• Member Since 18th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen May 12th

Rainbow Kirby

Comments ( 14 )

This was soooo awkwardly adorable. Have a like.

I was going for awkward. XD Thanks!

"C'mon Anon! The marrige isn't complete until it's cosented!"

I believe you meant "consummated"
Or did you mean with her parents consent?

It's intentional. It's a new word for her.

I understand what you are trying to get at, but it just comes out more as a written typo than her using the wrong word. Perhaps if you Italicize it to emphasize the error it would get your meaning across to the reader better.

Oh no... This was bound to happen... Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

I don’t know why this is a thing, but I feel I have to read to canonically finish the story.

Holy nice, made the populars

I don't think this is canon tho

I know it isn’t canon. It just feels like it is because of how it’s written.

Ohhhh shit, if this is happening it’s going to need to be a whole thing. It’s alread not cannon so let’s just have anon fuck all the mares.


If anyone wants to write clop of it, I don't mind.

Thanks. I tried my best to emulate CrazedLaughters writing style.

Sounds like a great idea to me, but it would have to fall to someone else. I don't have the patience for writing, it's a miracle I got this done.

Oh... So this is a thing

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