• Published 31st Mar 2018
  • 731 Views, 11 Comments

Darkness Rising - Bronyprophet

In the cold icy lands of the Crystal Empire, Roams a black unicorn, weakened from an epic battle, a blizzard rolls in and he finds refuge in the caverns of the Empire, and there he waits for his time to come, a time of revenge.

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Chapter 6 The Dark City Returns

Sombra's cape flowed in the wind as he walked forwards through the city gates, followed by the marching feet of his new soldiers.

The soldiers marched in rank, perfect in unison, their eyes glowing sickly red and green. No individuality, no minds, no thoughts, no fears. Only the will of King Sombra, the true ruler of the Empire.

The Crystal ponies in his path froze with delectable fear, standing motionless resembling crystal statues unable to move or even talk, they only gazed in horror as the tyrant pushed forwards.

It wasn't long till what was left of the pathetic force of untainted guards tried to put up some kind of resistance, but all they were met with was sadistic laughter, as the dark lord of the Crystal Empire ignited his horn in a sickly aura.

within an instant, the shadows of the soldiers suddenly shot up out of the ground; they desperately pleaded for mercy or fought against his oppressive magic, but without fail their minds were soon lost to the darkness and consumed by Sombras' will, turning them into nothing more than mindless drones.

Princess Cadence exited the castle, and the innocent Crystal Ponies looked up at her with bated breath, hoping that she would stand up to the Evil unicorn, and prevent the Crystal Empires fall, but any hopes died in their throat as Cadance was consumed by green fire, and in her place stood Queen Chrysalis.

"Excellent, you did better then I expected bug." Sombra jeered before he turned to his men. "Now then soldiers. Go forth, and Conquer this miserable excuse for an Empire!"

The Soldiers turned and marched forwards to bring Sombra's will to the rest of the Empire as Chrysalis walked forwards to Sombra. "What now... partner?" Chrysalis said with a crooked smile.

Sombra slowly turned to her, his green eyes filled with glee. "Now.... we get our revenge."

"Yes, its about time the true rulers took their rightful place. We will crush the pathetic elements of harmony and friendship and teach them that cruelty and despair outweigh hope, then finally the sweet satisfaction of mounting Thoraxes head on a Pike will be mine!" Chrysalis stated in a malicious tone.

"Yes, you could do that... but I have a better idea!" Sombra nodded.

"I hope for your sake you aren't trying to overthrow me Sombra... are you?" Chrysalis replied as her horn was consumed by a sickly green aura.

"You claim you want them dead?" Sombra stated nonchalantly raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! Thorax and Starlight took my kingdom from me! They ruined my plans!" Chrysalis Spat, slamming her hooves down.

Sombra smiled, and leaned back, as a brainwashed soldier came in and held out a chalice for him to take. "A spy of mine recently told me, that the two you want dead are in a relationship now. Tell me what would be better for you,"

Sombra took a sip of his new drink and smiled. "Would you rather have one of your enemies forced to kill the other, while he is self-aware, then torture him with the memories of his deed against the one he loves while he serves you?"

Chrysalis's mouth fell agape. "You really are evil." She stated.

"So I have been told," Sombra replied with a smile.

"Yes. I would love that!" Chrysalis shouted.

"You will have your vengeance and I'm all too happy to assist you," Sombra stated as he flicked his cape as he rose from Shining Armors former throne and walked off to begin his dark ritual.

Sombra waited till nightfall, and then he walked into a graveyard and found some hallowed ground, where he sacrificed a crystal pony and drew a demonic symbol with runes and a seven-pointed star in the center. Then he began to recite his dark ritual.

"Guarentor, faremen, collapial, torenthus, maximon, ardious, completus, corrupteth!" Sombra announced in the graveyard lit up in a sickly red light, his eyes turned black, the moon turned crimson, and the earth shook and cracked with a thunderous growl.

Sombra laughed evilly as his spell was completed.

As the moon rose, and the day became night, the ponies of Equestria went to bed, unbeknownst to what evil was lurking in the shadows tonight.

"What is this sickening feeling?" Luna thought aloud as she was patrolling the dream realm.

She followed the strange presence until she saw a shadow dash passed her. She caught a glimpse of its blue eyes and the evil aura that exuded from the strange creature. Once she tracked it down she could see a shadowy whisp with glowing blue eyes with a red aura around it with pointed claws.

The creature noticed Luna and growled at her, extending its claws, revealing its jagged teeth dripping with black tar.

"A shade? How? The only one who can summon a Shade is... No, it can't be... he is destroyed! I must warn my sister." Luna thought to herself, as she broke off into a gallop to head back to the portal to exit the dream realm, but the shade was too quick for her, and cut her off. It picked her up by the throat with its' claws and Scowled.

Luna released a bolt of magic, but it just passed through it.

"Ha ha ha, you think that will work... How naive!" The creature opened its mouth wide and absorbed Lunas' Light; once it had finished its feast it released Luna from its' grip, and she fell with a solid thump, before it vanished into a door, leading into someones' dream.

Luna came to, struggling to stand. She began crawling to the portal before entering it. she re-entered her body with a gasp, and attempted to sprint to her sisters' chambers, but she only just managed to pass the threshold of her doorway, before she fell to the floor with a thump, and fell unconscious.

Thorax had been laying beside Starlight, he realized that he had just woken up for some reason, and he also noticed that it was stormy outside, and the moon had changed to crimson. He didn't pay much mind to the crimson moon, he just put it down to Luna wanting to change it up.

Luna had outdone herself, the moon was beautiful, even though it had been raining you could see it slightly behind the clouds, but it was soon covered by a large dark cloud turning the night pitch black for a moment, but as it masked the light a flash of lightning shot through the sky, and Thorax could have sworn he saw a unicorn in Starlights' chambers.

Thorax reacted by drawing his sword to protect his special somepony, as the moon revealed itself again letting light into the room, he realized his eyes weren't playing tricks on him, there was a grey unicorn standing at the end of the room, silently watching the couple while they slept.

Thorax approached the figure, but as he did he felt a strange urge to turn around and face Starlight, once he was facing his sleeping Special Somepony, he started to walk towards her. He stood beside her bed, and he heard a distorted voice enter his mind.

"You know you want to do it"

He tried to stop his hoof from moving, but to no avail, he no longer had control over his body. His hoof was raised high, he pointed the sword at Starlight, and he realized what he was about to do next. He fought harder then he had ever fought, but his hoof remained raised above the sleeping unicorn. His hoof began to tremble as he resisted harder, he couldn't beat the force that had been controlling his body. He tried to wake her up and get her to safety, but when he spoke he couldn't make any noise.

"What has she done for you? She cares more about her friends than you. She is only with you out of pity. Go on... teach her the meaning of respect. Just let go, let me guide you." Thorax resisted even harder, but his hoof started lowering down on its own.

He tried screaming, but there wasn't a sound to be heard. Thorax had finally lost his will to fight against this oppressive power, he plunged the sword towards Starlight with killing intent.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this chapter guys and gals this chapter has been made in collaboration with Disappointment-Incarnate visit his profile and help a bro out and support him he is an amazing author this chapter wouldn't have been possible without his help.