• Published 11th Aug 2018
  • 284 Views, 10 Comments

The Commenter Adventures of Twilight Sparkle - ANW

A story told by the comments.

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The Prologue

Sitting at a desk, a spirit is sorting through most people's worst nightmare.
Paper work.

"Pass, pass, pass, leave, leave, pass, pass, you are definitely not coming in."

This guardian makes sure that only those good enough can go through. And to stop all that would harm others.

"Pass, no, pass, yes, leave, be gone, go on, keep"

It's a boring job, but someone has to do it.

"Get out, move on, pass, pa...wait. What's this? A blank. What? Let me see here."

Maybe not so boring after all.

"A blank sheet. I need to see this one. Let me take a look at you."

In front of it is a floating, glowing sphere. A small one that, for some reason, doesn't have a flame.

"Let's see here. You wasn't even born yet. You don't know what your gender was? You don't even have a memory of the shape of your body. But that's impossible. When a body gets their soul, the soul automatically memorize the shape and gender of their body. The only way this can happen is if... You weren't even a millisecond old when you died. Forcing you out before you got the chance to settle in. I've never seen this happen. I can't let you in, because you don't have a body to use; but I can't denied you, because you haven't done anything. I want to give you a second chance, but you have to get in to do that, and I can't you let in. I don't even know which realm you came from. What to do with you? Well, I have work to do, so I'll let you stay for now. Maybe I'll think of something to do with you."

And with that, he turns his attention back to the paperwork.

"Pass, pass, no, leave, go in, you no go, make your way in, leave and don't come back, a for accept, b as in back away, come in, do no stay, follow though."

During this time, he kept thinking about the soul.

"What am I going to do with you?"

That's when he noticed something on one the papers, something bad.

"Your soul is broken? Great, I hate doing this, but I have to shatter you comple... Wait a minute."

That is when he has an idea.

"You would have been given a second chance any way. And I have a soul that's blank. What if I?"

He grabs the blank soul, and merges it with the broken one.

"You are still blank, but now I can send you back. Let's see where this one came from. Looks like Equis. You know, with two souls, you could even be stronger. Not that much stronger, but I just know you will rise above. Assuming yoooouu, you know, don't meet me too early. No such thing as third chances after all. Oh, angel."

A lady appeared walking to his desk.

"Yes Mister Guardian sir?"

"Can you summoned Lady Faust for me? It is time for me to reel in that favor."

"Yes sir Mister Guardian sir"


"Wait, you died by sticking a fork into an outlet, even though you are made of completely non conductive rubber. How?
Ugh, never mind. You pass, but I do not know if you will be placed on the dumb side, or the ironic side. Go on though.
Ah, Lady Faust. How nice of you to come in. I say take a seat, but well as you can see, I don't have any."

"Not a problem. I've brought my own. Now why have you called me in? I'm kinda busy over at my realm."

"I called you here so you can return the favor you owed me for pushing in certain paperwork, that got Equis into the higher realms, and me down here when I got caught. Here, look at this soul sheet."

"Why is this sheet blank? It is like the soul never existed in the first place."

"Correct, it didn't. The moment the soul was born, the body died. It did not last long enough tell what it was, or even what realm it came from. In other words, we have a pure blank soul. Or at least we did."

"What are you talking about? You had a pure blank soul, but you got rid of it?"

"Here's the second sheet I want you to look at. As you can see, this soul is broken. I was about to shatter it, like I'm supposed to. But then I realized, I can use the blank soul to repair the damaged one. I gave it a try, and now we have a blank soul, but one we can send back. Guess where the cracked soul came from."

"I see, you want me to bring the soul back to my realm, and give it a new life. But are you not scared of being caught, again."

"Who was the one who that got me caught in the first place? Besides, with two souls merged together as one, who ever gets this will be stronger. Not much, but enough to give them a little extra boost. I'm sure they will rise up. As long they don't come here too early of course."

"Very well. I will take this back with me. However, I will no longer be in debt with you, got it?"

"I accept. Now I know the two of us was busy before this. So back to work with us."

With that, Lady Faust with new soul in hand, leaves for her realm.

"Pass, pass, pass, no, go on, be gone, exit, do not pass, failed to get in, leave, pa... Almost got me there. No.
I wonder how you will turn out."


"Well little one, we're here," said Lady Faust. "Here's hoping you will have better luck this time around. Let me see where I can put you. Ponyville, maybe. Canterlot, possible. Crystal Empire, oh wait still stuck in time. Good thing I kept my D20.
Time for a roll."

And with that one roll, a soul was born.