• Published 26th Mar 2018
  • 3,535 Views, 25 Comments

Cadenza - SingMeloetta

A poor-as-dirt orphan filly who can't speak a lick of English comes to Canterlot. She eventually rules an entire empire.

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Chapter 5

A few months had passed since the Hearth's Warming incident at the Sparkle household, Night Light and Cadence had patched things up long before, and spring was now in full session. Just like in nature, spring meant change for many ponies; Some ponies would start at new jobs, and some students would begin at new schools. For Twilight and Shining Armor, spring meant that big changes would soon be affecting both of their lives.

Twilight had just been accepted into Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns a few days earlier, and Cadance couldn’t be prouder of the little lavender filly. Of course, Twilight’s acceptance into the school meant that Cadance wouldn’t have to foalsit for her anymore, but it had been clear ever since that they had first met that her acceptance into this school was all she had ever wanted.

“We’ll still see each other, though, right? And we’ll keep on doing our secret code?”

“It’s a promise, Twilight. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a creampuff in my eye.”

“It’s cupcake, Cadance.”

“Close enough.” The two girls smiled. No matter how much she idolized them, Twilight loved having a princess she was so close too, and really would miss having both her and her brother around to have fun with her. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Twilight really had struggled with making friends at school. Her parents, and, in secret, Twilight as well, were hopeful that going to Celestia’s school would help her meet more ponies like her.

Today, however, was Shining Armor’s day to be celebrated; Today was the special ceremony for all incoming members of Solar Royal Guard from the training academy, and, of course, as he had graduated at the top of his class, Shining Armor was among them.

As a princess-in-training, Cadance was required to go, but it’s not like she would’ve rejected the request anyway; Shining Armor was probably her best friend, and this was probably the least she could do for him.

As Celestia’s afternoon sunlight beamed down on the crowd, Cadance stood by Blueblood (who was sitting on a pillow by request), content to watch the ceremony unfold.

The current captain of the Guard, Captain Iron Spear stood proud and tall, a menacing expression aimed at the rows of stallions and mares before him, who were all sparkling in their new armor, the color matching Celestia’s sun itself. Cadance knew she had to find Shining Armor before he put his helmet on at the end of the ceremony, the two sharing a secret smile once they made eye contact.

Iron Spear turned to address the audience, letting his serious and stiff expression loosen only the slightest amount possible. “Fillies and gentlecolts, we have gathered you here on this fine day so that you could see the final transition of your colts turning into stallions and your fillies turning into mares. These ponies, though they all come from different walks of life have all shown overwhelming loyalty towards the protection of our fair nation of Equestria and its ruler. I trust in each and every one of them to serve with loyalty, pleasure, generosity, honesty and kindness.”

The captain turned to face the new soldiers now. Some of them kept a straight face, while others just couldn’t help but take in a small yet prideful smile of their accomplishments. These smiles quickly faded, however, when they heard their captain’s booming voice being directed at them once again. “Gaurds! Helmets up!” With that cue, all of the new guardsponies put their golden helmets on their heads for the first time, completing the ceremony. The crowd and the guards roared with excitement, each family rushing to congratulate their family member.

Everypony at the ceremony was filled with joy, energy and excitement. So, Cadance could feel that too as she rushed to meet Shining Armor.

Shining Armor and his parents shared a group hug, Twilight bouncing around her older brother. “Congratulations, B.B.B.F.F! I know you’re gonna be super strong one day! And you’re gonna protect Cadance, and then one day, I’ll become a princess, and you’re gonna protect me too, right?”

“Of course, Twily. I love ya, L.S.B.F.F.” He took one glance at her, then one glance at the castle. Only Celestia knew how long he’d be training here for, and he might even get stationed even further out than that depending on his luck. “I’ll miss ya’ kid. But I want you to know that no matter where I end up, I’ll always be thinking of you.”

Twilight already knew that, since her brother was now a member of the Royal Gaurd, they wouldn’t be seeing each other as often as they did. It was hard to get used too at first, but, as her parents had explained to her, she’d still have them, as well as her favorite doll Smarty Pants, to keep her company. “I’ll miss you too, B.B.B.F.F. But look on the bright side! You’ll get to spend more time with Cadance!” With that, Cadance simply giggled as Shining Armor blushed a bright shade of red that would even look unnatural on ponies.

Suddenly, Twilight pulled Cadance aside, whispering into her ear. “You remember your promise, right? The one you made with me the first time we met?”

“Of course I do, Twilight Sparkle.” Cadance says, whispering into her ear and giggling at temporarily going back to her old manner of speaking. “I promise that I will protect your Shining Armor for as long as I have him with me.”

“Thank you, Princess Mi-Adoor-Cadenssa.” This time, both girls giggled.

“What are you two talking about over there?” Night Light questioned, but, unfortunately for the stallion, they had both sworn to absolute secrecy.

“Nothing!” They called back.

Like they had expected, after that day, everything changed. What Cadance hadn’t expected, though, was such a big surprise just the next day.

Just like she had every morning, Celestia tapped on Cadance’s door. Cadance had been sleeping in a lot more lately, and that was very unusual for her normally sociable niece. “Cadenza? Are you awake?”

She mumbled tiredly, slowly walking to the door. “Just Cadance is fine, Princess Celestia.”

“Well, I was just going to introduce you to the newest resident of Canterlot Castle, is all.” Suddenly Cadance saw a purple filly squirm through Celestia’s legs, reaching out and hugging Cadance.

“Twilight! Oh, I’m so happy to see you!” The two hugged, before going into their special chant immediately afterwards. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The two girls laughed together, neither of them caring that Princess Celestia had seen their dancing.
“Did ya hear, Cadance? Did ya? I’m Princess Celestia’s student now! I’m gonna learn magic from her!”

Cadance was shocked, but in a happy way, much more out of pride for her improptu little sister than fear. Cadance had known Twilight was accepted into Celestia’s school, but to become her aunt's protege? That was something far beyond what Cadance expected. What she guessed, though, was that Twilight had taught her another thing that day; From Twilight Sparkle, you could always expect the unexpected.