perfect. As the boat made its way around the lake with no real direction, they passed under a few trees with flowers on them. Octavia was enjoying every minute of it, though when the cellist looked back at Vinyl, she noticed something odd about the DJ’s attire.

“Vinyl, why are you wearing my bowtie?” The gray mare asked.

“What? Oh...that... ummmm... it’s a long story.” Replied the DJ with a sheepish grin, hopping her marefriend won’t prod any deeper into the subject.

“We are in the middle of a lake with nothing but time. Flatter me.” Rebutted Octavia now suspecting something bad.

“It’s nothing really...is it hot out here?” The white unicorn asked waving her hoof, desperately trying to change the subject. Octavia stared at the DJ causing her to break down. “Ok, I’ll tell you, just promise you won’t get mad.”

“Nooooo.” Replied the cellist slowly slightly glaring at Vinyl.

“Weeellll, there I was in bed right. I woke up and hugged a pillow thinking it was you and are you sure you’re not hot? I can row us back into the shade.” Vinyl said with a nervous smile.

Octavia facehoofed and grabbed the DJ’s glasses. “Tell me now or your glasses are going for a little swim.”

In a panic, the DJ quickly told the cellist of the morning events “Your bowtie was on my hind leg and I wanted to get you going so I made a comment about leftovers but you didn’t react like you always do. So, I pulled the sheets off only to see that you weren’t there but then I saw your note and panicked and ran out of the room looking for girls and found them in the restaurant. I told them that you went to your parent's place, and that we need to go there ASAP and please pull my shades back in the boat Octy.”

“You didn’t.” Octavia said, a blush now forming on her face realizing that everypony seen her bowtie on her marefriend's thigh.

“I did but S tackled me before I reached your parents place, I didn’t want to go all the way back to the hotel or leave your bowtie in the streets so I put it on and please give me back my shades Octy. I really love that pair.” The DJ pleaded.

Octavia groaned and facehoofed again while hoofing the unicorn’s sunglasses back causing the unicorn to smile again. “How many ponies saw you like that?”

The DJ put her shades back on. “Just our friends, I swear.”

“Well, I suppose it could have been worse. Though if that was the long story, what was the short version?” Octavia inquired.

“I bucked up.” The DJ answered causing the cellist to chuckle at the response.

Leaning back into the white unicorn, the cellist asked. “You know the difference between you and me Vinyl?”

The DJ gave Octavia a puzzled look. “What?”

The gray mare pointed a hoof at her neck “I make this look good.” She said with a giggle.

With a frustrated groan, Vinyl replied. “Aghhhh I get it, I look stupid with a bowtie.”

“Maybe, but you do look good with a little gray.” Octavia said hugging the DJ and pulling her back down in the boat. The two laughed and enjoyed a peaceful moment together until something broke the silence.

“Get back here.” Came an emotionless voice over the water.

The two mares poked their heads up and saw the parrot pony rowing her boat towards them with Monotone onboard. “Oh, you cannot be serious.” Replied Octavia, upset that her real date was interrupted.

“Don’t worry Octy, I got this.” Said the DJ standing up.

“What are you pla-” The cellist started before the boat started moving really fast causing her to sit back down.

“After them.” Monotone said to the Pegasus as the chase began.

“Vinyl, I really think you should slow down. I’m not sure if this boat can handle going this fast.” Said Octavia holding the side of the white boat.

“I’m sure it’ll be fine. All we need to do is ditch the plus one...or half of one... you get what I’m saying.” Replied the DJ using her magic to propel them at an incredible speed.

“We’re losing them.” Commented the Pegasus.

“Then flap faster, I’ll pay you double if you catch her.” Monotone said, dead set on getting his date back.

Back on the shore, Lyra pointed to a boat that was coming onto the shore. “Look Bon Bon, there's our ride, and... wow... it's coming in fast.”

Bon Bon looked closely at the two boats heading to the docks. “Is that, Vinyl and Octavia?”

S took a picture with her watch and quickly zoomed in revealing Bon Bon’s guess to be true “Yep.” Looking back up, the yellow Pegasus asked. “... do you think they are going to slow down?”

Bon Bon sighed. “You might want to get ready to catch them S.”

“Vinyl! Turn the boat! We are going to crash!” Shouted Octavia pointing a hoof at the docks.

“I can’t! Get ready to jump!” Replied Vinyl.

“We almost got them.” said Monotone still with no emotion.

With a loud bang, it seemed like time slowed down. The two boats crashed into the docks causing Vinyl and Octavia to go air born. Before panic could set in, Octavia found herself in the hooves of the parrot pony and Vinyl in Sunflower Shine’s. The Pegasus' lowered the two safely down to the ground while the conductor found himself landing face first in the dirt next to them.

Before Monotone could get up the Parrot pony walked over, opened his bit bag, and grabbed the agreed number of bits. “I caught her just like you asked. Have a good day.” And with that, she flew away with her parrot in tow.

“Thanks S, that was a close one-Ow!” Exclaimed the DJ rubbing a hoof on her head.

“Never do that again, do I make myself clear Vinyl.” Octavia said looking directly at the white unicorn.

“Ok, Ok, it’s not like we got hurt or anyth-I'll stop.” The DJ answered shielding her head after seeing the gray mare raised her hoof.

“Good” The cellist replied with a smile on her face.

“Ouch” Came a dry voice besides them. “What happened?” Asked the short stallion getting up off of the ground and rubbing his head.

“Not you again, go back asleep will ya.” Said the white unicorn.

“Who’s that Octavia?” Inquired Bon Bon, asking the question that the three mares wanted to know.

“That is-” The Cellist started before getting interrupted by the little conductor.

“I’m Monotone Symphony. It’s a pleasure to meet you, but even better to meet me. I am Octavia’s betrothed.” The small stallion said.

The three mares paused for a second before simultaneously breaking out in laughter. “You can’t be serious.” Said Lyra, wiping a tear from her eye before she noticed that Octavia’s face did not change. “You’re not serious, are you?”

“I am, I was hoof picked by Octavia’s parents.” Replied Monotone.

Vinyl grabbed a sheet of parchment from S that had the list of potential stallions and looked back at the short stallion and started to laugh. “Ok, you have to tell me short-stack. How did you become a member of the Royal Guard? I thought there was a height requirement.”

“My name isn’t Short-Stack, it’s Monotone, and no, I am a conductor. I was too good for the royal guard.” He said dully.

Vinyl’s expression shifted from mocking to confused as she looked at S and then back to the parchment. After repeating this cycle a few more times she ripped the parchment in half and turned her attention to the yellow Pegasus. “What the buck, S? I thought you said that your computer thingy would narrow down the possible stallions.” She said in slight anger.

“He was an unknown, unknown. How was I supposed to know ponies like him existed?” S asked defending herself and her computer.

“What do you mean? Isn’t it your job to know these things for this mission?” Vinyl asked stomping a hoof on the dock.

“Damn it Vinyl! Mission etiquette says you can’t criticize the mission plan during the actual mission. You have to wait till the mission is over.” S responded a little annoyed herself.

“Girls, stop fighting.” Bon Bon interjected before looking back to the small emotionless stallion. “But still, I can’t believe your parents want you to marry this guy.”

“Yeah he looks like a breathing statue.” Lyra commented as everypony nodded in agreement.

“I can hear you, you know.” Monotone said stepping towards the girls and they took a step back.

“Yes, we know, we just don’t care.” Octavia said. “Look this will never happen Monotone. Vinyl is my marefriend and I will never marry you. This group of ponies are going to do whatever it takes to end this charade.” She said pointing to her friends.

“That is funny but not as funny as my jokes.” Monotone said.

“Wait you tell jokes?” Vinyl asked a bit unsure given how he sounded that anything he said would be funny.

“Really, you have to tell us.” Lyra said excitedly.

“Yeah, I love jokes.” Bon Bon said as the wedged herself between Lyra and Vinyl.

“This is my best one. Knock, Knock.” He asked the group and Octavia just facehoofed.

“Who’s there?” The candy making mare asked as excited as her wife to hear a good joke.

“That’s the joke. There is no door.” The small conductor said and after the joke the air felt dense with disappointment.

“Wow... um... that was bad.” Bon Bon said looking to Octavia. “Are you sure your mother is well?”

“Yeah no offence but she really has a horrible taste in stallions.” Lyra agreed with her wife as a new voice was heard from behind them.

“You are correct friends of Octy.” Sir Trotterlot said proudly was he walked up behind them. “My dear sister hasn’t been in her right state of mind as of late.”

“Uncle Trotty!” Vinyl exclaimed turning around to hug him. “Save us from this pony before he bores us to death.” She looked at him pleadingly and pointing a hoof at the small gray pony behind them.

“Indeed, I shall, you girls go on ahead, I will catch up.” The explorer pony said shooing them.

“Uncle Trotterlot? How did you know where to find us?” Octavia inquired as he didn’t seem to be in the right place at the right time.

“Simple Octy, I followed you to make sure he didn’t try anything stupid. Though, I wasn’t expecting to witness a high-speed pursuit on the lake.” Her uncle replied and smiled at her. “Unfortunately, me interfering wouldn’t make your mother see this as any less of a bad date.” He said anticipating her next question of why didn’t he help.

The cellist just sighed as her friends began to walk away. “Fine, but before I go, you have to tell me. What did your associate think about the flowers?” She asked wondering if her set up worked.

“Oh, you mean Lora Troft? Yes, she seemed more excited about the flowers than the actual research. I don’t understand her, first she wanted me over to look over her findings on an animal that I have been working with. I gave her the flowers and the next thing I know, Miss Troft had tackled me to the floor thanking me again and again for being so thoughtful on that day in particular... whatever that meant. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise but the thing I still can’t figure out is why she gave me a disappointed look when I had to go. Something I was meaning you ask you about later.” Her uncle said having completely missed what Octavia did.

Octavia facehoofed and sighed. “I swear you can be so dense Uncle.” She thought as she walked away with her friends.

To make sure that Monotone didn’t follow them Sir Trotterlot stood in front of the small pony blocking his path. “You are not going to go after them, and you will not marry my niece.” He said as he looked at the emotionless pony.

“I will marry her and there isn’t anything you can do to stop me. Her mother wants it so it will happen. Monotone always wins.” The small gray stallion said causing Sir Trotterlot to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

“No, I will personally see to it that you don’t marry her. Octy loves Miss Scratch and I suspect to hear news of their engagement in due time.” Sir Trotterlot replied.

“You know, we have a lot in common Sir Trotterlot.” Monotone said and this caused Trotterlot to recoil a bit.

“No we don’t. Don’t ever say that again.” The explorer pony said walking away. He looked over his shoulder and shook his head. “You are not worthy of Octy’s time.” He stated before leaving Monotone by himself.

As the short pony started to walk away from the dock, he was stopped by the angry looking pony that ran the Boating Pony. He pointed a hoof to the damaged dock and three broken boats on the lake and land. “Where do you think you’re going? You’ll have to pay for that, ya know? That Boating Pony property.” The clerk said not backing down.

The small conductor pulled out his bit bag to start counting only to have the whole thing taken out of his hoof by the clerk. Out of bits and no sign of Octavia, the short conductor decided to call it quits and head home.

Octavia and her friends went to the hotel and the packed up a picnic basket to have a nice lunch at the park. Vinyl was happy to finally take off the bowtie that plagued her all day. Sir Trotterlot arrived shortly after and accompanied them to the spot that Bon Bon picked out earlier. The group ate their daffodil sandwiches and watched as the sky slowly became cloudier thanks to the Pegasus ponies that were covering all of Canterlot.

“I heard that they needed more time to gather the clouds so the storm will now take place in three days' time.” The yellow Pegasus said looking at the white fluffy clouds. With a smile, S rested her head on Bon Bon’s shoulder causing the candy maker to stand up and move away. This movement made S fall her side.

The girls and Trotterlot laughed and spent the rest of their day together talking about different things that they might be able to do to stop this marriage. Now that they all knew the face of the enemy all sorts of new plans were flying around again, though Sir Trotterlot seemed to have the best plan. Keep ruining the dates while having a good time together. That was the best way to show Harmony that what she was doing is wrong and Octavia did in fact love Vinyl. They made their way back to the hotel were everypony made their way to their respected rooms.

The two musicians walked into their room. The DJ smiled as she ran and jumped into the bed with a big flop. “Ahhh, how I missed you.” The unicorn said burrowing herself in the sheets.

“I swear Vinyl you can be such a filly sometimes.” The cellist said and walked over to the bed getting in next to her marefriend.

Vinyl started laughing. “I still can’t believe how short that stallion is. He wouldn’t even be able to kiss you at the wedding unless he was standing on a box or you leaned waaaay down.”

Octavia giggled as well before she whispered what he did for fun into Vinyl’s ear. They spend the next hour poking jokes at the small conductor until Octavia finally fell asleep in her marefriend’s embrace. Vinyl brushed some of Octavia’s mane out of her face and kissed her softly. “Good night Octy.” Vinyl said softly and went to sleep herself.

Author's Note:

Again thank you all for reading this chapter and for continuing to read this story. In a blog post a little while ago I had a poll to find out What do you think about Monotone? the link to the poll is there. I will be having the poll in these notes from now on if anyone wan't to vote feel free to do so. Comments are always welcome and we will respond to your comments. You all make this so much fun.

-The Buck It Bros,
Coco the Bearded :twilightsmile: PS: Rosa says Hi.