• Published 5th Aug 2012
  • 828 Views, 7 Comments

Ponies At The Club - Fanayvea

Filthy Rich Is Down on his Money, so he constructs Club Mane-Juice in Ponyville!

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Let The Party Start!

The doors opened later on friday, and pinkie pie was the first to appear at the doors. "Omg lets get this party started!" She rushed right over to the part stand and put on her cokehead face. When it came to parties, pinkie meant business (Wow I had no idea!) Soon, all the other ponies rushed in the club, applejack was just socializing with her friends from the old west. twilight was awasted off her flank with booze shed never tried before. Rainbow dash was freeaking out because the wonderbolts were there! SHe was most overjoyed that her favorite wonderbolt, saorin. she hadf been lusting after his pretty mane and his strong mare-handling hooves for quite a long time. Maybe now she could get the in-out in-out she had always wanted from him. DOnt let her rainbow mane and her bitchy attitude fool you. She was a straight-up het mare. Dont let anyone tell you different. maybe if I spiked his apple pie.. Rainbow instantly dissmissed this crude idea. "What am I thinking? Rape is so below me." FLuttershy was in an uncharracteristic mood. Fluttershy had never drank before. At first she was hesitant, but then she rememebered the age-old saying: p.o.l.o. Ponies only live once! "GIVE ME A SHOT OF COKE GREYHOUND, barkeep! You have also have not seen dancing until you you have seen flutterhsy dance. It was a whirlwind of arms and legs and jumps and lunges. All the ponies were gazing at her mde the dancefloor quite free of any dancing, except for fluttershy. THe lone angel of dance, fucking up the club. (In a good way.) Twilight Sparkle didnt share the same effects as Fluttershy did, however. Twilight was stubling around the club, almost interrupting Fluttershys insane dancing by sharing th floor with her. ANd once fluttershy starts to dance, no on shares the floor with her. Rarity was normal, mostly. slutting herslef out, turning colts into stallions, th usual. Pinkie Pie finally, was going I.N.S.A.N.E. not even a nuclear bomb ould keep up with her. she was always talking and screaming and, well, being pinkie pie at a club while being wasted and high at the same time. This was not her first time being drunk and high at the same time, but it was certainly her most unforgettable. all this to a live show of d.j. Pon-3 playing remixes of her new album, horn and hoof arena 2012.