• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 994 Views, 5 Comments

Fallout Equestria: The Lost memory orbs of Moon Scalpel - Evil_Spike

A Fallout Equestria fanfic set during the war itself.

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Prologue to Moon Scalpel's beginning

Sorry I was sounding like such a prick earlier. Usually I don't say anything bad about anypony. Usually I maintain an aura of calm and forgiveness about me that carries over to my environment. It's just that, with this war and everything that has happened to me in the past, it felt like I needed a chance to vent some of my emotion, vent my sadness at those who died unjustly for the “righteous cause”. It gave me a chance to vent my anger at those ponies who sent us to our death.
Sorry, starting to rant again. These sorts of things just make me so annoyed at the little things in life, at all the shit that went down.
Ok, deep, calming, breath. “Sigh”. Ok, now I feel better.
So, ok, getting back to things.
As you already know, my name is Moon-Scalpel.
I suppose I should say a little something about my background, my history, my life before everything went to shit due to the war.
Ok, here goes.
Well, I was born into a relatively well off family in a town on the border between Applewood and the San Palamino Desert. Celestia's sake, what was it called again? Marechester. Yeah, that sounds about right.
I was raised with two very supporting family, yet no siblings. Maybe that's the reason I was so reserved as a little colt, the fact I had nopony to talk to outside of my parents and the other little fillies and colts that surrounded the park I walked around every other day.
Ah yes, that park. So many things to entrance a young colt. From the wonders of the swings (which I never saw a Pegasus pony use for other reasons) to the various trees we used to play “Hide-and-seek” around.
Oh god, I'm rambling again.
Actually, that's one of the things my few friends noticed about me when I was at Magic Kindergarten and school. I always seemed to gazing off out into space and not focussing on what was being said by the teacher. It wasn't like I wasn't listening to our teacher, even though she could bore us to death within 10 minutes of our class starting. No, I actually showed a fair amount of tenacity in my studies, particularly when it came to medicine and helping other ponies get better. I suppose that came from my mum, she had been a nurse at the local hospital and, though it never permitted me to get a day off from school, it did mean that I was able to see a lot of gory pictures as a little colt and permitted an almost perverse interest in Equine Biology. This was to the point where my parents were pretty much eventually forced to take me out of my normal school after I almost performed a surgical vasectomy (please don't ask me to go into further detail. Let's just say that I was a weird kid and leave it at that) on a fellow classmate and attempted to enrol me into Princess Celestia's school for Talented Unicorn. This effort actually did pay off as, after an extremely taxing entrance exam involving showing the proper way to perform open-heart surgery using only a blunt knife and a teatowel, I was permitted entry into the school and gained my cutie mark on the same day, two needles across a red-cross.
I have never seen my parents look more proud of me.
Thinking back, that may have been an odd thing to be proud of, as they didn't seem to be particularly impressed when I... well, I said I would never speak of that day on the playground again, and I don't want to bore you with specifics.
Back to something you might actually care about.
The school was unlike anything I had ever experienced, but even at the school, I didn't really have many proper companions. It looks like my shyness has always followed me and negated the effects of any social interaction that I attempted. I think my only true friends were my little baby dragon assistant, Regulus, and a filly by the name of Dusk Star.
God, she was pretty. Dusk Star that is, not Regulus. I mean, he may have been kind of handsome to other dragons, but I was never interested in... um, where was I again? Oh yeah, describing Dusk.
Well, she was a pretty pink unicorn with a lovely silvery white mane. Man, I really liked that mane. It shimmered under the moonlight and made her look so beautiful.
Of course there were other unicorn fillies at the school, most notably the Princesses favourite pupil, Twilight Sparkle. It was always annoying being upstaged by that filly. Though she could be nice, she was also a little, well, stuck up. Like she realised that she was Celestia's favourite student. It made you sick.
Well, eventually I managed to graduate from the school for gifted unicorns with an offer to Canterlot University to study medicine in one hoof, the other around my new marefriend, Dusk. Turns out she was also going to the university to study history and pony archaeology, a fine field. We both graduated top of our classes and moved to Ponyville together to pursue our dreams together as a married couple. That's where I met Bit-Torrent, but I'll describe her a little bit later. Right now, I just want to establish why I'm doing this memory orb recollection.
Soon after moving to Ponyville, we had a filly who we named Dusk Scalpel. I know, imaginative naming. Well, it turns out that she possessed a bit of skill in magic herself, obviously garnered from us two. So we sent her along to Princess Luna's newly established school in Littlehorn. She was so proud to be going to that school. As were we, for that matter. Two loving parents who could not be prouder of the fact that she was one of the first students to go to the Princesses new school. My wife accompanied her on the long trip to Littlehorn just to be part of that first day. I would've also been there, but for a medical emergency at Ponyville hospital that happened the day we were meant to leave for the journey.
I'm not sure if my choice was a good thing or a bad thing, for they arrived the day of the Littlehorn Massacre. It was also, coincidentally, the day I met Bit-Torrent.
I still have nightmares of what they experienced. I still remember the awful drop in my gut when I realised that they were both gone forever. My little filly, the apple of my eye and the most important child in my life. My wife, the astonishingly beautiful mare who made it worth my rise in the morning, the mare who made my smile even wider than anything Pinkie Pie could ever manage.
Gone forever.
The massacre may have made me extremely depressed, but it also created anger in my heart. It was mainly focussed at the zebra's, but a little was also blamed at Celestia and Luna. WHY had they not given more protection to the school? Did they not care about the fillies and colts who had suffered under the hands of the zebras? The ones who had been tortured, raped and mutilated for their own sick amusement?
This got to me most of all. So when they started asking for military medical officers and doctor's, I was one of the first to put my hand up. After all, I had lost everything I had ever loved. How could my emotional state become much worse?
I just had to ask myself that question, didn't I?

Author's note
Big thanks to Daniel "Twixie Sparkle" Scott for helping me to come up with the story and KKat for designing the Fallout Equestria universe. You both ROCK! Woohoo!