• Published 4th Jul 2018
  • 414 Views, 2 Comments

Sharp Dressed Men - Jaycren

The Three Musicians given new life after the defeat of Aku, no longer influenced by his darkness. Drawn to Canterlot High and those for good and evil that sing there.

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Fight For Your Right To Party

As the Trio strolled towards the tables, Scaramouche and Sly cocked their head, listening to a sound only they could hear. X glanced at his siblings, Lulu now perched on his shoulder.

"Alright you two, what do you hear?"

Grimacing Scats paused, Sly next to him, the two younger brothers debating who to break the news to X.

"I hear a sound most uncool, X, baby, it's causing my teeth to be on edge, you dig. I mean Baby, this sound, it has to come from a chick with some kinda pipes."

"Oh, really?" Pausing, X closed his eyes, sure enough he felt a vibration echoing from the tables. Hearing a whine, he glanced at Lulu. The ever happy dog was whimpering, the sound clearly causing the peppy puppy no small amount of distress.

Looking back to his brothers he queried, "What does it sound like?"

To both his and Scats' surprise it was Dj Stybator that answered.

Letting out a gutteral snarl, he growled, "It sounds like she's screaming, no real words, just pain. Caused by being hurt by her love of others." DJ Stybator's eyes narrowed dangerously, his hand touching the controls on his wrist. "The frequinceies she is using to broadcast are above the hearing of even Scats. I however can hear it all. When I find the garbage that hurt her, I will dispose of it."

Not waiting for a reply DJ Stybator marched towards the tables, his brothers following his lead. Like a Wolf stalking prey the grey skinned DJ circled the common area. Soon though he had his target. Marching right up to a trio of individuals, a teen boy sitting on the table, while two girls flanked him the either side. Leveling his gauntlet at the boy, Stybator let loose a blast of sonic power, knocking the young man off the other side of the table. Walking forward, he strode over the table, dropping down, reaching down he lifted his quarry, on handed of the ground. Bellowing his rage, Stybator hurled the young man, then conjured another wave of sound and suspended the cretin in the air.

"You are a piece of work, do you know that?" Stybator snarled. "I've been a bad dude in my life, put preying on someone that can't tell you no is beyond anything I have ever concieved of. Telling her that you will hurt those she cares about, just to keep her under your thumb and at your side. She submitted right? That's consent, right?"

Dissmissing the sound with a gesture, Stybator watched impassively as the cretinous foulness dropped to the ground. Snorting vicously at the vile thing, the former servant of Aku turned towards the two women.

Striding over, keeping not only himself between the one that had been calling, but the table as well, he bowed and introduced himself.

"Ms. Vinyl Scratch, I am DJ Stybator, Sly to my friends. I heard you calling out and decided to answer." Turning back to it glance at the groaning bitch behind him he finished. "Because there is just some shit even I will NOT put up with.

A question spoken on the same unhearable frequencies as the scream echoed forth. Keeping his eyes on the filth on the ground he answered. "I know your name because you've been subvocally and supervocally shouting the whole situation so loud you hurt little Lulu's ears. And we can't have little Lulu's ears hurting can we?"

"Indeed, we cannot." Came the smooth baritone of his eldest brother, followed by the cheerful barking of Lulu. "I apologize for my younger brother's exuberance but he knows how I feel about Lulu here. My name is X and this adorable little girl is Lulu, she's my therapy dog. But I think that you need her more than I do at the moment."

Hearing Vinyl snuggling Lulu as the small dog struggled to give the blue and violet haired girl the appropriate amount of doggy kisses made the grim DJ grin.

"Yeah, Babe, that dog of my Eldest Bro's a fierce lover of music. Prefers the blues and Jazz, while I'm more into swing, you dig?" Scats' rolling melodic voice called out. "And you must be Octavia, Ms. Scratch seemed most concerned about your safety. You know I see that you are a cellest, my oldest brother here, stick in the mud that he is, plays a mean Jazz trumpet if I do say so myself."

A sharp british accent chastised Stybator's youngest brother, "I will thank the both of you in taking a step back! Vinyl is the closest thing I have to a sister and I wish to ascertain the truth to your statements. Vinyl Dear? C'mon honey, tell me the truth."

Hearing the beginning of Vinyl's panicked shouting again, Stybator called out, "Hey! Remember Lulu's ears! And the only way he'll ever hurt you or anyone else you care for again is over my dead body. What was done to you is wrong and I am tired of being on the wrong side of things. So, I will stay on your side, because that way I know I will never be on the wrong side again. Besides, Us DJ's Have to stick together."

"Oh, isn't that fucking adorable!"

Stylabator smirked, he was hoping this piece of filth was that kind of idiot.

As the moronic bag o'deuce unsteadily got to its feet, it continue to spout its dribbling idiocy. "You think you can just take her from me? You think there won't be repercussions? She BELONGS to me, not YOU!"

There was a rush of air and DJ Stybator crossed 4 ft of grass in an instant, burying his fist into the stomach of this vile being.

Speaking quietly and slow, but loud and clear enough to be heard by all, Sly answered, "Vinyl does not belong to you, she does not belong to me. She never belonged to anyone other then herself. Right now the only reason that I haven't torn of your finger to give as treats to Lulu is that Vinyl has asked me not to kill you. Per her request I am giving you a headstart, by the end of the day you will have transferred to a new school, then you will never come near Vinyl or any of her loved ones ever again."

Stybator stepped back, his long fingers grasping onto the human filth before him, Sly made sure this scavenger was looking him in the eye. "If I ever even think you were near her or her family then I will merely find you when Vinyl is not around." Letting the words sink into the thick skull of this slug, he shoved back and as the slug staggered, DJ Stybator snarled.
Now GO!!!!!"

Tripping over his own feet, the thing that had kept Vinyl captive started running and did not stop till he was out of sight. Sly smiled, turning back to the picnic table he placed his hands in his pockets and calmly strolled over, a smile on his face and a booming Dubstep Remix in his heart.