• Published 20th May 2018
  • 1,320 Views, 15 Comments

The Prince of Games Arrives - mattchilly

My name’s Seto Kaiba. Yes, I am named after the Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh. After finding an odd Field Spell card on my floor I was sent to Equestria. Hopefully I'll not only find out who sent me here but also my missing sister.

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Duel Two. Photon Overload vs Insect Lord

After the break, I walked back into the arena to see a young man with slightly spiky purple hair with green highlights that reminded me of a dragon’s spines in a white button-down shirt and baggy black pants. When he saw, me enter the area he smiled and said. “I’m glad you challenged me. As I watched your match, I got a strong urge to see what you can do myself. Names Spike by the way.”

Before I could reply the door on the other end of the arena burst open and a young teenager with messy light green hair, yellow glasses, a green coat with a black snail on it, with black pants, brown boots, with a standard Kaiba Corp Duel Disk on his arm, walked into the arena. Cackling at some unknown joke. “Hehehehehe. Sorry I’m late, but now that I’m here we can have our match Spike.”

I walked over to Spike asked. “You know that guy?”

Spike nodded. “That’s Snails, we’re acquaintances but I’ve never seen him act like this. He’s not the kind of guy to just barge into an official event like this.” As Spike was talking Snails adjusted his glasses with his right hand and I noticed that there was a glowing number twenty glowing on his hand. Spike noticed my, now serious expression. “You okay?”

“I think I know why he’s acting like this, but I don’t have time to explain.” I said when I felt a hand on my left shoulder I saw a tall muscular woman with blue hair, a black band on her forehead which doubled as an eye-patch with a small skull emblem, and wore a leather corset, leather armbands and white cloth wrapped around her in such a way that her toes were exposed. “Amazoness Queen?” I gasped, at this Spike turned to look and a small smile appeared on his face.

“Don’t worry. You’ve got this, after all, we’ve got you back.” She said in a gruff, powerful, and slightly masculine voice before disappearing.

I looked at Spike and said. “Mind if I take this?”

“Go right ahead.” Spike replied.

“Stop ignoring me! You! Get out of here so I can defeat Spike!” Snails commanded.

After taking a deep breath I put on the cockiest smirk I could. “I would, but if you want to duel him you’ll have to play by the rules, and since we both want to duel him I guess we’ll have to duel to see who fights him. And since that’s the case, I guess this is the start of a brand-new round so I hope you don’t mind if I change decks.” As I spoke I took my Amazoness deck and replaced it with my Photon deck.

Snails snarled before taking his place on the arena as Spike walked of the field and sat on a bench next to the wall. “I’ll squash you flat.”

“Just try it. Although I was hoping to save this deck for special occasion. Guess beating you will have to do.” I said as we drew our cards. (Hmm. Interesting first hand.) I thought, as I looked at Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Photon Caesar, two Photon Satellites and Galaxy Zero.

Snails 4000
Hand has 5 cards.
Seto 4000
Hand has 5 cards.

“I’ll go first! First, I’ll play the spell Double Summon so I can normal summon twice this turn. I summon Bachibachibachi and Arsenal Bug in attack mode but they won’t be around long because I’ll now use my two level three bugs to build the Overlay Network and Xyz summon Number 20: Giga-Brilliant!” As Snails spoke an incredibly pissed off bee with sparks dancing on its body appeared next to a somewhat skeletal looking bug with a sword and shield in it hands, before they both turned into small yellow spheres and flew into a dark purple vortex that appeared before Snails. A few moments after the spheres entered the vortex a large pillar with pink veins on it rose out of the vortex with the two spheres orbiting it. Then the pillar began transforming into a silver and dark red insect with a large yellow twenty on its right wing. *Attack 1800, Defense 1800*

“Since I used Bachibachibachi to Xyz summon Giga-Brilliant gains the ability to deal you damage even if your monsters in defense mode. Now I’ll end my turn with two face down cards. Let’s see what you’ve got you, pesky little slug.” Snails said.

Snails 4000
Hand has 1 card.
Seto 4000
Hand has 5 cards.

“My turn. I’ll start things off with Graceful Charity so I draw three cards then discard two.” When I drew the cards I was pleased to see Galaxy Wizard, Reinforcements, and Photon Lead. I discarded Photon Caesar and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. “Now I Summon my Photon Wizard in attack mode *Attack 0, Defense 1800* Next I activate the spell Photon Lead, which allows me to summon another light attribute monster as long as its level four or below so here comes my Photon Satellite!” *Attack 0, Defense 0* As I spoke a tall figure in white robes, and black cape, a single glowing red eye and holding a golden scepter appeared and high above us a machine made of white metal with a glowing light blue core and blue fins appeared and began to slowly rotate.

Snails laughed. “That’s the best you can do? Two monsters with zero attack points?”

I smiled before replying. “Who said I was done? I activate my Wizard’s special ability to increase its level by four making it a level eight monster. Then I’ll use my Satellite’s ability to make both its and my Wizard’s level the sum of their current levels making them both level nine.”

Snails looked shocked at this. “Two level nine monsters so quickly could only mean…”

“Yup now it’s MY turn to Xyz summon! I overlay both my level nine monsters to build the Overlay network and Xyz summon, Number 9: Dyson Sphere!” As I spoke my two monsters became yellow spheres and flew in the same vortex that Giga-Brilliant appeared from but much to everyone’s surprise nothing came out of it.

“What’s the deal? Where’s your monster?” Snails asked.

Instead of answering him I smirked and said. “Is it possible to open the dome and get some sunlight in here?” After I said this the dome above us slowly opened revealing the blue sky.

“What does that accomplish?” Snails inquired.

“Look up and you’ll see.” I replied with a smile on my face.

When he did he gasped a long with the audience when they also looked up. “Behold my monster. Behold Dyson Sphere!” *Attack 2800, Defense 3000* I exclaimed as everyone looked in awe at a satellite so large it easily held the sun in its center.

Everyone in the audience began murmuring to each other as Spike whistled in awe, I even heard someone scream, “WHAT IS THAT THING? IT’S GIGANTIC!”

When Snails composed himself he barked out. “I activate my trap Threatening Roar so you’re not allowed to attack this turn.”

I shrugged. “I’ll play a card face down and end my turn then.”

Snails 4000
Hand has 1 card.
Seto 4000
Hand has 2 cards.

“Draw! I play Card of Sanctity so we both draw until we have six cards in our hand. Next, I’ll summon Pinch Hopper in attack mode. *Attack 1000, Defense 1200* I play the spell Multiplication of Ants so I can sacrifice Pinch Hopper to summon two Army Ant Tokens but this also activates Pinch Hopper’s ability allowing me to summon any insect from my hand. I summon the Insect Queen and for every insect on the field she gains two hundred attack points!” As he spoke a large grasshopper like monster appeared before it exploded and a large insect with a blue and red carapace and two small green ants. *Insect Queen Attack 2200, Defense 2400 now Attack 2800. Army Ant Tokens Attack 500, Defense 1200* “Next I’ll activate my trap DNA Surgery to make every monster on the field an insect, so Insect Queen gets even more power and I’ll also play the spell Insect Barrier so your monsters can’t attack” *Insect Queen Attack, 3100* “Now I’ll use one Overlay Unit so Giga-Brilliant can use its special ability so all of my monsters gain three hundred more attack points.” *Insect Queen, Attack 3400. Giga-Brilliant Attack, 2100. Army Ant’s 800*

“Even though I won’t be able to destroy your monster because my Queen’s not a Number, I’ll still have my Insect Queen attack, but to do so I have to sacrifice one of my Army Ants!” At this Insect Queen leaned down and began eating one of the two ants and when it was done it roared and parts of its shell lifted as its wings began to buzz. * Insect Queen, Attack 3100*

So Numbers play by the same rules as in the anime? Interesting, but the question is how did he get a Number in the first place.” “Sorry to break it to you but once per turn, when Dyson Sphere has an Overlay unit it can negate any attack so all you did make your Queen weaker.” As Insect Queen’s buzzing died down.

“Grrr I end my turn.” Snails growled.

Snails 4000
Hand has 2 card.
Seto 4000
Hand has 5 cards.

“My draw! First I activate my spell Galaxy Zero to resurrect the Photon Caesar I sent to the graveyard with Graceful Charity in attack mode however it can’t attack or use its ability.” A large hand in blue armor shot out of the ground and Photon Caesar began to pull itself out of the ground. Photon Caesar is taller than Insect queen in royal blue armor but both his sword and shield here broken and unusable, but he still stood tall ready and waiting. *Attack 2000, Defense 2800 now Attack 0* “Now when I have a Photon or Galaxy monster on the field I can normal Summon the level eight Galaxy Knight in attack mode, and now that he’s been successfully summoned I can use his ability!” A knight in gleaming silver armor armed with a long sword and standing on a flying kite shield appeared and raised his sword high into the air while it and his armor gleamed from the sun's light. *Attack 2800, Defense 2600*

“Which is?” Snails asked as he crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes at his inpatients, “I was getting to that. First I can target any Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon in my grave and return one to my field in defense mode, next even if I don’t summon anything Galaxy Knight losses one thousand attack points until the end of the turn.” *Attack 2800 now 1800*

“To bad you don’t have any of these dragons…. Wait you didn’t!” Snails said before realization slowly dawn on his face.

“Yup same with Photon Caesar I sent my dragon to the grave with Graceful Charity!” A large red metallic cross appeared before me and as I threw it high into the air I yelled. "Here comes the monster more savage than a supernova! With a cataclysmic force of ten black holes put together! A cosmic scourge that vaporizes anything in its path: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" With a loud echoing roar, Galaxy-Eyes appeared before landing behind me, with its body glowing blue except for its black armor Galaxy-Eyes was definitely an intimidating sight. *Attack 3000, Defense 2500*

“It doesn’t matter how strong your monsters are. Did you forget about my Insect Barrier and now that you have three new monsters my Queen gains six hundred more attack points!” Snails said. *Insect Queen, Attack 3700*

“Of course, I didn’t forget but it’s not going to matter in a moment! Did you really think I would spend all this time just to power up your insect?” I asked. “Think about it I just summoned three level eight monsters, which means…”

Snails went pale. “Another Number.”

“Your right about the Xyz Summons but wrong about me summoning a Number! I overlay my Galaxy Knight, Photon Caesar, and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to build the Overlay Network and Xyz summon!” Galaxy Knight and Photon Caesar became yellow spheres while Photon Dragon became a dragon shaped tower of energy as the three rose into the sky and disappeared in the vortex and a blue spear with a forked point appeared which I grasped in my right hand before throwing it will all my might into the vortex with my three monsters. "Prepare to witness the mightiest of monsters! With the power of this beast, this battle is over! Arise Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!" *Attack 4500, Defense 3000*

With a defining roar a three-headed red dragon descended from the vortex. “Now it’s time to open the way for my attacks! You see when Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is used as an Overlay Material to summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, my dragon gains the ability to permanently negate the abilities of all other face up cards on the field! Go Photon Howling!” Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon gave an earth-shaking roar that was so powerful you can see red waves of sound. *Giga-Brilliant, Attack 1800, Insect Queen, Attack 2200*

“I can’t believe this! Did you have all of this planned from the start?” Snails yelled in disbelief.

“Not this exact strategy but the end goal will be the same. Your defeat!” I exclaimed. “Now I activate Neo Galaxy-Eye’s second ability. By using one Overlay Unit Neo Galaxy-Eye can send every Overlay Unit on your side of the field to the grave and he not only gains five hundred attack points for each but he can attack up to the same amount of Overlay Units sent to the grave this turn!” I said before pointing at him. “Neo Galaxy-Eyes destroy his Giga-Brilliant with Ultimate Photon Stream of Destruction!” *Attack 4500 now 5000*

Snails 4000
Hand has 2 card.
Seto 4000
Hand has 5 cards.

“NO! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!” Snails screamed.

“It can, and it is, but before Dyson Sphere attacks I’ll use my trap Reinforcements to give it five hundred more attack points, now destroy his Insect Queen with Brilliant Bombardment!” I ordered and balls of plasma shot out of the sky and exploded around Insect Queen who roared in pain when the first few hit before exploding herself and the force of the explosions pushed Snails off the ground a threw him a short distance where he just lay there stunned.

Snails 0000
Seto 4000

As I looked at Snails a glowing blue card floated out of his chest with a yellow 20 on it before it shattered and disappeared. I took a deep breath right when Spike walked up and slapped me on the back with a large grin on his face sending me into a coughing fit since he knocked the air out of me. “That was both incredibly brutal and an amazing duel! You never even gave him a chance to attack. And here I thought your Amazons were going to be your only surprise.”

“I’ve got a few more surprises but unfortunately Snails interruption made me a bit mad and I learned a long time ago not to duel when I’m mad… Heck I consider what I did to him to be overkill. We’ll have to wait before you and I can have our match.” I said with a smile but my thoughts didn’t match my expression. “First, I’m sent here, then I find out my Duel Disk’s now real, next the anime version of a Number shows up before it, but why did Giga-Brilliant shatter? Was is a fake? Nothings adding up, just what the heck is going on?

“Suite yourself, but as far as I’m concerned you deserve the grand prize after that match if for no other reason than how pumped the crowd is now. I don’t think I’ve ever heard them this excited. Do you hear them cheering?” He asked, and as my adrenalin died down the roar of the crowd hit me before I heard Celestia say.

“What an incredible duel! Who knew Seto had not one but two decks of never before seen cards and I don’t know about you but I can’t be happier about how this event turned out! However, I’m sad to say that Seto has just announced that he will no longer challenge Spike, but Spike just said that he still deserves the grand prize. Do you all agree with him?” The audience gave the loudest cheer yet. “In that case, Spike will you please lead him to the winner’s circle?”

Never thought I would ever tune everything out just for a duel.” I thought chuckling as I followed Spike to a pedestal that had a large sheet that covering it. When Spike pulled the sheet away he revealed two small clear boxes, but it’s what was in the boxes that surprised me. The one on the left held the monster Barrel Dragon and the other one had the Dark Magician. “Here we have the Barrel Dragon and Dark Magician. Which one will Seto choose?” Celestia said.

These are cards from the new set? Can’t say I was expecting this but I still know which one I’m choosing.” I thought before I reached out and grabbed the box containing the Dark Magician.

“There you have it, Seto has chosen the Dark Magician which brings an end to our event, but before you leave we thank both the audience for coming to watch and the duelists who gave us some of their valuable time. All of you have made this event an overwhelming success! We will also be releasing the latest Duel Monster set later this week so be sure to keep an eye out.” Celestia said.

While the crowd gave another cheer, Spike nudged my shoulder and when I looked he motioned for me to fallow. We soon arrived in a large office, where two women one of whom is Princess Celestia and six teenage girls were waiting and much to my surprise one of the girls was Rainbow Dash. Princess Celestia’s talking to a woman in a dark blue business suite and her hair looks almost exactly like the night sky.

The first of the teenagers has long straight dark purple hair a light blue buttoned shirt, knee length magenta skirt and has a perfect copy of Yusei Fudo’s Duel Disk on her arm. The girl on her left’s hair is a slightly darker shade of purple and is elegantly curled over her left eye, she’s wearing a crystal-blue dress that ended just below her knees with a light purple version of Anna Kaboom’s D-Pad from Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL. The girl next to her is wearing a yellow shirt under a red vest, dark green jeans and is wearing a standard Kaiba Corp Duel Disk on her arm.

On Rainbow’s left is a girl with a white shirt with a large pink heart on it, pink sweat pants, and is wearing a light pink version of the Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL D-Pad. The last girl is wearing a light green version of the dress the second girl’s wearing and has a copy of Akiza’s old Duel Disk on her arm. When Spike and I walked into the room Celestia stopped mid-sentence and looked at us. “Hello, Mr. Kaiba. Please take a seat. We have a lot to talk about.”

Author's Note:

The main reason for this curb stomp is I don't like Weevil Underwood and I felt like Snails would be a good stand in for him. Oh and the reason I included the summoning chant for Galaxy-Eyes is simple. I like the summoning chants so I'll include em :pinkiecrazy: