• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 1,008 Views, 1 Comments

Files of a Wizard - Nite Life - uz_mike222

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Chapter One

Chapter One

The sun had finally shown itself as it rose in the Eastern horizon of the valley as Miss Sign of Dodge Junction, entered the limits of the small town called Ponyville. For her, this is the first time she has been to the little town, but once you’ve been to one of them, especially growing up in one, you've been to all of them. Every Pony in any small town knows each other, what they do, what their interests are, what their ticks are and the like. However, Ponyville is definitely bigger than Dodge since it has, more than likely - from what Sign could see atop the hill she stood upon - five main roads leading into and out of the town proper.

Sign, though, is just your average Earth Pony, or that’s at least what she keeps telling herself - and every pony she meets - since she lost her wings in a terrible fight with a powerful enemy. She tries to hide the stumps of her lost wings under a short, brown colored trench coat that covered her entire stomach, back, both flanks and rump. The only color of her light gray coat that was allowed to be shown was her hooves, neck and head. Her turquoise eyes held a whimsical laughter that only she would understand as she moved slowly down the hill so as not to empty her saddlebag in the descent, which was the color of her eyes and the clasp on either side was an arrow. Her amber mane was cut short, like that of a Stallion’s, which was covered by a ball cap of white and a blue stripe that became wider as it go closer to the back of the cap, while the bill was the color of the stripe. While her short tail poked out from under the coat. Both tail and mane naturally curled to her right, but her mane almost covered her right eye, but she didn't mind it.

From what she has seen so far was a dirt road that run up and down a couple of hills, some trees and a few farms. That’s nothing new since every town and city needed farms to survive on their own. On her way in, she has seen a Celery farm run by a stallion called Stalk. After that, she passed a Carrot farm which set itself on top of a hill, which was owned by a Golden Harvest. The last farm she passed by, watching three little fillies playing outside of a big red barn, was an Apple Orchard, called Sweet Apple Acres, and that was owned to a brother and sister: Big Macintosh and Applejack. Or that’s what the files she had read about most of the ponies told her before she had to burn them.

Moving into the town proper, Sign pulled her wagon along that held four old trunks: two on the floor while the other two were stacked on top. The trunks were cast with iron over a harden oak. The wagon itself was brand new, it probably would have carried another two trunks since the walls were so high, but Sign thought it would be easier to travel with just the four. She could probably send word for someone to bring down the other two once she has set up shop.

She maneuvered through the morning crowds of ponies, passing by stalls and storefronts. She stopped at the corner that lead to circular road that wrapped around what she presumed to be the town hall. She moved around to opposite side of a couple of bridges and hit another street leading up past an old Oak tree that had a sign out front that called it the Library.

Sign stopped for a second to look up at it, and for some reason, she felt a pang of sadness from inside the old tree. She lowered her eyes for a second and started moving down the road again, only stopping one more time to ask for directions.

A few minutes later, she saw an old cyan colored building with the door and windows covered by wooden planks. Sign stopped a few feet from the closest window and she started hearing her knees knock and teeth chatter in a rapid shudder. That’s one of the things about being a Wizard she hated: the ability to sense ghosts. Thankfully, however, it only lasted for a second before she stopped.

She steeled herself and moved to the door, uncoupling the wagon and her saddlebags as a Stallion, who wore a green plaid suit over his light brown coat, cantered up to her, with a small pink filly trailing behind him.

“Welcome to Ponyville, Miss Sign,” he bowed his head. The filly on the other hand just stared up at Sign with boredom in her Azure, but angry, eyes. “My name is Filthy Rich and this is my daughter, Diamond Tiara. I have received word that you wish to purchase this old property, that should have been demolished a year ago.” He breathed the last part under his breath as he looked menacingly, with a hint of horror, at the building.

“That is correct, Mr. Rich. I believe my employers have already paid you for the building and you are here to deliver the lease?” Sign asked as she pushed the bill out of her eyes.

“Yes I am, but it seems like a waste of money for your employers to purchase this old building for three times the cost.” He said handing over a newly printed lease and other documents of ownership. She placed them into her saddlebags.

“That’s because I need this building renovated to fit my needs. All I ask of you is to bring the necessary horsepower and the supplies I ask for on this list here.” She told the Earth pony as she pulled out an envelope from her right bag, handing it to him.

“Of course, Miss. I shall get right on it. Come along, Diamond Tiara.” He ordered while ignoring the groan from the little filly as she fixed her small tiara since it fell in front of her face.

She watched as the two ponies moved out of sight as they made their way down the street. She looked down both sides and saw no one approaching. Once Sign knew she was alone, she closed her eyes and placed a hoof on one of the planks that covered the door.

Tollere hoc lignum,” She breathed and the wood creaked loudly as it curled towards her hoof, falling to the road a second later.

She slowly pushed the door open, letting a bell ring out her presence. Sign moved into the interior of the dusty store.

Through the cobwebs that were everywhere, Sign could see chairs stacked on top of the tables. A bar sat to her right, cider mugs and water glasses, even tea cups, hung over the brown counter, also covered in webs and dust. She saw five sections of shelves behind the bar, each one holding three shelves, which held nothing but dust. She looked over to the left and saw places where pictures would have been held if they were still there.

“Come out ghost,” Sign called as she slowly moved into the interior of the bar, passing her first set of tables. “I know you are here. I can feel your presence. Let’s just talk about why you are still here and I might be able to help you pass on.”

“No pony can help me,” a small voice answered as the ghostly figure appeared at the end of the bar. The figure was small, probably a foal, but the voice was male.

“Try me,” She called back to the ghost in a confident voice as she took a step closer to the ghost.

The ghost cocked its head to the side, looking at her quizzically. He stayed like that for a long minute, and then nodded.

“Follow me if you wish to help, but you'll just give up like every Wizard has.” he said as his figure moved down through the floor.

Sign cantered over to where the ghost disappeared at.

Aura ventus,” she breathed as a small gust of wind came from her mouth, pushing away the rug, revealing a trap door.

She pulled it open, and held out a hoof, breathing “Globum lux.” A small globe of pure light sprang up onto her held out hoof. As she started down the old staircase, the globe moved in front of her and above her head.

Once she reached the bottom, she felt dirt on her hooves. Though the little ball of light was a pretty handy spell in a situation like this, all she could manage right then was a limited light range that only showed her a few feet in front. All she could see was the outlines of shelves, boxes and bags, which, she guessed, were also covered in cobwebs, but the ghost dominated her view as it materialized.

It moved off with a beckoning hoof down a small hallway, at a slow pace so Sign kept up until she saw another light source.

Sign willed her own light away and followed closely behind the ghost until they reached a pedestal with candles set around an old, dirty skull with runes carved onto the entirety of the skull, save for the face and temple.

“You poor, poor soul,” Sign said aloud as she moved to inspect the skull further. “Who did this to you?” She looked over at the ghost.

“It was my brother,” The ghost seemed to sigh. “He was a very jealous pony when we were young.”

“What was he jealous about?” she asked, looking back at the skull and shivered slightly.

“That I was a child prodigy and he wasn’t. So he did this to me and took all of my studies. Since you know what has happened to me I assume you are a Wizard?”

“I am,” she answered, looking back at the figure.

“Then you know that I am damned to all eternity to live within my own skull.”

“Unfortunately so,” She breathed. “If you don’t mind me asking who was your brother?”

“I don’t,” He seemed to sigh again. “My brother is Star Swirl the Bearded. However, I have forgotten my own name all of these years. If you break me from this, you can name me whatever you want.”

Sign was about to say something but a knock sounded into the hidden basement. She galloped out of the hallway, saying in a low voice “Refringere oculus,” as she moved into the basement and up the stairs.

The spell she had casted would help to divert the owners eyes away from her if they even tried to look at her. You could say it’s like being invisible, without actually turning invisible, but its a spell that also has a limited range.

Once atop the staircase, she closed the trapdoor, put the rug back in its place and set herself behind the bar as the door opened and the bell rang.

“Hello? Is any pony in here?” A young feminine voice cracked as a body slowly entered the building.

“What can I help you with?” Sign popped up from the bar with a smile on her face but dust popped up around her, making Sign and the young filly break into a coughing fit while removing Sign's smile.

The filly's coat looked to be mixed with gray and white. Her light purple and pink mane and tail was curled, with the mane almost hiding a small horn. Her light green eyes shown curiosity while looking at Sign.

“My name is Sweetie Belle and me and my friends were wondering if you’re a traveling merchant.” She said moving closer to Sign once the dust cleared. She looked up at the secret Wizard with hopeful eyes.

“I’m not, sorry, but once this old building is renovated and I have settled in, feel free to stop by and I might have a few things I can give to you and your friends.” Sign said with a wink as she followed the little filly outside.

She saw a little yellow Earth pony with a giant pink bow and an orange Pegasus with a purple mane and small wings moving around. Both of her top trunks were open as chalices, candles and their sticks, her wand, and other things were haphazardly thrown onto the dirt road.

“Stop that right now!” Sign boomed at the two girls who looked up in surprise. “What do you two think you are doing?!” Sign rounded to the where the two fillies were at, watching them as they jumped down onto the road.

“No-nothin’,” the filly with the pink bow said as she looked down. “We’re sorry, Miss,”

“As long as nothing is broken, it should be fine. Put everything back where you found it and I might not go and tell your folks.” she ordered, anger slowly drifting away. They nodded apologetically while Sign rubbed her forehead.

For the next five minutes, Sign watched as all three girls worked together to put everything back.

“You girls definitely work fast,” Sign complemented and they beamed happily once the job was finished. “However, the damage is done, but I think a way for you girls to make it up to me is that you three could be my tour guides. I’ll pay you handsomely with a treat, what do you say?” Sign asked as their beams became bigger.

They nodded furiously and Sign soon coupled herself back onto her wagon, with her saddlebags on the back of her chests.

The girls hurriedly leapt off at a short gallop as they happily showed her around the small town. They went to the school, up to a Cottage who belonged to a mare named Fluttershy, who was feeding some animals. They moved down towards a store that sells quills and sofas, a store that sells fans, a hardware store, a costume shop, a day spa, and many other places in the town until they stopped at a shop that looks like a giant gingerbread house as the sun hit its zenith. The sign that hung over the door said this store is called Sugarcube Corner.

With the help of Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie belle, Sign uncoupled her wagon, while she grabbed and put her purse into her pocket of her trench coat.

“Hey Pinkie Pie,” Apple Bloom called as they entered the shop.

At the counter a pink earth pony popped her head up, her poofy hair bouncing while her mouth was covered in chocolate which covered a smile.

“Hiya girls!” The mare shouted as she swallowed and took another bite of what looked like a piece of chocolate cake. “Who's your friend?”

“My name is Sign and I just arrived in town this morning. These three showed me around town and I thought I’d show them my thanks by buying them a treat.” She smiled, but it disappeared as the mare stared blankly at Sign as she slowly at her piece of cake.

Pinkie PIe set piece of cake down on the counter, while slowly moving down until she was completely covered by the counter. Sign, curiously looked behind the counter, but the pink pony was gone. The three girls started snickering and Sign was about to ask why they were doing that.

“WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!” Pinkie Pie shouted as confetti shot from nowhere, scaring Sign onto the floor as the girls burst out into a roaring laughter.

As the pink mare began to sing, what Sign guessed was a welcoming song, she felt her eyes began to glow, but she closed her eyes and willed the urge to strike back away. A second later she stood up and waited until the earth pony finished her song. The mare breathed heavily as she stepped off the counter as confetti fell around Sign again, shaking them off of her.

“Now that’s over, what can I get you four?!” she said happily with a giant smile on her face as she took her place behind a register.

“I’ll take a hot chocolate and get whatever my three little tour guides want.” Sign said with a smile.

“A hot chocolate and three super deluxe cupcakes for the three little fillies! Coming right up!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she hit the cash register, making the cash drawer pop out. She then quickly pushed it back into its slot.

Sign blinked while she was still pulling out her coin purse. “Why did you do that?” She asked, while raising an eyebrow.

“Because every new customer gets a free transaction.” She answered in a tone that said it was a common thing.

The pink mare quickly moved off into a side door as the girls dragged Sign to a table, making her sit down at a small table. They began asking questions, like, where she was from, why she wore the coat and hat, what she does, and any question that has to do with Sign. Some answers are true, like her father giving her the coat and hat, while she gave vague answers, like her being an investigator that can find anything from a missing animal to a missing pony. She answered with lies but had hints of truth in them as she told them with confidence, whenever she needed to. In her line of work, as a Wizard, she has to make sure no one knew what she truly did, but that didn’t stop her from doing small tricks for kids.

The questions were done, thankfully, as Pinkie came walking up to the table with the tray on top of her head. Sign saw a wooden mug that had steam coming from it along with three big cupcakes, each frosting was the coat color of each filly.

As the mare set down the tray, Sign made the mug subtly tip its contents onto the tray as the three fillies grabbed their respective cupcakes.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no. I am so, so, so, so sorry. I’ll clean it up.” Pinkie Pie stammered as she began to grab a rag from under the counter, but Sign called her back over.

“Don’t worry about it, my new friend. I can clean it up while showing you girls a small magic trick. How does that sound?” She asked and they all began to talk happily about it. “OK, ok. Notice I have no horn, correct?” She asked as she hit the top of the bill of her cap, making it spin in the air, which disappeared in a puff of smoke as it reached the middle of the table. “And yet this is all possible,” She said as she waved a hoof over the chocolate milk. It slowly, but surely climbed back into the mug. Once the last drop made a small splashing sound, it began to slightly bubble, which dissipated a second later as steam rose from the top. Sign took a small sip without even touching a second and sighed happily since it hit the spot.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, can you stand up for a second?” Sign asked a second later. The filly complied and looked down. She gasped and held up Sign's cap in her mouth, which she set down on the table. Sign held out a hoof while closing her eyes, feeling the air currents that the cap began producing as it floated its way over to Signs head and landed on top of it in its usual position.

She opened them up, watching the three fillies and the pink mare all clapped happily.

“How did you do that?” A new voice asked from behind them.

“A magician never tells her secrets,” she answered as she turned to face the newcomer, or newcomers, with as smile on her lips.

“Hey sis!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shouted as they ran to their respective sisters: An orange mare with a cowboy hat that covered a blonde colored mane. The mare that Sweetie Belle ran over to was a mare that looked dignified with her curled indigo mane and tail, her makeup that framed her eyes and the giant eyelashes that surrounded them.

Another mare popped up. Her coat was an indigo color while her mane and tail was colored a dark purple with a pink stripe and purple stripe. Her purple eyes glowed with a harmless but dangerous curiosity.

“Hiya Twilight! Hiya Rarity! Hiya Applejack!” PInkie shouted as they came up to the small group while pointing out each one and what they do to sign. “This is Sign and she’s new in town!”

“How do you do Miss Sign?” Rarity asked.

“I do fine, thank you.” Sign said as she stood up and faced the three new ponies while pushing the bill of her cap up. “I, however, must leave and see if Mister Rich is ready to start renovating.” She said as she moved to the door.

“Where are you staying at?” She heard Twilight ask.

“Down at that old bar that was abandoned near the Library.” Sign answered.

“Why would you stay there?! Isn’t it haunted?!” Pinkie asked in a loud voice while shoving herself under the table, which began to shake violently, but the mug never spilled its contents.

“Come now Pinkie, I doubt there could be a ghost there.” Rarity said in a confident manner.

“Ya sure ‘bout that Rarity?” Applejack asked skeptically. “Ah heard stories ‘bout that place.”

“Honestly you two, you might frighten our new guest.” Rarity said, moving towards Sign.

“There is a ghost there actually, Rarity, I assume?” she got a confirmation from the white unicorn, but then saw her eyes widen. “Don’t worry about it. I can handle a small little ghost. Besides he’s harmless.” she winked at the mare. “Anyway, I have to go.”

"Wait!" Pinkie Pie shouted as Sign began to push open the door. She turned back and looked at the mare. "What about your hot chocolate?"

"Have it. I wasn't that thirsty anyway." Sign answered and the pink coated pony began to gulp down the mug in one go.

Sign walked outside of the shop and coupled the wagon onto her back. She began to turn the cart around until Apple Bloom jumped in front of her.

“Since yer not stayin’ anywhere, Ah thought me and mah big sis could lend ya our spare room ‘till yer renovations are done.”

Before Sign could answer Applejack spoke up from behind as she began to uncouple Sign’s wagon, which surprised her.

“We ain’t takin’ no fer an answer so you best just let me carry yer things back to the farm. ‘Sides, Granny Smith likes new ponies.” The orange coated mare said as she shoved Sign out of the way as one of the Unicorns placed the saddlebags on her back and buckled it on. Twilight winked as she came up beside her.

“Fine. I’m not going to try and even argue, but be careful with those trunks. They hold precious heirlooms that can never be replaced.” Sign warned as Applejack, Rarity and the three fillies began to walk away.

“‘Careful’s mah middle name!” Applejack shouted back as they went out of ear shot.

“We have middle names?” Pinkie asked and Twilight just shrugged as the two went back inside.

Sign watched the two go back into the store, leaving the new mare alone. She set off back to the bar.

Once she was there, she saw Mister Rich with his daughter and probably his daughter’s friend. She cantered up to him and saw some rough faced and rugged construction workers and scores of supplies standing behind him.

“Ah Miss Sign, welcome back.” He said with a slight bow. “How would you like this building renovated?”

“Like this,” She said as she pulled out a blueprint that was folded, unfolding it on the ground. The mare, Stallion and two fillies gathered around it. “It must, must, must, must, be renovated to the exact detail that this blueprint shows. I just don’t want to think of the consequences if you don’t make the inside of the building this exact.” She lied as she made her face grow hard and heard the Stallion gulp audibly. “Also there is a secret basement that I would like to have emulate the size of the ground floor, the trapdoor moved behind the wall to here.” She pointed on the blueprint. “There’s also a hallway in the basement I want to be turned into a room that's medium sized. Think you can do that for me, Mister Rich?” she asked at the slightly pale Stallion, who regained his color at the question.

“Of course, Miss Sign. We’ll start right away.” He said signalling the construction workers.

“Good luck,” Sign waved as she began to walk away. with a small smile on her lips.

As she walked away, she heard the two little fillies start to scream. “Huh, apparently, the ghost likes scaring fillies.” Sign just shrugged with a small chuckle and made her way down to Sweet Apple Acres.

By the time she arrived at the farm, the sun had moved to a late afternoon position. She pushed open the gate and saw a big red stallion past the big red barn. His mane was short and colored orange that matched his tail. He was pulling a plow through a field but was abruptly stopped. He looked back at the plow as he tried to pull it and saw a rock move up and down. He began to slowly uncouple the plow from his harness, but Sign helped him out a bit by unclasping the other side, which startled him, making him jump back and stare menacingly at each clasp util he moved to the rock and removed it. He went back and clasped the plow back onto his harness going back to tilling the land.

"If ya so much as blink at him, Ah might have to hurt ya." Applejack said in a threatening tone.

Sign turned to at Applejack, and raised an eyebrow at her, she looked back at the big stallion blinked then returned her gaze back to the mare. Applejack had her eyebrow raised until both began to laugh together as they moved towards the house. Sign saw her wagon near one of the chicken coops.

The first room was a living room that had many pillows surrounding a big coffee table but she didn't dwell on it. They moved up to the second level then moved down the hallway, stopping at a door halfway closed.

Applejack pushed it open, "Here's yer room. I'm guessing since ya been on the move, Ah'll draw a bath fer ya. Ah'll call ya when it's ready fer ya." She told Sign while leaving the room.

Sign closed the door as she began to look around the room and saw a small bed with a nightstand that held a lamp upon it on her left. There was a vanity mirror near the window which was in the back right corner.

She set her saddlebags down next to the bed while tossing her hat at the vanity, making it land on the chair with her magic. She then took off her trench coat and toss it onto the bed. Sign moved over to the mirror and looked at her scarred, burned wings. She unfolded them, watching as they only extended out a quarter of the average length for a Pegasus her size and age. She stretched them out and up a bit longer then folded them again, all the while grunting with slight pain. Her wings healed a lot since those years ago, but they will never be able to grow feathers again. She didn't mind it since she never liked flying.

Sign then looked down at her flanks, seeing scorch marks and patches of bare skin all over her sides and upper legs, especially on both cutie marks. She diverted her gaze away from her body and touched the mirror, writing Vocare meum magister. The letters glowed slightly until they sunk directly into the mirror. Sign's reflection rippled until an old looking Stallion showed up. He had a wispy white mane, tail and coat. His gray eyes shown with long attained wisdom with am weathered old look. His cutie mark is the same design as hers.

"Good to see you again, Discipulo Sign. I am guessing you have arrived in Ponyville?" he asked in a weathered but authoritative voice.

"It is good to see you also, Dominus Magister Sting. I have made landfall in Ponyville and am staying with the Apple Family on their farm. I met the stallion who owned the bar. He has handed over the legal documents over to me and they begun to work on the renovations." Sign bowed her head slightly in respect.

"But?" The old Stallion asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"But, I found what I assume to be a soul trapped in his own skull. He says he's the brother of Star Swirl the Bearded and that he did it. Is that true?" She asked with a quizzical look in her turquoise eyes. This was a tough question that would have stumped most Magisters at the Academy, but Dominus Magister, the head teacher of all them would be able to answer this question, with sufficient data she could provide him, of course.

"What type of properties did this ghost-" The Magister cut off as his eyes widened while dropping the mirror as it returned to show Sign's reflection.

Sign spun on her heels, her eyes began to glow as she spread her stumped wings in a threatening pose. Then she saw what made her teacher disappear: Apple Bloom stood in the doorway, hiding behind the door. She peaked around the corner and saw Sign fold her wings back but her face held an apathetic and angry look on it.

"Mah sis told me to come an' get ya since the bath is ready fer ya," she said, her eyes focused on the floor.

"Ah," Sign said as she closed her eyes and nodded. The anger subsided. "Thank you for coming to get me. Next time, however, please knock." Her lips parted with a small smile as she let Apple Bloom show her to the tub.