• Published 25th Jul 2012
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The Hero's Journey - Gabriel LaVedier

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The Humble Trot

“Good to see ya again, mister Argus. Ah'll confess ah was a mite worried when ah didn't find ya after that there maze ya took pains ta warn me about. Thought ya mighta said too much and been taken away 'r somethin'.” Big Mac smiled in his friendly way to the old zebra, a relieved cast adding to the warmth of the smile.

“Oh no no. I would imagine, in fact, the more dire and specific my warnings the more they would be encouraged. Nothing could dampen the spirits quite like being told that your own family and friends will turn on you and try to make you give up. It was easier for myself and Humble, of course. The illusions could not compare to the reality. And if we could get past that...” Argus cleared his throat and stroked his beard softly. “No matter. Here we are. The cavern. You are a mere march from that which you seek. Shall we undertake this journey as well?”

“Ah've come this far. Ain't likely ah'll be turnin' tail and leavin' now. Ya hear that, darlin'? We made it. Just a little bit more an' ah'll be hearin' ya talkin' again. Ah done missed that a lot.” Big Mac dipped a kiss down into his collar, onto Smarty-Pants' head.

“Very well, young one. You will find this far more straightforward. Though do not be surprised if obstacles appear suddenly. This cavern will trick your perspective. You may believe you are walking a flat and wide path but you are, in reality, twisting your way up towards your goal. You might not notice anything until you've rounded a corner you did not know was there to see the barrier you must transcend.”

“Don't make no never mind ta me. Ah takes this place as it comes, ain't likely ta change jes 'cause ah'm this close. Ah know we is the type ta make it all the way.”

“Very well... prove it...” The placid walk was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a huge, high stone gate with a set of massive iron doors. They were molded with images of creatures of all species entwined in very romantic and intimate poses. “This is not even a real challenge. It is the test to see if you are even worthy of the time needed to try you. Open these gates with your beloved, if you even can. They are not insubstantial, as you see.”

“Ah see 'em...” Big Mac commented, pulling Smarty-Pants from his collar. “But after all ah've done... ah don't believe 'em. They ain't nothin' but cheap tricks an' bluff. Ah leave them ta scoundrels an' cons that ain't got the skills ta really do right.”

“I applaud your casual confidence. But do not overextend your reach. Don't dismiss what you should take seriously. It's not just a brute pushing past discomfort any longer. Now feelings really matter. The things you cannot control, your own hearts, are being scrutinized. All your determination means nothing if the feeling is just not there.”

“Then it ain't but a formality ta get from here ta there...” Big Mac reached out and placed a hoof on the imposing iron surface. He pushed with all his strength, leaning into the shove. His muscles bulged, standing out more than ever as his teeth ground against each other. He was putting all his not-inconsiderable strength against the door, and might as well have been trying to move Canterlot.

“Where is all your certainty now? You once more think you may push past with your strength alone, as you did before. Did you hear nothing I said to you a mere moment before? Look upon those gates! What use are muscles against them? And yet even Bee strolled past as if they were not even there.”

Big Mac stepped back and really peered at the gate. Couples. All classes of couples. Males and females, females and females, even males and males, all wrapped comfortably around one another, sharing close contact, along with more than a few kisses. It suddenly came into clarity as the big stallion swept the gate with his eyes. He laughed lightly and pulled Smarty-Pants out of his collar. “Mah apologies, darlin'. Ah shoulda realized this here gate weren't gonna be no easy task. If ah may impose upon ya, can ya help me?” Smarty-Pants was extended to the gate, one cloth arm touching it as a portion of Big Mac's hoof did. The iron door may as well have been made of cloud, the huge thing swinging open with a loud whine of metal on metal.

“You are used to being your love's shield and lance. You wish to use your power to do all for her. But in some way, as much as is possible, you must let her be equal with you. Do not stop protecting her, but do not be afraid to let her do what must be done.” Argus pointed just ahead to a series of low walls that extended on into the distance. “Here is a challenge to what lives within you both.”

Big Mac eyed the walls, setting Smarty-Pants on his back with a soft pat. “There we are, darlin'. Let's get on ta this foolishness.”

“Wait a moment...” Argus gently tapped Big Mac on the shoulder with his stick, holding up a small blanket. “You are missing the attire for this. Put this on, and settle your lover on it. Then you will see what there is to both of you.”

“Ain't nothin' unusual 'round here no more.” Big Mac arranged the blanket over his back and settled Smarty-Pants onto it. Suddenly his legs felt the strain of great weight, and his back almost seemed to threaten to buckle. “Mmm. Can't nothin' be normal 'round here, can it?”

“Go then... down lower and lower. Cast aside your pride and let yourself be brought low. And then we will see if after this show of humility you can possibly rise again.”

“Ah see...” Big Mac huffed softly and started to walk slowly towards the gradually-lowering walls. They extended down from the ceiling and took up all the space to either side. The first would be passed under with only a flick of the ears, while further ones required the drop of his head, the bending of his legs and finally crawling on his belly, head pressed to the rocky ground.

He continued to crawl along after passing the last wall, his muscles straining under the mystic weight pressed down onto his back. “Now rise. The weight of humility has been your burden. Now overcome the crush of pride.”

Big Mac rested against the ground a while longer, breathing slow and strong. He then casually stood up, gingerly took Smarty-Pants into the crook of one leg and whipped the blanket off of his back. “What do ya want me ta do with this here thing?”

Argus made an effort to not look too surprised by the simplicity of the action. He simply shrugged his shoulders and strolled forward, the walls retracting away from his presence. “You can keep it if you like. It is merely for unmarried couples, to minimize bare contact. Humble and I did not need it, of course. I shouldn't be surprised it was so easy for you.”

“'Tweren't none too easy goin' down... but ah must say, as ah was comin' up ah ain't never felt so light. Sure was a nice change.”

“You are weighed in different ways by humility and pride. Needless servility, affected or deeply-held, will crush the soul down and leave them unable to move on in a reasonable manner. Arrogant pride leaves a being down and too crushed to move. No being is strong enough to carry unwarranted pride, whatever they may think. I saw you strain and struggle beneath the weight of your humility, but you moved all the same. You walk the balance well. And your pride... it would be wrong to say you have no pride, but you carry none of the boastful peacockishness that would weigh you to the ground. You are proud of her, she is proud of you, and you are humble and proper. You carry attitudes well, I must say.”

“Ah'm a big brother ta two lil sisters and ah'm in line ta be head-a the family. Ah ain't got no choice but ta keep mah head about me and mah hooves on the ground.”

“Stable and grounded... we will see, young one. We will certainly see.”