• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 508 Views, 2 Comments

Smoke on the Horizon - Tmega87

Centuries ago, a great evil was sealed away. Somepony seeks to release it. Can the Mane 6 stop them?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Nothing is sweeter than forcing the dragons out of the sky.
That's the last time they'll underestimate the Pegasi Shock Troops.

-Journal of Style Wenz, Vice-Captain of the Royal Military

Applejack had finally convinced Rainbow to walk when they spotted a familiar pink pony bouncing down the street towards them. When she saw them and she bounced over even faster.

“Heya guys! I didn't expect to see you here!” the pink pony said cheerfully.

“Oh hey Pinkie Pie. We didn't expect to see you here either,” Rainbow replied casually. “We were just on our way to see Twilight, would you like to join us?”

“Of course I would! She's been cooped up so long she might think she's a chicken!” Applejack and Spike snorted at Pinkie's pun while Rainbow just shook her head. Pinkie suddenly gasped, “We could throw a party! I just have to drop by Sugarcube corner and grab my party cannon and we cou-”

“Whoa there ,” Applejack interjected. “Don' forget know that Twilight is still in the middle of her investigation. If you try an' do somethin' like a party it could really mess everythin' up.”

Pinkie seemed to deflate a little at the idea of not having a party. “Alright. No party this time. But when she's done, I'm going to throw the biggest party ever!” Pinkie Pie suddenly stopped walking clutching at her knee in pain. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike all looked at each other in confusion. Their confusion only grew as her tail grew completely straight and she started coughing over and over.

“What in tarnation was that?”

“Oh, that was my Pinkie-sense. It was also a combo-,” she stifled a cough. “I haven't felt before, so give me a moment to think on it.”

Now Rainbow was concerned. If Pinkie had to actually think about what her Pinkie-sense was telling her, there's no way it could be good. One glance towards Applejack and she could tell she was thinking the same thing.

“Well, the pinchy knee means big trouble. But what did coughing and a stiff tail mean again?” Pinkie sat down and put a hoof to her chin in thought. Rainbow turned and looked towards the library and noticed a strange cloud. It was black and rising from where the library was. Then she realized that it was no cloud.

“Hey Pinkie,” Rainbow said apprehensively. “Could it mean a fire?”

Pinkie hopped up and clapped her hooves, “That's it! It meant fire. It's been a while since I've felt that one. Last time was when I left the oven on and there was a ...” she tapered off as she looked to where Rainbow was looking. Applejack looked over and saw the smoke and immediately recognized it.

“Oh no,” Applejack whispered. Rainbow Dash immediately took off once again at top speed towards the library, leaving a multicolor streak in the air as she flew. Pinkie Pie and Applejack took off running towards their friend's abode, Spike clinging to Applejack for dear life.


When Rainbow reached the library she was welcomed by the sight of smoke and flames billowing out the windows, like dark, angry clouds. There was a small crowd gathered around watching in apprehension. Rainbow quickly looked through the crowd to try and spot Twilight amongst them. Her fears were confirmed when she did not see her anywhere.

“Hey! Has anypony seen Twilight?” she called out to the growing mass.

There was a general murmuring among them but nopony spoke up, causing Rainbow's stomach to plummet. Rainbow had just landed when her friends finally came running up.

“What- what's happenin' Rainbow?” Applejack said gasping for air.

“Twilight might still be inside. I'm gonna go in to make sure she isn't.”

“Wait a minute there. How do you know she's still in there. Ya could be runnin' right into a death trap for no reason.”

“Yeah, well nopony out here has seen Twilight come out and Spike said she was still doing tests, so she must still be inside! Now I'm going to go in and make sure she's alright.”

Rainbow turned to fly into the library when Pinkie Pie grabbed her with a crushing hug., “Please don't go in there Dashie. Its too dangerous! Let the fireponies take care of it, please?” Rainbow looked at her. Her mane seemed to have deflated, becoming flat and straight. She also seemed to have lost some color becoming darker and less vibrant. The scene reminded her of something but she couldn't quite place it.

“The fire brigade won't be here for another few minutes and by then it will be too late. If Twilight is still in there she might not last another few minutes.” Rainbow looked into her eyes and, for the first time, saw genuine fear. She managed to extricate herself from Pinkie's hug. “Don't worry Pinks. I'm the fastest pony in Equestria. If Twi is in there then I'll have her out in a flash.”

Applejack slid off her saddlebags and looked at Rainbow, “If you think you're gonna go it alone you got another thing comin.”

“We don't have time for this,” Rainbow Dash cried in exasperation. “Twilight needs help fast and no offense but you'll just slow me down.”

“Yeah, except with two of us we can search the place faster. You may be fast but smoke can take ya down faster than a rattlesnake on a sunny day. Now Ah'm going in with you whether ya like it or not.”
Rainbow looked over at her friend and saw the determination in her eyes. Rainbow knew from experience there would be no swaying the stubborn cowpony once her mind was made up.

“Alright fine! Whatever! We have to hurry.” Recognition struck Rainbow like a hammer. Pinkie's hair looked just like it had when she thought her friends had abandoned her. “Pinkie I need you to do something for me alright?”

Pinkie Pie looked at her with the saddest eyes Rainbow had ever seen.

“What is that Dashie?” her voice quivered as though she was on the verge of breaking into tears.

“I need you to go get Fluttershy and Rarity. They need to know what's going on. Can you do that?”

Pinkie Pie just nodded sadly. “Hey, don't worry. We'll be just fine, alright? In fact, we'll be out before you get back.” Pinkie Pie didn't say a word, she just turned and ran towards Carousel Boutique as quickly as she could.

“Well, alright then,” said Applejack. “Let's do this.” She ran up to the door stopping at the last second, pivoting on her front hooves to send her back legs smashing into the door and knocking it off it's hinges. She turned and ran straight in, with Rainbow Dash close behind.


The one thing Rainbow wasn't ready for, was the heat. It was like she was trying to fly into the sun itself. The very air seemed to burn, scorching her lungs with every breath. The flames themselves leaped at them, as if to try and consume them along with the library. The smoke billowed around her burning her eyes and agitating her throat. Through it Rainbow could see the whole interior was ablaze, all of Twilight's meticulous categorizing quickly being burned away.

“Rainbow,” Applejack coughed. “You check those rooms and Ah'll check these.”

“Got it!” Rainbow called back as she took off towards Twilight's room. She moved forward through the heat, keeping as low to the floor as she could. She pushed her way into the bedroom, looking desperately around for Twilight.

“Twilight!” Rainbow called out through the smoke. A quick search of each room showed no signs of the lavender mare, so Rainbow went back to the main room. When she returned, she nearly ran into Applejack because of the smoke.

“Did ya find her?” the pegasus yelled.

“Nope. Ah sure didn't. Maybe she isn't here!”

Rainbow shook her head, “She has to be here! Pinkie Pie's sense wouldn't have gone off if she wasn't.” Rainbow was struck by inspiration. “Her lab!” The two ponies quickly ran to the basement where they found Twilight's still form.

“Is she okay?” called Rainbow.

“Ah don't know,” Applejack called back. Applejack hoisted Twilight onto her back. “We have to get out of here! This whole place could-” she was interrupted by a loud groaning coming from the ceiling. A look of horror formed on Applejack's face. “RUN!” The cowpony barreled past Rainbow, who quickly followed. As they crested the stairs, the loud groaning sounded through the building once again. They sprinted to the entrance, a bright beacon of safety shining through the black smoke. They practically flew out the front door. No sooner had they escaped the building than a huge crashing sound emanated for the library. Rainbow inhaled deeply, the fresh air filling her lungs. She looked over to see the look of fear slowly leave her friends face, as she too reveled in the fresh air. Neither pony had much time to relax as they, were quickly accosted by several ponies in white uniforms. Too relieved to finally be away from the infernal heat, Rainbow limply let them half-carry her over to a stretcher. The pegasus had barely laid down upon it before passing out.


A short ways away in the shadow of a nearby building, a cloaked pony watched the scene. He saw the two ponies run inside. It had been a few minutes and a crowd was starting to gather, increasing the odds of discovery. He was about to leave when the two ponies emerged from the smoke carrying Twilight Sparkle. It was all he could do to cry out in frustration. Twilight was alive and the master must be informed. He walked down the alley and faded into the shadows. Nopony even knew he was there.


Rainbow Dash awoke in a brightly lit room with white walls and the distinct smell of disinfectant. She immediately recognized the room, as it was one she had visited many times. She sat up and looked around and saw a familiar pink pony sleeping in one of the chairs in the corner. Rainbow watched as Pinkie Pie stirred. The party pony sat up and looked over in Rainbow's direction as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The party pony shot into the air in surprise.

“Dashie you're awake!” she squealed in delight. There was a pink blur as she shot across the room to deliver a spin crushing hug to the bedridden pegasus.

“Hey, Pinkie, you're kind of crushing me.”

Pinkie Pie immediately backed off. “I'm just glad you're okay. I was so worried. When you first got here they wouldn't let anypony see any of you guys. The others are out in the waiting room.”

“Not anymore dearie,” a familiar voice said from the doorway. Both ponies looked up in surprise as Rarity and Applejack walked into the room. “I think half of the hospital heard you.”

“Hey there. Ya sure did give us quite a scare when ya passed out like that.”

“Yeah about that, how long was I out?”

“Only a day or so,” piped up Pinkie. “I haven't even had time to make get well cupcakes yet.”

“Oh don't you fret darling, I'm sure you can think of another reason to make your delightful cupcakes,” said Rarity.

Rainbow Dash looked up in surprise. “I completely forgot Twilight! Is she alright? Did we get to her in time? Is she-”

“Whoa there sugarcube. Calm down,” Applejack said as she put a calming hoof on the cyan pegasus. “She's okay. Well sorta. Accordin' to Nurse Redheart she's got some bad breathin' problems 'cause of the smoke and she has a few burns. Its the strangest thing, it seems like she was put though the wringer before we found her with some broken bones an' a couple a large bruises.” A depressed look appeared on her face. “The docs have done all they can, but she still hasn't woken up. Fluttershy and Spike are with her now.”

“Well what are we doing here? Let's go see her.” Rainbow Dash threw off the blanket covering her and moved to get out of bed. When a loud authoritative voice chimed in the room.

“Oh no you don't!” Everypony turned to see Nurse Redheart walking into the room. “You aren't getting out of that bed before I clear you.”

“But-” Rainbow started to stammer.

“No butts. I need to run some tests to make sure you haven't suffered any permanent damage from the smoke. Now once I'm done, if there isn't any damage, then not only can you visit your friend, you can leave the hospital altogether.”

The cyan pegasus sighed in defeat, “Alright fine. You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up once their done.”

“Alright then dearie, see in a little while.” said Rarity. “Don't give them to hard a time alright?” She departed gracefully from the room, Applejack close behind. Pinkie Pie soon followed, but not before giving Rainbow one more spine crushing hug.

“Alright you guys, let's get this over with.”

“Don't worry,” said Nurse Redheart. “This shouldn't take too long.”


After what seemed like an eternity, Rainbow was finally given clearance to leave. She quickly thanked them and asked them where Twilight's room was. No sooner had they told her the room number than she was off like a rocket, with a chorus of “don't fly in the hallways!” echoing behind her. She slowed as she neared her destination, not wanting to crash into something and be forced to spend more time as a patient. She carefully opened the door and stepped inside. The room appeared to be just like the one Rainbow was kept in, only there was a bunch of brightly colored balloons tied to the end of the bed. She looked over and saw Twilight laying on the bed, a clear oxygen mask strapped across her face. Everypony was gathered around her, but what caught Rainbow's eye was a butter yellow pegasus with a bubblegum pink mane seated next to the bed, facing away from the door. The pegasus looked up in surprise at the sound of the door and turned to face the newcomer. Rainbow smiled at the stunned look on one of her oldest friend's face.

“Hey Fluttershy. How's it going?” The rainbow-maned pegasus said nonchalantly.

“Oh Rainbow! Are you okay?” Fluttershy said. “I'm sorry I didn't come and visit you. I thought somepony should stay with Twilight, you know in case she woke up. I hope that's okay.”

Rainbow smiled, “Don't worry Flutters, it's fine. Don't worry about it.”

A loud yawn drew everypony's attention to the corner of the room, where a tired looking Spike was just waking up.
“Hey guys, any changes?” he said sleepily.

Rarity walked over and put a comforting hoof on the baby dragon's shoulder. “Not yet dearie. She's still asleep.”

“Now don't you worry,” Applejack said confidently. “Twi is one of the toughest ponies Ah know. She's going to be just fine.”

Rainbow was looking around the room when a thought occurred to her. “Hey, did anypony tell Twilight's parents she was in the hospital?”

“Oh my no!” exclaimed Fluttershy.

Rarity looked down, slightly ashamed, “I didn't really think about it. I was more concerned with her health than who knew about it. Well, I shall have to rectify this situation.” Rarity stood up and left the room. She soon returned levitating some paper and a pencil. She sat down and started writing. She finished writing, only to set the letter aside and start writing another.

“Who's that letter for?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

Rarity looked at the pegasus with shock, “Why it's for Princess Celestia of course. If anypony needs to know about Twilight, it's her.”

Now it was Rainbow Dash's turn to look down in shame as Rarity finished writing. The alabaster unicorn was soon finished, neatly folding both letters and writing the names of the recipients on the front. Rarity turned back to Spike, “Would you please send these dearie?”

The little dragon looked at her sullenly. “Sure, I guess,” he said sullenly. He grabbed the letters , and one at a time he blew a puff of green flame burning the letters. The black smoke drifted out the window, carrying the letters to their destinations.

“Thank you Spike,” said Rarity as she gave him a hug. Spike blushed in embarrassment.

“It was no big deal. I do it all the time.” Spike said bashfully.

“Don't sell yourself short there partner,” said Applejack. “What you do is pretty darn amazing.”

“Yeah it is!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

The purple dragon's face nearly turned completely red from embarrassment. “Okay, you guys are right, I am pretty awesome.” No sooner had he said that then he belched out a plume of flame, dropping a letter on the floor. “Oh, man. I forgot how uncomfortable that is.” Rarity picked up the letter and started reading it.

“Well? Who's it from?” Rainbow asked impatiently.

Rarity's eyes quickly filled with excitement. “Why, it's from the princess. She says she's going to come here as soon as possible. My goodness!” she exclaimed. “We're going to be meeting with royalty and I haven't even done my mane yet today!”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash just rolled their eyes. “Ah'm sure the princess is going to have other things to think about than your mane.”

“Nevertheless, we all could do with some clean-up. Especially you two,” she said eyeing them with disdain. “No offense you two, but you smell as though you rolled around in a fireplace for a while.”

Rainbow quickly sniffed herself, only to pull back in disgust. “Yeah, you might be right,” she said sheepishly. “We do kind of smell.” As she spoke, her stomach let out an audible grumble. “I'm also kinda hungry,” she said.

Pinkie Pie practically jumped in the air, “Oh, I have an idea! Why don't you all come to Sugarcube Corner! You can use the shower and I can whip you guys up something tasty too!”

Rarity clapped her hooves together, “It's decided then. Let's go.”

Everypony left the room, Fluttershy the last to leave reluctant to leave Twilight alone. Spike assured her he would watch the unicorn and let them know of any changes or if Princess Celestia arrived before they returned. The walk to Sugarcube Corner was uneventful. Rainbow tried to liven it up by turning the whole ordeal into a race, but nopony was willing to participate. Upon their arrival, Rarity immediately claimed the shower first, and Pinkie Pie dashed back to the kitchen to make something for them all to eat. The others just sat in the dining area listening to the clatter Pinkie Pie was making in the kitchen.

It wasn't long before Rainbow could smell cupcakes baking, making her mouth water in anticipation. Pinkie Pie popped her head into the dining room, drawing a smile from everypony in the room. Somehow, in the short time she was in the kitchen, she managed to cover herself in flour.

“Alrighty guys,” she said cheerily. “The cupcakes are in the oven and should be done sometime soon. Now on to make the muffins!” She ducked back into the kitchen as Rarity was coming down the stairs. Though she had just bathed, her mane looked as perfectly styled as it had before she went upstairs.

“I'm obviously done now. Whichever one of you wants to go next should do so.”

Applejack stood up. “Ah' guess Ah'll go next. Ah' don't want to go after all y'all use up the hot water.” She quickly trotted up the stairs for her turn as Rarity sat down in the now vacant spot.

“Well, I feel divine. I really needed that, considering we missed our spa appointment yesterday, didn't we Fluttershy?”

“Yeah,” replied the yellow pegasus. “Though, what came up was really important.”

Rarity nodded her head, “You are most certainly right. Besides, we can always reschedule it for another day.” The white unicorn looked over at Rainbow. “You know Rainbow Dash, you could join us anytime. That is, if it's okay with Fluttershy.”

“Oh, of course,” she said with a smile. “I would love for you to come with.”

“I don't know,” Rainbow said nervously.

“I must insist,” replied Rarity. “I mean, imagine what we could do with your mane.”

“What! I like my mane!” Rainbow replied indignantly.

“I know dear, but imagine what Lotus and Aloe can do. Their hooves are like magic.”

Fluttershy smiled, “She's right you know. It's really nice. You really should come next time.”

She started listing all the things that they could do, causing Rainbow to grow anxious and look around for a way to escape the conversation. Once Fluttershy got insistent it was almost impossible to say no, and there was no way Rainbow wanted to go to a spa. Applejack chose that moment to come down the stairs, her mane still wet from her shower.

“Well, would you look at that, Applejack's done. That was fast,” laughed Rainbow uncomfortably. “I better go take my turn.” She stood up and quickly went upstairs. She got into the shower, relishing the hot water flowing over her. She grabbed the least flowery shampoo and quickly cleaned herself, rinsing and repeating to hopefully wash out the smell of smoke. After the third repeat she decided she was finished, and stepped out of the tub. She dried herself off and ran a brush through her mane, if only to placate Rarity, who would have a fit if she didn't. Done in the bathroom she wandered down the stairs to see Applejack wearing a desperate expression. Rainbow smiled to herself, imagining the conversation they were having before her arrival.

“Alright Fluttershy, I'm done,” she called out. “You can go on up.”

The yellow pegasus looked up, “Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes, okay?”

“Don't you worry dear,” said Rarity. “Take all the time you need.”

Fluttershy disappeared upstairs, causing Applejack to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Thanks for the save,” the orange cowpony said gratefully. “Ah' wasn't sure if Ah' was goin' to be able to get outta that one”

Rainbow smiled, “No problem AJ. Anytime.”

Rarity put on an indignant air, “I really wish you girls would consider coming with us sometime.”

Applejack shook her head, “No thanks. Ah'll leave that stuff to you two.”

“Same here,” Rainbow put in. “I'm sure it's fun and all, but that kinda thing is for you two.”

“Alright,” sighed Rarity. “I'll drop it for now, but be sure I'll bring it up later.”

“Thank you,” Rainbow said triumphantly. They sat in relative silence for a while, before a thought came to Rainbow.
“Hey AJ, how did you know the floor was going to collapse?'

The cowpony smiled, “That would be thanks to Big Macintosh. A few years back he became a member of the volunteer fire department. He lectured everypony in the house on fire safety and what to watch out for if we ever got caught in one. So Ah' know a little bit about house fires.”

“Well, okay then. I didn't know Big Mac was a firepony,” the blue pegasus replied casually.

“Neither did I,” said Rarity as she gazed off into the distance. “That does paint him a different light, now doesn't it?”

Applejack blushed profusely, “Now don't go gettin' any funny ideas. He hasn't been a part of the brigade in quite some time, what with all the work to be done on the farm, so you can just stop what you're thinkin' right now.”

Rarity sighed, “All right, all right, just relax.” A strange smile came over the white unicorn. She met Rainbow's gaze and nodded her head. Rainbow smiled back, nodding her understanding of what was to come. “You do have to admit though, he is quite the stallion. Any mare to catch his eye would be quite lucky.”

“Why of course,” Rainbow said nonchalantly. “I mean, look at the way he's built. All those rippling muscles, glistening with sweat from a hard day's work. Why he must be great in the-”

“Okay that's enough!” Applejack yelled out, her face almost as red as the apples on her flank. “Ah've had enough of you two dreamin' about mah brother.”

Rarity and Rainbow Dash burst into laughter, causing the cowpony to blush even more. Pinkie Pie popped into the room with a tray of fresh cupcakes on her head and a tray of muffins in her hooves.

“What's everypony laughing about? Was it a joke? I bet it was a joke! You guys should tell me! Please?” Pinkie Pie begged.

Rainbow wiped a tear out of her eye, “It wasn't a joke Pinkie. We were just talking about Applejack's-”

“Trees!” AJ blurted. “We were just talkin' about mah trees.”

Pinkie Pie looked at them incredulously, “Trees? What's so funny about trees?”

Applejack, never being a good liar, shifted uncomfortably in her seat, “It's kinda an inside joke. Ya really had to be here to get it.”

“Okay,” Pinkie said suspiciously. “If you say so. Anyhoo, the food is done.”

“Alright!” Rainbow cried out as she reached for a muffin. Her hoof was immediately slapped away by Rarity, who gave the pegasus a stern look.

“Don't you think we should wait for Fluttershy to come join us before eating?”

“I'm done,” a quiet voice said from the stairs. Fluttershy quickly came down the stairs and sat at the table. Rainbow quickly grabbed a muffin before Rarity could object and took a bite.

“It's so good!” she said, prompting everypony to grab one of the baked goods.

“I don't say this very often, but Rainbow Dash is right. These muffins are fantastic,” Rarity admitted.

Fluttershy nodded, “Oh yes, they are really good.”

Everypony sat and ate while Pinkie Pie went back into the kitchen and cleaned up. Rainbow smiled, somehow Pinkie's food always made her feel like everything was going to be alright. Looking around, she could see the smiles on everypony's face and knew they were thinking the same thing. A few minutes later Pinkie Pie returned holding a basket full of baked goods.

“Is everypony ready? We don't want to keep Twilight waiting,” the party pony said with a smile.

Rainbow finished the last bite of one of her cupcakes before answering, “I am now. I bet Twilight's gonna take one whiff of these cupcakes and wake right up.”

“Rainbow's right. Nopony can resist your cupcakes sugarcube,” Applejack said with a smile.

Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves together, “Then let's get going!” Everypony got up and followed her out the door and over to the hospital. When they got to her room, Spike was still sleeping next to the bed where they had left him, and Twilight hadn't moved. Pinkie Pie set the cupcakes and muffins on the bedside table. Suddenly, there was a bright light coming from the center of the room, blinding everypony. When the light faded, there was a tall, white alicorn standing in the room. She stood at least a head taller than anypony else, her wings tucked tightly to her side. Her horn was half-again the length of a normal unicorn's horn, and her mane billowed and flowed, as if it was being moved by an ethereal wind. What stood out the most about the alicorn, was the warmth and authority she radiated. It was as though everypony in the room was standing before the sun itself. Everypony instinctively bowed their heads in respect to their monarch.

Princess Celestia smiled, “Arise, my little ponies. Now, would somepony please tell me what happened to my student?”