• Published 2nd Aug 2012
  • 3,061 Views, 95 Comments

Dissidia Final Fantasy Friendship is Magic - Final Fantasy BRN

A warrior is chosen to preserve a world of ponies and where harmony is of great abundance from Chaos

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A Bird in the hoof/Owls well that ends well/ Party of one

A Bird in The Hoof/Owls Well that Ends Well /Party of One

A week after Ultimecia’s defeat, Princess Celestia decided to pay a visit to Ponyville to celebrate her being back in control of her body. She was going to have a catered meal at Sugarcube Corner. Twilight instructed all her fiends to be on their best behavior. She would be greatly embarrassed if they didn’t. She didn’t instruct Warrior, since she already knew he was well mannered no matter what. Everypony was entering the building as Princess Celestia sat inside and looked at all the treats laid out in a perfect fashion. There were so many different types of salads, also strung out in a neat fashion. It seemed like Mr. and Mrs. Cake were trying really hard to impress the Princess, of course if Celestia enjoys herself, it would work wonders for their business.

Twilight was doing an over excessive job trying to keep everypony in line. Spike was busy using his fire breath to cook things almost instantly. She kept a close eye on all her friends, however she noticed that one was missing. Warrior sat in a chair close to the Princess, she felt like she wanted him close because she still felt grateful for him stopping Ultimecia.

"Where’s Fluttershy?" Twilight whispered to Warrior.

"I don’t know, but I’m sure she’ll be here soon." Warrior assured. Rainbow Dash snuck out the door and began to shoot the breeze with Princess Celestia’s stallion, pegasi guards standing outside the door.

Rainbow Dash looked around and saw no one else was around. "So... what do I have to do to get to be one of the Princess's royal guards, anyway?" She asked the guards, but they ignored her. "Is the pay good?" She nudged one of their legs with hers but they still ignored her. She flew up right next to their ears and spoke loudly. "Hellooo! Anybody home?" But the guards still ignored her. She hovered in front of one of their faces and stared at the stallion right in the eyes. Then she started making funny faces and funny noises at him but he still ignored her. "Ooh, you're good." She paused and stared at them for a few seconds. "Too good. I'm bored." She flew right back inside and sat at the beverage table. Twilight walked over to her and stared her down.

"Those are royal guards!" Twilight said. "Those Stallions are just as important as Warrior! Show some respect."

"Respect?" Rainbow Dash said. "Look at those guys, nothing can budge them!" Twilight walked by the door and noticed Fluttershy being halted by the guards as she tried to enter.

"It's all right, sirs. She's on the list." Twilight said to the guards as Fluttershy turned around and tried to leave. The guards lowered their wings. And Fluttershy smiled and walked inside.

"Thanks, Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"I'm so glad you could make it, Fluttershy. It wouldn't be the same without you." Twilight said.

Mr. Cake, the stallion with a yellow coat and a large under bite. "How's everypony doing?" A lot of the ponies around there nodded to him. "Good? Good."

"Anything else we can get for you, dearie...?" Mrs. Cake asked, but she remembered she wasn’t speaking to an ordinary customer. "Ooh, I-I mean, esteemed guests." She kept balanced on her head, a place full of cupcakes with green frosting and apple slices on the top she offered on to Princess Celestia she took one with her unicorn magic.

Celestia smiled at the two hosts. "Everything is fine, Mr. and Mrs. Cake."

Fluttershy and Twilight trotted towards the table towards Princess Celestia and Warrior. "Sorry I'm late. I had to finish taking care of a patient first." Fluttershy explained.

"Oh, you and your tender loving care of little animals. I just know Princess Celestia is gonna love that about you. I mean, I hope she will... I mean, of course she will!" Twilight was trying to sound brave but she was uncertain.

Fluttershy noticed this. "Wow, Twilight. I thought I was the only one who got nervous at social gatherings."

"Oh, it's not that. I just want the princess to approve of my friends." Twilight said.

Fluttershy was confused. "But she's met us all before."

"And read about you in my letters. But this is the first time she's spent any real time with you. At least when we’re not all wrapped up in some catastrophe involving Warrior’s war. I want everypony to make a good impression."

Fluttershy noticed how Warrior’s sitting almost right next to Princess Celestia. "Well, she’s sure taking a liking to Warrior."

"Well he did save her life and her kingdom twice." Twilight said.

Fluttershy wanted to calm her down. "Well, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. Besides, it's just a casual get-together, right?" Twilight wanted to agree but there was a particular fashionista that was wearing a flashy violet red dress with ruby earrings, gold tiara, and an amethyst necklace.

"Don't touch me!" Rarity shouted to a bunch of nearby ponies, she was trying to keep all the ponies away from her dress, she was truly afraid of it getting ruined. One pony walked by her with a cup of punch. "Careful, you're gonna spill that on me!" The pony rolled her eyes and walked right by her. Then Mrs. Cake walked over to her with the same plate of cakes and offered her one. "Oh, oh, that looks delicious. What is it?" She was about to take one but suddenly refused. "Oh, does it stain?! Keep it away from me!" Rarirty backed herself against a wall and started cowering.

"Or... perhaps not that casual." Fluttershy admitted.

Applejack was sitting in front of a bunch of plates with all different types of foods. She was trying her best to rememebr her table manners but was having trouble. "Uh... which is the salad and which is the appetizer again? And which am I supposed to eat first?" She attempted to eat some of the dishes but couldn’t decide on which was the right one to eat first. She just shrugged and pushed the dishes away from herself. "Oh, never mind. I'm not hungry."

Twilight looked worried and Fluttershy tried to cheer her up. "It's okay, Twilight. So our friends' manners aren't perfect. I doubt the princess will even notice." But that didn’t seem too certain when all of a sudden Pinkie Pie was bouncing all over the place without care.

"Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Cupcakes, candies and pies, oh my!" She grabbed an apple pie and slammed it into her own face. Warrior was quite disturbed by Pinkie Pie’s party attitude again. Then she found a chocolate fountain on the dessert table. She charged over to with an excited look. "Oooh! Chocolate fountainy goodness!" She threw her head into the fountain and pulled it out with her head completely drenched in melted chocolate, the chocolate hardened and the broke. Pinkie Pie was munching happily on the chocolate. Warrior almost felt sick after seeing her do that, no way he’s going to eat out of that fountain now! She left the fountain and charged over to the cupcake that Princess Celestia was holding with her magic and was getting ready to eat it. Pinkie Pie interjected herself to Princess Celestia’s surprise when she was about to take a bite. "You gonna eat that!?" Pinkie Pie snapped up the cupcake before she could eat it. Celestia did feel like her personal space was just violated.

"Must be suffering from the hyper activity of excessive sugar." Warrior guessed. He forgotten that Pinkie Pie acted that way weather she eats sugar or not.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake looked worried and Mrs. Cake gasped. She dashed towards Pinkie Pie and grabbed her tail and pulled her away from the Princess. Mr. Cake delivered Princess Celestia a new plate with a new cupcake and a cup of tea.

"A thousand pardons, Your Majesty." Mr. Cake said nervously.

"That's quite all right, thank you." Princess Celesita smiled warmly.

Mr. Cake turned his attention to Warrior. "Can I get you anything Warrior?"

"No thanks, I’m fine." Warrior said. Mr. Cake bowed and backed away. Warrior, in fact hasn’t eaten anything at all since the party started. Princess Celestia used her unicorn magic and moved the cupcake towards her mouth and took a bite out of it. She did it gently and elegantly, and then placed the cake back on the plate. She used her powers to lift the cup of tea and sip it up. She placed it back onto the plate

"Empty teacup at 4 o'clock!" Mrs. Cake shouted.

"I see it Honey-Bun!" Mr. Cake called, he sprung into action and took the tea kettle and refilled the Princess’s cup.

Princess Celestia wasn’t expecting such a quick response. "Oh, um... thank you."

"Not at all, Your Highness." Mr. Cake bowed. Princess Celestia sipped her tea again and placed the cup back down. Mrs. Cake sprung into action and arrived with another tea kettle and she also refilled her cup.

Celestia smiled at Mrs. Cake. "Thank you again."

"Oh, but of course, Your Majesty." Mrs. Cake giggled. Princess Celestia sipped her tea and then Mr. Cake instantly refilled it. Celestia sipped her tea and Mrs. Cake instantly refilled the cup. Celestia sipped again and Mr. Cake refilled her cup. Princess Celestia smirked and she pretended to sip her tea and then Mr. Cake refilled the already full cup. The tea overflowed and splattered on the table.

"Gotcha!" Celestia giggled.

Warrior rolled his eyes. "You really shouldn’t play practical jokes like that." Celestia giggled some more and smiled at Warrior.

"And you could really use a sense of humor!" Celestia said. Twilight felt a little embarrassed, for the fact that Princess Celestia would bring up Warrior’s lack of laughter. Twilight and Fluttershy sat next to Warrior. Twilight groaned and sunk near the floor. Princess Celestia turned her attention to Fluttershy.

"And what about you, dear? Fluttershy, is it?"

Fluttershy wasn’t expecting to be spoken to by the Princess. "Me? Oh yes, Your Highness."

"I understand from Twilight Sparkle's letters that you enjoy tending to the needs of woodland creatures."

"Yes, I love to take care of animals." Fluttershy smiled.

"As do I. As Princess, I care deeply about all creatures, great and small." Princess Celestia said. Fluttershy felt good that she and the Princess had something in common.

"More than what I can give Ultimecia credit for." Warrior thought as he sipped his own cup of tea. Then all of a sudden coughs were heard from a golden cage sitting on a stand behind Celestia. Fluttershy noticed it and felt concerned.

"Nothing means more to me than the well-being of all my subjects." Celestia said warmly. Fluttershy felt uneasy when the coughing from the cage continued and a sickly looking old bird rose up and sat on the bar in the center of the cage. Princess Celestia turned her attention to the creature. "Ah, Philomena, my pet. You're awake. Do say hello to our gracious hosts." Philomena hacked and coughed at all the attendees. Warrior raised an eyebrow at the bird’s sickly appearance.

"Oh... my." Fluttershy said feeling uneasy.

"She is quite a sight, isn't she?" Celesita smiled. Warrior was confused. The bird looked ill, she would only be quite a sight if she was supposed to look sick.

"I... I... I've never seen anything like it." Fluttershy stammered. Then a guard entered the room and walked up to Princess Celestia and whispered into her ear.

Princess Celestia looked surprised. "Really? Well, if I must..." She stood up and cleared her throat and announced. "I'm sorry, everypony. I'm afraid I have to cut the party short." Twilight was sipping her tea and when she heard the princess announce that she was leaving, she spat her drink all over the place. "The mayor has requested an audience with me. Royal duty calls. Thank you for a wonderful time. It's been a joy getting to know you all better." All the ponies bowed as Celestia walked out when she was at the door she turned her attention to Warrior. "Oh, and say hello to Cosmos for me!" She left and Fluttershy looked at the cage containing Philomena.

Applejack sighed in relief. "Phew! Now I can eat someth'n! I'm starved!" She was about to just dive into the food, now that Celestia was gone she didn’t need to mind her table manners. She attempted to snap up a salad but Mr. Cake took the table cloth, thus removing the food from the table which upset Applejack. "Oh…" Applejack was put out that she didn’t get to eat.

Pinkie Pie was cheering as she cart wheeled out the door and unfortunately knocked a few ponies down along the way. Warrior shook his head, but that was nothing compared to what Rarity said. "Stay right where you are." She was walking backwards and gave everypony a serious stare. "All I want is a clear path to the exit. NOBODY MOVE and my dress won't get hurt! Stay back! Back, I say!" Warrior sighed exasperatedly and once Rarity was out the door, he got up and walked out and returned to the Sanctuary. Twilight was happy that nothing went wrong however she failed to notice a meek yellow pegasus walk out the door with a sick bird under her wing.

Meanwhile Ultimecia was going to report her findings to Chaos at the Land of Discord. She was still wounded by Warrior. She was a few miles away from Chaos’s throne when she was halted by Garland.

The sorceress wasn’t pleased. "What do you want?"

"It appears that you to have been felled by the Equestrians." Garland remarked.

"Maybe, but I haven’t returned empty handed."

Garland was pleased. "Ahhh, so you did get the information we wanted."

"Yes, so if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to tell what I’ve learned to the God of Discord." She tried to move around Garland but he just moved and halted her.

"No, being Chaos’s right hand, why don’t you tell me first?" Ultimecia grunted and decided to come clean. She wasn’t going to waste time trying to convince Garland to move, so she found no harm in telling him the truth.

"It appears that the creature Discord whom we’ve we allowed into our ranks was once a soldier to the God of Discord. He used his strength to conquer Equestria, the two Princess sisters needed to defeat him but their powers alone couldn’t match Chaos’s strength so they beseeched the Goddess of Harmony for help. Cosmos introduced them to one of her sorceresses and she taught them everything they know about the ways of forbidden magicks. Despite not actually being members of Cosmos’s army they actually stood by her side so they could practice and master their arts. Cosmos said that the creature Discord was the embodiment of Disharmony. Therefore of the Princesses wanted to defeat him they would need to counter him with his weakness, Harmony in its purest form." Garland’s eyes bugged out. He this information was truly beyond belief. Ultimecia had more interesting information but decided to hold it until she could tell the God of Discord herself.

"Now, I’m going to see Chaos if you don’t mind." Ultimecia tried to move around him but Garland stopped her again. He was smirking which wasn’t good.

"How about you take your leave, and have a rest. A nice long rest." Ultimecia knew what he was referring to but before she could act she felt Garland’s blade impale her in the belly. She stared loosing blood rapidly. She collapsed to her knees, and was slowly dying.


Garland looked blank, he didn’t really want to do this to Ultimecia but he had to. "You see, I have a mission to fulfill. A task given to me by the Great Will."

"What are you……talking about?"

"You see, I am to guide Chaos by the Great Will’s wishes. One thing he asks is that certain types of secrets are kept from him."

Ultimecia was stunned that Garland and Garland alone would have this task. "Just who….who are you!?"

Garland stared into Ultimecia’s eyes. "I would tell you, but you’ll just forget everything." Ultimecia began to fade. "And fear not, everyone will know how you bravely got the information we were after and gave it to me before you valiantly fell in battle. Don’t be afraid you will be back, but all you learned will be forgotten." Ultimecia felt a little good about dying now. Since she held more information than what she revealed, at least that information would die with her. She faded completely and she would not return until the battle restarts.

Back at the Sanctuary Warrior stood by Cosmos’s side. It was almost time for him to go and patrol Equestria again, when to his surprise, two stallion guards entered the area they were in awe as they stared at the surrounding area.

"What brings Princess Celestia’s guards to the Order’s Sanctuary?" Cosmos asked. The stallions stopped staring and gave Warrior and Cosmos’s attention.

"We have some bad news." The first stallion said.

"It appears that the royal pet is missing. Princess Celestia is worried sick about her."

"How unfortunate." Warrior said.

"We must ask if you have seen it or have any leads to its location."

Warrior didn’t have any information but he turned to Cosmos. Cosmos nodded and closed her eyes and began using her goddess’s sight. She reopened her eyes and giggled.

"What is it?" Warrior asked.

The Goddess turned to the Stallions. "Seek Twilight Sparkle you’ll find her at Fluttershy’s cottage."

"Thank you Goddess." The stallions bowed and turned and walked out.

Warrior waited until the stallions were out of sight. "You giggled, what could possibly be funny?"

Cosmos continued to smile. "It appears that one’s kindness has gotten the better of her. Not only that, it appears that something is using her kindness to take advantage of her, in a practical sort of way." Warrior raised an eyebrow to the goddess. "You should go and check on young Fluttershy." Warrior grunted and walked out of the Sanctuary and returned to Ponyville. He took noticed that several Stallions combing the area and placing missing posters of Philomena everywhere. Warrior still didn’t understand the significance of having a pet, but he did understand that Celestia truly cares about this creature.

Warrior passed by a poster when he noticed that one has a silly mustache and beard was drawn on it. Warrior rolled his eyes, he didn’t know who did it, and he didn’t really care. However he noticed that Fluttershy was galloping around the town with Twilight. They looked frightened about something, so Warrior approached them with concern.

"Oh Warrior! I’m so glad you’re here!" Twilight said when he came close.

"Why?" He asked.

Twilight took a deep breath before she could explain. "Fluttershy………Did something, very thoughtful but foolish."

Fluttershy walked towards Warrior and sat down and stared at the ground with a sad look. Warrior knelt in front of the Pegasus and stared at her face. "What did you do?"

"I…um…..I saw Princess Celestia’s bird Philomena at the party. She looked so sick, I had to help the poor thing. Then when she wasn’t looking, I…." Warrior began stroking her mane again. Fluttershy loved it when Warrior did that. Not only did it show that Warrior liked her, and trusted her. It also let her know that despite Warrior’s face almost never changed he’s not mad at her and that he’ll support her no matter what.

Warrior figured out what she did. She took the bird in secret with the intention of nursing it back to health. "I understand, but why must you be on edge?"

Twilight face hooved. "Don’t you get it? If the princess finds out what Fluttershy did she’ll banish her! Or throw her in a dungeon! Or banish her and throw her in a dungeon in the place that she banished her to!" Warrior raised an eyebrow to her. Twilight felt disgruntled about Warrior obiviously not seeing how, that may happen. "Why is this so hard for you two to understand!?"

Warrior could plainly see that she was over reacting. "You honestly think that will happen?" Warrior sighed. "The princess has been nothing but benevolent. I’m sure she would forgive Fluttershy."

"Wellllllllllll." Fluttershy paused. Warrior knew that pause wasn’t a good sign.

Warrior didn’t give into his fear of what could have possibly happened. So he swallowed his fears and asked. "Anything I should know about?"

Twilight stepped forward. "You see, I was trying to feed Philomena some soup Fluttershy made, but when I did…..she escaped her cage and is now loose in the town." Warrior’s face was frozen. He now understands that this was beyond the pale. If something happened to that bird…. He's certain the Princess wouldn't be so noble about it.

Warrior only knew one thing to do. "I guess I should help you find it then."

"Oh thank you so much!" Fluttershy smiled. Then the three moved throughout the town. Then to their surprise Rainbow Dash flew over their heads and smiled. She was happy to see them.

She took notice of them running and was curious. "What are you two doing? "Are you having a race? Oh, can I play? One, two, three, GO!" She sped off leaving a rainbow trail, she didn’t understood what they were really doing. They arrived at the town fountain where the others were. Fluttershy moved under Pinkie Pie and picked her up to look underneath her. How Fluttershy lifted her onto her back shocked Warrior.

"Excuse me!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Hi!" Pinkie Pie smiled.

"Beg your pardon!" Twilight said as she lifted up Rarity.

"Put me down!" Rarity demanded. Twilight did so.

They were all puzzled as to what they were doing. "What in tarnation?!" Applejack shouted.

Fluttershy scratched the ground nervously. "Sorry, but we've gotta find..."

"The princess's pet bird!" A nearby Stallion guard shouted. He was looking up and the team all looked where he was looking. They looked up and saw an almost completely featherless Philomena on the top of the statue.

Fluttershy began to worry. "Philomena, come down from there! You'll hurt yourself!" The last of her feathers on her tail fell off and then she started gagging and coughing and then began to flail and keel about and then pretended to be dead. Warrior covered his mouth, also worrying. If the bird was dead, then that means…...the Princess won’t be happy about that at all. Then Philomena rose up again and threw herself from the statue and began to fall. Everyone gasped and Fluttershy was the first to act.

"I'll catch you!" She raced over to the falling bird and then, all of a sudden Philomena burst into flame. Everyone gasped and then a pile of ashes fell and landed in Fluttershy’s hooves.

"She spontaneously combusted!" Warrior thought. "No creature can do that, except….."

All the ponies gasped and Fluttershy sniffed and almost began to start crying. Princess Celestia noticed the crowd and walked over to see what was happening.

"What is going on here?" She called. Everyone in attendance bowed. She turned her attention to her student. "Twilight?"

Twilight stepped forward. "Yes, your Majesty, there's been a terrible accident."

Fluttershy interjected and stepped closer. "It's all my fault."

Twilight stepped forward. "No, Princess. Fluttershy didn't know any better. It was my fault."

Fluttershy stepped forward. "I'm the one who did it."

Then Twilight stepped forward, now they were arguing over who would take the fall for this incident. "But you were only trying to help."

"Some help I was." Fluttershy whimpered.

Twilight was irritated. "Will ya let me do this? She'll go easier on me."

Fluttershy wouldn’t let her friend take the hit for her mistake. "But it's my fault!"

"No, it's my fault!" Twilight argued.

Pinkie Pie interjected. "No, it's my fault! Wait, what are we talking about?" Warrior rolled his eyes and sighed. Pinkie Pie had absolutely no idea what she’s talking about.

Fluttershy stepped forward and felt brave to confess her mistake. "Thanks for trying to protect me, Twilight, but... Princess Celestia, I'm the one who took your pet bird. I really was only trying to help the poor little thing. Then I was gonna bring it right back to you, honest." Princess Celestia eyed the pile of ashes of her bird. So, if you wanna banish me and then throw me in a dungeon in the place that you banish me to, then that's what I deserve." Celestia eyed Fluttershy and then the pile of ashes.

She smiled at them. "Oh, stop fooling around, Philomena. You're scaring everypony." Then the ashes swirled around in the air and retook the form of a beautiful crimson red bird. It looked like its body was made up entirely of fire.

Warrior was greatly surprised. "The Flames of Rebirth!" Warrior shouted. "It is! The legends are true!" Everypony was confused. Princess lifted her front leg and Philomena perched herself on it.

"I don't understand! What is that thing? What happened to Philomena?" Fluttershy asked.

Celestia smiled warmly. "This is Philomena. She's quite a sight, as I said. But nothing unusual for a phoenix. Isn't that right, Philomena?" Philomena pecked at her wings and squawked.

"The legendary Fire Bird!" Warrior shouted. Even though his face didn’t show it, he was super excited to see such a legend.

"A... A phoenix?" Fluttershy asked.

Princess Celestia cleared her throat and began to explain the life of a phoenix. "A phoenix is a majestic and magical bird. While it appears healthy and happy most of the time, every so often it must renew itself by shedding all of its feathers and bursting into flame." Philomena squawked again, and the princess leaned inward to whisper. "Rather melodramatic, if you ask me." She pulled away and spoke normally. "It then rises from the ashes, fresh as a daisy. All just a normal part of the life cycle of a phoenix. I'm afraid mischievous little Philomena here took the occasion to have a little fun with you, Fluttershy. Say you're sorry, young lady." Philomena hid her face behind one of her wings and blushed. She squawked in a sorry tone.

Warrior stepped forward and explained something else about the phoenix. "You see, it’s also a creature known for being quite mischievous."

Fluttershy was relieved to not be in trouble but it seemed too easy. "So... aren't you gonna banish me? Or throw me in a dungeon? Or banish me and then throw me in a dungeon in the place that you banish me to?"

Princess Celestia smiled warmly. "Of course not, my little pony. Where on Earth would you get such an idea?"

"I guess I have some imagination." Fluttershy giggled.

Twilight also held a warm smile. "Fluttershy really did do everything she could to try to take care of Philomena for you."

"And I do appreciate that your heart was in the right place, child. But all you had to do was ask me and I could have told you Philomena was a phoenix and saved you all this trouble." Princess Celestia said.

"I know. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Next time I'll ask before taking matters into my own hooves." Fluttershy swore.

That sounded like something Twilight could learn from. "Should I write you a letter about that lesson, Princess?" Twilight asked.

"No, that's quite all right. I think I can remember." Celestia smiled. Philomena landed on her back and flew back up and pulled out one of her feathers and to Fluttershy’s surprise, she placed it in Fluttershy’s mane.

Fluttershy felt happy now that things have calmed down. "It's beautiful. Thank you, Philomena. No hard feelings." Philomena squawked at Warrior and caught his attention. Philomena flew around above his head and a fiery circle appeared. From the center appeared another summon stone that slowly descended into his hand.

Princess Celestia gave her bird a warm smile. "Aww. It appears that Philomena also wants to thank you for saving my life."

"Thank you very much." Warrior said to the Phoenix, she squawked at the knight and flew around. Rainbow Dash got an idea and flew up and whispered something in Philomena’s ear. Philomena landed onto her cage which was guarded by two stallions. She tickled their noses with her tail feathers and it made them start laughing. Not soon after everypony joined in the laugher. Warrior just stayed silent, as usual.

The fallowing night Twilight told Warrior about a meteor shower that was happening in Ponyville and invited Warrior to see it. Warrior wanted to object, but Cosmos ordered him to go.

Several of Ponyville’s residents were on the hill outside of the town. Warrior sat on a large red and white checkered picnic blanket with the others along with Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Spike brought a bowl of fruit and purple colored punch with glasses, along with Twilight’s astronomical maps and her telescope.

Rainbow Dash reached into bowl and pulled out an apple with her mouth. She took a bite and munched on it happily, she gulped it down. "Wow, Twilight! You're lucky to have such a rad assistant. I wish I had someone to do whatever I told them." Luckily she was right next to Scootaloo, she really idolizes her.

"Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Me! I'll do whatever you want, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo cheered.

Rainbow Dash smiled at the filly. "Oh yeah, pipsqueak? How about taking out the trash?" She finished her apple and tossed the core on the ground.

"Yes ma'am!" Scootaloo cheered as she picked up the core and left.

Rarity approached with Sweetie Belle. "Do we have Spike to thank again for this amazing spread? Isn't he simply amazing?" Spike blushed at being praised, but mostly being praised by Rarity.

"Oh come on….." Spike wasn’t done listening to the praise. "I said come on."

Pinkie Pie playfully dug her hoof into his head. "Little Spikey-wikey! Who knew that big ferocious dragon started off so cutesy wootsy?" The team turned towards Warrior who was just looking up.

Spike broke the silence. "Hey Warrior, anything you want to add?"

Warrior turned to him and sighed. He’d rather not stroke Spike’s ego. But he could tell on the looks of the other’s faces telling him to praise the dragon.

"You serve Twilight well." Then he turned to Twilight. "You should be proud."

"You should." Spike said. "I never told you this, but Kain prayed for me to help him and I answered!" The team all gasped and Spike made a boastful pose, but this time he deserved it.

"Spike, you are such a little star that I had to make a little bow tie for you." Rarity used her unicorn powers and raised a red bow embroidered in several small gems. She used her powers and tied it around Spike’s neck.

Spike blushed even harder. "You guys are embarrassing me. Stop it." He paused and turned to Twilight. "Twilight, your turn." Warrior rolled his eyes.

"Spike, that's enough." Twilight said in a mother like tone.

"Oh, right. That's enough." Spike giggled.

"Hey, everypony! The show is starting!" Sweetie Belle said. All the ponies moved and focused their gaze at the stars. Scootaloo stood next to Rainbow Dash, Applebloom stood on Applejack’s back, and Sweetie Belle stood on Rarity’s back. Warrior sat in the center of the group. Then several comets streaked across the sky and lit it up with beautiful white sparkles in their tails. They all stared at it in awe, Warrior was impressed to, he only showed it with his eyes bugging out. Spike yawned, it seemed like he was getting tired.

After the shower, the team began to munch on cookies that Spike made himself. Mmm. "Wow! These cookies are delish!" Pinkie Pie Cheered.

Twilight giggled. "Spike made them. Speaking of, Spike, can you bring us some punch?" There was no response. "Spike?" The group found Spike curled up in a ball sleeping in the tipped over, almost empty punch bowl.

Rarity was captivated by how cute Spike looked asleep. "Oh, poor thing."

"Aww..." Twilight cooed. "He's worked himself to the bone."

"And now the punch has been... spiked!" Pinkie Pie said. Then all the ponies started laughing. Then they noticed how Warrior continued to look upwards despite there not being anymore comets to be spotted. He wasn’t joining the others in laughing at Spike and enjoying some refreshment. The others trotted over to him and all sat next to him and continued to stare upwards along side with him.

"Enjoying the sight?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Warrior said.

"It is beautiful." Fluttershy said.

Just then Rainbow Dash got an idea. "Hey everyone! Let’s take a picture!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie cheered, Applejack dug through the stuff in the wagon and took out a camera.

"I would like my number one fan to go and take it if she doesn’t mind! Rainbow Dash said to Scootaloo.

"Oh I would LOVE to Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo cheered. She ran to the camera and the other two Crusaders joined her.The team all stood up off the blanket and stood facing the camera in a grassy area next to a tree. The ponies all smiled pretty for the picture, while Warrior kept his blank expresssion but stayed focused on the camera.

"CHEESE!" The ponies cheered but Warrior remained silent ‘click.’

"This will be a happy memory for you huh Warrior?" Applejack asked. "Now we got something that you can always look at and remember us by."

Warrior paused. "Yes." The camera spit out the snapshot and Twilight used her powers to manipulate the picture and show it to everyone. They all smiled warmly at each other, even though Warrior wasn’t smiling. Everypony knew how he really felt.

Back at the Edge of Madness Garland approached the God of Discord and kneeled.

"So?" Chaos asked. "You have answers about Equestria?"

"Yes." Garland said. He proceeded to explain to Chaos what Ultimecia told him but kept thing out such as the Creature Discord once being a Warrior of Chaos.

"Yes….Indeed." Chaos said as he took it all in.

"So, it is now clear what the Equestrian’s have done in the past, as well as what our spy informs us of what they’re planning now."

"It matters not now." Chaos said. "With this information, Equestria is now expendable. Now our mission changes, to destroy that world. Is the manikin horde still waiting to dispatch Cosmos?"

"Yes." Garland nodded.

"Good, send them in and kill her." Chaos ordered.

The next day, the team all got together when Twilight decided to show off a new friend who appeared to her overnight. A brown feathered big black eyed owl that she named Owlicious.

Twilight explained how she became friends with Owlicious. He came to visit me when the wind was blowing through an open window and almost blew my reports on comets away. He was such a good assistant that I invited him to stay with me.

"Oh, what a fantastical, flufflicious feathery little friend!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "I'm... HOOked!" Then all the ponies started laughing.

"He’s just wonderful." Fluttershy complimented.

Spike was mumbling bitterly as he sat in on branch a branch that made the Library, reading a book on owls. "He's just wonderful." Spike said mocking Fluttershy. The ponies glared at him. "Uh, yes. Wonderful. He's quite... the charmer."

"And Owlicious is just such a star I just had to make this little bow for you." Rarity made a second bow that she made for Spike the night before and placed it on the bird’s neck. Spike grumbled bitterly and stomped through an open window, back into the library. Warrior knew something was upsetting him so he went into the library to speak to him. He spotted him stomping towards his bed.

"I sense jealousy?" Warrior hinted to the dragon.

"I’m not jealous!" Spike argued. Spike stared at Warrior’s face and while Spike may deny it, Warrior knew he was jealous.

"I’m not going to lecture you on virtues or anything Cosmos has taught me, like I do with the others. But understand this, if you’re going to behave this way, despite being called upon and saving Kain. You’ll be proving that you are still very immature and have very much to learn."

"Hey! I was summoned by Kain, he told me that when that happens I would definitely be a noble dragon!"

Warrior knew there was more to Spike’s attitude than what he was showing. "Tell me what's wrong about Owlicious, and don’t bother lying to me."

Spike grumbled and confessed. "Warrior, I’m Twilight’s number one assistant! I always have been! Now that Owl’s getting all the thunder I once had! And after only being around for one day! I can’t be replace by some bird! Or as the best dragon friend the ponies all know."

Warrior sighed. "Spike, I believe the true root of your problem is the fact you’re insecure in how you believe Twilight and her friends value you. I’m afraid the truth in this matter is something only you can get yourself. I cannot help you further, so may Cosmos guide your way." Warrior turned and walked out of the Library.

Spike stood tall and proud. "He’s right! I need to resecure my position as number one! That’s something only I can do myself!"

Back at the land of Discord the Warrior’s of Cosmos arrived at another Gateway and were traversing the World of Darkness. Tifa was interrupted by thoughts of the next battle and were greatly puzzled by Kain’s actions.

"There is another cycle, right?" Tifa asked.

"That I do not know of. It’s not like I Kain saw proof." Lightning said she grumbled. "Yet he went around knocking allies out."

"Guess there was hope in his actions." Yuna said, but realized something. "Not hope-but a gamble perhaps. He took a risk to believe in a chance, rather than live as a pawn to disappear."

"He should have talked to us." Tifa laughed.

"But if he did, no one would be asleep and everyone would be here." Laguna pointed out.

"I guess….he was right about that." Lightning said. "He could only knock them out alone…Protecting them from our enemies…We’re only able to attack the gate thanks to us. But he still haven’t yet. If we want to take a chance, we need to first stop those manikins from appearing." The Warriors walked forward and appeared at the exit Gateway.

A couple days later in Equestria Twilight managed to calm Spike down after he tried to run away from home due to his insecurities. The dragon was put right back on top again when Twilight had to reassure him about how much he’s loved by herself and the others. Warrior continued to stand next to Cosmos’s side like he always did. All of s sudden Pinkie Pie decided to pay them both a surprise visit with Gummy by her side.

"Pinkie Pie, how do you do?" Cosmos smiled. Pinkie Pie broke out into song.

"This is your singing telegram
I hope it finds you well
You're invited to a party
'Cause we think you're really swell

Gummy's turning one year old
So help us celebrate
The cake will be delicious
The festivities first-rate

There will be games and dancing
Bob for apples, cut a rug
And when the party's over
We'll gather 'round for a group hug

No need to bring a gift
Being there will be enough
Birthdays mean having fun with friends
Not getting lots of stuff

It won't be the same without you
So we hope that you say yes
So, please, oh please R.S.V.P.
And come, and be our guest!"

Pinkie Pie did a flashy pose as she held out Gummy in a presenting fashion. Cosmos and Warrior looked at each other then back at the pink pony.

"It appears you’re invited to a party." Cosmos suggested to Warrior.

"Oh no silly!" Pinkie Pie laughed. "You’re both invited! I wouldn’t feel good if I only invited Warrior!"

"Well, unfortunately only Warrior can join you." Cosmos smiled.

"Ohhhhhh….why?" Pinkie Pie moped.

"I’m a goddess, while I do enjoy a good get together with friends. I have everlasting duties." Cosmos explained. Warrior stood still and sighed knowing that he alone of the two would be attending the party.

"But I will be there." Warrior said. Pinkie Pie jumped up and cheered.

"YAY!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "I would love to see you! There’s gonna be cake, and games, and punch, and music, and…."

"Ok!" Warrior said cutting her off. "I’m sure it’ll be fun."

"Great see you soon!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she picked up gummy and bounced back to Ponyville.

Warrior was suspicious of Cosmos for of something. "You could have attended the party, couldn’t you?" He asked Cosmos.

"Yes. But she’s your friend. It’s only natural that you attend." Cosmos said.

"I’m not her or any of the other’s friends." Warrior countered.

Cosmos giggled. "Why do you say that?"

"I mustn’t get attached to that world. I do not belong there!"

"That’s true. But one can’t be too short of friends even if their time together is only a few mere seconds."

"Maybe, unfortunately I know the Equestrians, especially Twilight Sparkle, may be devastated when the fact that when this war ends………"

"Don’t think about that now." Cosmos said. "Go to the party." Warrior turned to Ponyville and left the Sanctuary.

"You may say you don’t wish to be attached. I can see you already have." Cosmos thought.

The party started at Sugarcube Corner, Country themed party music filled the room. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were bobbing for apples, Twilight and Pinkie Pie were dancing, Fluttershy and Rarity were conversing. While Warrior sat in a chair and watched. He didn’t mind parties, compared to one of his comrades who absolutely despised the idea of them. However Warrior just wasn’t the partying type. Applejack grabbed an apple from the tub and tossed up the apple and snapped it up.

"Nice one!" Rainbow Dash complimented. "Now, let me show you how it's really done." Pinkie Pie showed up and interrupted Rainbow Dash before she could dunk her head in the tub.

"Hey Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey girls!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Howdy!" Applejack said.

Pinkie Pie squealed happily. "Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you could make it to Gummy's party."

"Are you kiddin'? I wouldn't have missed it for the world." Applejack said happily.

"Me neither. When Pinkie Pie throws a party, I am there!" Rainbow Dash said happily. She threw he head into the tub and pulled out an apple and smiled brightly. "Ta-da!"

"Aw! It's just a boring old apple." Pinkie Pie said. "Don't worry, there are plenty of other surprises in there."

Rainbow Dash spat out the Apple, which bounced off of Applejack’s cheek and landed back into the tub. She grew excited. "What kind of surprises?"

"I can't tell you that, silly. Then it wouldn't be a surprise." Pinkie Pie giggled, she trotted away and Applejack and Rainbow Dash started eyeing the water closely. Then both dunked their heads in the tub simultaneously. Applejack pulled up an apple connected by a spring, which pulled her back into the water. Then Rainbow Dash pulled Gummy out of the tub, for he latched his mouth onto her face. Applejack just laughed. Pinkie Pie trotted up to Rarity as she sipped on punch through a straw. She smiled as Pinkie Pie refilled her glass with a ladle.

"This punch is simply divine." Rarity said. "Is this the same recipe you used for your ‘Spring Has Sprung’ party?"

"Nope! Something new." Rarity continued to sip until she and Twilight noticed Gummy swimming in the punch. Rarity and Twilight put on disgusted faces after seeing Gummy swimming in the beverage and were afraid of what could be in it, Rarity spit out the punch all over Pinkie Pie’s face. The pink pony wasn’t bother by that at all. "It’s Gummy’s favorite!" She smiled as Rarity smiled nervously back to her. He hesitantly leaned inward and began drinking the punch again but wasn’t swallowing it. Then a different song started playing. "Ooh, this is my jam!" Pinkie Pie cheered, she left to go dance. Rarity spat the punch into a nearby plant. Pinkie Pie went over to the dance floor Fluttershy and Twilight and started dancing.

"Having fun?" Pinkie Pie asked as she swayed her head to the music.

"A blast!" Twilight said.

"You always throw the best parties Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy said.

"They’re always the best parties ‘cause my best friends are always there!" Pinkie Pie smiled. Pinkie Pie started thrashing about recklessly and she accidentally knocked Twilight and Fluttershy away with her behind. "C'mon, everypony! Gummy wants to dance! Go, Gummy! It's your birthday! Go, Gummy! It's your birthday!" All the ponies gathered at the dance floor and surrounded the alligator as he just stood still shaking his tail. They all noticed Warrior still sitting in the chair away from everything. Pinkie Pie wouldn’t have that.

"Come on Warrior! Jump on in and have some fun!" Pinkie Pie said motioning Warrior to join in on the dancing. Warrior wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing. At least, unless traditional ballroom style.

So he made up a fake excuse to not dance. "Actually this is your alligator’s party. Who am I to steal his spotlight?" Although all the ponies knew he was trying not to move.

"Come on get up outta that seat!" Applejack said.

This time Warrior would have to just say it. "Look, everything is fine. I would just rather not dance, but thank you for the invitation to do so." The ponies chose to respect his decision but they could all agree that he really needs to loosen up.

The party continued till the evening. The entire guest left Sugarcube Corner as Pinkie Pie watched them from her bedroom window at the top of the building.

"Hoo-wee!" Applejack exhaled heavily. "I am beat! I haven't danced that much since... Well, since your last party. Thanks again for the invite!"

"See ya later birthday alligator! Rainbow Dash called to Gummy.

"Bravo for hosting yet another delightful soiree." Rarity said.

"It's been lovely." Fluttershy said.

"You sure you don't wanna stay?" Pinkie Pie asked. "There's still some cake left." Then she got an idea. She took the leftover cake and wrapped it into a box and raced down the stairs and gave it to Warrior as he was leaving.

Warrior was confused. "What are you…"

"For Cosmos!" Pinkie Pie smiled. "I feel bad that she couldn’t join us so if you would please give this to her."

"I shall." Warrior assured.

"Great party! We should do this again soon." Twilight called. All the guest left to their homes. Warrior returned to the Sanctuary with the cake for Cosmos.

"Oh how thoughtful of Pinkie Pie." Cosmos said smiling at the box.

"Now tomorrow I will be in Equestria all day. The others said I’m need for a special project."

"What kind of project?" Cosmos asked.

"I’m not sure. The others wouldn’t tell me."

The next day Pinkie Pie arrived at the Sanctuary again with a basket on her head filled with party invitations.

"Why hello Pinkie Pie." Cosmos said. "I’m sorry but Warrior’s not here."

"Oh." Pinkie Pie moped. Cosmos could tell something was bothering her.

"What’s wrong young pony?"

Pinkie Pie stared at the ground and moved closer to the goddess and sat down. "Everyone had fun at Gummy’s party yesterday. Twilight said we should do it again soon, and when I tried to get everyone together for an after party, but when I tried to invite everyone, they all were busy with something, it also seemed like they were purposely making excuses to not come to my parties. I’m worried."

Cosmos was confused. "About what?"

"I’m worried that everyone hates my parties and nopony wants to be my friend anymore."

Cosmos rose from her throne and sighed. "Oh Pinkie Pie. You can’t honestly believe that all the ponies hate your parties do you?"


"Let me tell you a little secret." Cosmos said. "Even though you can’t see it. Warrior absolutely adores your parties."

Pinkie Pie smiled at the goddess. "He does?" Cosmos nodded. "Well I guess I’ll have to go look for him then!" Pinkie Pie rose up and galloped out of the Sanctuary.

Later at the barn at Sweet Apple Acres Warrior was doing work inside the barn with four of the other ponies. He was helping setting up a celebration of some sort. He was setting up colorful streamers and balloons all over the place. All of a sudden Rainbow Dash broke through the door.

"Pinkie Pie! At three o’clock!" She yelled out. Applejack went to the door and slammed it.

"I know you're IN THERE!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

Applejack opened the top half of the door and began sweating nervously. "Oh! Howdy, partner!"

"Mind if I... take a look inside the barn?" Pinkie Pie said in a forceful tone. She tried looking around Applejack, but he kept moving, and blocking her sight.

"No! Uh, I mean, yes, I mean... you can't come in here!" Applejack stammered.

"Rainbow Dash just went in there." Pinkie Pie shouted.

Applejack quickly made up an excuse. "Oh, well, she was just bringin' in some... supplies! Yup, supplies for the... renovation! Fixin' up the whole thing, top to bottom..." Applejack turned towards the inside of the barn and spoke loudly. "Uh, lots of construction goin' on in there right now."

"You heard her! Construction!" Rainbow Dash whispered. The ponies all broke out in making construction noises. But Warrior just gave them weird looks.

"Yup! Construction! That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it." Applejack laughed nervously and then gulped Pinkie Pie stared her down further, but decided to let it go.

"Okey…Dokey…Lokey." Warrior heard her say that several times. It was weird hearing her say that in such a suspicious manner. Pinkie Pie turned and walked away and Applejack breathed a sigh of relief. Then Pinkie Pie shot back and put her nose in Applejack’s face, then walked away for real.

The ponies all glared at Warrior. "What?" He asked.

"She could have figured it out!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "You could have helped with the construction noises!"

"Sorry, but I’m not too happy about being held here all day." Warrior grumbled.

"I get that, but understand that we understand you and that you’d just spoil it for us!" Applejack said.

"Much later their little celebration was ready to go."

"Looks great, good work everyone!" Twilight said.

"I’ll go get our guest of honor!" Rainbow Dash said as she flew out the barn and away.

After waiting for half an hour Rainbow Dash reappeared dragging a disgruntled Pinkie Pie by her tail and Gummy sitting on Pinkie Pie’s behind. She looked ill, she didn’t look sick but her puffy balloon styled hair was completely flattened and hung off her head all strait. Rainbow Dash let go of her tail and opened the door.

Rainbow Dash was out of breath. "We're... here..." Pinkie Pie Looked inside and saw her friends wearing party hats and looked excited about something.

"Surprise!" They shouted in unison. In fact even Warrior shouted it and he was also wearing a hat on top of his helmet. Pinkie Pie was angered and Rainbow Dash pushed her into the room.

Her friends took notice of her anger and cringed. "I really thought she'd be more excited." Fluttershy said.

"Excited? EXCITED?" Pinkie Pie yelled. "Why would I be excited to attend my own farewell party?!"

"Her friends were confused. Farewell party?" Twilight asked.

"Yes! You don't like me anymore, so you decided to kick me out of the group and throw a great, big party to celebrate! A ‘Farewell to Pinkie Pie’ party!" Pinkie Pie sat down and stared at the ground sadly.

Applejack walked up to her and smiled. "Why in the world would you think we didn't like you anymore, sugarcube?"

"Why? Why? WHY?! Because you've been lying to me and avoiding me all day, that's why!" Pinkie Pie shouted. Her friends all smiled at her.

"Uh, yeah! Because we wanted your party to be a surprise." Rainbow Dash said.

"I would never do something so hurtful." Warrior added.

Rarity smiled at her. "We'd been planning this party for such a long time, we had to make excuses for why we couldn't attend Gummy's party so that we could get everything ready for yours."

Warrior sighed. "You see, everyone knew that I would tell you just make you feel better, and for that I was kept in here to prevent me from ruining the surprise."

"Which we’re sorry for keeping you here, but we really wanted this to be a surprise." Rarity said to Warrior.

Twilight walked over the cake they all had for Pinkie Pie. "If this is a farewell party, why does the cake I picked up from Sugarcube Corner say Happy Birthday, Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie Pie looked at all the decorations and finally figured it out. Her hair inflated back into its balloon shape that it once had. "Because it's my birthday! Ooh, how could I have forgotten my own birthday?" She stretched out her front legs and pulled her all her friends into a hug. Warrior was again puzzled as to how she did that. Her friends all sighed in relief. "And you like me so much you decided to throw me a surprise party!" She bounced all around the barn.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you, darling." Rarity laughed.

"You guys are the best friends ever!" Pinkie Pie cheered, she lowered her head in shame for doubting her friends. "How could I have ever doubted you?"

"It’s okay, Pinkie Pie. It could have happened to any of us." Twilight assured.

"I'm just glad I haven't been replaced by a bucket of turnips." Rainbow Dash said relieved.

"Huh?" Twilight asked.

"You don’t wanna know." Rainbow Dash said. Pinkie Pie was embarassed about something. Warrior agreed that it would be best if they didn’t know.

"All right, everyone! Enough of this gab. Let's party! "Applejack went over to a record player and started playing the song that Pinkie Pie calls her jam and the party began.

Twilight went over to a nearby table and began wrote down her letter to Princess Celestia. After she finished Warrior went over to the letter and read it to himself.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you from the most delightful party. I'm not only having a great time with my friends, but also was given the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson about friendship. Always expect the best from your friends, and never assume the worst.Restassured that a good friend always has your best interests at heart.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle"

"Guess this lesson could be something I could learn from." Warrior said to himself.

Back in the Land of Discord the Warriors of Cosmos were almost at the Gateway to the rift.

"Their numbers are slowly increasing." Yuna said.

"Everyone, be ready to fight at any time." Lightning said.

"Don’t sweat it, a group of this size is nothing. This should be a breeze." Vaan said.

"I’m fine as well. I can fight at any time." Yuna said.

"Hmm, we’ve come a long way, but don’t you think they’re holding back? Or not.." Laguna said.

"They’re this way!" Tifa called as she took the lead.

"Let’s just find ‘em and end this quickly…and head back to Cosmos." Vaan said.

"Vaan." Yuna sighed. "They all should know there’s no return for them if the stop the rift."

"You’ve got a point there, Vaan. If that’s the case-we gotta go." Tifa said.

"Let’s go. We gotta destroy that portal to the rift." Lightning said. They found the Gateway and entered it.

That evening the ponies gathered around the table to hear another Cosmos report, Twilight sat and read it aloud.

As the child grew older, so, too, grew his terrifying strength, and with it his usefulness as an instrument of war. But he would not follow the army's orders.

Emissaries from the government took me into custody. Assuming he'd be more likely to listen to orders coming from his "mother," the army asked me to control him.

In the end, the child destroyed the neighboring country. Countless homes were consumed by hellfire; his strength was even enough to seal summons and Omega alike...

Unfortunately this marked the last time I would ever get to see my friends in Equestria. When the war was over I wanted to introduce the child to the Equestrians. I knew in my heart they would accept him despite his monstrous appearance. Unfortunately I would never get to see any of them again.

My husband needed to keep Equestria safe from the army. I'm not sure how but he knew that if the army discovered this world, It's beauty would be a thing of the past, it had several resources that could be forcibly taken.

The scene could not have been different from that of the underworld.

...Yet, there had been no other way. If a weapon does not perform its function, it is discarded and destroyed. He was no different, the army stressed. That is why I did as they asked. I had to save him.

I wanted to keep the child safe, no matter the cost.

"Oh my." Fluttershy said. "Poor child. Losing his mother like that."

"Poor mother!" Rainbow Dash said. "Being forced to control her child to fight!"

Author's Note:

Ok guys just gotta post a note down here cause I gotta ask. Season 4 anyone excited!?