• Published 26th Jul 2012
  • 864 Views, 5 Comments

Canterlot University - The Story of Three Ponies - Sigil Flare

A story following Steam gear Vinyl Scratch and Octavia through their misadvetures at C. U.

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Chapter 2

When they arrived at the infirmary Steam was relieved to find the nurse was a unicorn. With her magic to aid his recovery this shouldn't take long at all. Vinyl and Octavia were asked to wait outside while the nurse looked him over. They took seats opposite each other in the small waiting room. After several minutes of waiting and Vinyl skimming through at least half a dozen boring magazines she decided to break the silence.

“I cannot believe we did this.” said Vinyl loud enough for Octavia to hear her

Octavia's ears pricked up and she looked over her magazine at Vinyl as she replied “We?” she shook her said “Your the one who punched him”

“The way I remember it Steam wasn't the one I was aiming at” replied Vinyl glaring at Octavia from behind her shades “Or do I need to remind you”

“I didn't forget” said Octavia with a sigh folding up her magazine and laying it on the table to her right “I just can't believe something like this happened to me”

“What ain't you never been in trouble before?” asked Vinyl amused at Octavia's unease

“No I haven't” replied Octavia coldly “I've never been in trouble before ever”

“Well never say never miss perfect” said Vinyl with a smile

“Oh I'll bet getting in trouble is a walk in the park for you” replied Octavia harshly “You don't really care what happens to you do you?”

“I know where I want to go” replied Vinyl with a smile shrugging off Octavia's insult “I just have to get there”

“Well if you know where you want to go then why not leave now?” asked Octavia a tad bit interested

“They have age limits on being a full time DJ” said Vinyl with a visible frown “Otherwise I probably would”

“I see” said Octavia with a sigh “Well looks like we're stuck with you for now”

“Kinda looks that way huh?” said Vinyl with a laugh

“Hey...” said Octavia fiddling with her hooves

“What is it?” asked Vinyl putting on her headphones

“Did you really mean what you said back there?” asked Octavia “Never before has somepony said such hurtful things to me”

“Is that so?” replied Vinyl taking a moment to think “Well in all honesty I have to say that I don't exactly hate classical music.”

“Oh really?” asked Octavia “Then why say all those mean things”

“You've never been in a fake argument before have you?” replied Vinyl face hoofing herself

“What are you talking about?” asked Octavia confused

“I was only saying all that crud because I wanted to make you angry” said Vinyl explaining her actions “It was a way of attracting attention to myself and a major popularity boost”

“That's why you were saying all those slanderous thing to me?” cried Octavia not wanting to believe it “Popularity?”

“Yeah” said Vinyl looking away from the enraged cellist “I didn't really mean any of it”

“That's no reason to do it though” stated Octavia matter of factly “It's rude and hurtful”

“Honestly I thought you were playing along” said Vinyl running a hoof through her hair embarrassed “That is until you made the comment about my parents..”

“Oh yes that...” said Octavia blushing a little “I'm very sorry about that”

“Nah I was the one that lost her cool” replied Vinyl waiving her hoof “Besides there was no way you could have known about my parents”

“Alright” said Octavia giving Vinyl a apologetic look “I really am sorry. I didn't know it was a show”

“Well I didn't exactly plan on it either” said Vinyl shrugging “but what's done is done”

“So does this mean we're still fighting?” asked Octavia straightening her bowtie

“Nah the fight was over as soon as Steam got sacked” replied Vinyl with a laugh

“I doubt he finds it very funny” said Octavia worry in her voice

“Ah We'll just have to make it up to him is all” said Vinyl smiling “and I have a plan”

“Please tell me that this doesn't involve clubs” asked Octavia with a long sigh

“Of course it does” said Vinyl throwing her hooves up in the air “I'm gonna take us out to the club I work at”

“Well the way I see it” thought Octavia out loud “Alcohol has a 50-50 chance of either making you alright or unbearable. I'm willing to take that risk”

“Well then all we need to do now is get Steam to agree” finished Vinyl rubbing her hooves together

“Get me to agree to what?” asked Steam walking into the waiting room looking between the DJ and Cellist “Are you two still fighting?”

“Nah” said Vinyl smiling “I guess you were right Steam”

“I told you I was in Sociology for a reason” replied Steam with a wave of his hoof “I know ponies”

“Alright Gear,” said Octavia looking at Vinyl “We were thinking about taking you to her club as payment for injuring you”

“Sounds like fun” replied Steam thinking it over “But don't you think we should get back to class?”

“Nah you heard the teacher we about got expelled already” said Vinyl getting up out of her chair “I think we should let him cool of first”

“I couldn't possibly ditch class” said Octavia shocked Vinyl cast her a knowing look and replied

“And you couldn't possibly get into a fight either” she put her hoof around Octavia's shoulders and mocking her jokingly “Trust me on this one alright”

“Well if getting punched in the chest is gonna happen every time I walk in that classroom with you two” said Steam with a laugh “I think I agree with Vinyl on this one”

“Alright!” yelled Vinyl throwing her hooves up “Off we go. I'll lead the way”

They walked out of the waiting room and into the courtyard. It was empty at the moment all the students in class. They walked across the grounds and out the main exit. Vinyl's club wasn't far away, two blocks and they were there.

“Alright” said Vinyl stopping in front of a rather grungy looking building It was brick and mortar. It had vines growing up the left wall and it had a glowing neon sign that read The Tattered Page. “Here we are”

“This is it?” asked Octavia confused “This is were you work?”

“Yeah” said Vinyl with a proud smile “Not much to look at right now but it's a beauty when I'm rocking it”

“Well I hope it's cleaner on the inside” said Octavia raising a hoof

“It'll be fine” said Steam smoothly “Vinyl take us in. Remember you said you'd give me a VIP pass”

“I'm glad you reminded me Steam” said Vinyl opening the door and walking in “But let's save that for later alright. I want to show you two how to party Vinyl Scratch style!” She lead them through a dimly lit hallway into a rather large room filled with ponies. She waded through the crowd Steam and Octavia on her tail. She stopped next to a bar, and said “Hey”

The stallion behind the bar turned around and upon seeing who had called for him gave a huge smile. He was a dark green with a light brown mane. He walked up and high hoofed the grinning DJ and asked “Scratch what you doing here? You ain't gotta work tonight”

“I know Cider,” replied Vinyl gesturing to her companions “But brought some ponies with me”

“I told you all you had to do was give out the VIP passes and you would find some party goers” said Cider with a smile “Gonna show them a good time huh?”

“Yeah your idea of VIP passes didn't exactly work out as planned...” said Vinyl fixing her shades on her face “but I did manage to get some ponies after all. I was wondering if you had anything to help us you know get in the mood?”

“For you Scratch I have something special” replied Cider with a wink He reached under the table and brought out a large smoky glass bottle. The label was in a language Octavia could not understand. “It's called Firewater, but trust me it only sizzles.”

“Vinyl what is that exactly?” asked Octavia questioningly

“I have no idea” replied Vinyl taking the offered glass from Cider “But as long as it's alcohol I'm in” She lifted the glass to her lips and downed it in one gulp “Besides” she added wiping her mouth with her hoof setting down her glass for another shot “I trust Cider”

“Good to hear Scratch” replied Cider refilling her glass “How long did it take 2 years?”

“What are you talking about?” asked Steam confused “We're her friends and we've not even known her for a day.”

“Ah don't get me wrong dude” said Cider explaining himself “You are “friends” but not really Friends.” He put more emphasis on the second one

“What does that mean exactly?” asked Steam kind of understanding it

“It means that Cider should shut his trap before I shut it for him” said Vinyl shooting the stallion a warning glance

“I'm just giving them fair warning Scratch.” he said raising his hooves defensively “Not everypony likes secrets you know”

“Yet you seem to like spreading them” muttered Vinyl under her breath

“What just happened?” asked Octavia totally confused

“Cider was explaining what exactly our relationship is with Vinyl and he just got silenced” answered Steam understanding the situation now “Vinyl what's up why the sudden change in attitude?”

“It's none of your business alright?” replied Vinyl turning on her stool away from him “I brought you here to party that's it”

“Well then let's get partying shall we?” said Steam wanting to get the non grumpy Vinyl back as soon as possible

“Yes I think that's best” quickly agreed Octavia getting the hint from Steam's tone

“Alright then” said Scratch getting off of her stool and wading into the crowd She waited for Steam and Octavia to join her and then she said “Alright the music will start any second” she eyed the clock to confirm it before continuing “When it does just try and feel the beat and move your hooves to it alright? It's easy.”

“Sounds easy enough” replied Steam preparing himself

“Um I have a question?” asked Octavia blushing slightly from embarrassment

“What?” asked Vinyl

“I've never danced before” admitted Octavia looking at the floor “Could you show me how?”

Vinyl facehoofed as Steam laughed and said “It's easy don't worry. I'll stick with you until you have the hang of it. Just watch me and then do what I do.”

“Alright” said Octavia a little relieved “Thanks”

The lights dimmed as a voice screamed over the PA system “Get ready to party!” The music boomed as the ponies in the room started dancing wildly. The music was bad enough it felt like a drum was being slammed into the side of Octavia's head, but the ponies were even worse. They were bouncing around banging their heads and stomping their hooves in a pattern she couldn't even begin to guess.

Octavia turned as a hoof landed on her shoulder. She looked and saw Steam smiling at her.

“Hey don't worry” said Steam beginning to dance slowly “Just watch me. I'll take it slow till your comfortable”

Octavia watched him move his hooves and bang his head slowly seemingly in synch with the music. He would occasional swing side to side as the rhythm changed and jump to the beat. She began to mimic his movements slowly recognizing the dips and rises in tempo of the music and finding her rhythm. Seeing that Octavia had joined him in the fun he changed to a more complicated dance and sped up his pace.

While this was going on Vinyl snuck away from the group and made her way back over to the bar. “Cider” she called to the stallion behind the bar as she took a seat on a stool “We need to talk”

“About what?” asked Cider innocently “Have I done something wrong?”

“You know what you did Cider” said Vinyl angrily “What I want to know is why?”

“As I said before Scratch” replied Cider wiping off a dish and putting it on the bar “Some ponies don't like secrets. You should let them know that they're just party buddy's now and spare the drama later”

“You know it's not like that..” started Vinyl

“No,” interrupted Cider “I do know and it is like that. You always find new ponies to hang around with, but they never last. Your always ready to party but as soon as your out of the club it's like you don't exist to them right?”

“Cider...” said Vinyl kind of hurt

“It's the truth isn't it?” he continued shaking his head “Honestly I think the entire thing is ridiculous. You are more than just a party animal Scratch. You know that I know that. You need to stop using pony's as “friends” and get some real friends. Trust me there are ponies out there that won't ditch you”

“Yeah you've said that before” replied Vinyl having heard enough She stood up and turned around lashing her tail at Cider as she walked away. She edged around the dancing ponies until she spotted Steam and Octavia. They were laughing and dancing and looked to be having a great time. Without her. Vinyl hung her head down her ears drooping a bit.

Vinyl nearly fell as a pony bumped into her side.

“Hey watch it” said Vinyl angrily she was in no mood for this

“Oh hey there” said the stallion obviously drunk noticing her for the first time He burped and then said “Your cute”

“Thanks for the compliment” said Vinyl trying to walk away

“Hey where you going?” asked the stallion grabbing her with a hoof stopping her retreat

“Anywhere but here” replied Vinyl trying to pull away For being drunk off his rock he had a surprisingly strong grip

“But I thought you were gonna buy me a drink?” said the stallion with a smile pulling Vinyl away from the crowd

“Sorry but I'm flat broke” said Vinyl trying to aim a punch at the stallion

“Oh no you don't” said the stallion flipping Vinyl around and pinning her to the wall “You'll just have to pay me another way” Vinyl could feel his hot alcoholic breath on her muzzle.

Two things occurred to Vinyl at this moment. One if she had been out having a fun time with Steam and Octavia this probably would never have happened. The second thing shocked her. She wished Steam and Octavia were here. She turned her head to the left as the stallion tried to give her a kiss on the lips.

“Get the buck off her” screamed a voice from her left Vinyl felt a gust of wind in front of her face. She closed her eyes and fell forward onto all four hooves. Vinyl opened her eyes to see the stallion assaulting her knocked out on the floor drooling. She looked in the direction of the wind to see Steam pulling back his right forehoof, a picture of rage plastered on his face.

“Are you all right?” he asked looking her over the rage on his face turning to concern “Did he hurt you?”

“No no I'm fine” replied Vinyl releasing the breath she didn't know she had been holding “Thanks”

“It's what friends do” replied Steam seemingly calm given the current situation “We are friends right?”

“Yeah after that” said Vinyl calming herself down “We are definitely friends”

“Good to know that we're all friends here” said Octavia joining her friends

“How did you know I needed help?” asked Vinyl

“I kept an eye on you when you walked off to go pester Cider” Steam replied

“But when he saw that awful stallion trying to have his way with you,” added Octavia “We decided on of us should intervene”

“Truth be told I probably hit him harder than I should have” said Steam kicking the unconscious stallion

“I think he got what was coming to him” said Octavia with a giggle

“Now that the worst part of the night is over,” said Steam looking at Vinyl and Octavia with a smile “What do you say we party together this time?”

“I hear that!” yelled Vinyl happy to get out of this uncomfortable situation The three friends trotted off into the crowd leaving the unconscious stallion to be forgotten face down on the floor.

Comments ( 1 )

1010829 Yeah. I could. Because it REALLY needs it. And it seems like your reply button has broke. How about you message me instead?

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