• Published 2nd Jul 2019
  • 558 Views, 1 Comments

Stallion Of Science - dudenotactive

Time Turner's friends decided to help him find a mare to be with.

  • ...

Enough Is Enough

It was a very cloudy day at Ponyville, the grey sky threatens to rain and ruin everyone's day, especially to a certain stallion. Time Turner was a brilliant pony, he sometimes likes to measure his intelligence with Twilight and sometimes the pony would think he had the higher IQ, but that won't really be proven if he can't challenge the mare to what he wanted to call a Brain-Off, nope, Time Turner was just too busy for such games.

Besides, he needed to get home quick since he was carrying a microwave oven on his back, that is sometimes the perks of being born as an earth pony, natural strength, if he wanted to he would become stronger than he is, but as mentioned before, he is far too busy. Time, he always spends time on work, and what ever left of it with his small circle of friends, sometimes he thinks to himself if he really can consider Pinkie as a friend, of course she always shows up on his birthdays, but sometimes Time Turner thinks that he isn't special just because the local party pony shows up on the day he was brought into the world, he enjoys her company, but the fact that Pinkie was always busy when he has time kinda bothered him, the stallion wanted to hang out with Equestria's heroes.

His train of thought was derailed when he felt a single rain drop hit his snout, his eyes widen in terror as the rain began dropping from the sky, Time Turner quickly scrambled towards under a large tree nearby. An annoyed sigh came out of him as he glared at the sky, but then Turner groans loudly when he looks over to the right and finds his house, just a few more steps away. He would have made it home, but now it was raining hard, he really doesn't want to get his microwave wet.

"Oh bollocks, now what am I going to do?" He questioned himself. "Maybe if I run quick enough, then I could reach my house without getting soaked, that just means I have to calculate the mass of a single rain drop just to get an accurate speed, and judging by how heavy this rain is, I don't think I can speed my way through. Can I make an outer layer to protect this microwave from the rain with tree leaves? Possible, but I don't have anything to hold it all together. Hmm, I should-"

"Hey buddy." The stallion looked up to find a cyan pegasus mare with a multicolored mane resting on one of the many branches of the tree. "I don't think talking to yourself is healthy."

"Well you're here, maybe I was talking to you? We are the only ones here, so unless there is someone else in that tree, I guess we were discussing about how we'll both go home nice and dry. So, have any ideas? I was thinking about how we could just create a makeshift umbrella from this tree, if we work now then we can make it durable until the two of us get home."

The mare raises a single brow. "Did anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?"

"Oh, a lot, a lot of ponies actually says that, but I just ignore them, or explain to them why I talk too much, you see, I never liked slowing down, I prefer to work quickly but delicately, though I have annoyed a few ponies but I think they understand that talking too little could make you deprive of social interaction, so to balance my work and social life I have to speak quick and put enough words and syllables into one sentence. Like so."

"I uh, did not understand any of that." She just lay there on the branch, confused by the stallion before her. "Could you maybe slow down a bit?"

"That's ironic coming from you Rainbow Dash, though sometimes a mare such as you and your friends do need to slow down, me on the other hoof, I'm needed to focus on my work so I can-"

"How about leaving your microwave here until you could get something to keep it dry?"

Time Turner paused for second, he thinks about her idea in detail before smiling widely. "Brilliant! If I run quick enough, then I could get some plastic sheets and some tape! Who cares if I get soaked in the rain?" He asked particularly no one.

"Yeah, I'll watch over your stuff, but I better get something out of this." She drops down from the branch and sat next to the microwave.

"We'll think about your reward later, for now, allons-y!" Time Turner ran out of the cover and into the open area, he ran through the rain and almost slips on the mud, good thing he does a lot of running so he manage to regain his balance quick. He smiled happily as he reaches the door, he looks back at Rainbow Dash and waves his hoof, she waved in return, before he could lay a hoof on his door, it snaps open and a pair of cream colored hooves snatches Time Turner and pulls him in, the door slams shut.

Rainbow Dash looked at the spot the stallion was on before being pulled into his own house, then she looks over to the microwave and realized quickly that the earth pony was obviously busy now, it didn't look like a kidnapping, so it means she can't exactly do anything, so she just waited patiently in case the stallion comes back.

Turner didn't expect to be taken inside by someone, so now he sat on a stool still soaked from the rain with a very confused look as his five friends surround him, the stallion looked at each and everyone of them. Lyra, a mare he met back in Canterlot before he meets her again in Ponyville, Lyra and the stallion became friends when they found out that they were both interested in the Equestrian myth, humans.

Bon Bon, she and him met on the road to Ponyville, she was strangely friendly and soon he notices her much stranger behavior, the Doctor swears that he saw Bon Bon spying on him from the ceiling that one time, he had also seen her doing these things in some nights where she sneaks around, he has no idea why she does that. His eyes soon finds Octavia, a beautiful mare that he was sure that was a goddess in disguised, her voice was like the greatest melody to his ears, her talent of playing the cello is amazing, her gray coat was clean as always, no hint of dirt at all, her dark mane was well kept and her beautiful eyes, those alluring eyes of hers, it was the most attractive part that Turner would confess.

Next was Vinyl, he was actually convince that the reason she hangs around him was because he and Octavia are friends, the unicorn also sometimes sleeps in his house whenever she and Octavia have a fight, the Doctor couldn't really complain because the unicorn would just ignore him by listening to her music very loudly. Then there was Derpy, or Ditzy Hooves, his best friend in the whole town, the pegasus would spend a lot of time with him and they would talk about many things, be it during his work, or when they are hanging out, he is so close to Derpy that her daughter started calling him uncle, it was really sweet.

Time Turner was about to get up, but Bon Bon kept him from moving, she and the others silently glared at him as if he had committed a crime. "Hello girls, may ask what were you all doing here? Our friendship anniversary is next month."

"Doctor." Octavia sternly spoke to the stallion. "I noticed that you've been busy with work."

"You just found out? I have always been working, both for Mayor Mare and to help our beloved country become much more advance than it is."

The mare places a hoof on her face, something seems to bother her and the Doctor was wondering what. "Time Turner," The stallion tensed up when she reffered to him with his real name, the fact that she wasn't using his nickname had given him an understanding of the situation. "we all have been talking."

"Oh, is this about the second heart? I promise I did not go through with it... yet."

"No Turner, and this isn't about 'Project Hades', or the strange machine below your house."

"You know about those?" The five nodded yes, this made him pale at what he learned, who knows what else they have discovered.

"Now that we have that covered, can I ask-" She could not finished her sentence when Vinyl stood really close to the Doctor to ask her own question.

"Are you gay!?" Octavia could only face hoof, this isn't really what they were supposed to ask.

"What!? No! Why in the world would you think that!"

"Well, whenever its just the two of us, you never even bat an eye, especially when I would give off hints!"

"Were you perhaps interested on me?" He tilted his head to the side.

And much to the stallion's feelings, Vinyl just laughed. "Tartarus no! Just wanted a quick one, but after being ignored a bunch of times, I figured you were gay."

Octavia smacks the back of the unicorn's head. "Honestly Vinyl, you sometimes have no respect for him." She turns back towards the Doctor. "And you, all I am going to ask is: Why have you not found yourself a mare?"

"Is such thing important?"

"By Celestia, yes!" Bon Bon nearly slaps him on the face, but she held her hoof. "How are you like this!?"

"Like what?"

"Like this!" Bon Bon motions her hooves at him. "So dang dense! Like, if I kiss you now, you wouldn't even think about it! You would probably just pass it off as some kind of way to show our friendship!"

"Well, that does sound like me."

Before Bon Bon could go berserk, Lyra quickly slides in to calm her girlfriend. "Easy Bon Bon, like you said, he's dense. As for you Doc, you can't just live like this."

The Doctor raises a single brow. "And why not? I'm not hurting anyone, though I did almost blow up the town..."

Derpy was the next one to speak. "Doctor, we sometimes worry about you!" Time Turner looks at the pegasus with confusion. "We all worry that in the future you would grow old and lonely!"

"Now why would I be lonely? I have you girls!" He said with a smile, the Doctor was sure that he wouldn't be lonely at all with them around.

Octavia stomps her hoof on the floor, causing everyone to flinch. "That is not enough! Someday, we all would be too busy with starting our own families," Vinyl coughs from behind her. "and we all might not have time for you when that happens!"

The Doctor paused and soaked in her words, somehow, it started to make some sense to the stallion, plus with the idea of his friends being too busy was a terrifying picture for him. "By Celestia, you're right!"

Derpy became gruntled by his understanding of the subject. "Glad you seen it our way Doctor, but that isn't enough."

"She is correct, we still need to help you find a mare on the count of your...social skills..." Said Octavia.

"Thank you everyone, you girls really are my best frie- wait, my microwave!" Time Turner pushes Bon Bon away and ran into his kitchen before emerging out again with a box of plastic wraps, he bursts out the door leaving his friends completely confused, but they all just think of it as the Doctor being himself.

Time Turner had slipped for the second time and fell into a puddle, he picks himself up to continue his run, when he reached the tree, the Doctor finds that his microwave was sitting at the base of the tree, wrapped neatly in plastic wraps. Time Turner looked around for the rainbow mare but couldn't find her anywhere, he looks back at the oven to find a single note on it, though the ink was a bit runny because of the humidity from the rain, it was still readable.

Dear talking dude,
I saw that you were busy with something, so I decided to go back home and came back with something that could help keep that microwave dry, but it kinda got me soaked in the rain in the process, so the next time I see you, there better be a reward for what I did.

-Rainbow Dash the Awesome

"Doctor!" Time Turner looks behind him to find his friends with umbrellas, Derpy was hovering near him. "You're gonna catch a cold out here! Come on, let's go back to your place and we can start our friendship anniversary early! I saw those frozen pizzas in the freezer and it just so happens you have a microwave~."

He looks back at the note before facing the pegasus again with a big smile. "Well, what are you all waiting for? Help me get this thing back home so we can pop those pizzas in quicker!"

And thus began a new mission in Turner's life, it may be a challenging one, but with the help of his friends, nothing could stop him. Especially when the most powerful thing in Equestria is friendship, and everyone here all knows that Friendship Is Magic.