• Published 30th Apr 2018
  • 159 Views, 2 Comments

Twinkling Dreams - vicakukac200

Twinkleshine gets two mysterious books, one helping her, one leading her into another world full of danger.

  • ...

Chapter four

Twinkleshine wakes up in Canterlot. A few days passed after she could go back to the dreamworld. She would like to do that, but Guider didn't let her to do that. She still has a bunch of wounds mostly on her back legs.

"Will you let me go back to there today!?" Asks the pony impatiently. "I want to help ponies! I can't do that if you hold me back!" She starts to calm down a little. "Please!"

"Fine..." sighs the blue book "But your condition will be worse you know!" He gets to be angry now. "I said that I don't want you to die!"

"I can take care of myself you don't have to worry!" She levitates the brown book to herself, opening it.

"Do you really want to die?!" The talking book is really upset now.

"Kuldj at" Says the pony touching the brown book with her horn.

And Twinkleshine manages to land on her four hooves. She catches the falling book with her magic and keeps it close to herself. She looks around.

They arrive to a beach this time. It's really deserted. They just see a little wooden pier with six little wooden boats. Twinkleshine just stares at them.

"Did you never see a boat?!" The book is angry and disappointed at the same time.

"It's just... This isn't a forest..." Murmurs the pony looking at the fourth boat and starts going towards it. She steps in and sits down. The boat starts to move by itself.

"Not everypony has a forest in their dreamworld" Says a little more calmly than before. "And just to say that, the waters are more dangerous than the houses and fields with killing vines..."

"Okay-okay" Murmurs the ivory unicorn.

As they travel with the little boat Twinkleshine notices that the water is starts to get darker and darker. She wonders what kind of pony has this dreamworld.

Suddenly a huge octopus-like creature appears from the water. At least ten times big as Twinkleshine herself. She gets terrified of the sight of the creature, but she notices something sparkling on the monster's back. She collects all the courage she has and makes platforms on the water to run on, but an enormous wave washes her off. She barely, but manages to swim near the surface, she tasted the salty sea water. The salt in the sea burns the wounds that didn't healed properly, so she has more problem with the swimming.

'This thing keeps moving there is no way I could teleport properly' Thinks the unicorn in the water while she stands up on another blue platform she created. 'And I can't levitate myself there...'

She looks around panicking, she notices that the blue book is on the boat and he is about to be bury under a huge wave. The pony saves the book just in time.

"Do you have an idea to get up there?" Asks from the book.

"Make platforms with your magic up to that place?" Guider would have an are you serious face right now if he had a face.

"I can't this spell only works on water." Answers the unicorn.

"Then I have no idea. I have spells inside me, but I don't know if those can help you out right now." Think the book.

"You know, that sounds so stupid and... This will sound stupid too... Will you let me look into you?" She slightly laughs.

"I'm a book what do you expect...?" He has more disappointed tone than before.

"You have feelings and I don't want to hurt them sorry!" She makes a shield around herself while she reads. After a little while she closes the book. "Hmp... "

"So...?" asks the book impatiently.

"If i can get behind it, I'll have the opportunity to run on it, because it's back is really strong and doesn't feel much on it." when she says that the huge creature shows it's back to the little duo. "Opportunity." Twinkleshine murmurs under her nose and starts running towards it using her platforms on the surface of the water. She manages to jump on it.

She runs up on the creature's back without a problem she finds a little flower what is shining brightly. She levitates it to herself and grabs it with her hoof. The enormous creature disappears below her and she falls to the water. She tries to get to the surface.

A whirlpool catches her. It pulls her down into the darkness. Water starts to fill her lungs.

She opens her eyes after a little time, she sees her friends above her. All worried, the book next to her, both of them soaked by seawater.

"Twinkleshine, would you care to explain this...?" Asks Minuette a little angrily while she helps up the ivory pony.

"Uh... I-i I don't remember what happened..." Mumbles.

"Well the important thing is that you are relatively fine" Sighs Lemon Hearts.

"You girls should leave... I'm going to be fine now thanks!" And the pink, fluffy maned mare starts to go towards the door opening it with her blue magic.

"Okay..." sighs the two mare and leaves the house. "Bye!"

"Bye!" And Twinkleshine closes the door behind them. She turns towards the book. "How did you bring them here?"

"I have powers that you don't know about... You will catch a cold. Dry your coat and mane." Says Guider without emotion in his voice.

"O-okay" Mumbles the mare and walks towards the bathroom for a towel.

"I can't believe this mare..." If he would be a pony he would facehoof himself.