• Published 4th Apr 2018
  • 493 Views, 12 Comments

Zodiac Rangers: Defenders of Equestria - BlackWarGreymon

The grand kingdom of equestria is not protected by the Elements of Harmony. Instead the kingdom has the mighty Power Rangers as its protectors. Watch as this brand new team of Rangers starts out and fights against a devious old foe!

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Prologue: Part 2

(Presented by me and Sonic Rainboom Dash)

Zodiac Rangers Chapter 1

Prologue Part 2: The Spell Breaker

And so it was that Nick and Sunset Shimmer ended up joining with the other young adults of the store and forming the new generation of Mystic Force Power Rangers. They all went through many trials and hardships as they faced up against the great evil that had been sealed so long ago. They came together not only as individuals but also as a team as they continued to fight against the evil. And eventually they conquered this evil but at the price of most of the world’s magic being used to vanquish the enemy. Only a tiny amount of the magical source of the world remained so that magic didn’t completely die as the world needed magic in order to live. It would slowly regenerate over time. The rangers had met with the Mystic Mother who protected the magical source as its guardian. But she had perished in the fighting against the great evil in the final battle as she channeled magic to the rangers. At least it seemed to all that she had perished.

In reality the Mystic Mother had been Twilight Sparkle in disguise. She had simply used her magic to cast an illusion over herself to appear to them all as a really old woman of their species. And she had faked dying so they wouldn’t be sad when she left to go back to her own world. For she had finally found a way to get back to her own world. For only a few weeks before the final battle, her mentor, Princess Celestia, had found a way to contact her.

Celestia had been able to form a special magical container using her magic and set a special small journal within the container that was completely blank save for a message that Celestia had written on the first couple of pages addressed to Twilight. She had then used a modified version of the dragonfire spell that she had used to send messages to Twilight in the past through spike on the container. This one was designed to send it directly to her wherever she was but doing so cost Celestia far more power than she had anticipated as she was almost completely drained of magic for a couple of days from just that simple spell. She almost thought it wouldn’t work as for over 30 years, her hope of finding Twilight had waned. Because of this, combined with her desperation to find Twilight, Celestia poured so much magic in her spell that her spell reached through the vastness of space in an instant.

Twilight was very surprised as she was reclining on the throne she had made for herself when her horn lit up and the container appeared in a flash of greenish flame that she recognized from so long ago. The container floated down to the ground softly as she blinked at it in surprise. She used her magic to pry off the lid of the container and opened it up to retrieve the small journal that was within it. And it was by opening the first couple of pages that she saw the letter from Celestia addressed to her which caused her to break down crying as she read it. And it was through this letter that she found out that she was still missed back home. She found out that the journal was magical and linked to another one back in equestria which would allow her to communicate with Celestia by writing in the pages of the book. So she communicated back and forth with Celestia for a good couple of days finding out all the news back home.

The first thing she was shocked to find out was that only 30 years had passed in Equestria when she had been on Earth for over 1000 years. Over those long years, her magic had grown to the point the she could reach out to the vast stars themselves and actually commune with them. Her form had also changed over time, where before she had been a chubby bookworm, now she could give even Celestia a run for the most beautiful pony in Equestria. Her leg had extended to twice her normal length, while her mane and tail shimmered and flowed in a non-existent breeze, looking like the very galaxies were part of her. The one thing that hadn’t changed, and most likely never will, was her love of all things literature. Except magazines, those things can burn for all she cared. She also did not care anything for the mechanical devices known as Nooks, Ipads, or other ebook readers. They could also burn for all she cared as physical paper books were always the best. Though she did once try and make something similar to a mobile library, it was never going to she the light of day again for the same reason she disliked the phone contraptions. They didn’t work with her hooves, and her illusions were just that, perfect illusions, but never physical.

The second thing she had been shocked to learn was that her friends had given up their morphing powers to a new generation of rangers, labeling them as the zodiac rangers.

This new generation of ponies were Sugar Sweet, Blazing Fire, Silent Phantom, Glitter Berry, Tourmaline, and Steel Strength. The unfortunate thing was that even though they had been given the morphing powers, they were still unable to use them as they had no device or magic that could trigger the powers. So this new generation of supposed protectors could only fight as their regular old selves and that was about it. They donned costumes to hide their identities, as the powers they were given increased their natural strength, gave them inpony abilities, and even let then become one with the animal they represented. The difference between the real rangers and the new gen was the fact that the powers were only a fraction of what it could be with morphers. Sure they became stronger than they had been before, but only as far as to the max normal training could reach, whereas the morphers amplified that ability ten-fold.

Sadly, it seemed that even if she wanted to return, she couldn’t leave the people here to suffer from the evil bent on taking over, so she had requested that she finish what she had started a thousand years ago. Celestia gave her permission to do so and so she had helped the Mystic Rangers finish off the great evil that wanted to take over. And as a result she was able to fake her death as the Mystic Mother. So she was now free and able to go about things as she pleased. She took the opportunity to ensure that the mystical source of the earth would recover even if it was slowly. She knew she wouldn’t have to create any new morphers for Earth because there always seemed to be some other great power that created new morphers. She had taken to calling this great power the morphing grid.

She had scoured the planet with her magic and had managed to find a spaceship that would be able to finally take her home to her planet. The only thing that remained to do would be taking the girl Sunset Shimmer with her as she knew that Sunset was truly a pony like herself. The difficulty lay with trying to convince Sunset to come back with her to Equestria as she could sense bitterness towards the kingdom and especially Celestia within the girl. Surprisingly, just asking Sunset, who was both shocked and pleased that a princess from her world was not only the one behind making the morphers that let her feel like she finally earned her forgiveness after the whole fiasco during her time at the high school, but was wanting her to be her student.
So Sunset agreed to be Twilight’s student and Twilight was happy that she was finally able to take on the active roll of teacher. When Twilight revealed herself to Sunset to talk with her and ask her those questions, she also had to reveal herself to the rest of the Mystic Rangers. However, even after showing herself to the rest of the rangers they weren’t surprised. After all the stuff they had seen during the battle against the great evil it simply didn’t phase them. Although the girls of the team were more than happy to hug her like little girls and brush her mane. She had a long talk with all of them minus Nick, who had gone off on a very long road trip with his mother and father. They agreed to go with her to the spaceship and help her fix it back up. Eventually they came across the wreckage of one of the ships that had invaded years past. In fact it happened to be the very same space ship that some of the earliest rangers used, the Astro Rangers and eventually the Galactic Rangers. When working on making it operational again, Twilight was relieved when she spied the next set coordinates on the ships computer, indicating what planet to protect next, was pointing straight at Equestria.

When the Mystic Rangers first discovered the broken down old wreck, it was in large pieces as if something had sliced into it multiple times. The bridge section was half a mile away from the rest of the wreck as if something had dragged it there. The inside was a mass of wires and panels that still shot out sparks every now and then. The rounded wings of the spaceship were disconnected from the main body of the ship. One on either side of the main hull section and broken into smaller pieces that were in the same state as the bridge section. And there were old metal crates here and there that still contained broken or rotted out supplies that had been in the ship. The vents on the front of the ship were completely shredded and bent out of shape. And the engines for the ship were either completely missing or in pieces judging from the wreck.

After the Mystic Rangers fixed it back up with the help of carefully applied magic via Twilight. After the ship was fixed up it looked somewhat different then it had before. For one instead of the ship being colored blue it was a bright purple with cyan in place of where the gray of the ship had showed before. And the ship was much sleeker and more streamlined then it had been before. The wings were no longer the rounded wings of the old ship, but new with a phoenix style, with red and orange being the most prominent color. And the engine was just one large block reminiscent of the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. Twilight had rather enjoyed the Star Wars movies despite telling herself that human movies and tv weren’t all that worth it. Though she did wish she could join the crew on Star Trek occasionally. And Le Forge was definitely worth watching the show for.

Once the ship was completely fixed up, they were able to get the ship to take off back into the sky by activating the autopilot feature of the ship. But they only did that after making sure they had all of the supplies and other things they needed for the trip and stay at Equestria. So the ship finally took off into the sky and then into space itself where it hung in the void for a moment before finally engaging its hyperdrive and jumping into hyperspace towards Equestria, leaving behind the Rangers to keep their world safe. Twilight knew that if there were now rangers before the new generation would appear, then the morphing grid would start losing power. So with a heavy heart, Twilight and Sunset bid farewell to their friends on earth.