• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 384 Views, 11 Comments

Wandering Stallion - Myth_Fiction

The Elements of Harmony help with friendship, who takes care of the rest?

  • ...


Author's Note:

I shall thank Thuum.org for giving me the translator to translate english to dragon's tongue.

As it was, it was an average day in Appleloosa, well, if you can say any day is average, as a rather large hooded pony passed through the small town. Because of the hood, it hid all his features, other than his black coat. He smelled the burning sensation of flame, and it wasn't firewood flame. This pony turned his head and saw that near one of the orchards, a house was burning, with many surrounding it, not knowing what to do. As it was burning, he could hear the screams coming from inside. He whispered something unintelligible and quickly bolted over to the house, picking up a gust of wind as a result which caught the eye of many. He went inside the house, while somepony tried to warn him off, to no heed. As he went inside he went upstairs and saw a family of three, a father, a mother, and a filly. There was a piece of wood aflame that none of them could lift.

With great strength and endurance, the hooded pony started to lift the piece of wood, he lifted it high, making it possible for the family to head out of the house. When the family got out of the house, they saw that the entrance caved in. Losing hope the father and mother looked down in sadness for their hero, and the filly almost started to cry. Until they heard a deep voiced shout.


In that instant, out of the side of the house an explosion like wind came, blowing out the side as the hooded pony jumped out of the house, landing on all four hooves. He immediately turned around, stood up on his hind legs, while being balanced, and quickly reeled out his right hoof. A chain with a hook on the end latched on the end of the house, and both of the hooves turned into five ended appendages, and he wrapped his left appendage around the chain and pulled. The house crashed down with a thunderous boom. The stranger's two appendages turned back into hooves as he stood on all four, and shouted one more thing.


Ice immediately blew from the stallions muzzle as it froze the flames, putting the flames out. The family overjoyed for their lives, and the life of their hero, galloped over to the behemoth of a pony, while the many watchers were clapping their hooves, and shouting cheers.

"Oh thank you, thank you! Is there anyway we could repay you for saving our lives?" asked the mother in a southern accent. The stallion only started walking away. "Wait, please-"

"No. Nothing can repay this. You need not to repay for your lives. It is just my duty," said the stallion in a deep voice.

"Mister?" asked the filly. The stallion immediately stopped. He turned toward the small filly and gently knelled down. The filly could then only see the blue eyes of the stallion.

"What?" replied the stallion in a gentle and calm voice.

"Um... what's your name?" asked the filly meekly.

"A question that has not been asked for many years. I refer to be called, Myth," said the stallion. The filly's eyes sparkled with awe.

"Myth... thank you," said the filly as she tried to hug Myth, but failing to as Myth was to large. He made up for this by wrapping just one hoof gently around the filly. He let go as he got up, and started to wander off.

"Myth, wait. Where're you goin'?" yelled the mother.

"Where ever the winds of change take me. Take care," said Myth.

"Myth!" yelled the filly. He turned his head to show she had his attention.

"We'll never forget you!" she yelled. One could see a smile spread on the stallion's face as he wandered off into the Equestrian Desert. As he went by a train passed him on it's way to where he just was.

As Applejack, Element of Honesty, was visiting one of her, shall we say, many, cousins, Braeburn, she and Braeburn stumbled upon the burned and destroyed home, as rubble was being cleared away.

"What happened 'ere?" asked Applejack in her southern accent.

"Ah, well. A fire started somehow, and a family got itself trapped inside. We thought they wouldn't make it 'til a big hooded stallion came by. He hurried inside and, according to the family, lifted a piece of flamin' wood to save them. The front of the house caved in blocking the exit. When they thought he sacrificed himself, he came bursting through the side, shouting somethin' like 'fuse ro duh' or somethin' of the like. He then forced the thin' down with a chain and hook, and then put out the flames bah shouting somethin' else like 'fo kray deen.' Then, when we asked what the family said his name was, they said, 'Myth.' He then just wandered off. He's been considered the town's hero," said Braeburn.

"Well, if this Myth was willing to save a family, then I guess I better hope to meet 'im one day," said Applejack. Applejack then thought of what this hero stallion could do.

As Myth was walking, he saw in the distance a trail of smoke. This smoke wasn't fire smoke, for it was Dovah's yol, Dragon's fire, smoke. He intended to find the Dovah, and least try to reason with it. If not, it was another Dovah sil, Dragon soul, to absorb. He headed towards Ponyville's mountain.

Five days later-

"Alright girls, we'll have to climb this mountain again since another dragon has mistakenly decided to sleep here. Fluttershy, you'll be our last resort again if all our other attempts don't work. Alright, is everypony ready?" Twilight asked with enthusiasm.

"Yeah!" shouted the rest of the Mane Six, except for Fluttershy, who loudly whispered a yeah in there.

When the Elements arrived to the top they were surprised to find that this dragon didn't have a pile of jewels or gold, not one speck, but they needed to try to get the dragon out. So Twilight tried first.

"Um... hello Mr. um... Dragon sir-"

"Mr. Dragon? Hmph, do not insult me. For I am Niveerna (Nih-veer-nah)," said the dragon in a deep and raspy voice.

"Oh... Niveerna, what a great name, now I was wondering if you could, maybe sleep somewhere else, so you don't, you know... cover the entirety of Equestria in smoke?" asked Twilight. The dragon just snorted as it was a joke.

"You must jest, I care not for you small animals. I shall sleep where ever I please, as all Dovah have and will," said Niveerna.

"Now leave," the dragon ordered.

"YOL!" the dragon shouted as fire spewed from it's mouth as Twilight hurried out of the cave.

"Well, that was a bust. Rarity your turn," said Twilight.

"I'll show you how to do it," said Rarity, preparing all her 'lady' magic.

"Also, refer to him a Niveerna," included Twilight.

"Oh, Niveerna, what would a hunk of a dragon like you be-"

"Do not try to persuade me, pony, for I have far outlived many who tried and failed. Now as I said before, leave!" order the dragon once more. Rarity came out right as Pinkie had a plan ready.

"My turn!" said Pinkie, filled with determination. She went in, with something different that her last dragon attempt, wearing a tuba, sunglasses, brightly colored bracelets, basically everything that wasn't on her before. She went into the cave, and started to play her tuba.

"You animals are bothersome, YOL TOOR SHUL!" the other's could hear inside the cave, as a blast of fire spewed out from the mouth of the cavern, with Pinkie coming out smoking and blazing.

"Alright I had enough-" Rainbow Dash was about to say before a deep voice interrupted her.

"Stop. Let me deal with the Dovah," said the mysterious, big, hooded figure. Rainbow was about to say something else until Applejack shushed her. The stallion entered the cave and what the Mane Six heard, confused them.

"Dovah," said the deep voiced stallion.

"Ah, daar gein mindok fin Dovah tinvaak," (Ah, this one know's the Dragon language) said Niveerna in a pleased tone. The stallion only seemed to growl.

"Dovah, hon zu'u. Hi los vod raan junaar. Bovul uv haalvut fin bah do dii nah, (Dragon, hear me. You are passing animal province. Flee or feel the wrath of my fury.)" said the strange stallion in a dangerous tone. The dragon only laughed.

"Ha! Fin raan mindol nii fent pruzaan zu'u? (Ha! The animal thinks it shall best me?)" spoke the dragon in a mocking tone.

"Fent hi wahl mal do fin Dovahkiin? (Shall you make small of the Dragonborn?)" said the stallion. Whatever it said, must have scare the dragon as the dragon hesitated to speak.

"Dovahkiin? Oh, I am sorry. I did not realize this was your territory. My apologies," said Niveerna in a scared manor. The Mane Six all watched as the dragon hurriedly flew from the cave. The strange stallion exited the cave. The ponies just stared in awe at the pony who was able to just scare off a dragon, just walk off like it was no big deal. Like it was just a day from his everyday job.

"Hold it. How did you do that?" asked Rainbow, landing behind the stallion. When she did that, he halted his movement.

"Did what?" the stallion replied.

"You scared off a dragon!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"I merely reasoned with it," said the hooded pony.

"That language. You spoke a different language to that dragon. No other dragon ever spoke that language, yet that one did. That wasn't an ordinary dragon was it?" asked Twilight.

"Someone has done their research. You'd be correct Twilight. Only the Dovah of old know that tongue," said the stallion.

"Wait ah minute. You're that Myth feller ain't you?" asked Applejack.

"Myth?" asked Twilight.

"Yes, that would be me. Why must you ask?" replied Myth.

"That dragon, it said somethin' then fire went spewin' out it's mouth. Like what I heard of what you did," said Applejack, taking a couple steps forward.

"You must be referring to the Dragon Shout, or the Thu'um," said Myth.

"Then you must be the supposed Dragonborn of legend!" shouted Twilight.

"Heh, only dragons, young and old, would know that. That title lost it's meaning among ponies ages ago," said Myth sadly. "Now, I must take my leave."

"Why?" asked Fluttershy. Her saying this surprised everypony. "Do you have to leave?"

"Unfortunately yes. You six, keep working as the Elements of Harmony," said Myth.

"And?" continued Rainbow, knowing there was an 'and' in there.

"And you have to deal with spreading friendship. While you do that, I wander Equestria, helping those in need," said Myth.

"But, we help those in need by spreading friendship," said Rainbow, feeling like she was insulted as if they didn't help those in need. "Heck, we were the ones that stopped Tirek."

"I heard of that, but there is more evil than Tirek. Do you know who had to help keep the dragons at bay from Equestria while it was defenseless?" asked Myth.

"What? Dragons tried to invade?" asked Twilight.

"Indeed, if you don't believe me, ask Celestia," said Myth. "I also had to hold back the Ursa Major in it's raging fit while it was trying to head to Ponyville, looking for it's cub. There was also Sunset Shimmer."

"How do you know about her?" asked Twilight, surprised how Myth knew.

"Because, I had to defeat her in order to keep her magic limits contained," Myth answered. "Now as I said, I'll be off."

"Wait," said Fluttershy. Myth stopped movement again. "Will we see you again?"

"When the time comes," Myth said as he jumped off the mountain. The girls gasped and when they looked over the cliff, he was gone.