• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 607 Views, 47 Comments

A Discordant Reality - The-Third

Discord decides to Host a Reality TV show filled with characters from all across the Equestria(s)

  • ...

Season 1 Episode 2 (Trixies & Oubliettes)

Author's Note:

Sorry For the wait, I was worrying about other things besides fanfiction.

I recommend rereading the first chapter if you're reading this after reading Chapter 1 before the day this was uploaded, as there are a few major changes from the original.

I'd like to thank my editor Darkswirl for making my writing bearable to read

Also, In case you were wondering, the final score for voting was


Any Ideas for Challenges? please message me or comment below

Anyways, enjoy the chapter :derpytongue2:

Chapter 2 (Season 1 Episode 2)

Twilight yawned slowly, opening her eyes to realize she was in a room that she recognized from her childhood; remembering she was on Discord's reality show. She could hear the slight snoring of her roommate, Trixie, behind her. She got up and went over to the washroom to get ready for the rest of the day.

Trixie was still asleep when Twilight returned from the shower. The sun had just peeked it's head above the horizon, and it seemed like nopony else was awake so, noticing a small bookshelf, she levitated the first book on the shelf and curled back up on her bed. After finishing the first book of the series

Trixie had awoken from her slumber and was now practicing card tricks and muttering to herself about something she couldn't make out. She tried her best to ignore it and moved on to her second book.

Later that morning, everyone was in the dining room, with the main topic being everyone's new appendages.

"Never thought I'd say this, but Discord is awesome! I wasn't even going to play this game if it wasn't for Fluttershy talking me into it." Rainbow said to Applejack and Rarity as they ate their meals. Meanwhile, Trixie and Spike were staying quiet; hoping that they weren't the one who would be voted off. At the front of the table was Discord and Pinkie.

Pinkie had made a breakfast of waffles with lots of syrup, and, if people wanted them for breakfast, cupcakes. On the opposite side was Alex, who was hoping almost as much as Spike that Trixie was voted off, as he didn't want to lose his roommate.

After Rainbow had finished her discussion, she looked at one end of the table and slid down to Alex. “Can you please explain what happened yesterday?” Rainbow asked.

“What are you talking about?” replied Alex, confused about what the cyan pegasus was referring to.

“Banging the Element of Loyalty? Are you kidding me!?” Rainbow’s voice echoed through the dining room.

“Oh, that. It’s weird to explain.” Alex thought of how exactly to explain it. “You know how Discord was talking about me being from another world? Well, in that world, there’s another you and I kinda-sorta date her.”

Rainbow was about to retort with something like ‘why would I date you’ when Discord raised a glass and summoned a spoon, tapping the two together in order to get everyone's attention.

"Good morning everypony, thank you for joining us all this morning. I'm sad to say that one of our contestants must go, today. As you know, it was between Trixie and Spike, and the people at home have voted and Trixie. . . " Spike had a slight smile on his face, as he thought he would be safe since Trixie was called. Trixie was trembling; her wings shaking. ". . . You are safe!"

Trixie breathed a sigh of relief before Discord continued. "Sadly, this means that Spike will be leaving our show. Please go pack your things, and I will send you back to Ponyville when you are ready." Spike turned around and trotted back to his room.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Discord snapped his fingers, changing Spike back into a dragon. "You can return to what you were doing, I will be back after lunch to give you your challenge. I’d also like to point out to our viewers that it has definitely been only two days since the race, and that any other memories are most likely due to my accidental time warping a week and a half ago." Discord disappeared and the conversations continued where they left off

True to his word Discord came back to the castle after lunch to begin explaining his challenge. "Many of you have probably heard of the game Ogres and Oubliettes, before you ask, yes we're sponsored, and some of you have walked into some of my 'guy's nights' with Big Mac and Spike. Today the goal of the challenge is simple, everyone will be split into pairs, the last team to pass the dungeon that will be created will be sent into the Danger Zone, However, You may have noticed that we have an odd number of contestants. Trixie, since you were in the Danger Zone last episode, so you will be our Dungeon Master. Now the rest of you will get some gold in the town I have created to buy armor potions and weapons. Each Team gets 1000 gold, speaking of teams, your roommate is your teammate besides Twilight, who will be matched up with Alex as he doesn't have a roommate"

Apple Bloom was in a small room looking around, it seemed like some type of Bar or Tavern, next to her was Sweetie Belle, wearing an outfit that she didn't recognize, she had barely ever play O&O, so she knew very little about it besides what Big Mac had talked about. Sweetie played it much more than she did. "Sweetie, what exactly are you?" asked

"I'm a Bard! They cast magic with music, your a druid right?" Sweetie asked her roommate.

“Yes, I must be much better with potions if I'm an Alicorn now" Apple Bloom explained her choice of class to her sister as more ponies showed up in the Tavern. Rarity and Twilight was a Wizard, Applejack and Scootaloo were Paladins, Apple Bloom was a Druid, Alex was a Sorcerer and Rainbow Dash was a Rogue.

Walking out of the Tavern, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle found a few shops, a small potion shop, a weapon shop, and an Armor and Clothing Shop. Splitting their money, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle separated and went to shop. Meanwhile, Applejack and Rarity headed into the shops together with Applejack getting Spiked boots so she could 'buck some goblin scum' and Rarity Getting some potions and a small gem encrusted dagger "Just in case"

Twilight got a staff, giving her magic a fire effect, Alex got a Staff as well, letting him teleport, as well as the strongest dagger he could find. Both him and Twilight realized that magic worked differently in this world. So they had to get staffs to actually cast spells besides levitation. He was playing as a sorcerer, but his playstyle was a rogue, he chose a sorcerer so he could use magic just in case.

At the same time, Trixie was trying her best to make her dungeon as complicated as possible, even though there was no time limit, she wanted to intimidate the others. Unluckily for her, she had a limited amount of enemies and traps, ‘to keep it fair’ is what Discord said. How did it make it unfair? Everypony was going through the same dungeon, so it wouldn’t really be unfair. Levitating a quill to her sheet of paper, she put the finishing touches on her ‘masterpiece’

Meanwhile. . .

“How long until we can go?” Rainbow whined for the fifth time as she sat with Scootaloo

“WE DON’T KNOW!” replied everyone else, they were getting quite annoyed.

“Alright everypony!” Pinkie yelled through a megaphone, as the ponies lined up next to the cave “Are you ready to enter the mystery dungeon of mystery-ness”

“You mean mysteriousness?” Twilight corrected.

“Nope, mystery-ness” Pinkie said “Trixie named it ‘The Dangerous and Super Cool Dungeon of Mystery-ness, doesn’t it have a nice ring to it?”

“I guess?” Twilight said, what a weird name,though it does sound like a name Trixie would come up with she thought to herself

“The dungeon is full of spooky monsters and cobwebs and boring parties and other terrifying things, are you guys ready?” Pinkie asked.

“Yeah!” replied Rainbow and the CMC, while everyone else remained silent.

“Then let’s get started!” she said as she pulled an airhorn from her mane “3. . 2. . 1. . Go!” at the sound of the horn, all eight of the ponies ran into the cave, the sound of galloping slowly fading into the distance.

“See DIscord, I can get it right. I can say go instead of cupcake if I want!” The pink pony seemingly said to nopony.

As both Rainbow and Scootaloo entered the first room of the cave, which had nothing more than a couple of low level orges, which were quickly vanquished by the two of them. They looked around for some way to go deeper into the dungeon. Finding a button, Scootaloo pressed it. Both ponies heard a deep rumbling, turning around, they saw as a stone door rose to make way for a hallway. Each room held a key that could unlock one of the six locks on the boss door.Opening the first door they began to peer inside

Twilight and Alex were in the first room, surprised that the cave somehow housed a tropical forest, inside were more ogres, as well as some hot headed monkeys. Noticing a ruined temple, Twilight pointed out to her partner. “So, we have a few minutes of peace, why don’t you tell me about yourself, and I’ll tell you about me” Twilight asked, Alex was the only pony she didn’t know in this competition, so finding out more about him would do nothing but good.

“Well what do you want to know?” Alex asked.

“Well, where are you from?” Twilight asked him.

“It’s weird to explain, I’m actually from a planet called earth.” Alex wondered if Twilight even knew what Humans were, and he didn’t want to explain

“Earth? Do you know Sunset?” Twilight asked.

“Once again, hard to explain” Alex saud as they entered the ruins.

“How did you die?” Apple Bloom asked her pegasus friend/

“Rainbow and I split up.” Scootaloo replied “I got surrounded by monkeys, what about you?”

“We made it to room 3, but Sweetie Belle used me as a shield” Apple Bloom was pretty annoyed at her teammate, just using her as defense.

A large white light appeared, and out came Rarity and Alex, both of them dying in the fifth room. With half of the ponies gone, but all of the teams still in, the four dead ponies all hoped that their teammate won’t be the next to come.

As Applejack turned the last key, the sixth and final lock fell to the ground, allowing her to push open the final door, revealing a dark room with seemingly nothing inside, hoping that she had some time, she sat down to relax, she grabbed a single potion from the items that Rarity was carrying, and since she had a few bruises, drank it. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad, it had a mild vanilla taste, but the aftertaste, that was abysmal. Applejack gagged as the bruises and cuts on her body faded away, feeling relaxed, and seeing that the room was relatively safe, Applejack dozed off to sleep.

A bright light shone through the room as another door opened, this time Twilight entered the room, using an illumination spell to light up the otherwise dark room. Another door opened, this one by Sweetie Belle, as she noticed the two ponies she ran over to meet up with them. Finally, there was Rainbow Dash, who entered as quietly as possible just in case there were any enemies inside.

“Where are we supposed to go now?” Sweetie Belle asked confused on what was going on.

“I honestly don’t know Sweetie Belle, there’s probably some type of puzzle we’re missing.” Twilight flew around, looking for some kind of clue that could help them progress.

“Why are you two here?” Rainbow asked, surprising the other two ponies still awake in the room.

“Rainbow!” Twilight jumped a bit in fright “Don’t scare me like that!”

“Sorry, anyways, do you know whose flank we’re supposed to kick.” Rainbow asked, getting anxious to do something.

Suddenly, a loud rumble was heard behind the four ponies, though not so loud that it woke Applejack from her ‘power nap’ A large circular platform began to rise, coming out was a large armored bipedal, almost five times as tall as the ponies, with a metal warhammer and a helmet with three spikes the middle one longer than the two on the side.

“What is that!” Twilight asked

As Twilight asked, Discord appeared in a reseat with a large tub of popcorn. “He’s the final boss, I got the idea from a world where robots try to take over the world. But monkeys, cowboys, pilots, and even an angel fight against them” Discord explained as he winked to seemingly nowhere. “Anyways, have fun, don’t die yadda yadda yadda, and FIGHT!”

The large boss began walking towards them, readying his hammer to demolish them all in one fell swoop.However, all of the ponies dodged this, all except for Applejack.

After Applejack disappeared from the battlefield, the three remaining ponies all tried to defeat the large boss, quickly realising it had some type of large blue shield, seemingly made out of magic, but with Twilight and Sweetie distracting him while Rainbow went in for the kill, they vanquished the creature rather quickly.

In a bright flash of light, the three final ponies were returned to the castle, Applejack was still dozing off, and rest of the ponies socialized, waiting for either DIscord or Pinkie to return.

When Discord and Pinkie appeared, they announced that, like everyone had guessed, Applejack and Rarity were up for elimination “Like always, viewers, comment down below who you want to stay in our competition, and with that this has been A Discordant Reality, good night everypony.”

And that’s a wrap