• Published 24th Jul 2018
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Rarity's secret - sonadam9

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Rarity's secret

Rarity and Rainbow were on a early morning walk. It had rained heavily the night before. “How have you been Rainbow?” Rarity asked as she walks around a puddle.

“I have been good I have a big soccer game coming up. I am going to be busy with practice. How is your business going Rarity?” Rainbow asked as she walked through the puddle that Rarity had walked around getting her shoes a little wet.

“Business is good I have been really busy with orders.” She walks around another puddle. “In fact I just finished a big order last night. I had to stay up most of the night to get it done.”

“Who is it for?” Rainbow just walks through the puddle.

“Sorry Rainbow I can’t say yet.” Rarity looks down and sees Rainbow’s shoes. “Rainbow your shoes are all wet and a little muddy.”

Rainbow looks down and shrugs. “So? They are just going to get wet and muddy at practice later.” Rarity looks like she was going to faint or something. “Honesty Rarity I know that you don’t like getting dirty but a little puddle wouldn't hurt you.”

Rarity looks down just in time to avoid walking in a puddle. Rarity was wearing a light green skirt, a grey T shirt, White shoes, and white underwear. “Do you have any idea what would happen if my shoes got dirty?”

“You would have to clean them?” Rainbow was wearing her soccer outfit. She was wearing a pair of black shorts and a white T shirt. Rainbow also had on a black sports bra and black panties.

“Yes that is if they would even get clean. I have my own fashion business. I have an image to keep.” She walks around the puddle.

“Yea, yea I know.” Rainbow walk through the puddle splashing a little.

“Watch it Rainbow you almost splashed me.”


“It is fine just be a little more careful.”

“I will, did you have breakfast? I am hungry and was thinking about getting something to eat.”

“That would be lovely Rainbow. Where are we going to eat?”

“How about that little convenience store?”

“The one that is near the center of the park?”

“Yes that one.”

“I would prefer a regular restaurant but that works I guess.”

“I know but we are close to it and I don’t have a lot of time before practice.”

“The convenience store it is then.”

“Thanks your the best Rarity.”

They walk to the convenience store and go in. “So what are you going to get?” Rarity ask as she started to look around the small store.

Rainbow walks over to the the icy machine and starts to get a big cherry icy. “The same thing I always get when I eat here. A big cherry icy and two chocolate doughnuts.”

“Rainbow that is no kind of breakfast.” Rarity got a large coffee and was looking at the breakfast sandwiches.

“Says you.” Rainbow goes and pays for her food and waited for Rarity. Rarity gets a bacon and egg sandwich on a bagel. She pays and they leave the store. They go back to walking. Rainbow takes a doughnut out of her bag and takes a big bite. “They have the best doughnuts.”

Rainbow takes another big bite of doughnut. “Rainbow that is not how a lady eats.” She unwraps her sandwich and takes a small bite. “Hey this is pretty good.” She takes another small bite and takes a drink of her coffee. “And their coffee is good too.”

“You eat so slow Rarity.” Rainbow quickly finished her doughnut and she starts to drink her icy fast.

“Rainbow if you drink it that fast your going to get a…”

She was cut off buy Rainbow. “Ow brain freeze.” She was dancing from foot to foot.

“I tried telling you.” Rarity when back to eating her sandwich. Rainbow’s brain freeze passed and she quickly finished her second doughnut. When Rainbow was done with her doughnut she when back to her icy. Drinking it fast but not as fast as before. When Rainbow had finished her icy Rarity had finished her sandwich. They walked over to a trash can and throw out their trash. Rarity looks at her watch. “When do you have to leave?”

“I need to leave at ten why?”

“It is nine we should start heading back.”

“Good idea there is a short cut over here.” She walks over to a path that looked like it was hardly used.

Rarity walks over and looks down the path. “Are you sure Rainbow? This does not look like it is used to offen.”

“Yes I am I use it when I am in the park and running late.”

Rarity starts down the path. “Well if you're sure.” Rainbow follows after her. They walk in the direction of the back exit. Rarity lifted her cup of coffee to finish it. When she does she does not see a big stick laying on the path.

“Rarity stop.” Rainbow called but it was too late. Rarity stepped on the stick and slipped. She lost her balance and fell off of the path landing on her butt in a deep muddy ditch. Rainbow runs over to the edge of the ditch. “Rarity are you ok?”

Rarity's shoes,the back of her skirt, panties and the back of her legs were covered in mud. “I fell into a muddy ditch and I am covered in mud. Do you think that I am ok?”

“Don’t worry I will have you out in a minute.” Rainbow lays on her stomach and reached down into the ditch. Rarity reached up and tried to grab Rainbow’s hand. “It is no good I can not reach you.”

“Then go get a rope or something.”

“I have a rope at my place. I will be right back don’t move.”

“Vary funny Rainbow.” Rainbow runs off to her house to get a rope leaving a muddy and mad Rarity behind.

A little while after Rainbow had left Rarity felt a pressure on her bladder. “Oh no why did I drink a big coffee.” She crossed her legs. Five minutes later Rainbow was still not back yet. “Come on where are you Rainbow? You’re supposed to be fast.” The pressure got worse, and Rarity started to squirm. This pushed the mud around her butt. When Rarity felt her butt moving around in the mud she couldn’t help but smile a little. Her need to go got worse so she squirmed more.

After ten minutes Rainbow was still not back. “She better get back soon. I don’t know how much longer I can hold it.” She starts to panic a little. “No, no, no I can’t wet myself.” She squirmed even more to try and hold it longer. As she was squirming she leaked a little pee. A little bit later she leaked a little more. She couldn’t hold it and a minute later a hissing sound came as she wet herself. “I can’t stop it, I am sitting in a mud puddle wetting myself.” Rarity cries, but instead of feeling embarrassed Rarity couldn’t help but sigh in relief and move her butt around in the mud as she peed. Her panties were soaked by the time she stopped peeing, when she heard the sound of someone running. “Is that you Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow ran into view with a rope over one shoulder. “ The one and only.”

“Well get me out of here already.” Rainbow lowered the rope to Rarity. She grabbed a hold of it and Rainbow pulled her up and out of the ditch. “What took you so long? I thought that you were fast.”

“Sorry, I got back as fast as I could. I couldn’t find the rope. Now that you’re out of the ditch how are you?”

“My clothes need to be cleaned and I need a shower but other then that I am good.”

“Would you like me to walk you back? I can be a little late for practice.”

“Thanks but I will be fine.” Rainbow turns to leave. “Rainbow?”

She stops. “Yes Rarity.”

“Promise me that you will not tell anyone about this.”

“Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” Rainbow does the motions.

Rarity laughs. “Aren't we a little old for that?”

Rainbow also laughs. “Yea but it got you to laugh later.” She runs off.

Rarity slowly starts to walk home, not wanting anyone to see her covered in mud. When she finally got home she went to the back door, not wanting to get mud in her boutique. She takes off her shoes and socks at the door and goes to the upstairs bathroom. She turns the shower on. When it is getting hot she walks over to the washing machine. She gets undressed and puts her clothes into the washing machine with extra soap. She turns it on before getting into the shower. When she was clean she went to her bedroom and put on her pajamas. She lied down on her bed and took a nap. As she was sleeping she had a dream that she was playing in a mud pit. In her dream she was completely covered in mud. As she was jumping and rolling around she kept wetting herself.

She woke up two hours later. As she came to she remembered the dream that she had. “Could it be that I actually like getting dirty?” She said to herself as she walked to the kitchen for a drink. She got a glass out and went over to the sink and filled it with water. As she stood there drinking her water, she was looking out of her window into her backyard. A small mud puddle caught her eye and she smiled a little. “No absolutely not.” She shook her head to clear her thoughts. When she was finished with her drink she went into her sewing room and started on an order.

It was early evening when she stopped. “Now what do I want for dinner tonight?” Rarity said as she walks to the kitchen and looks in the refrigerator and cabinets. She finds a box of pasta and some sauce. She put a bot of water with a lid on it on the stove to boil. She then puts the sauce into another pot and put it on the stove too. When the pasta was done, Rarity took it off the stove, drained off the water, and put some into a bowl. Rarity put a lot of sauce on it followed by parmesan cheese. She set her food down at her kitchen table and got a glass of soda. She sat down and started to eat.

When she was done eating she cleaned up from dinner and went upstairs and took her night time shower. After her shower Rarity goes to the kitchen and gets a glass of soda and takes it back to her bedroom. She sits down in a armchair and puts her drink on a little table that she has by the chair. She picks up a book that she was reading that she had left on the table and started to read it, occasionally taking a drink of her soda. After an hour or so of reading Rarity put her book down and picks up her glass. As she is walking to the kitchen she finished her soda. She put the glass into the sink, used the downstairs bathroom, and went to bed. When she was sleeping she had the same dream that she had earlier.

She got up early the next day. As she was walking to the bathroom for a shower she remembered her dream. “That is the second time that I had that dream. Why do I keep having the same dream?” She was thinking to herself as she was getting ready for the day. Rarity was in the kitchen making some breakfast, looking out her window and occasionally glancing over at the now small mud puddle. “This is getting ridiculous. Ever since yesterday I keep thinking and dreaming about getting dirty.”

To prove to herself that she didn’t like getting dirty she turned off the stove and took off her shoes. Then she went into the backyard and walked over to the mud puddle and slowly put a foot in. After a second she put her other foot in and stood there. “Well I guess that it feels kind of nice maybe but this is silly. I need to make breakfast and get to work.” But instead of going back to the kitchen she took another step into the puddle then another one before she realized what she was doing. She quickly ran to her house, rinsing her feet off with the hose, and went inside.

Before going back to her cooking she closed the blinds so she couldn’t see into the backyard. She finished breakfast and got to work on some orders.

A week later, Rarity was sitting in her kitchen with a cup of coffee looking frustrated. “Every night this week I had that same dream and I don’t know why. Maybe I could go talk with Twilight about it. No, that wouldn't work, she is out of town. I know, I will go for a walk in the park. That always makes me feel better.” She washed her cup and put it away before heading to the park. Rarity was wearing a purple mini skirt, a white T shirt, and dark purple bra and panties. As she was walking she was trying to sort out her thoughts. She stopped at the same convenience store. She got a sandwich and a drink. As she was walking she was eating her food. When she was done she threw out her trash in a trash can. Rarity keeps walking not really paying attention to what was going on around her. She didn’t see a small ball laying on the path in front of her and she slipped on it.

It had rained overnight so when Rarity fall she landed on her butt in a mud puddle. “Not again! Well, that is what I get for not paying attention to where I am going.” Instead of getting right up Rarity wiggled her butt around a little getting the back of her skirt and legs more muddy. When she realizes what she is doing she starts to get up. “I don’t know why I did that. Maybe I actually like being dirty?” She starts to walk home using the shortcut that Rainbow had showed her. “Maybe when I get back I should try getting more dirty to see if I like it?” When Rarity gets back she goes to the backyard and takes off her shoes and goes over to the mud puddle.

“Well there is only one way to find out if I like getting dirty.” She stands there looking at the mud for a second before she puts one foot into the mud. It was not very deep only the top of her foot was covered. “That actually feels pretty good.” She puts her other foot in so that she was standing in the mud. She takes a few steps deeper into the mud puddle. She shrugs and sits down in the mud. She just sits there wiggling her butt around for a while.

After a minute or so Rarity gets up and walks out of the mud. “That wasn’t that bad, it was kind of fun actually.” She heads to the back door and rinses her feet and goes and gets clean then goes back to work. She got done faster than normal. “Wow I am done already? I didn’t even freak out once. I wonder why?” She looks at the clock. “It is too early for dinner. Maybe I could have some more fun? I know if I start the next order now I can take a day off tomorrow.” Rarity said as she started on her next order.

By the time she was done it was dinner time. She went to the kitchen and made some dinner, then she went to bed.

Rarity got up early and was in the kitchen making breakfast. “Now what am I going to do on my day off?” She sat down at the table and poured a cup of coffee. “I know, I will go to the park.” When she was done and had cleaned up she walks to the park using the shortcut. As she walked past the ditch that she had fallen into she stopped. The ditch was still filled with mud, being that it was in a place that did not get much sun. “I have today off so why not.” She went back home and got some rope and went back to the ditch. She tied one end to a tree and dropped the other end into the ditch. Rarity takes off her shoes and climbs down into the ditch and stands in the mud.

“Mud feels so good,” Rarity said as she sat down and wiggled her butt around, getting it and the backs of her legs covered in mud. She then falls onto her back and lays there for a while before getting up and jumping around. As she is jumping she feels the coffee she had at breakfast hit her. She sat back down and closed her eyes concentrating on peeing herself. It took her a few minutes before she started to pee herself. She smiled at the warm feeling she got as she wet herself. As she was peeing she started to roll around in the mud. She stood up as she finished peeing. Some of her pee started to run down her legs. She jumped around before laying back down on her back, and she started to make a mud angel.

She was so lost in her own little world that she only stopped playing when it started to get dark. “It is getting dark already? It can’t be that late.” She reluctantly climbs out of the ditch and goes back home. When she got home she went to the back door. She rinses off her feet before heading upstairs to the bathroom. “I should make some clothes for when I get messy. I can start working on it tomorrow. I only have an order for one dress.” Rarity was thinking to herself as she puts her clothes into the washing machine and takes a shower.

It was late in the afternoon when Rarity finished the order that she was working on. “It is finally done now to start on my new clothes.” She goes to get the fabric that she wanted but she couldn't find it. “I thought that I had some plain white fabric. It looks like I will have to go and get some.” Just then her stomach growled. “I think that I will get some lunch first.” She leaves her house and stops at a pizza place she gets two slices of pepperoni pizza and a large soda. When she is done she goes and get the fabric that she needed before heading home. When she gets home she starts working on a mini skirt. She had a radio on listening to the weather.

“Heavy rain tonight tomorrow is going to be clear and sunny the high is going to be eighty.”

Rarity got a big smile when she heard that it was going to rain overnight. “I need to be ready then.” She stopped working on her mini skirt and went to the backyard. She got a shovel from her shed. She started digging, making a big dirt patch. When it was wide enough she dug down a little bit to make it a little deeper. When she was satisfied with it she put the shovel away and went back to work on her mini skirt. When it was done she made a tank top to go with it. It was dark outside when Rarity was done. She got up and went to the kitchen to make some dinner. “What to make for dinner. I don’t want a lot to clean up. I know, I will make a sandwich.” She got some lunch meat out along with some lettuce and a tomato. As she was making a ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce and tomato she heard a clap of thunder. When she looked outside it had started to rain. “Tomorrow is going to be so much fun.” When her sandwich was made she put what she did not use back into the refrigerator. She sat down at the table and watched it rain as she was eating.

Rarity was up early the next day. It was still drizzling. Rarity went to the kitchen and made a big pot of coffee. As the coffee was brewing she made her breakfast. She made two eggs scrambled, toast with jelly, oatmeal, and a glass of orange juice. When she had all of the food on the table the coffee was done. She pours a big mug of coffee and starts eating. By the time Rarity was done eating and had cleaned up it had stopped drizzling. Rarity went upstairs and put on the white mini skirt and tank top that she made the previous day. She also puts on a pair of black panties and bra. When she got to the backyard she just jumped right into the mud an she sunk to almost her knees.

“Not quite my knees, I need to make it deeper for next time.” Rarity fell over, landing on her back. She laid there for a second before she starts to make a mud angel, making sure to get her back nice and covered. She then got up to jump into the mud again when she felt the need to pee. She was able to just go and did not need to think about it. As she jumped up her pee started to run down her legs. She landed with a thud. She tried to move but all she managed to do was fall into the mud face first. When she got up and free she got and idea. She got on her knees and stuck her whole head into the mud. She keeps her head in the mud for as long as she could before she had to come up for air.

After a while she starts to get a little tired, so she sits in the mud resting, when she suddenly farts. “That is odd I don’t normally fart that loud.” As she is sitting there she farts a few more times, smiling. “Farting is kind of fun too.” She sits there having fun farting. The more she farts the wetter they get. “That is right I was so excited this morning that I did not use that bathroom hum… I could go inside and use the bathroom but I already wet myself. I wonder what it is like to mess myself.”

She stops trying to hold it in and starts messing herself. She has a big smile as she feels the warmth of her mess against her butt. She moves her butt around in circles as she is pooping. Some of her poop comes out of her underwear and mixes with the mud. “This is so dirty and unladylike but it's so much fun.” Rarity went back to rolling around, not caring that some of her poop and pee had mixed into the mud. Whenever Rarity felt the need to go she just went and did not even bother to stop playing. Rarity played in the mud all day and did not get out until it got dark. She rinses her feet off before going inside for a shower.