• Published 25th Mar 2018
  • 965 Views, 24 Comments

School of Horrors - Bookpony579

A Nightmare Night celebration takes a drastic turn.

  • ...

Chapter 3

A short while late, Spike returns, belly full and ready to continue.

"Thanks for waiting." He jumps back onto his chair. "Now where was I? Oh yes...Later that evening, Pinkie left to go Trick or Treating while Rainbow and Rarity prepared finishing touches. We arrive at Twilight's house..."

Twilight was putting the finishing touches on her costume. She had done meticulous research to perfectly mimic the armor of the all-female warriors from the Mareiterranean.

"Are you done yet?" An impatient voice asked.

She turned and saw her loyal dog dressed in a dragon costume of Rarity's own design. She giggled at how cute he looked. "All set! Let's head down and wait for AJ."

With that, they headed down the stair just as the doorbell rang.

"I've got it!" Twilight Velvet said excitedly, dressed as a.....

"MOM!" Twilight exclaimed, blushing.

With her hand on the knob, Velvet turned toward her daughter. "What is it?"

"You can't wear that!"

Velvet frowned and placed a hand on her hip. "Why not?"

Twilight briefly looked over her mother's tight, light blue tank top that was not long enough to cover her midriff. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore black combat boots with matching short-shorts, which ended up exposing a lot of leg. Overall, the costume left very little to the imagination.

"Well...just..look at it!"

Velvet looked down at her costume for a split second before addressing her daughter, "I don't see the problem. It's Nightmare Night!" Finally she opened the door to a group of young trick or treaters who recited the annual words.

"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!"

Velvet giggled at the sight. "Why don't you all look wonderful!" With that, she began distributing the candy to the eager children and...

"Nice costume Mrs. V!" Pinkie, in her chicken costume, said.

"Thank you very much Pinkie! Same to you!"

Twilight looked out and Sunset standing at the back of the group, wide-eyed.

"Twilight?" Was all she said when she noticed her friend.

"Yes Sunset?"

Sunset's eyes never left Velvet as she told Twilight: "Did I ever tell you how hot your mom is?"

Twilight's face turned into a tomato as Velvet just giggled and stuck out her tongue playfully at her daughter.


Not noticing the issue at hand, a familiar child made himself known.

"Hi Miss Twilight!"

Twilight looked down and saw her friend's familiar charge.

"Pipsqueak the pirate, at your service. It's my very first Nightmare Night." Pip said, standing proudly in his pirate costume.

Twilight smiled at the cute child. "Since you moved here from Trottingham?"

Pip shook his head. "No, my very first Nightmare Night ever!"

"Well I hope you have a great time! You've certainly picked out a great costume."

"Thanks!" He swung his fake sword out. "I wanted a real Red Rider sword for my birthday, but mum said I'd put my eye out."

Twilight could only giggle.

"Enough chitchat! Time is candy!" Pinkie squawked.

Sunset blinked back into reality and addressed Twilight. "I'd better get going. See you at the school party later?" Upon Twilight's confirmation, Sunset began to lead the kids (and Pinkie) away to the next house.

"Well that was nice." Was all Velvet said as she shut the door. "I don't see what you're worried about, your friends certainly liked my costume."

Twilight just groaned.

"What's going on here?"

Twilight turned to her father, who was dressed in tweed and holding a (bubble) smoke pipe.

"Please help me out here." Twilight pleaded, gesturing to her mother.

Night Light looked over at Velvet and grinned. "Can't really complain here sweetheart."

Velvet just smiled as her daughter groaned again.

Several more trick or treaters came to the house sometimes in groups and sometimes with just their parents. Twilight volunteered to hand out candy out of the joy for the holiday.....and so less people would gape at her mother's costume.

Finally the next knock came from Applejack.

"Howdy Twi! You ready to go!"

"Yup! Just let me grab my bag."

Twilight gathered up Spike and was all set to go when-

"Oh Hi Applejack!" Velvet said as she entered the room.

Applejack's eyes widened when she saw her friends mother."Uhh....." was all she managed to get out.

"Like my costume?" Velvet asked, striking a pose.


Wanting to save herself from further embarrassment, Twilight grabbed her friends' wrist and dragged her out to the truck. "Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I'll see you later!"

"Have fun sweetie!" He mother waved.

Once they were securely in the truck, Twilight gave a sigh of relief.

"Twilight?" AJ began.

"Please don't say anything."

"Ok.." With that Aj started up the truck. She got ready to hit the gas when...

".......Your Ma's got nice legs."

Twilight just groaned and slumped into her seat as AJ drove them to the school.

At the school, the part was in full swing. Tables topped with all sorts of sugared goods lined the walls as teens in costumes danced with their friends.

At the front of the school, a small crowd had formed for the annual 'Haunted House' event.

"This is gonna be so cool!"

"Last year was so awesome! I wonder how they're gonna top it this year?"

"I heard Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow worked on it this year so you know it's going to be scary!"

From behind the front door, Rainbow peered out at the crowd. "The crowd's starting to get restless. Is everything ready?"

Rarity gave a quick nod. "All set darling! We should be good for a while until Pinkie Pie gets here."

"Glad to see you girls have everything under control."

The girls jumped and turned to see their Vice-Principle in the same dress from the carnival a while back.

"How the heck does she do that!?" Rainbow whispered to Rarity.

Luna quickly glanced around to the intricately decorated school halls, allowing Dash to quickly stuff the spellbook deeper into her backpack and out of sight.

"It looks like you girls have done a fine job this year. I look forward to hearing how it goes. If you need anything I'll be in the Gym." With that, she left as quickly as she came.

Rarity and Rainbow just looked at each other before shrugging and decided to get started.

Rainbow threw open the doors and addressed the crowd.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen! To the time of your lives! Do you think you can survive this school of horrors?" Rainbow asked dramatically.

Someone scoffed, "Trixie thinks the real question should be: will you stay AWAKE in this school or snores?" This got a few chuckles from the crowd as Rainbow glared at her.

"Oh I promise you! Once you leave, you will have nightmares for weeks afterward!"

Trixie strutted past her into the school, dressed in her magician attire. "Trixie doubts you will even get a jump out of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

As the rest of the group walked past, Rainbow picked up her bag and patted the book within.

"We'll see about that." Rainbow muttered as she went to catch up with the group.

Author's Note:

For reference, Twilight Velvet is dressed a Lara Croft from 'Tomb Raiders', and Night Light is Sherlock Holmes.