• Published 11th Jun 2018
  • 492 Views, 2 Comments

Ms. Glimmer, Guidance Counselor - Silver Shadows

Students seek more advice from Starlight, making her more comfortable in the school as she helps give advice to the students.

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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

This chapter isn't about Starlight helping students like the last one, but her value is still important in this chapter.

A voice shouted, "Starlight? Starlight!" The door burst open to show Twilight. Starlight looked up from her book and sighed. It had been a week since Sand Wind had came and she was actually enjoying the silence for once. A little excitement here and there was good but more visits to her office meant more problems. However, Twilight's visit wasn't a very unexpected one.

Starlight sighed, "Okay Twilight. I know that you want teachers for Math and English because you think that it's important. How many creatures want to come in and teach?"

"That's the problem," Twilight exclaimed, "A lot of applications were sent and I have no idea about who to choose!"

"I'm sure that I could help you sort it out."

"Really? Thanks Starlight! That would be great!"

Starlight smiled before asking, "Who are the applicants?"

Twilight levitated a few piles of papers over, giving Starlight half of it, "Here. Choose a creature for Math. I'm going to keep sorting out for English." Starlight gulped at the huge pile of paper, before nodding and trotting to her desk, ready to pull an all nighter.

It had been a couple hours since she had started and all of the applications were quite good. However, she had managed to narrow it down to two creatures, one of them a changeling and the other one being a pony. She glanced at the clock, a little bit surprised that it was around one in the morning. She rubbed her eyes before yawning. Surely she could take a quick nap before returning to the pile of papers, right?

"Starlight? Starlight!" Twilight shouted the next morning. Starlight groggily opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times.

Starlight sat up quickly, "I'm really sorry Twilight. I didn't manage to finish. I'm stuck between two of these. One of them is a changeling named Ferry and another one is a pony named Glowheart."

"It's all right Starlight. I didn't finish either. I'm still stuck between two creatures. One of them is a Yak and another one is a griffin. They both would be wonderful additions to the school. Still, I'm not sure who to choose." She flapped her wings a little bit.

Twilight continued, "I'm sorry, I've got to go for now. There are a couple students that need detention because they started a food fight in the cafeteria yesterday."

Starlight asked, "Are you sure that you don't want me to handle it?"

"I'm sure Starlight. Besides, you're good at planning things, even if they have to hurt one creature." Twilight teleported out of the room and Starlight sighed, looking at both of the applications. Starlight's ears drooped a little when she was reminded, again, of her past.

Starlight was walking triumphantly through the village that she had created. To think that it had only started with a tiny mishap with some paint that had splattered onto her cutie mark. She had never known who she was meant to be, even after gaining her cutie mark with a spell she had created herself. The ponies were trotting around, grinning at one another with those cheesy smiles that she wasn't sure whether to love or to hate.

She wasn't stupid. She knew that she needed another pony to help keep everything in order, besides her. Somepony powerful but under her command for sure. Somepony who knew her better than the others.

Who could she choose? Would she choose Double Diamond, the pony she had first manipulated into joining? Perhaps Sugar Belle, the one who gave up her cutie mark after a few mishaps in a baking contest?

Whoever she was going to chose, Starlight knew that she had to make certain that the pony was devoted to her cause. Everypony was a viable option after all, save for the foals. She knew that they needed a co leader in case she was unable to make the decisions.

There were... minor complications however. First off, nopony besides herself could even remove a curie mark. She knew that all of them believed in the staff and her silver tongue, but it would never last forever.

Starlight always felt like ponies were going to oppose her someday so she needed a pony who could restore balance. A test. That's how she would choose the next pony. A simple test that could rule out all of the ponies, save for one.

The next day, she had stepped on one end of the village, "Everypony! I will be making a small trip to get more supplies. While I'm gone, I'm certain that you can have peace amongst yourselves. I will be back in a week or so." She trotted off with her saddlebags, the ponies in her village waving at her.

A week after, she managed to get back to the village. True to her word, her saddlebag was full of supplies that they would need.

She's heard Double Diamond calling, "Ok everypony. I see our leader, Starlight Glimmer coming! Gather around." Starlight smirked, appointing Double Diamond the co leader a couple days after due to his ability to lead.

Starlight glanced at her desk. Maybe she could do the same thing, but much less manipulative. The teachers must know that they were being evaluated on their ability to teach students under pressure. Who would be the students though? Twilight and herself were adults and they were smart enough. Perhaps random students who had different interests and personalities would work. Her mind jumped to Sandy, whom she had helped just a week beforehand. Sandy was definitely a special student. Perhaps they should evaluate on how they would react to different creatures as well.

Starlight smiled slightly, thinking of how they would react to Yona's clumsiness and Smolder's stubbornness. They would be a good fit to evaluate teachers as well. First, she would have to talk to Twilight about her idea. Creating them without approval wasn't wise. It would waste her valuable time (oh, who was she kidding? She knew that she would mope in her office after) and Twilight wouldn't be happy if something was happening right under her nose.

With some concentration, the unicorn teleported in front of the door to Twilight's office. She knocked on the door and the door opened. Starlight stepped in the office and Twilight smiled at her gently.

Starlight said, "I have an idea."

Twilight nodded, "What is your idea?"

"I think that we should evaluate them on how they teach instead of their applications. We can use groups of students who could be there for the teacher to teach while we take notes in the back."

"That's an idea but how would that even work? School is very important for young minds and I don't like thinking about taking away class time."

Starlight thought for a moment before saying, "All of the students have a free period and a lunch period. They could go there and do it to skip a homework assignment or something."

"Sounds fair. Who do you have in mind?" With that, the unicorn knew that she had convinced the headmare to follow through on her idea.

The door opened and Sandy, Smolder, Yona, and Twilight all came out. Behind them, a few teachers came out, looking very nervous.

Twilight whispered to me, "That was a great idea Starlight."

Starlight smiled, "Thanks Twilight."

The alicorn looked at the students, "Thank you for agreeing to do this. Please attend your next class immediately. I am certain that your teachers have been notified of your absence." The students left, the three of them chattering down the hall even though Starlight couldn't help but notice that Sandy wasn't really part of the group. Still, at least they were talking. In her old school, everypony would hang out in groups and ignore the other groups unless there was a fight going on.

Twilight turned to the other creatures, "All right everycreature. I have decided that Ferry would be the Math teacher and Jazz would be the English teacher. Please come to my office tomorrow to discuss how you would start working here. I know that your presence would hopefully bring a wonderful teaching spirit to the students. For those of you who was not chosen, I apologize for it. Not everycreature could be chosen and I thank you for trying." The creatures left, some of them looking much happier than the others.

Twilight hugged Starlight, "Thank Starlight. I would've never gotten this sorted out this quickly without you."

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