• Published 12th Apr 2018
  • 1,576 Views, 2 Comments

Sisterly Snuggles - Inactive Pone

A compilation of the cuddly and adorable moments of the royal sisters, Celestia and Luna.

  • ...

Little Fights

Since the day they first met, they knew they were destined to be together. They became friends really quickly.

The two sisters continued to build up their relationship every day, and for the first few months or so, before Celestia actually became a filly, their parents arranged the two baby princesses to sleep together every night, seeing how friendly they seemed to be acting around each other.

So during these couple months, their favorite time of day would be sleeping, because they get to sleep next to their sister, who they already love so much. Celestia would tell Luna about many things of Equestria as she knew, even though she’s still very little. And of course, they will cuddle up together when they sleep.

The two seem to get along very well with each other... But there’s one problem.

They fight a lot.

At a very young age, they both understand that as siblings, they would have to share the love their parents were giving, share the toys, share their sleeping time together... Pretty much everything. They dont really like having to share with their sister because that means they’re not getting all of what’s in front of them. They would bicker a lot over little things that didn’t seem to matter. And if there isn’t enough for the two of them, neither one would give way, because they want it for themself.

This led to a lot of little quarrels and even fights between the siblings.

Once, when they were four and one respectively, Celestia was playing with a new plush toy. It was a Phoenix, probably that’s why Celestia ended up getting one as a real pet later in life. She was on her huge bed as Luna tried to climb up behind her after exiting her crib.

“*giggles* It’s so soft! I like it so much!” Celestia squeaked, cuddling the toy.

Luna, feeling jealous, poked her from behind and disappeared quickly. When Celestia turned back, the plushie was missing. Then she looked up to find her mischievous little sister snuggling it.

“Hey! Luna!!” Celestia cried. “Give it back!”

“No way! I like this toy so much I don’t wanna let go!” Luna whined.

Celestia got up with a hmph. She tried to grab it back, but as soon as she did so, Luna held onto it.

“Wh-Hey! It’s mine!” Luna cried.

“No it’s not!” Celestia cried. “They bought it for me!”

They started getting angry and pulled back and forth.

“Let go!” Celestia said, tugging it towards her.

Luna did the same thing. “No, you let go!”

The two got mad at each other. They kept pulling and arguing, that they heard the plushie starting to break. Around a minute later, it was damaged, and Celestia started crying.

“Now look what you’ve done!”

Luna dropped it, and looked down, feeling bad. So, she smiled and hugged her sister from behind.

“Aww... I’m sorry, Tia...” Luna said. “I didn’t mean to...”

Celestia sniffed a little. “But... hic- They’re gonna be... They”re gonna be mad at us when they see it!”

Luna turned the filly’s body to face her.

“It’s my fault,” She said. “But still... You can snuggle with something better!”

Celestia’s eyebrows twitched in confusion, but she realized what that something was. She giggled and hugged Luna.

“Ohhh!” She giggled. “It’s you, my sweet sister!”

They both had a laugh.

“So I take that as you forgive me, big sis?

“Mhmm! I’m sorry too.”

They both made up and hugged tightly.

Another time, it was about a year later. This started to become a yearly thing at this point, they thought. The family was outside and while their parents were having some quality time together, they decided they would do the same thing at the tree they were sitting under, looking at their parents. Again, they didn’t want to embarrass themselves with unrecognizable sounds, so they used their thoughts to chat.

“So Luna?” Celestia asked.

“Yeah, Tia?”

“I have a little question for both of us...”

Luna shuffled closer to nuzzle her sister’s fur. “Tell me, sis.”

Celestia blushed from the impact. “Well... We’ve met for a while now and we’ve been living together as sisters in a family for some time now...”

Luna’s head tilted. “Yeah?”

“I had been thinking...” Celestia said. “Which of us... Which of us do our parents love more?”

“You mean between us? Celestia and Luna?” Luna confirmed.

She nodded. Then, the two spent a while thinking about it. After a few minutes, they both said it was themselves. Obviously, they disagreed with each other.

“Uh, no,” Celestia corrected. “I’m the big sister, so they love me more!”

Luna shook her head. “The young ones get loved so much more!”

“Well, they’ve been with me for a longer time, about 3 years, even, so they know me much more than they know you...”

“It’s doesn’t really... Matter, now does it?”

The two stood up, mad at one another. They kicked the ground below them.

“They love me more!” Celestia cried.

“No, they love me more!” Luna retorted.

The two started pushing heads. Their grunting sounds caught the parents’ attention.

“You hear that?” The Mother asked.

The father nodded. “Ugh... Are they fighting again?”

The two, oblivious to the situation, continued to argue in their heads and started yelling at each other. At least, before their parents stopped them and and broke the two apart from their quarrel.

The first time the two actually fought, was when they were six and three respectively. They remember it very clearly even today, because that was the first of their many fights and big quarrels.

It was a rainy night, and their parents were out doing something. Usually, when their parents are here, the two would now sleep in their own rooms, and the father sleeps with Luna, the mother sleeps with Celestia. But since they’re not here, they worried the two would get scared sleeping alone. So, they arranged the two to sleep together in their playroom instead of their own bedroom.

The playroom was designed for Celestia and Luna, filled with their favorite things and a big bed for them. It was right next to their rooms, so once they’re ready, they could meet up and sleep together.

That night, the two just came out of their rooms. Turning their heads to look at each other, they smiled.

“Tia!” Luna giggled as the two galloped over to meet each other. They shared a warm hug.

“*chuckles* Hey, Lulu,” Celestia replied, giving her a warm kiss on the head. “Well, ready to spend the night together?”


The big door to the playroom had two halves. One was coloured gold, and the other navy. The gold side showed half of the sun, Celestia’s symbol, and the navy side showed half of the moon, Luna’s symbol. Using much energy, they both turned the handles of their own side. When they entered, they were super excited. Since Luna couldn’t fly yet, Celestia has to lift her up with her wings to get on the bed.

The large bed was at least a few times bigger than their tiny bodies. To prevent the two fighting for space on the bed, it was designed to have two equal halves. One side’s for Celestia, where the pillows and mattress is coloured orange, and the other side is for Luna, with a blue mattress and pillows. They shared a large blanket, and had the same colours as their sides of the bed. On the Center, a sun and a moon from both halves can be seen joining together.

The two tucked themselves into their side of the blanket, sleeping on the bed. They reminded each other to not cross between the middle where the two halves met, but cuddling is okay as long they don’t cross too much. They smiled, and after a brief kiss, they cuddled in their sleep.

But that is exactly the thing that sparked it off.

The two fillies kept snuggling each other lovingly in their sleep. They started to stir as they dreamt about each other, sharing the dream. But since they’re pressed close, their slight movement would make both of them move. It went on for a while, and then they’re suddenly overlapping both halves of the bed.

They peeked a little bit, and saw the situation. They both look confused.

“Uhhh... Luna?” Celestia asked.


“Wh-Why are you on my side of the bed?”

Luna twitched her eyebrows. “No I’m not! You are!”

Celestia showed the same reaction. “Excuse me? Your head is on my orange half of the bed. So...” She signalled her to move back.

“So?” Luna asked. “Your hooves are on my blue half of the bed. It’s you that’s moving.”

“Yeah, but...” Celestia moaned. “You can move too, right? It’s not like you can’t.”

“That... Doesn’t really make any sense, now does it?”

Their eyes narrowed a bit. They tried to move, but ended up pushing each other and they’re not getting anywhere.

“Why are you moving now?” Celestia questioned.

“I thought you told me to!”

“*sigh* Look, Luna. Let’s both make this nice and easy, okay?” Celestia said. “You move back to your side, and we can both sleep.”

There was a bit of silence.

“You know what?” Luna asked.

She pushed Celestia and they were both on her orange side. Celestia wasn’t happy.

“Wh-Hey!” She cried. “I said go back, not push further!”

Luna rolled her eyes. “But I want more space to- Hey!”

Celestia pushed back, nudging towards her blue side.

“Is this how you want to do this, Luna?”

“I dare you to move on, Celestia.”

The two started trying to move around so that the other sister would listen to them and scoot over. But since they were still hugging, for some reason, they were tied to each other and every time Celestia makes a move, Luna moves as well, and vice versa. Then, as Luna wanted to push, she flopped herself over Celestia and landed on the other side.

Now they’re on opposite sides of where they should be!

“Oh, great,” Celestia moaned. “Now we”re both on the wrong side!”

“What?” Luna impatiently said. “You can’t put the blame on me! You just kept pulling back so I can’t get it right!”

“But you were doing the same thing!”

The two sisters narrowed their eyes, starting to feel annoyed by each other. Luna wanted to step over Celestia to get back, but she was stopped with a slap and a push.

“Ow!” Luna cried. “What was that for!?”

Celestia tried the same thing, and Luna made the same defense.

“Hey! Don’t hit me!” Celestia cried.

“Well, you did the same to me!”

Now the two are getting mad. They let go, and started to argue in their thoughts over who’s the right one and who’s the wrong one, and quarrelled over who should make way for the other. But neither of them wanted to- All they did was tightening their tangled knot of disagreements. Their heads contacted and the two started pushing.

“*grunts* You let me go back!” Celestia cried, pushing Luna.

Luna pushed Celestia back. “*grunts* No, you let me go!”

“Ugh, it’s so simple, Luna!”

“Yeah! So why are you asking me to do it, Tia?”

Their quarrel escalated when they sat up from their sleep, not disconnecting from the contact. Strangely, their thoughts were sent more quickly to each other, probably because the gap is so small that it jumps from their mind to the other’s instantly. Moving on, they continued arguing and their little horns collided. Luna was so angry, she slapped Celestia’s face.

“*gasp* Hey!” She cried, slapping Luna.

Luna let a tear escape her eye. “Stop it!”

At this point, they were pushing with equal force and the fuse for their fight is starting to light up, as their pulled each other’s heads closely, making a squeak in pain, but regaining their cross look.

“Grrr... Tia...”

“Grrr... Luna...”

They continued to slap back and forth for a couple more times. They started to have a slap fight with their hooves and once they turned to look at each other, their heads bumped together. The gold and navy sparks came out and collided in green, and they finally blew up.

“Stop being in my way, sister!”

They grabbed each other by the neck, pulled each other down, and started to fight. They were kicking, slapping and constantly pushing and pulling each other. They were hurting each other, but they didn’t even care about it- All they wanted to do was just beat the other and get the kind of rest they deserve.

The fight lasted for quite a few minutes- They both didn’t want to show mercy.

“*cries* Why are you so mean, Tia!?” Luna cried, tugging Celestia’s mane.

Celestia was tugging Luna’s wing in her mouth. “*Whines* Stop tugging! It hurts!”

But they didn’t make way- Instead, they just got themselves more tired as that cycle was reversed. They both stood up at opposite ends, not on their own area, and gave a furious look. The two fillies charged straight at each other, crashing into their sibling on the sun and moon pattern respectively.

“Oof!” They both cried as they knocked into the other.

But they didn’t give up- They pulled each other down with a tight grip, leaving each other no room of escape. Their argument started to really heat up.

“Let me go, Tia!”

“No, you let me go, Luna!”

But they both shook their heads, and pressed them close at the same time. Suddenly, a strange feeling started to take over the more they quarrelled. First, it took over their tails, which are now replaced with Firey red and a deep blue colours. Their skin started to change- Celestia becoming even brighter and Luna becoming darker.

They both started to whine and cry as it took over, getting louder as it got stronger. Then, the manes even changed to have the same colour as their new tails. Grinding their teeth and pushing even harder, they turned to somewhat like their evil selves at such an early age, and took the quarrel one step further.

“*gasp* Nightmare?”

“*gasp* Daybreaker?”

They got even more mad. The two fillies, turned to Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon now, pushed back and forth for who they think is more superior.

“I’m better!” Daybreaker said.

“I’m greater!” Nightmare retorted.





Their eyes locked on each other, they were at the brink of more fighting. They both screamed.

“I hate you!”

The two fillies, tightly wrapped and neither one letting go, started to roll around swiftly and quarrel a lot. Their original selves lost control, and all the two can think about was trying to prove that they’re right and beat their counterpart. Rolling over each other, day and night kept fighting and arguing over who’s better for 15 minutes, until their inner flame started to burn low and they finally settled back down on their respective sides of the bed.

They breathed in and out multiple times, feeling exhausted.

“*panting* We... We’re at an impasse, aren’t we...?” Daybreaker asked.

Nightmare nodded, but didn’t seem to agree. “*panting* Yeah... But I’m still better!”

“No, I am!”

Their muzzles squeezed together. They gave each other a cross gaze. But, they were so tired to fight any longer. So, they both let out a sigh.

“Okay, fine,” Daybreaker insisted. “We’re both tired.”

“True...” Nightmare replied. “We’ve been fighting and arguing for like, half an hour...”

They both frowned, and nodded. Finally something we can agree on... They both moaned. Suddenly, it seemed as if part of their real self came back, but they were still controlled.

The two counterparts put their hooves against the other’s.

“*sigh* Alright, we’ll call it a draw again...” Daybreaker moaned.

Nightmare moaned too. “Fine... Another tie... When will we know who’s better?”

They both rolled their eyes.

“Just remember, Nightmare...” Daybreaker squeezed Nightmare’s muzzle. “I’m meant to be better than you.”

Nightmare squeezed Daybreaker’s muzzle. “I disagree. I’m the one who’s meant to be better.”

“*sigh* Okay, let’s let them have their bodies back. We’ll settle this Sun and Moon dispute later...”

“Alright... Come here...”

They shook each other’s hooves, though unwillingly. They both casted the same spell at the same time.

“Day and Night, never equal,” They chanted. “Fight pauses now, but our conflict forever exists.”

The two fillies turned and blushed, about to do the worst part. Disgusted, they wrapped each other in an embrace, groaning. But it was required for the spell to work and for them to disappear.

“*sigh* I hate you, Nightmare.”

“I hate you too, Daybreaker.”

A minute later, the two siblings finally woke up from being controlled by their evil selves. Shaking their head frantically, they looked like they just got rid of themselves from being dizzy.

“Ugh...” Celestia sighed. “What... What happened?”

Luna put a hoof to her head. “Ow... My head hurts...”

They looked at each other, and stared blankly for a few minutes. They noticed some bruises on each other’s skin and they remembered what happened.

“*gasp* Oh, Luna!” Celestia cried, pointing to where she got hurt. She immediately wrapped her hooves around Luna. “Are you okay?”

Luna realised something. “*gasp* I remember now! That’s why you got hurt too!”

“D-Did... Did we...” Celestia gulped. “Did we just fight? With each other?”

Luna frowned. “I... I think so... Why else would we be so- Ow!” She felt a sharp pain from her body.

“Oh, no! Are you sure you’re-” Now Celestia felt pain from her hooves, all beaten up.

The siblings stared at each other. Seeing each other getting hurt from their own fight, they couldn’t bear to see it, even though at that moment, they hated each other. Now, it’s a different story- Tears leaked out from their eyes. The sisters tightly hugged each other and started crying loudly in pain.

“Ohmygosh I am so sorry!!” Luna cried, clutching Celestia in her little hooves.

Celestia mirrored her action. “Oh, Luna... I... I didn’t mean to hurt you so badly... What have we done!?”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you either, Tia!” Luna whined.

Those words only made the hearts of the best friends shatter. They continued to nuzzle each other, feeling really sorry about their fighting and quarrelling. At the same time, they started to comfort each other by saying how much the actually loved their sibling, and how their quarrel could have been avoided. They started rubbing each other’s back, gently cuddling in cheer.

“Mmmm,” Celestia sighed happily. “This feels really nice, Luna.”

“Same,” Luna replied as Celestia patted her back. “Thanks, Tia.”

They finally let go for a minute, and playfully licked their lips.

“You know... There’s one thing I don’t understand...” Celestia pointed out, scratching her head.

“What is it, sis?”

“What... What exactly... Happened to us?”

There was a bit of awkward silence, as neither of them knew what just happened. It was all a blur- All they could remember is the amount of fighting that they had with each other. They really wanted to stop being in control so they don’t take it too far, but they couldn’t- For they were trapped in their evil selves. They couldn’t control what they were doing, nor could they stop each other from saying the wrong thing. All they could do was listen and see the action unfold.

“I...” Luna stuttered, blushing. “I don’t know... All I could remember was we were fighting furiously...”

Celestia tried to recall her memory. “I don’t remember it too well, but I could still recall it a little. We... We seem to be... Controlled. You know, we were both trapped by those two... Whatever they are.”

Luna nodded. “Oh! I also remember something now! I think... I think we looked at each other as a different pony... You called me Nightmare Moon and I called you Daybreaker, right?”

“I think so,” Celestia answered. “Maybe... Was it because we were fighting so angrily? It happened at the peak of our quarrel...”

“It could be,” Luna suggested. “We were really mad, I can tell you that! And the next thing? We started to argue and roll over each other, still fighting! Just... Ugh, no!”

To her surprise, the big sister giggled. “Actually... that was pretty funny. Excluding of the fighting and the fact we hurt each other, of course... It’s pretty hilarious and naive of us.”

“*laughs* Now that I think about it... Haha, yeah. We were both really childish.”

The princesses both shared a big laugh, and squeezed together with a huge smile and a cute little hum of amusement, nuzzling each other’s cheeks. A blissful sigh escaped their mouths.

“I mean,” Luna insisted, giggling. “I could’ve just agreed to your request and go back.”

“Oh, now you know!” Celestia huffed, crossing her hooves. But she joined the giggle soon after. “Haha, love you, little sis.”

“Love you, big sister.”

They both placed their hooves together, squeezing each other’s muzzle. After apologising, they finally decided to go to bed. They were on the right side this time, and they agreed to just forget about not crossing the line, so they can cuddle freely. Besides, they don’t care about space since their bed is so much bigger than the two combined, cuddled together.

They just tucked themselves into bed. Looking at their sibling, they smiled.

“Hey, Lulu?”

“Hm, Tia?”

Celestia leaned close to give Luna a peck on her cheek, making the lunar princess blush rose red. She pulled away, and used magic to open the curtains so Luna can see the moon while she slept. It makes her sleep better, as she pointed out. Celestia also booped her sister’s muzzle with a hoof playfully.

“Ah! You booped the snout!” Luna giggled. “Get over here!”

“Whoa, hey! Don’t- Hehehehe!”

Luna launched an unpredictable cuddle attack upon her sister, purring and nuzzling cutely on the side of her body. Celestia played along and started nuzzling Luna’s head, giving a light kiss on her ears and nibbling a bit.

“Haha, ow! Stop that!” Luna begged.

Celestia rolled her eyes with a grin. “Not until you stop cuddling me!”

In order to not fight again, Luna decided to listen this time and rolled over her sister. They saw each other on opposite sides again. However, unlike an hour ago, they just had a big laugh and hugged.

“Aw, I love you, Luna...”

“I love you too, Tia!”

Their foreheads touched, nudging the other in a bittersweet way. Luna kissed Celestia’s cheek, making them giggle. As they held each other close with their hooves, a big, loving smile took over.

“So... I’m new to this ‘kissing’ thing,” Luna said. “I just learned from you, Tia.”

Celestia nodded. “I see... Hey, mind if I tell you about it?”

“Oh, sure! I’ll love to hear it!”

They shuffled a bit to get a good position to snuggle. Their heads were super close together, but not quite touching yet. Celestia was going to teach Luna how it works.

“So, Luna,” Celestia began. “Kissing is the act of two ponies, usually in a love relationship, putting their lips against each other’s or a part of their face or hoof.”

“Mhmm, and I suppose it’s same as hugging, and it has different methods?”

“*giggles* Yes, Lulu,” Celestia responded, and a squeak of delight escaped from their mouths. “Let’s start easy. Luna, mind if you kiss my ear?”

Celestia dipped her head a little for Luna to put her lips to it. She sniffed it a little, taking in the beautiful scent, before planting her smooch.

“Good!” She said. “More commonly, ponies would do it on the cheek. You did it just now, right?”

“Yep!” Luna kissed her again to make sure.

“Now, my forehead. A little less likely, but still a good spot to plant the loving action on.”

Celestia demonstrated by doing it first. Luna slowly followed after. And now, the two are really starting to blush, as they know what’s coming.

“And last but not least, the best method,” Celestia said, winking. “Can you guess?”

Luna winked back. “On the lips, I suppose?”

She nodded.

“This one’s a little different,” Celestia said. “First, we have to put our heads very close together. I’m talking about, like, stuck-to-each-other close.”

The two shuffled along, and eventually contacted without noticing, so they accidentally pushed more than they needed to, pushing back and forth.

“Haha, Tia!” Luna cried. “Stop pushing me!”

Celestia realised. “Oh, sorry!” She giggled. “Now, how do you want to do this, Luna?”

Luna thought for a bit- She’s new and didn’t know exactly what to do. “Maybe... Maybe sideways? So you close in from your right and I’ll close in from your left?”

“Oh, I know!” Celestia insisted. “Let’s just do it face-to-face. It’s the best way.”

“Good idea!”

The two slightly looked upwards, their lips slowly brushing against each other, not secured yet. Luna licked Celestia’s lips, as she repeated her action. A string of saliva connected between their mouths. By accident, they both stuck their tongue out and it slammed into each other’s, making them blush deeply with a squeak.

“One question,” Celestia said, their muzzles very close to each other now. “Tell me the right answer, and I’ll kiss you.”


Celestia blushed. “Do... Do you love me, Luna?”

Luna twitched her eyebrows. “Of course I do!”

She sighed in relief, afraid that she was going to say no after the fight.

“You love me too, right?”

“*blissful sigh* Why wouldn’t I?”

They smiled, and leaned in for a long kiss. Naturally, they wrapped their hooves around each other’s neck and cuddled. Slightly shaking and wiggling, they both pushed forward with equal force to contain their kiss.

“Let’s not fight anymore,” Celestia said, muffled just a tiny bit, since their lips are technically still touching.

“Mhmm,” Luna agreed. “I love you, Tia.”

“I love you too, Lulu...”

Their kiss broke so that they could breathe and react to their words with a beaming face. Then, they started getting super cheesy. The two started to cuddle and snuggle, rolling over each other, and of course, they kissed- Loads of times. They kept giggling and broke their contact. It sounds so weird yet so funny to them at the same time- They were kissing their own sister, who were still fillies. Smooching sounds were heard one after another as they connected and broke apart, varying in different lengths and loudness.

“What a fun way to make up,” Luna said.

Celestia nodded. “I agree. Now, it’s really late. Shall we go to bed?”

“Yeah, we should... But, Tia?”

“Uh huh, Lulu?”

Luna’a face was tinted pink. “Can... Can we... Can we sleep together again tomorrow? I have a really cool idea.”

“Sure! Besides, I heard our parents will be gone for a while. Perfect!”

They both tittered, thinking of all the cheesy things they could do without scaring their parents.

“I’ll tell you about it, when I wake up next to my sweet sunshine.”

“Awwww... I’m looking forward to it, you little moonbeam.”

*Insert long kiss sound effect here*