• Published 11th Jun 2018
  • 1,687 Views, 6 Comments

Path To Sanity - Ciao-

Taken place after cupcakes, Twilight is left emotionally broken, and, after three years have passed, she decides to get better, with the help of an old friend.

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Lesson One: Forgive and Forget (Prologue)

Perhaps it was her smile that caused Twilight to hold on for this long. It was that smile that had always been able to light up the darkest of rooms. Or maybe it was her eyes, light as the sky, or as deep and resilient as the ocean's call. Whatever it was, the memory of her old friends drove the scrawny unicorn to hold on. Of course, as barren as she had thought her new roommate's heart to be, the promise of laughter's return swayed in her dreams, like a paddle boat on the roughest of sea storms.

Twilight had received quite the shock, opening her weary eyes to the sight of the pink earth pony wrapped in between her velvet forearms, breathing softly, air smoothly ruffling blood stains on the unicorn's fur. She gently lifted her arm, being careful as to not disturb the killer. In, out. In, out. A small smirk of content stretched across each of their lips. This, being the most well rested either of them had been since before the loss Rainbow Dash. While every other pony involved with a victim had moved on with their lives, Twilight's mind was frozen in time, unable to comprehend the events. It took over a year before she could even open a book which could begin to explain the reasons for Pinkie's behaviourisms. The entire situation felt as though it were pulled right out of a horror movie, and now, the most twisted of fairytales.

While the cupcake killer had sent off an explanation letter to the Canterlot mental health institution the previous night, and expressed no resentment to her request to call the mare by her aged nickname, the woken one was still in disarray. How would Pinkamena's arrangement even unfold? She was Pinkamena, too. 'Pinkie' Pie was dead and gone. The vividness of how she spat at Twilight when she called the killer by her old name rang alarm bells, each time she had to address the dark mare. Nevertheless, the two of them knew they had to make it work. Pinkamena had came in to the Golden Oak Library late in the night of course, while she said she thought the unicorn would still be in the institute, Twilight knew better than to take her every word as gospel right now. Risks of conviction related to harbouring Equesteia's most wanted criminal ran high right now, so they were forced to live in silence.

A quiet moan emerged from beneath the comet designed sheets, followed by a light headbutting to Twilight's stomach. Her breathing seized, as her body suddenly stiffened like concrete. Two dull blue eyes made their way their owner's quaking 'partner'.

"H-hi." Twilight squeaked, pupils having shrunk to the size of a pin. Her response, however, wasn't any more nerve settling. Pinkamena had only let out a shaky chuckle, before she sat up, making eye contact, leaving their muzzles only an inch apart.

"You're burning up." Diane teased sleepily.

Whimpering, the unicorn rapidly attempted to change the subject. "So how did you...sleep last night?" She croaked.

"By losing consciousness. Yourself?"

Twilight was unamused, furrowing her brow at the devious joke, though her resentment of the situation did not last long, as she began to feel awake and excited at Pinkamena nuzzling her neck reassuringly. She looked away while the mare continued, desperately attempting to find a distraction from the mare's antics.

"Don't hide like that, I want to see you." 'Pinkie' pressed.

"I don't get you. All you ever do is talk in conspiracies. I-it makes no sense! All you've done so far is confuse me, Pinkamena, you're toying with my emotions so that you get to be a freeloader." Snapped the unicorn, having not yet adjusted to the presence of her old friend.

Pinkie kissed Twilight's cheek lovingly in empathy, trying to calm her.

"You do all these rash things to manipulate me, the same way you did to Rainbow. Are you going to ask to get cupcake frosting at the store later?" Twilight's thoughts poured out of her verbally, as her unknowingness got the best of her. She had yet to feel safe, believing that last night was simply a spur of the moment choice.

"The day I met you. The day we found the elements, and I threw you that surprise party, where you ran to your room after drinking the hot sauce..."

Expectantly, the unicorn faced the earth pony, her eyes reminiscent in glee, as she allowed the memory of the killer's words to embrace her soul. "What about it?"

The room was quiet in an anxious tension, before Diane chose to speak again. "That day, Twi. It was the happiest day of my life. It even beat your acceptance of my Pinkie sense, when we went on that walk around town with our umbrella hats on. Do you remember that, Twi?" She whispered, cuddling up close to the older mare.

"How could I forget? Those days have been spinning around my mind since you ran away."

"Did you ever miss me?" Pinkamena breathed.

Twilight rested her head on her companion. "Of course I did. I missed when you used to keep me company late at night when I studied. When you'd take me to bed, or when we'd have our little confession session nights. I missed being able to hold you, and know that you were going to be ok the next day, or when you would stroke my mane and tell me I didn't have to worry, because you'd help me to get it done. You meant so much to me, to everyone. You were our Pinkie. I blamed myself fully for not recognising those little changes in your character some days. Looking back, there was so much I would have done to save the both of you."

Pinkamena stayed silent, looking at the floor in sadness, not knowing what to say. "You're still the same Twily, as far as I'm concerned."

"I'm a monster."

"Me too, Twi. Me too."

Lesson One: Actions make you a monster. No single pony, themselves, is a monster.

"I'm glad you're back, Pinkie."

"And I'm not leaving until I can be sure that you'll be happy again."

Author's Note:

I haven't written in a long time, so I hope it's not too bad. Please don't be too harsh, this is just the introduction to what their relationship is like, and Pinkamena's intentions, basically. Twilight trying to hold in what she thinks, because she's scared of Pinkie, and Pinkie trying to get her old friend back to comfort, after feeling guilty of what she destroyed. The next chapter will be about them trying to make proper living conditions, with a lesson thrown in there too.