• Published 9th Apr 2018
  • 612 Views, 20 Comments

Spiked Donuts - TRIBOT 4000

Spike and Donut Joe have always had a close relationship. Friends from the first day they met, and friends to this day...this day usually being one where they both need a break from everything...and everypony.

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Chapter 1: Spiked

Hello, my name is Pony Joe, or as my friend calls me, Donut Joe or Joey. Before you ask, yes I make donuts for a living. I own and work at Donut Go, a donut shop in Canterlot. I've been working there for many years after my father, Puppy Joe, the owner of a puppy shop if you can believe it, died. Also, you may have noticed how I said "friend" (singular) rather than "friends" (plural). That's because, though I meet plenty of ponies, only one do I really consider in the position of friend, and he's not even a pony. His name is Spike, and he's a purple dragon. This may sound a bit strange so let's go back a bit...

"I am proud to announce sir that you are the proud father of a colt."

No, no. not this far back. About...um two years after I bought Donut Go...

The sun was shining today, not too much, not too little. Perfect donut weather. My food was stocked for the day, the tables had recently been cleaned, all my debts on the place had been paid for. I was all set for a day of peaceful donut selling. No worries except the customers would plague my mind today.

The bell rang. I smiled as Twilight Velvet walked in with Twilight, one of my regulars. This time however, she had something with her on her back. Something purple? Green? Whatever it was, I didn't have good view of it yet so I pretended not to notice.

"Hello miss Velvet. The usual?"

With a smile Miss Velvet replied, "Yes, Joe, and a few extra glazed please." I turned my attention back to Twilight as I got a few baggies with my magic.

"I hear you've been trying to get into that talented Unicorns school Twi. How's that been going for ya?"

"I'm Princess Celestias student!" Of all the things I expect her to say, that was not one of them. She had been smiling when she walked in so I knew it was good news. But that good? Nah. I turned my head to Miss Velvet, and she nodded.

"Well I'll be dam..." I coughed, "...darned. That's great Twi! Might I ask how this happened?"

Twilight gave me a short synopsis of what happened that day as she and her mother sat at one of the tables. I sat with them as the day hadn't really begun yet.

"...then I heard a thundering sound from outside that startled me. I don't really remember what happened after that but apparently I turned my parents into plants and the egg hatched and grew into a full grown dragon." It never ceases to amaze the vocabulary this filly has, "What remember was Princess Celestia appearing and putting a hoof on my shoulder. Everything returned to normal after that. The big dragon turned into a baby one. See?" she pointed to the baby dragon sitting on the table. He merely continued chewing on his tale. Simple guy, I liked him already. I asked Twilight if she'd given him a name yet.

"Well...no. Not yet. I was thinking something like Ubi Vermis Liber. What do you think." I chuckled. Only Twilight.

"Well, I think he'd like something more simple. Something like Will, Bob, Nat. Mind you, I'm the type to prefer one syllable names." I thought for a second more rubbing my chin. I caught site of the green fin like spikes on his back and grinned, "How about Spike?"

"Spike?" Twilight asked me. She looked at the little dragon for a moment and smiled, "Yes! YES! That's perfect." she picked him up in her magic, "My little Spike." The newly named Spike simple giggled at Twilight and held his claws out. Getting the message, Twilight hugged him. It was probably one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. I was distracted by the bell ringing for my shop.

I stood up and bowed my head slightly, "Duty calls. Miss Velvet, Twilight." I turned around and smiled happily, "Miss Weather Keeper, how nice of you to stop by..."