• Published 1st Apr 2018
  • 1,085 Views, 16 Comments

The Princess of Harmony - Pinkie Pie Sweets

Summer vacation has arrived at CHS, and Sun is going to learn her true destiny.

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Chapter 2: Dream of One's Destiny

Later in the night, Sun is sitting on her bed wearing her pajamas and a towel on her head after washing her hair, reading the latest Shadow Spades book. Sun feels relaxed after reading a book book. When she's finished with the chapter of the book, she puts it on her desk. Sun then picks up the crown that she has since the incident with Falling Star. She can't seem to figure out what it is and why it's still here.

Sun says to herself, "There's something strange and yet, magical about his crown. Yet, I still can't figure out what it is. I know that this is Equestrian Magic, but can't be too sure what it is."

Sun yawns and decides to go to sleep for the night. She puts crown back on the desk. Then she falls asleep. Nina the cat jumps on the bed and sleeps next to Sun's head. Sun is still sleeping in her head, and can't wait to start to fun she will have with her friends and family. Soon she, her friends, family, and her other classmates will be going to Camp Everfree. The two will be sleeping for a while and won't be up in the morning, or so they thought. Just then, a flash of light appear, and Sun along with her cat disappear. And the crown on her desk has disappear as well.

At CHS at night, Rainbow ash is waiting at the Wondercolt statue. For some reason, she receives an important message telling her to be here. Just then, she sees, Twilight, Fluttershy, Falling Star, and the others running here as well, and they're all wearing jackets, sweaters, or small coats.

Rainbow Dash asks, "You guys received a message too."

"Yeah. We got a message telling us to meet here," Twilight answers.

"It didn't say why, only that it was super important," Fluttershy says.

"And they didn't even say who sent it," Rarity adds.

Then Adagio says, "Something must be up."

"I agree something strange is going on," Falling Star agrees

"Like what?" Sonata asks.

Before anyone of the girls can answer, a flash of light appear, and all ten girls disappear without of a trace. When they reappear they rub their eyes feeling the pain of the flash. However, they are surprised to see that they are not at CHS anymore.

Then Aria calmly says, "Something like that?"

The girls are shocked to see what is in front of them. They see a large purple and light blue crystalized castle with some gold roofs. On the top is a light blue crystalized six pointed star.

Pinkie happily screams, "It looks amazing!"

"It's gorgeous!" Rarity replies with sparkles in her eyes.

Then Twilight asks, "But who does this castle belong to.

Just then, they see the door opening and who ever is coming is from the inside.

"Well, it looks like we're going to find out," Applejack says.

The human girls are worried to see what will be coming out of those doors. When the doors open, excluding Falling Star, everyone else are relieved to see the pony princess and her friends walk towards them with calm smile on their faces. Falling Star is shocked to see that a pony version of her is among the group.

Sonata happily says, "Hi Princess Twilight, it's nice to see you again."

"And I see you brought your friends too," Adagio replies.

"And I see the pony Falling Star and your student Starlight Glimmer is here as well," Rarity replies.

The human Falling Star walks towards her pony counterpart with a shocked look on her face. The pony version has the same expression on her face.

Princess Twilight comes up to the two doubles, and says, "I guess you feeling a bit awkward about it."

"Really awkward about it," The pony Falling Star says.

"Very awkward about it," The human Falling Star agrees.

Human Twilight walks over as she says, "Don't worry, I had to go through the same thing you did when I met myself."

"So did I," Princess Twilight adds.

Thn Human Rainbow asks, "So Princess Twilight, think you can tell us why we're in Equestria?"

"Oh that's Discord's magic. Princess Celestia wanted all ten of you to be here along with nine of us," Princess Twilight answers.

"Why?" Human Fluttershy asks.

"She didn't say why. All she told us that she has a proclamation to make, and needed all nineteen of us to be here," Pony Applejack explains.

"But what does this proclamation had to do with us?" Aria asks.

"We just have to wait until Princess Celestia is here so we can get some answers," Starlight responds.

Then the pony Falling Star says, "But she'll be here soon, after she talked to Sun."

"Sun?!" the ten human girls exclaim in shock.

"And whatever the reason why, she brought cute Nina here," Pony Pinkie says, hugging the wild cat. However, the cat is not fully approved by it.

Everyone and everypony are wondering what Princess Celestia is up to, and what she needs to talk to Sun about.

Sun opens her eyes, and sits up after getting some sleep. She rubs her eyes, and look around to see that she is not in her room anymore. Sun looks around to see herself in somewhere that looks like space. However, it's light blue and has shimmering stars around, and shows a strange aura. Sun looks at herself to see that she is still human, but still not sure what she's doing here. She stands up so she can look around, but notices that her pony ears, wings, and tail have appear. Sun feels that she needs to find out about this place.

Sun calmly calls out" Hello!"

"Where am I? What is this place?" Sun asks looking around.

Sun looks around to see that she is all alone, and feels like she is in abyss or something. Just then, something or someone begin to slowly appear into the strange place. When the figure comes closer, it's none other than Princess Celestia herself.

With a smile, Princess Celestia says, "Hello Sun, it's very nice to see you again."

"Princess," Sun says as she comes to the princess with a hug.

She lets go of the hug, and asks, "Where are we? And… what is this place?"

"Let's just say we're somewhere we can talk," Princess Celestia answers.

"Talk about what?" Sun asks.

"About how proud of you for the pony or human you have become, and about this element you have," Princess Celestia explains, and levitates the crown to Sun.

Sun hold on to the crown, and questionably says, "Element?"

"You did something that nopony have done before. This is a brand new element that you created and help power the Tree of Harmony even more when you battled the human version of Falling Star when she was corrupted by magic. Because you understand friendship just like Twilight," Princess Celestias explains.

"You know about it?" Sun asks looking shocked.

"Yes. The tree showed us it. And I could be more proud of you. Princess Twilight also told me of all the adventures and friendship you've learned in living in the other world," Sun says.

Then the princess says, "The lesson you've learned in the other world have taught you well. You have finally prove that you're ready, Sun."

Then princess Celestia walks past Sun and heading down the strange space.

Sun questionably asks, "Ready? Ready for what?"

Sun begins to follow Princess Celestia. As the two walk, all of the memories of Sun's time in Equestria and the human world begin to appear. Sun is amazed to see it.

Princess Celestia:

You've come such a long, long way

And I've watched you from that very first day

To see how you might grow

To see what you might do

To see what you've been through

And all the ways you've made me proud of you

Sun looks at the panel and each shows a different memories, her studying as a filly. Being in the other world and making friends. There's also scene from the battles with the human Falling Star, Mistress Star, The Dazzling, Midnight Sparkle, singing with her friends and family. The final scene with wehn her five friends, princess Twilight and her create the heart. Then all the senses disappear leaving the two beings.

Princess Celestia:

It's time now for a new change to come

Sun smiles to see all of this, and wonder what will happen next. Then Princess walks in front of Sun as she sings.

Princess Celestia:

You've grown up and your new life has begun

To go where you will go

To see what you will see

To find what you will be

For it's time for you to fulfill your destiny

Princess Celestia flies up in the air as Sun shows a astonished look on her face, and the crown is placed on her head. Just then, the crown glows an makes a strange red aura while her chest unleashes a yellow one. Then he two begin to swirl around Sun as she is being lifted up in the air. The a bright light shines around her, and it's blinding to see what is happening.

In the skies of Ponyville, a large flash of light appears in the sky, and out of the flash a crimson red and gold yellow shimmering sun coming down from the sky. The sun floats to the ponies and the humans down belong. When the sun disappears, the two groups look to see someone appear, and they recognized her right away.

Human Applejack asks feeling a bit lost for words, "Sun...is-is that you?"

Sun doesn't say a word accepts get up, and spreads her wings that are shimmering like diamonds now. She is also wearing a new dress. The dress is blue, strapless, and goes up to her ankles. It has small transparents laces and it sparkles there are also some red and yellow flames on the bottom of the dress. Her hair is also on the side tied with a hairband. On top of her head is the crown with the element placed in it and has ten gems on it each is a different color.

Everyone who are witnessing it are stunned in amazement.

Applejack walks over to her and says with a stunned expression, "I… I never seen anything like it."

"Your wings, they're shining?! Awesome!" Human Rainbow says, amazed by the wings.

"And your dress… I never seen anything like it," Human Rarity adds.

Pony Rarity looks at the dress and says, "I agree, the dress brings out the color of your eyes, and the flames matches your fiery personality and hair color.

Sun giggles and says, "Thanks."

"So does that means we get to have a late night party," Pony Pinkie asks,

"Ooh, a party sounds like fun right about now," Human Pinkie agrees.

"I don't think a party is what we need right now," Adagio advise against it.

"Aww!" The two Pinkie says in disappointment.

"I'm more interested know what happened, you look… different," Human Twilight replies.

Princess Twilight flies over, and says, "I agree. The tiara has gems on it now, and each is a different color."

The girls look to see they are a different color. The colors are, cyan blue, light yellow, pink, orange, and white on one side. And there's purple, pale yellow, pale fuchsia, bluish white, and a light peach gem on the other side.

Aria looks at the crown, and says, "You're right, the crown looks different. The dress is a new one on me."

Fluttershy smiles and says, "Wow, you look just like a princess."

"She's right, you look like a real princess," Starlight agrees.

"Yeah. I wonder why?" Pony Falling Star asks

Just then, Princess Celestia slowly flies down to the ground, as she announces, "That because she is a real princess."

"Huh!" Everyone reached with a shock.

Then Human Pinkie exclaims in shock, "Hold on a second!"

She grabs a cup of water and drinks it all up. Then she spits it out in shock.

Adagio asks, "Was that really necessary?"

"It makes sense to me," Sonata replies.

Adagio rubs her eyes while Aria facepalm herself on the forehead. However, everyone from CHS and Ponyville have a shocking thought in their mines.

Still shocked, Sun stutters, "A...a princess?!"

Princess Celestia puts a hoof on Sun's shoulder to calm her down.

Then she puts her hoof down and explains, "Since you've come to the human world, you have displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and the leadership of a true princess."

"But… I don't understand," Sun says looking confused.

"I understand your skepticism. But you expressed the full power of your friendship that you end up creating a brand new element like I said before. Your element is not only a new form of the Element of Magic, but it also represent your own element. The Element of Courage. You should all that courage over everything you faced, and it also helped bring friendship in your school close, and save many from the corrupted magic with their corrupted desire. In doing so, showed them the magic of friendship. The elements sensed it and along with your friends, helped you create your own element." Princess Celestia calmly explains with a smile.

Sun is still shocked about hearing this, and says, "This… this is a lot to take in."

"That is understandable. Twilight and I will be able to help and guide you as we can while you live in the other world, but we're also your students as well," Princess Celestia replies.

Then Princess Celestia says, "You are also the protector of the other well.

"What do you mean?" Human Fluttershy asks.

"Now that magic is becoming more frequently in the otherworld, somepony must help keep it safe. You Sun are now the Princess of Hartmony and is named Protector of the Human World," Princess Celestia declares.

Then Princess Celestia happily says, "You are an inspiration to all of us."

Then Princess Celestia, Twilight and her friends, along with the humn girls bow in respect for Sun who is now princess. Sun is surprised to hear this, and yet amazed that she is able to stay with her friends. However she is shocked to hear that she will protect everyone from runaway magic.

Then Human Rarity asks, "Does this mean that Sun will get a coronation?"

"Of course, that is why I have Princess Twilight and her friends help get things ready," Princess Celestia answers.

Pony Pinkie gasps, and says, "That's why you wanted us to get things ready."

Princess Celestia giggles and says, "I wanted to have everything ready for when the time's come, but made sure it fits with Sun's corenation will be this sunday before Sun and her friends leave for their camping trip."

"And I'm happy to say you are all invited for the occasion. I also want your band to play too" Princess Celestia adds floating the invitations to the ten human girls.

Human Rarity gasps, and happily says, "That means I have outfits tomake for this sunday. And I'm going to need yours and Fluttershy's help for this."

"Count me in," Adagio says.

"I'm happy to help," Fluttershy agrees.

Then Rainbow says, "Looks like, some of us has songs to write for it."

"Oh Sun, we're so happy for you," Princess Twilight happily replies.

Sun begins to hear the complets she is receiving from her friends. She feels very happy to have great friends, and proud of herself to receive something honorable. She wonder what will happen at the corentation this sunday.

Author's Note:

Sun and her friends are sure surprised. Sun is going to be a princess! Yay!