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Final Chapter

While everyone was leaving and heading back into their own worlds, Smaug found the right opportunity for the Red One and Purple One.
"You two, come with me," Smaug said with his head between the two dragons' ears. "And you, Purple One, must change back into your small form because I have something to tell you," he said as he turned his head in the opposite direction from the audience. Spike was dumbfounded. How did Smaug know about his powers. But, when they started to leave, that act didn't go unnoticed by one familiar purple princess.

While she was staring at the three dragons heading into the tent with Steve Colbert, Twilight looks to her right, seeing that her boyfriend was eating... popcorn? "Where did you get that popcorn, Rexy Poo?" She said as she pointed her right hand t the white and red striped box of normal popcorn.

After gulping a third big handful of popcorn with his left hand, Rex looks at his girlfriend, quickly looks down at the popcorn, and swallowed what he had in his mouth. With his left thumb pointing behind him,"Discord popped some up for us while we sat here watching and listening to the three dragons. Duh," Jonathan Claw said as he went back to eating the delicious popcorn that the Lord of Chaos poofed up.

"Aww, why didn't you tell me that you had some?" Twilight said as she placed her hands onto her boyfriends left arm, which was his other eating arm. She even displayed puppy eyes.

"Easy, you didn't ask," Jonathan said. Then, he stared at the arm that was being held down by Twilight. "Um, mind letting go of my arm?" He said, then his girlfriend stopped giving him the Puppy Eyes and looked at where he was looking.

"Oh!" Twilight exclaimed as she simultaneously let go of his arm. "Sorry," she said as she pulled her fingers to her palms.

"Want some?" JC wondered while he took a fourth big handful of popcorn and displayed it in front of his girlfriend.

Twilight, with her left hand still in the form of a puppy begging, used her right finger and thumb to pick one up.

Then, while Jonathan was looking at how cute Twilight looks while she eats, Michael Bakar, who was in his werewolf form, Skurge, used his werewolf tongue to slip into the bag and took a huge "tongue-ful" of all the popcorn. Then, he sped off, leaving behind a cloud of smoke. JC and Twilight heard a whoosh and saw Skurge running off.

"Um, Honey? I think Skurge took the rest of the popcorn," Twilight pointed her finger to the running werewolf.

Jonathan looks to his right, then his eyes turned yellow. "Oh, you son of a DITCH!" Jonathan growled as he turned into his green werewolf form and hopped out of his seat and took off after the thief.

"Ha ah ha! Boys will be boys," Twilight chuckled as she saw them run. Then, she pulled her eyes back to the stage and unfurled her wings as she took off and flew down there.

Meanwhile, with the three dragons...

"Garble you have told him about me, right?" Smaug asked.

"Well, some of it," Garble answered nervously.

"What do you mean Garble?" Spike asked.

"Well Spike, to tell you the truth, um, Smaug here is... Well, here's a funny thing, Ha ah. *Inhales sharply*, Smaug, is our grandfather," the second red dragon explained to his little brother.

"What?! Wow! I-I can't believe it! Smaug's my grandfather!?" Spike yelled.

"I said he was "our" grandfather, Little Bro," Garble said bluntly.

"Well, that explains our tantrums," Spike said.

"Yep," Garble said.

"Remember you two: Don't. Tell. Anyone. That. I'm. Your. Grandfather. Ok?" Smaug told the two brothers. Then, he turned around, and unfurled his wings as he took off to the skies. "See you boys later for our family reunion! Ta ta!" Smaug yelled as he was still looking at his grandsons.

"Garble! Spike! There you two are! Both of you have to explain yourselves!" said a familiar voice of a princess.

"Oh boy," the dragon brothers said at the same time
Check out part two later on in the future. -Flameboy