• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 545 Views, 6 Comments

A Parents Legacy - Lunar Flarion

A story of the offspring of two unlikely creatures in Equestria.

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Chapter 3.5 Viper No! (Edited)

“...WHAF O YOU MEANF I AN’T?!” Viper’s roar was muffled by the confused colt in her mouth.

“Viper! HE IS 2 YEARS OLD!” Stringy yelled back,” HE IS TOO YOUNG!”

The Light household was much more alive today than most others. The family had awoken and got ready for the weekend. They did their daily routines, Stringy cooking breakfast for Viper and him while Viper feed Oasis his own, much to her dismay Stringy “forced” her to use the bottle. The day was going well... until Viper tried to kick Oasis out. Stringy didn’t know until he saw Viper pick up the mewing foal and walk him over to the door. He confronted her, and what she said was made him very confused and slightly angry.

“... Viper what are you doing with Oasis?” Stringy asked as he took off his arpen.

“Ophasus ifs olf enouf to leaf,” Viper replied.

“... What?” Stringy asked, leaning down so he could be eye to eye with Viper,” Viper I can’t understand you with your mouth full...”

Viper put the foal down softly and put a hoof on his stomach ( Which caused the colt to giggle) and said again,” Oasis is old enough to LEAVE.”

Stringy looked at Viper with a very confused look. After it clicked in his head what she had just said, he replied,” No... Viper you can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Viper countered with a pointed look.

“Because he ISN’T old enough to be kicked out,” Stringy said.

“Yes he is, he can speak and walk and is 2 years!” Viper replied matter of factly,” He is old enough to go out and start his OWN pack!”

“No, he isn’t,” Stringy countered, slightly angered,” This may be normal in your culture, but not ours. AND HE BARELY SPEAKS ANYTHING FROM THE EQUIS DIALECT!”

“SO!?” Viper growled as she picked up the small colt again.

“VIPER NO! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” Stringy shouted as he ran over and stood between the door and the mare.

“Welf HE IS OLF ENOUGH!” Viper growled.

“Viper, I told you I can’t understand you with your mouth full!” Stringy replied.

“FINE!” Once again she lowered the colt back down to the carpet. Oasis was much more confused at this, but he knew that his mother was trying to get rid of him. As the two argued, Oasis started to make a B-line towards his father, he knew that he wouldn’t get rid of him! Though, he didn’t have to go far, since he felt something wrap around his body. For a second, he couldn’t feel anything, and the next, he was held close by his father.

“HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!” Viper yelled.

Stringy acted like he didn’t hear Viper as he walked away from the door. In a calm voice, he told Oasis,” Here ya go kiddo, go play.”

He used his magic to hover him and place him back where he was, playing with his toys, and put the small colt among his various playing toys, Oasis soon forgot about the yelling and the argument and went to work, building and playing with his friends of plastic, wood, and cloth. He shall build his EMPIRE!

But while Oasis built his empire with Sir Fluffy, his teddy bear, Stringy went back to arguing with Viper.

“WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?” Viper roared.

“Because he is too young, we just can’t...” Stringy said as he readied to tell Viper of what this world was like, what he had seen and heard,” He... he can get kidnapped and sold into work... he could die of starvation without our help... he can... he can... disappear without anything left of him...”

This planted a seed of worry into her mind that now grew quickly. Though she had an ace up her non-existent sleeve. She looked up at Stringy with newly found confidence,” I didn’t get kidnapped or die!”

Stringy struck back in a heartbeat, this made Viper’s confidence drop fast and her worry grow,” Still, he needs his mother, he isn’t you.”

Viper didn’t know what to do, so she turned her back and said softly,” If you need me... I’ll be in the backyard...”

“Viper...” Stringy started.

“No... just get me when it’s dinner time, alright?” Viper asked.

“...Alright, but just come back to bed tonight, I don’t want you in the backyard all night,” Stringy said.

“Ok...” Viper agreed.


Later that day

The family had just eaten dinner, Stringy grilled a snake that Viper had found digging holes in the backyard. Neither he nor Oasis were gonna eat the snake but he felt like Viper needed a treat, he also knew he would have to patch them up, but that could wait. Oasis was feed, but by his father, he was still a little shaken by the events earlier today. Not only that but it seemed that his entire Empire of Mews had been moved to his room by a mysterious force. He thought Sir Fluffy did it, and he would have to talk to him later about magic. Though that could wait, now, he was being carried to his room by his mother. He didn’t squirm or mew, he stayed silent as he was both walked there and then lowered into his bed. Sir Fluffy was already waiting for him, as well as a soft blanket and fluffy pillow. He couldn’t read, but he remembered his father said it had his name on it.

Viper had set the small colt in his bed and walked off, turning off the lights as she left. Now it was time for her and Stringy to head to bed, but the guilt of almost throwing her kit out into a dangerous world alone, that made her hurt. What made it worse, is that Oasis didn’t mew, he didn’t say mommy or anything. She knew that this was going to stick to her for a while, but now, her bed awaits her and, hopefully, the realm of sleep.

Stringy was already in under the covers with a book in his hooves when she climbed onto the bed. She was kinda tired for a while, she was ready for sleep. She laid down in her spot on Stringy’s chest, but she was jittery as random thoughts of what could have been if she had succeeded, it raced through her mind, each one worse then the last, she couldn’t help but think about it. She tried to ignore them and laid back down on Stringy’s chest... then got back up again, moving slightly to the right or left, as if trying to get comfortable. Yet that never came to pass, and her patience had worn thin, she was too unfocused. Before she knew it, she was up and had started to nibble on Stringy’s foreleg, which caught his attention.

“Viper, are you okay?” he asked calmly as he put the bookmark in his spot and laid down to the side.

Viper didn’t say anything as she continued to nibble on his foreleg. She heard him sigh and let go as his foreleg moved away from her. Stringy took the silence as his hint.

“Are you stressed because of what I told you?” Stringy asked as he pulled her close.

Viper nodded softly. Stringy sighed,” Listen, you didn’t know, and it was just what you are used to.”

She still didn’t speak. Stringy knew that it wasn’t worth talking anymore then he did, so he went with plan B. He placed his hoof on her back and softly petted her. Viper’s softly purred as she calmed down... but her mind still was on Oasis. That is when a plan popped in her head, but she would need to wait for Stringy to fall asleep.

‘Joy,’ Viper thought as she laid down comfortably on his chest, and waited...

---a couple of minutes later---

When Viper felt Stringy’s breathe slow and calm, she knew he had finally fallen asleep. She couldn’t do the same though, her soul panged with guilt from nearly throwing her son, her kit, out into a world of such evil, that she couldn’t sleep, not without fearing for him. She tried to gently stand up on Stringy’s chest, and was somewhat successful at doing so, but slipped off and onto one of Stringy’s forelegs. Grunting softly, she pulled herself up and jumped off the bed, knowing her destination by heart.

---In Oasis’s room---

Viper opened the door and walked in, not bothering to close it as she looked for the light switch. After a few seconds, she stopped, as her natural night vision had built up. She could see the crib and a small form slept underneath a blanket. She gingerly shuffled across the floor all while she dodged and stepped over toys that she had “bought” for Oasis. Once she cleared the plastic and cloth landmines she had only a few more steps until she reached the crib. One step forward and she tripped on something. It wasn’t plastic or cloth, it felt like wood. Viper growled softly as she turned and picked up the wooden block. When she examined it, it was a red ‘M’. She put the block down next to the other ones and picked them up as well, being gentle as to not ruin whatever they spelled...

they spelled, Mom 1...

Viper was confused as to what emotion this meant, but she decided to think about it later, her kit was right there. Standing back up to her full height, she cleared the distance, got up on her hind legs, and looked down at the sleeping form of her kit. Her heart melted slightly at the sight of her kit wrapped up in his blanket, (much how one would wrap a burrito), and slept soundly. This stopped her, but not for long as she leaned down and picked the small colt up. He was awake now, though barely, he still managed a confused mew.

Viper gently got down and laid the small colt down as well. She watched as he looked around, slightly shaking from either the coldness of the room or the fact that he was awakened from his sleep. Either way, he noticed his mother and crawled to her. He was slow, as he tried to keep perfect balance while also trying to fight off sleep. His mission was a success as he reached her. He mewed softly as he sniffed her, just before booping her chest with his muzzle.

“Mo-ommy?” the small shaking form asked.

Viper leaned down and nuzzled the small colt as she curled around him quickly. Once again, the small colt mewed but didn’t complain at the feeling of warmth, and the smell of something familiar. It didn’t take long for Oasis to start purring happily as he slowly drifted back off to sleep.

Viper would’ve let him, but instead, her plan was only halfway completed. She knew that if she stayed here, Stringy would get worried, something she didn’t want to have to deal with that in the morning. Instead, she leaned down, softly nuzzled the colt then picked him up by the scruff of his neck and made her long journey back to her bed.

---Back in the bedroom---

Viper climbed back up onto the bed and felt slightly tired now. She walked over to the edge of Stringy’s body as it reached the edge of the covers and slowly lifted up the blanket and went under it, she tried her best to make sure the colt didn’t drag across Stringy’s body. She reached the opening of the blanket and popped her head out, the colt sniffed the area softly and tiredly. Viper laid down the colt then herself, Oasis mewed softly, too tired for words as he snuggled under his mother’s pink fur and against his father. Viper was tired now, more than when she went to grab Oasis. Her quest for sleep and forgiveness from her colt was almost complete, now she just had to sleep. Oasis had fallen asleep, his soft mews of slumber reached Viper's ears as she closed her eyes, sleep would be hard, but, this time, she had a little bundle of joy, mews, and fluff to accompany her to the land of sleep.