• Published 3rd May 2018
  • 448 Views, 6 Comments

Daring Do: And The Divine Crown of the End - Diamond-ChiVA

Diamond-Chi goes on adventures with Daring Do when she found out about a crown thats very rare/powerful.

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Meet Grace Wing (3/4)

As they all go through the underwater city, Daring and Diamond looks around the abandoned town.

“Um, don’t you and your cousin get lonely here in the temple?” Daring Do asked as she looks at Princess Mythical.

“Very, but its loads of fun on what we can do here.” said Princess Mythical.

“I see you have some amazing guards here.” said Diamond.

“They’re actually my brothers, I put them as guards for a reason.” said Princess Mythical.

Diamond and Daring Do looks at the two guards, then back at Princess Mythical.

“Brothers?” Daring asked.

“Yep, those guards are my brothers, the blue one is Hurricane Talon, and the green one, his name is Storm Wing.” said Princess Mythical, introducing her brothers.

The guards turns to look at Diamond and Daring with their smiles.

“Hey.” said Storm Wing, waving to them.

“Sup.” said Hurricane Talon with a wink.

“Their both my older brothers, I'm the youngest.” said Princess Mythical, rubbing the back of her head a little.

“I can tell.” said Diamond with a smile, looking at the Princess’s brothers.

“So, Diamond?” Daring Do asked, as she looks at Diamond.

“Hm?” Diamond asked as she looks at Daring.

“Is that what Hippogriffs really looks like?” Daring asked.

“No, this is their seapony forms, when they transform on land, those are hippogriffs.” Diamond explained.

“Then how did they turned into seaponies?” Daring asked, with a raised eyebrow.

“My friend Twilight said that Queen Nova decided to turn that pearl that they in order to turn ponies and hippogriffs to seaponies, and turn it into alot of necklaces for the hippogriffs so they can transform anytime they like.” Diamond explained, with a small smile.

“But how?” Daring asked.

“Hmmm…” said Diamond, thinking about it for a second.

Diamond then looks at the Princess, and her brothers, before she swam to them.

“Hey, your highness, um, Daring would like to know how do you and your brothers… and your cousin, turn into seaponies.” said Diamond.

“Oh, really?” Princess Mythical asked as she looks at Diamond, then at Daring Do.

“Well, Diamond told me that you used to have a pearl that changes hippogriffs to seaponies, before it was changed to alot of necklaces, but, I was wondering, how were you, and the others was able to transform into them?” said Daring Do.

“We’ll be more than happy to show you, Diamond, can you go right next to Daring, please?” Princess Mythical asked, excitedly as she looks at Diamond.

“Absolutely.” said Diamond, as she swam up, right next to Daring.

“Boys, shall we?” Princess Mythical asked as she looks at her brothers.

The boys nodded, before they swam up between Princess Mythical.

“Uh, what are they gonna do?” Daring Do asked, cautiously, as she looks at Diamond.

“You’ll see.” said Diamond with a smile.

Princess Mythical and her brothers hold their fins, and her brothers activates their, and Mythical’s necklace all at once, the magic aura started forming into one, spiraling around as it heads straight to Diamond and Daring Do. As the aura goes around them, Diamond and Daring Do then started to feel a little tingly again, as they started turning into sea ponies. As soon as the transformation was done, Diamond and Daring looks at themselves.

“Well?” Storm Wing asked.

“Amazing, right?” Hurricane asked.

Diamond and Daring Do continues looking at themselves as seaponies, before Diamond looks at them excitedly.

“This really is amazing, I always wanted to see what it’s like as a seapony.” said Diamond, excitedly.

“Not bad.” said Daring Do with a smirk, as she took looks at herself.

“Come on, her cousin is just over there at our home.” said Storm as he swam along with his brother and sister.

“Hey, Daring, I’ll race ya over there.” said Diamond as she swam to her with as smirk.

“Your on!” said Daring Do while she put her hat back in place.

They both then started swimming faster, passing the hippogriffs to the hippogriffs’ home, just farther down the underwater abandoned town. When they passed them Hurricane Talon smirked at Storm Wing.

“Think you can keep up, slow poke?” Hurricane asked as he swam faster to catch up with Diamond and Daring Do, joining the race with them.

“Oh, its on!” said Storm as he swam faster, joining the race with them as well.

“It’s me who’s gonna win!” Princess Mythical with a small giggle, as she swam with them faster, joining the race with them as well.

“In your dreams, your highness!” said Hurricane, with a little determined look and a smile.

Everyone except Daring Do laughed as they race to the hippogriffs’ home, just on the other side of the underwater abandoned city. Once they got there, Princess Mythical went into their home, and get her little cousin. Her guards, Diamond, and Daring Do waits outside for them. After a few minutes, Princess Mythical came out with a small smile, when she turned around, she noticed that her cousin wasn’t behind her. Her little cousin was very shy when meeting some pony/creature new to their kingdom, ever since she was six.

“Come on, Grace, don’t be shy.” Princess Mythical called to Grace.

“I don’t wanna, I’m scared on meeting someone new.” said Grace, sounding a little frighten, as her body shake a bit while hiding behind the doorway.

“It’s ok to be shy, one of my friends get shy when meeting someone new just like you. And.. even I get shy sometimes, have you… meet the new ones face to face?” Diamond asked as she looks at the scared hippogriff.

Grace heaved a sigh, slowly looking at Diamond a little before answering.

“No…” Grace explained before going back to hiding.

“She’s too scared to even try.” said Princess Mythical as she looks at Diamond and Daring Do with concerned.

“Listen.. Um.. whoever you are… it’s ok to be shy sometimes, but sometimes you have to try and face it, I mean, how will you know how it’s gonna work out til’ you try.” Diamond explained with concerned and with a small smile. “Believe me, I know, my brothers are even scared to try something new, but.. If you guys do it, i’m sure it won’t be as bad as you think.”

“Y-You think so?” Grace asked, peeking out a bit, looking at Diamond.

“I don't think so.. I know so.” said Diamond, reaching her hoof out for Grace. “So come on out, it’s gonna be ok.”

Grace thought about it for a second, looking at Diamond’s hoof, then up to her face. Diamond gave her a smile as she looks at Grace. Grace looks at her hoof again, and slowly takes her hoof. Diamond and Grace then slowly swims out of hiding, and they looked at both at them.

“The name’s Diamond-Chi and that’s Daring Do, what’s yours?” Diamond introduced, as she looks at Grace.

“I-I’m Grace Wing.” said Grace, feeling a bit braver.

“It’s not so bad now, is it?” Daring asked with a smirk.

“I-I guess not.” said Grace, not feeling shaky at all.

Diamond then boops her nose, seeing if she can get Grace to smile, and she did.

“So.. what caused you to be like this, I mean, why didn’t want to try and have fun with your cousins after being here for a long time?”

“It’s just... without any friends here, when it’s just us… we barely do anything down here.” said Grace. “I barely have any friends back at Mount Eris. No hippogriffs over there wanted to be my friend ever since I was little… I was picked on, and no one was there to stand up for me when I needed it.”

Oh my, now I see why she’s been alone and not wanted to be around her cousins. Diamond thought as she then started to feel bad for her. Diamond when through almost the same way as Grace went through as a filly, but except, mostly getting bullied. Diamond then swam up to her and places her hoof on Grace’s shoulder.

“Believe me or not, I know how you feel… I felt the same way when I was a filly.” Diamond explained.

“R-Really?” Grace asked, looking at her, feeling a little concerned.

“Yeah… I used to be bullied all the time, even on my first day of school… they mostly told me that i’m not good enough and wouldn’t be the pony that I wanted to be when I grew up… there’s three reason why I took Tai-Chi classes. One, I had that inspired by my mother when I saw her doing it the first time. Two, to be able to build up my confidence in case if those idiots ever try to do it on my friends, and three… I wanted to prove those bullies wrong, knowing what kind of pony I wanted to be… even if they called me names and told me that i’m not good enough… I never lose hope or faith in myself.” Diamond explained, with concerned for Grace.

“So you became a princess after you got better?” Grace asked, a bit confused.

“Well… no, I became a princess after saving ponies from threats in Equestria.” said Diamond.

“Ah.” said Grace, starting to understand, and as she swam away from all of them a little, crossing her arms. “But what if those bullies try to come back and bullies me again, and who would want to be my friend, knowing what i’m going through?”

“...I would.” said Diamond, concerned.

“Huh?” said Grace, turning her head to look at Diamond. “Why?”

Diamond sighed before answering.

“Because… not only I know what your going through… but I also see that you look like you really need one… especially if those bullies are gonna keep on… you know. Plus, you could use somepony to help and guide your way through, instead of being alone all the time.” she said before she started singing for her.

(The song will be in a different one, just not here)

After the song was done, Grace started to feel more comfortable around them and feeling better on what she was going through.

“You hippogriffs should be back to your families where you belong, you guys don’t deserve to be down here, I mean, I know you guys are mostly trying to protect the crown in all, but, family is more important than anything else.” Diamond explained.

Grace never heard somebody told her that before, she then started to have a revolutionary thought about that.

“You know, Diamond-Chi, you might be right, I mean, defending the crown is important, especially if it falls into wrong hands.” Grace said.

“Nor hooves.” Diamond corrected her.

“Yeah that too, but, yeah, family is more important, we may have bad things happening to our kingdom like the Storm King, but being with family is all that really matters.” Grace said, starting to smile.

“Yep, now that’s something I wanted to hear, not to mention the smile I wanted to see.” Diamond said with a smirk.

Grace giggled a little, and she then hugs Diamond happily.

“Thanks for helping me to see that, Diamond.”said Grace.

“No problem, it’s what I do best.” said Diamond as she hugs her back.