• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 688 Views, 47 Comments

Force of Wills: A Duel of Fates Story - Shadowsnake89

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Chapter 4

A few hours after the last arrival, the Jedi craft touched down on a small, remote landing pad in the Kentoph capital city. The engines slowly shut down and soon the three crew members walked down the ramp onto the sparsely populated dock, a few personal dotted around the platform. “They certainly rolled out the red carpet, huh?” Sunset joked as Zaza and Spike stood by her side, her humor going seemingly unnoticed. “Anyway...looks like we're on our own for transport. Good, we needed to be as inconspicuous as possible. Come on you two.” They secured the ship before heading out on a speeder that had been prepared for them, toward the palace in the center of the city. The pilot drove through the bustling streets of the capital as Zaza looked around in amazement.

“This place is so huge.” She exclaimed. “So much bigger than the temple on Equus.”

Sunset chuckled as she relaxed in the seat in front of her new padawan. “I know it's a lot to take in, but I need you to focus. Places like this, they look safe but there are always hidden dangers around every corner. So-called sophisticated planets like these are just as dangerous as...” She turned her head back to find that she was talking to herself as both Zaza and her astromech companion had exited the speeder mid ride and were traveling down the street a good distance behind. “For crying out...” She leaped from the vehicle herself as the pilot shouted incoherently at her. Sunset struggled to maneuver through the thick crowds as she did her best to follow her protege. Finally she caught up to the girl who had Spike not far behind.

She reached out and grabbed her protege by the right arm as the girl looked back. “Where are you going?”

“He needs help.” The girl responded with concern in her eyes. Shortly after, Sunset released her hand and followed closely behind as they raced down an alleyway. As they drew closer to wherever the padawan was leading them, the girl slowed and crouched down as voices were heard.

“Seriously, I'll get you guys the credits. The queen owes me a ton of...”

“The queen? Yeah, tell us another one. You don't have our blasters or the credits to make dealing with you even tolerable.” Zaza and Sunset peered around a corner and witnessed several beings in the alley. Two Nikto, led by a Rodian who held a young near-human male with red and yellow hair by his shirt. “Which means we are going to take it out of your hide right now.” The Rodian threw him to the ground and pulled a blaster pistol out.

“That's enough!” Sunset stepped out into the open as Zaza stood beside her. “Leave. Now.”

“This doesn't concern you, lady.” The Rodian said as his two guards turned to her. “Now run along or you'll get hurt.” Two more blasters were drawn as the Nikto trained their weapons on the two.

Sunset sighed before igniting her lightsaber with Zaza. “Alright then.” Blaster fire erupted as the three shot at the two Jedi who quickly deflected the projectiles. Spike beeped frantically and moved to cover behind a stack of crates. Zaza jumped into the air as the two Nikto turned their fire on her. The pressure taken off her, Sunset rushed forward and swiftly disarmed the leader, cutting his blaster in half before he could even react. Her blade was held close to his throat as he barely had enough room to breath. “I don't know what all this is about, but is he really worth all this stress?”

Combat had ceased at the moment between the others as they watched the scene unfold. The Rodian contemplated his options for a moment before making up his mind. “Fine, he's off the hook...for now.” He gestured to the other two as they put away their weapons and cautiously walked off.

Sunset walked over and helped up the young man. “You alright, Mr...?”

“Garble. And I'll live.” He responded. “Thanks for the assist.”

“You should be thanking Zaza here.” The girl leaped down from the roof she had positioned herself on. “If not for her, I'd never have known anything was going on. What was that all about anyway?”

“I owed them some weapons that I “donated” to some of my associates. They're good for the credits to pay me back but with things the way they are on Kentoph these days, the funds ain't exactly flowing.” He dusted himself off before noticing the purple droid that came out of cover. “Trash can?” He joked as the droid came close and shocked him with one of his internal devices. Garble jumped back and held off from kicking the droid over. “Yeah, that's you alright. You guys must be from the Equus temple.”

“How did you know that.” Sunset inquired.

“I was there a few months back to drop off Tempest Shadow and her padawan. They're the reason I'm still here, I guess.”

“Do you know where they are now?”

“You just missed them. They left on a mission a few hours ago. I was on my way to fix this deal and that went belly up as you can see.”

“Well we were headed to the palace for some business of our own, but I doubt our driver waited up for us. Bad way to make a first impression.” Sunset rubbed the back of her head nervously.

“Well, after what just happened, things will probably be better for me if I head back there anyway. You can hitch a ride with me if you want.” Garble led the three to his red and gold speeder and hopped in. “Consider it a thank you for saving my scales.”

“Thank you.” Zaza said as she gave a brief bow. It didn't take long for the group to arrive at the palace as two security speeders gave them an escort in that surprised the two Jedi as they landed on the platform with a greasy smuggler, an area usually reserved for the royals and honored guests. “Thank you again for the ride, Garble sir.”

“No problem. Thanks again for the rescue,...Zaza, right?” She nodded lightly. “See you guys later.” He walked off as the guards secured the speeder. “Got some VIP's here that need to see Pharaoh Hisan.”

The two Jedi and their droid companion were soon escorted off the platform and onto a lift that took them to a reserved area of the palace. The portion of the palace was even more elaborate and ornately decorated then could have been imagined. Zaza was in complete and utter owe at her surroundings as the group eventually stopped at a large set of double doors. “Right this way.” The guard opened the door and the two entered into a large aviary that overlooked the large city below. Inside stood a familiar figure to Sunset Shimmer as the guard announced the Jedi's arrival.

“It's good to see you again.” Sunny Flare said with her body turned slightly toward the two arrivals, a red feathered bird of prey on her right arm. “It's been far too long, Sunset Shimmer.”

“It's certainly been a long time. I see you're doing well for yourself since we last met.” Sunset greeted with a respectful bow as Zaza did the same.

Flare smiles lightly as she sets the bird down on a stand and walks over to them. “Those times seem like so long ago, don't they? But, we aren't here to reminisce. The Jedi Council sent you all this way when they've already sent Tempest Shadow and Roseluck. I must say they have proven to be invaluable in our fight to quell this uprising.”

Sunset sighed for a moment. “Yes, about that...”

“It's good you're here, though. Combined, they won't stand a chance against us. The two of us together again, just like the old days.” Sunny begins to trail off as she excitedly talks tactics as Zaza is lost as to the meaning of terms and Sunset simply sighed again.

“Sunny Flare...!” Sunset blurted out as the other woman turned to her. She cleared her throat before resuming. “I came to negotiate a peace between Pharoah Hisan and the rebels.”

Flare frowned slightly as she regained her composure. “I'm afraid he is unavailable at the moment. As his queen and more importantly, as his chief military advisor, I will handle any and all matters having to do with the rebellion. Of course, any negotiations are certainly out of the question.”

“And why is that?”

“We're winning. My forces are mere months from completely routing Indigo Zap and her ragtag band and ending this once and for all.”

“Your forces?” Sunset questioned as Flare smirked.

“Of course. Who did you think? Hisan?” She laughed. “He's just as he appears, a figure head. He was barely keeping his head above water when I landed here two years ago. His father may have left him the throne but Hisan was never meant for it. I saved his capitol city from being overrun, pushed back against the rebels and convinced and recruited the regional tribes to fight for him. I'll admit, he does have his uses in...other areas.”

“You're using him.”

“You make it sound so dirty, Sunset. I mean, in the end isn't that what you did to Indigo, to Flash and myself?”

Sunset hesitated before she responded. “That...that was different.”

Flare's face became even more stern than before as she put her full attention on Sunset. “Was it really? You convinced us to challenge the Republic we served to join you. My fleet was at your command. We pledged ourselves to you and for what? So you could claim power for yourself and show the Jedi Council how great you were.” She watched Sunset lower her head, seemingly in shame as she clenched her fists. Zaza, on the other hand could feel the pressure emanating from her master as she watched as the glass shielding the aviary from the outside world began to crack.

“And just look at where we are now. Me, I'm a queen. You? You're still under the Jedi's thumb.”

Spike beeped in fear as he could see the cracks moving down the glass, getting close to the breaking point. Zaza fought off the fear in her body and quickly grabbed Sunset's left wrist. “Master?” She said quietly. This seemed enough to cause Sunset to realize what she'd been doing and she swiftly recomposed herself.

The Jedi Knight took a deep breath before she responded. “It would seem fortune has shined on us in rather different ways, old friend.”

Sunset's shift in demeanor caused Flare to resume her initial cordial reaction as well. “It would seem so. Thought, I suppose I should thank you for that at least. When I served the Republic, we were bound by the whims of the Senate. Here, I feel I can make real change.”

“I know this is a difficult situation for the both of us. I can't say that I agree with what I've heard, but I respect you enough to reserve my judgment until I see for myself exactly what's going on.”

Flare bowed slightly. “I suppose that's all I can ask.” She extended her hand to Sunset and the two shook. “It really is good to see you again, Sunset.”

“You as well.” Just then, Sunset felt a sensation travel up her arm before she smiled lightly. “We should really get to work. Don't want to take up too much of your time. I'm sure you have a lot on your plate.”

“Well, there is one thing. A group of Celestial Knights had landed here almost a year ago. We gave them space to do whatever it was they were doing. About two weeks ago we got reports of a fire in the jungle and thought it might be rebel activity. When my troops arrived we found the Knights camp utterly destroyed. Just about everyone was either dying or dead.”

“Just about?” Sunset questioned further.

“Our soldiers found one of their knights alive among all the carnage. He was barely clinging to life when we found him. There...there was a teenage girl among them as well, still in shock but otherwise unharmed. We brought them here to heal and rest. He regained consciousness just before you arrived. No idea what that means but perhaps you can get some information about what happened there. I'll have my guards take you to him.”

“I'd appreciate it, though I'm not sure he'll want to talk to a Jedi. May have to come at this from another angle.”

“Well, you have always had a way with words, Sunset Shimmer.” Sunny extended her hand as the two shook.

“Seems you have one more thing to fight for.” Her gaze shifted down toward her friend's stomach.

Sunny giggled. “Can't hide anything from a Jedi, can I? Just please don't tell me 'the force is strong with this one'. I don't know if I can handle a little Jedi running around the palace.” Sunset smiled mischievously as she, Zaza and Spike turned to leave. “Sunset? Seriously, tell me. I command you.” she jokingly shouted as the trio exited the aviary. “Just like old times.”

Sunset and her wards are eventually led to the private quarters where two guards stood on either side. Sunny had already sent word for Sunset to be allowed in as the guards deactivated the door lock. “Zaza, you and Spike wait here. I'll talk to him alone.” Sunset motioned to enter, but stopped briefly and leaned down to Zaza. “I need to thank you for your help back there. Seems Fluttershy was right to put us together. I won't be long.” Zaza blushed as her master entered the room.

The Jedi Knight entered the room that, despite being for recovery, had all the luxury of one of Corucsant's most high level apartments compressed within it; A bedroom, small living area, a restroom and eating area that sat off of a balcony that overlooked a portion of the city. Sunset walked in cautiously for a moment and, not seeing anyone in the other rooms, slowly headed for the sleeping area. The door closed behind her and before she could act, a blade was put to her throat as someone restrained her from behind. “Don't even think about it.” A young woman's voice said in a cold voice. She relieved her of her lightsaber and forced her forward. “This way, and no sudden movements, Jedi.”

“Relax, kid. I'm not here to fight.” Sunset said to reassure her captor.

“My name is Therma. Now keep quiet.” She led her to the room on the right side of the domicile that had two beds in it, one occupied by an older man with grayish skin and red hair tied in a short ponytail. He held a data pad that he scrolled through before taking notice of the new arrival. “Master, we have a visitor.”

“So it would seem.” He put down the pad as he leaned back against the tall head of his bed. “What brings another Jedi Knight here? Thought the two your Order had sent would suffice.” He gestured for Therma to release her as the girl stepped back and lowered her weapon before returning the Jedi's weapon. “Crimson. Captain Crimson.” He introduced himself.

“Sunset Shimmer. Sunny Flare sent me to speak with you...about what happened. I know our orders are opposed but....”

“Anyone that could do this to an entire clan of Celestial Knights is clearly a threat.” He finished. “Leave us.” He gestured to his apprentice.

“Master, I...” She began to protest.

“Now.” He urged her as she hesitated before begrudgingly leaving and closed the door behind her. “You'll have to forgive Therma. She is a dutiful apprentice, but headstrong. The last few days have been...trying for her, to say the least.”

“So I've heard. I know this must be hard for you but any information you could share would be invaluable to our efforts.”

“And you are working for Flare?” He questioned.

“Working with her, actually. We want to try and solve this whole civil war if we can.”

“Not sure that's possible. Certainly wasn't why we were here to begin with. Though I suppose I can tell you what I know. The least I can do considering they could have left us to rot out there.”

“So what happened? I thought Celestial Knights always traveled in clans.”

“We do. There were thirty of us; Knights, apprentices and our families. We were on Tatooine when our collective sensed a disturbance in the force and we packed up immediately to meet with another knight that had traveled ahead of us to get here. Our clan head guided us to settle in the mountains so we could observe both sides and discover what it was that brought us here. We scoped things out for a month or two, had a few scrapes with those rebels, nothing that seemed strange. Then...” He paused for a moment and stared down at the floor with a dark look on his face.

“What?” Sunset asked that seemed to snap him out of his trance.

“Two of our sentries returned early from their duties with some robed woman. We questioned what was going on. She didn't answer and neither did they. Then she did... something. A song, something like that. She used some kind of force ability, trying to break us.”

“A Siren.” He nodded in acknowledgment.

“We fought back and then she commanded our sentries to attack us. It was hard enough to fight our own, but she was like nothing I'd ever seen before. She slaughtered us. Our Knights, the women, the children. Therma was knocked unconscious during the attack. She...her mother died in her arms and I was barely clinging to life. Everything became clear then.”

“The Siren. She has to be manipulating things. Sewing chaos is their specialty. Thank you, Crimson. And I am truly sorry for the loss of your clan. I should be on my way.” She gets up to leave.

“Wait. I'm in no condition to go, but take Therma with you. She's strong and well disciplined. She'll be invaluable to you.”

“I appreciate it, but...” Sunset was stopped as he got up from his bed, on shaky legs but still standing.

“I understand your reservations, but please hear me out. Therma is not just my apprentice. She's my daughter. She watched everyone she's ever known be massacred in one day. The entire time I was out she guarded me and now that she knows I'll live, her inclination is to get revenge. I've done my best to talk her down but every second here only makes her more restless. I won't be able to hold her back for long, but if she was out there with you...”

“I'll keep her safe. You have my word on that.”

“Thank you, Master Jedi. You know they always told us that Jedi were uncompromising and thick headed. Nice to see that our order was wrong on at least that.”

Sunset chuckled. “Trust me, those claims were never truer than seeing me back in the day. A little bit of empathy and time can work wonders.”


“'Come to Kentoph', you said. 'It'll be good to see Rose again', you said.” Lily said angrily as the drop ship she and the others were traveling in, among about a dozen others, was in the midst of being shot at from the ground by small arms laser fire and shoulder rockets as they neared the front lines.

Daisy held on tightly to her harness as the ship shook from the fire below. “Your attitude in this situation is not helpful in the slightest.” She fired back as both Rose and Tempest sat quietly, seemingly used to this type of action during their months on the planet. “Why aren't they worried? Why are they not worried about this?!”

“Relax,” Sky Stinger said from the co-pilot's seat as Vapor worked the controls to avoid the enemy fire. “we've been through these situations before and trust me, we'll all be fine.” Not three seconds after giving his reassurances, a missile ripped through one of the other drop ships on the fringe of the formation as it burst into flames and careened toward the ground. “Most of us. Most of us will be fine.”

On the ground, the ambush unit that was assaulting them took aim with a tripod mounted heavy laser and fired. The shot struck the starboard engine of the transport as red alert lights flashed on the control panel. “Sky, I love you like a brother, but please keep your jinxing mouth shut!” Vapor said as she fought the controls to keep them airborne, to little success. “Everyone hold onto something!” The ship clipped the canopy as it went further below and nicked the wide trunk of one of the many tall trees, which sent the vehicle spinning violently onto the jungle floor as it skidded several hundred feet before finally halting. Vapor pulled off her helmet and groggily shook her head as blood ran down from just above her hairline. “Is everyone...alright?”

“We're alright.” Rose responded as she heard a groan next to her as she was shocked to find that a metal rod had pierced Tempest's right shoulder. “Master!” She unfastened her harness and checked on her master's wound as she was a bit panicked. “Oh no!”

Tempest strained as she felt the metal in her body as she stretched out her left arm to feel it, grunting in pain for her trouble. “Don't try to move. I can help.” Daisy said. “I have medical training. Let me see what I can do.”

“Looks like we got company.” Vapor says as she checks the dash board. “Thermal scanners are picking up movement. It's probably our welcoming committee.”

Sky pulled out his pistol and unfastened himself from his seat before heading to the emergency hatch. “Well then it would be rude to not be here when they arrive. You see if you can get the distress beacon working. I'll buy you some time.”

“I'm going too.” Lily said as she grabbed her rifle as well.

Rose hesitated to leave the wounded Tempest as Daisy tended to her. “You're going to be alright. We'll handle these rebels and clear the area for the rescue team.” She ignited her blade and headed out with the two others and almost immediately upon exiting, a blaster bolt hit the side of the downed vehicle as the rebels began appearing from the thick jungle. Lily and Sky opened fire and rushed for cover in the nearby brush as both sides exchanged a flurry of shots. Rose stood in the open, deflecting shots and began to walk toward the enemy as her two allies put down covering fire for her, managing to down several of their attackers in the process. She moved at full speed into the dense brush as Sky and Lily followed a good distance behind, grabbing the more powerful rifles dropped by their former attackers.

Rose rushed through the jungle as two rebels popped up and opened fire on her. She deflected one of the shots that hit the lead rebel in the chest, putting them out of commission. The second fired several more shots as the Jedi passed them. The padawan motioned her blade behind her, covering her back and deflected the shot into the remaining assailant. As she moved closer to her destination, a large group of rebels stood between her and it as a wall of blaster fired flew towards her. Thinking quickly, she leaped up into the trees, the thick foliage hiding her from her enemies sight. She hopped from branch to branch, sometimes narrowly avoiding stray shots as they ground troops attempted to pinpoint her location.

Reaching into the satchel clipped to her side, Rose pulled out a thermal detonator and armed it before placing it back in the bag with about half a dozen others. She drops the bag down through the trees in the vicinity of the blaster fire. A few seconds later a large explosion ripped through the air as fire soared up through the trees. Rose flipped and landed down in the clearing where the heavy laser cannon that had downed the drop ship sat, surrounded by several rebels who fled upon seeing her ignite her blade. She rolled her eyes before hurling her blade, slicing the barrel off the cannon. The blade flew back to her outstretched hand, only for it to change direction and found itself in the hands of a cloaked figure, a hood obscuring.

“Your master should have instructed you to stay focused in battle, child.” The figure said in an echoed voice. Rose moved cautiously around them as the mysterious being stood completely still. “Believe me, if I'd wanted you dead...” Before they could finish the sentence, Rose unleashed a blast of force energy that smashed them into a tree.

“Who are you?”

The being laughed as they moved their hands freely, seemingly ignoring the Jedi's hold on them. “I know you, Roseluck. I know what you and what you truly fear.”

Rose faltered for a moment before reaffirming her grip on the unknown person. She was alarmed as they put their feet on the ground and walked toward her, despite the padawan still exerting her force powers. “I don't...”

“Don't attempt to deny it. I see through you.”

As they moved toward Rose, she snatched her lightsaber from them and ignited it. She charged and swung repeatedly at them, only to miss time and again as the cloaked figure effortlessly evaded each blow that would certainly spell instant death if they were to land. “I sense it. You fear for your friend. You know she's made a dangerous mistake. But she won't see...not until it is too late.” They flip backward, avoiding a horizontal slash at their midsection as Rose attempts to use more precision strikes. “You truly understand the danger she poses, but they've ignored you. They will all die...she will die, unless you do something about it.” An overhead strike was blocked as the figure grabbed Rose's wrist and twisted it to gain possession of the blade. With a swift motion, they forced her against the trunk of a nearby tree and drove the blade into her left shoulder which caused the Jedi to release a blood curdling scream. Despite the pain, she put her energy into staying erect as the alternative was to let the blade slice through her as her body fell downward.

“I hope I have your attention now.” The figure gripped Rose by the face and forced her to look into the seeming void that was their face. “If you want to save her...save them all, then take this.” Through the force, they levitate a black leather necklace up to Rose. In the center was a golden holster with a red gem seated inside of it. “Use this, show them all who...what she truly is. Save your friend, your Order before it's too late.”

“Rose! Rose, are you there?” The familiar voice brought Rose back to the real world as she opened her eyes and jerked around in a panic. She found herself still standing near the destroyed cannon. She moved her right hand over to her punctured shoulder only to find that there was no wound. The pain had felt so real a moment ago. It had to have been real, right? As she looked herself over, finding everything to be in place, Lily called out again as she emerged into the clearing, Sky Stinger not far behind with two wounded soldiers. “There you are. I was worried. We managed to reach the other gunship. These two were the only ones that made it out. Good thing you took out that gun. The rescue team is on it's way to the crash site with the others. We'd better get back there.”

The padawan was still a bit in a daze as she was having a hard time discerning reality from the fantasy that had just played out in her head. “Right, right.”

Lily looked down with a curious look. “What's that?”

To Rose's horror, she looked down to find the same necklace from what she thought was a hallucination, gemstone and all, in her left hand. Her eyes widened as she gripped it tightly before relaxing her grip and calming herself. “Nothing. One of those cowards must have dropped it.” She reassured her friend before tucking the item away in her pocket. “Let's go.”

In time the group made it back to the crash site as the rescue vessel arrived and ferried them to the forward command center. Upon arrival, the medical team immediately got the wounded, Tempest included, to the medical station. “You'll be alright, master.” Rose reassured her as Tempest smiled lightly and lightly placed her good hand on Rose's, just before they hurried her away. She reached into her pocket again to confirm that the item was indeed real and very much still there. “We should...get you two settled in.” She said to Lily and Daisy as they nodded. As they headed to the barracks they spotted another drop ship make it's approach and touch down in the landing zone. “Must be another straggler. You two head on over there. I'll meet you.” Rose headed over to greet the late arrival.

The doors to the craft opened up and Rose was very surprised to see Knight Sunset Shimmer emerge. A moment later, Rose was less than pleased as Sunset's young padawan exited the vehicle as well. The golden haired girl happily hopped down with her purple astromech droid companion. Her eyes widened as she sensed the other padawan's presence and turned to face her. Zaza herself froze as she spotted Rose and the two locked eyes, various emotions stirring within both of them.