• Published 24th Mar 2018
  • 1,473 Views, 37 Comments

Artificial Harmony - Twisted Fiction

Over the course of her time in Ponyville, Princess Twilight Sparkle has rehabilitated some of the worlds most notorious and troublesome villains. Now she has been tasked with reforming the most violent and heinous ponies ever known to Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The sound of hoof beats resonated from the manor walls. Stone walls, high enough to rival a castle and wider than a city street. The master of the estate, the red pegasus War was currently marching down the halls in search of his younger brother. A glance at the interior made it obvious that the building belonged to War. The carpet and drapery matched his deep red color, and the walls were adorned with military equipment. Swords and shields were up on display and empty armor suits stood guard at every corner.

War approached the entrance to his brothers room. A pair of grey double doors blocked the path, a nameplate mounted just above with the name "Death," calligraphically inscribed upon it. War gently knocked on the door before pushing it open. Peeking his head in, his brother was nowhere to be found.

For it to only serve as a bedroom it was an immense space standing as tall and wide as a ballroom. While Deaths room held all the usual amenities what made it truly stand out was the walls and ceilings. They were a tapestry of colors. Ponies, Landscapes, symbols and all sorts of Equestrian wildlife were painted onto the stone. The artistry was on par with the famous murals of Canterlot castle.

"Death?" War beckoned to his absent brother.

"Oh hey, perfect timing." called a familiar voice from above.

A quick look upward and he found Death at the very top of the room, sitting on a ladder he had propped against the wall. Brush in mouth, he covered the stone before him in a coat of green paint.

"I just finished," he said gleefully. He descended the ladder as quickly as he could before holding a hoof out to present the newest addition to his gallery. "So, what do you think?"

War already knew his answer. He'd never tell his brother one of his paintings was bad, but with Deaths record he never had too. He still took time to examine the new piece. The painting was of a massive green serpent-like creature. The long slender body wrapped itself around the other paintings, twisting and circling over itself until ending in a snake head that seemed to come off the wall and strike the viewer.

"Impressive, as always," War responded.

"Thanks." Death looked at the ground sheepishly as he normally did when receiving a compliment. "I tried to contrast the dark green of the snakes back with a bright gold for the underbelly. I think it really makes the colors pop. The hard part was the shading on the head. Still, don't think it's my finest work though."

"Well, it'll take something pretty incredible to top that one." The two looked up to the center of the ceiling, to what they all considered to be Deaths magnum opus. A large full body image of an alicorn, it's body a pale color and flowing mane was decorated in faces just like Deaths own. Divided down the ponies center the ceiling split into two, one side a bright sunny day and the other a dark starlit sky.

"It was a hard one, hope the others like it."

"I'm sure they will," War assured him. "We should ask them to come see it."

"I don't know. I'd hate to bother them."

"Come on, knowing them they're not doing anything important."

"Well I don't think its that big of a deal, but if you insist." said Death as he giddily strolled past War.

War couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Death had been acting modest but his speedy exit told a different story. He quickly followed behind to find his brothers but something caught his attention.

"So this is what you desire." a voice spoke behind him. The sudden noise triggered Wars reflexes. He twisted around into his fighting stance, ready to face the unseen pony. However, he found himself standing alone, only dozens of lifeless eyes staring back as if the paintings were watching him.

"Hey, you coming?" Deaths voice called from just beyond the doorway.

"Yeah, right behind you." War uneasily turned his back on the empty space, brushing off the voice as just his ears playing a trick on him.

Wars Mansion, Game Room

They could hear the sounds of clanging swords and crushing bones long before they entered the game room. Upon entering the chamber one would step onto a balcony that stretched around the entire square room. Seven chairs were situated evenly across the balcony with a larger one on the far side of the room, parallel to the door. Before them, was the stairwell leading to the lower level. Currently, the lower level was filled with ponies. Half white and half black but each one wearing armor and armed with weapons. They stood on a checkered pattern floor, evenly spaced enough that only one stood on each of the black and white squares.

Their unicorns brothers, Famine and Madness. Sat across from each other on the balcony overlooking the scene.

"Knight to A7." Said Famine. At his command one of the black ponies on the lower level charged, sliding past the ponies standing in his way until coming to a black square towards the top left corner of the room.

"Rook to A7." Just as Madness ordered a white pony charged to the black one's spot. It ran straight across the floor driving it's spear into the black ponies neck, taking off its entire head in the process. As the white one took its place the black ponies headless body dispersed into green embers. Revealing itself to be nothing more than an illusion, just a product of Madness's magic.

"So who's winning?" War asked upon entering.

"I am!" Madness proclaimed proudly.

"He has taken the most pieces," stated Famine. "Now I shall send my bishop to D4." Madness had the counterfeit pony move to Famines desired space. "And I believe that is checkmate."

"Hm?" Madness leaned forward moving his head to observe the white pony serving as his king from multiple angles. "Awww, that sucks." moped the unicorn. Simply for the fun of it, Madness had the three pieces surrounding his king all rush the crowned pony at once, tearing his body into bloody pieces. Madness laughing all the while. With the game over, Madness called off his illusion causing the remaining pieces to disappear. Even the checkered floor evaporated leaving behind a sleek red carpet.

"Care for a game War?" Asked Famine extending a hoof of invitation. "Testing my skills against a pony who actually utilizes a strategy would be a welcome change of pace." His comment made Madness chuckle sheepishly. It was true winning or losing didn't matter to the young unicorn, he only played so he had an excuse to conjure ponies to dismember and brutalize one another.

"Sounds like fun." smiling, War took Madness's seat with Death in the next one.

"Ok let the fun begin." Cheered Madness as he reset his illusion. The checkered floor reappeared along with the pony soldiers. The white ponies standing in formation.

"May the best pony win," said War courteously.

"Of course." Famine replied confidently. Before the game could get underway there were three loud knocks coming from the doorway. Their earth pony brother Disaster stood with their other brothers standing close behind him.

"Hey Famine, it's your night to make dinner!" he shouted.

"My apologies," replied Famine not taking his eyes from the board. "Time simply slipped away from me. I'll start dinner as soon as we're done here."

"Well hurry it up! I'm starving." Disaster growled as he and the rest entered the room to wait for their brothers game to conclude.

As Pestilence took a seat next to War he couldn't help but notice how messy the pegasus's hair was along with the sluggish look in his eyes, at least more sluggish than usual.

"Did you just wake up?" War asked.

"Yep." Pestilence said before letting out a big yawn. "Couldn't sleep last night, too busy."

"Busy doing what?"

"Probably napping." snickered Madness.

"Something like that." Pestilence said closing his eyes and placing his hooves behind his head. Not yet awake enough to come up with one of his usual witty responses.

"Sounds like you've had a productive day, speaking of which Death has added a new painting to his wall."

"It's nothing special." Death shrugged.

"Don't be so modest, you have quite the talent." stated Despair.

War smiled as he looked at his brother, who had taken on a bashful smile from the compliment. His brother's company allowed War to forget his worries, and his thoughts of the disembodied voice to fizzle away. He had everything he needed right here. A home, peaceful life and most importantly his brothers safe and sound. He knew nothing of the world outside this manor nor did he ever care to find out. However just as he managed to shake his nerves the voice spoke once again.

"You desire a life with your brothers. Free from danger, free from care." Chills ran down Wars spine as he turned his attention to the ceiling. Frantically searching for something, anything that could have spoken to them.

"Did anypony hear that!?" he asked but his voice was only met with silence. He turned to face his brothers again only to find each seat vacant as if they had all vanished into thin air, or had never been there at all.

"Show yourself!" he roared getting up and smashing his hooves into the stone floor before him.

"Calm yourself." said the voice but it offered him no relief. The loss of his brothers had put War into a rage that no voice could calm.

"You took them, didn't you!? Bring them back!?" he commanded bringing a front hoof down smashing a hole in the floor.

"As you wish, I won't keep you here any longer." despite the violent threats of the Pegasus the voice seemed genuinely compassionate. It never spoke again after that. Instead, a shimmering blue ember lite up in the center of the ceiling. Immediately large cracks of light seemed to branch out from it, like the roots of a tree spreading across the plaster. War could only watch as the cracks reached the ceiling's edge and crawled down the walls. At first, it appeared as if the cracks were in the manor walls but as they grew larger it was becoming increasingly apparent that wasn't the case. The cracks were in the air as if reality itself was ripping apart.

War fought to move but his limbs refused his commands. His entire body stood frozen in place. Unable to move, unable to speak. As his world seemed to crumble before him he was at a total loss. Even with his combat training and military tactics, he was powerless against such an otherworldly threat. Just as the last pieces of his mansion crumbled and faded away everything around him was enveloped in a bright light, and War found himself snapping awake in his prison cell.

In an instant War found himself thrashing about in a worn out bed. As his consciousness returned he began to remember where he actually was, and what was actually going on. The tranquil life he and his brothers had lived was nothing more than a dream. Freezing air and iron bars reminded him of the harsh reality they found themselves in. Taken from their home and stripped of their possessions. They were now condemned to this dungeon, nothing to do but wait for an unknowable future.

"Another bad dream?" asked Despair. His cell being directly across from Wars had given him a perfect view of his thrashing and moaning.

"Yeah." War straightened himself up before trudging his way over to the sink. He gathered some water in his hooves and splashed it on his face. The ice cold water was refreshing in his ragged eyes. Sleeping had become strenuous since being locked up. The nights were filled with dreams that felt so odd, yet so real. They had quickly deduced that Princess Luna was meddling with their minds, but her reasons for doing so was still a mystery to them.

"Ok soooooooo I spy, something grey," said Madness from the cell next to him. "Anypony know what it is?" he asked but they didn't seem eager to answer. "Hey Pest, know what it is?" but Pestilence just lied silently on his bed. His hooves tucked behind his head as he faced the wall, doing his best to block out the noise. "How about you Death?" Death continued to sit in silence. Using a pointed rock he found in his cell to carve his drawings onto the walls. "Despair, do you-"

"Knock it off!" Disaster growled. He smashed his back hooves into the bars with enough force to make them shiver and light up, showing off their magical reinforcement.

"Leave him alone Disaster," War commanded. He wasn't enjoying Madness's games either but the only alternative was being left in silence.

"Pft." Disaster grunted and returned to angrily stomping around his cell. Hot-headed as he was, Disaster had become increasingly aggressive over his time spent behind bars. He had gone through many sleepless nights, only resting when his body could no longer take it. Currently, his only defense to keep Princess Luna out of his mind. "I'm tired of just standing around! Pest, try licking the bars again," he ordered but Pestilence just lied motionless with his head facing away from him.

"Pest!" Disaster shouted and struck the bars again, making sure his brother heard him.

"It won't work." Pestilence asserted pessimistically. One of only a handful of times he had recently spoken.

"Well do it anyway, I can't take this anymore!" he growled but Pestilence didn't move from his spot.

During their earliest hours of captivity, they attempted every escape route they could think of. War's flames, Disasters Strength even Pestilences acidic spit but nothing could escape the confines of their cells. Powers such as Madness's magic or Pestilences miasma was trapped inside, unable to pass the bars. Even extending a hoof or any body part far enough outside prompted a magic shock, painful enough to force them back inside. Now left with no means of escape or any windows to the outside world, their perception of time blurred as the moments continued on seemingly without end.

The dungeon grew still, no sound besides Deaths occasional stone scribblings. In these quiet moments of reflection, War was reminded of just how grim they're situation truly was. As daunting as things may seem he did remind himself of their one sliver of hope. His brother Famine was absent. While this initially worried him to no end, he never could think of a reason Famine would have been executed while the rest of them had been spared. It was possible he was simply killed during the raid on the compound, but knowing Famines skill in stealth it seemed much more likely he had managed to somehow slip away. War didn't cherish the thought of one of his brothers being left alone out in the world, but if one had to be he was glad it was Famine. He was the one War most trusted to take care of himself and knowing him as well as he did, he knew Famine wouldn't just leave them for dead. He must be planning their escape right now. However, as time went on his faith was slowly dwindling.

The stillness was broken by a piercingly loud pounding from down the hall. The inmates recognized it as the sound of the heavy metal doors being pushed open and scrapping themselves against the stone floor, ending in the heavy thud of the doors hitting the back wall. It was followed by another familiar sound, the hoof beats of the guards who routinely brought food for them only this time it was different. Along with the hoof beats, there was something else, a quiet screeching as if something was being drug behind them accompanied by a slight jingle like that of wind chimes.

The guards came into view as they rounded a corner pulling behind them a rack, similar to something a pony would hang their clothes on only this one bore a set of seven large golden rings.

"Hey Dinner time already!? Wha'd ya bring us?" Madness asked poking his head out from the bars as far as the magic would allow.

"Quiet!" barked one of the guards. There were two guards standing outside the bars. A tall brown earth-pony and a bright green unicorn, clearly neither one was in the mood for conversation.

Without any warning, the unicorn lifted the rings from their resting place and they glided through the air. He sent two through the bars of Madness's cage, one latching uncomfortably tight onto the ponies neck as the second one latched onto his horn. After tending to Madness the unicorn set his sights on Death. A single ring passed through the bars as Death did all he could to avoid its grasp. In the end, he could only scurry to the corner where the collar quickly clasped around his throat. Next was War and Despair, the two knew full well there was no escaping it in such a limited space. So they stood still as the collars latched around they're necks.

"C'mon. I dare ya!" Disaster growled and stomped his front hoof threateningly. The guards were unphased, sending another ring through the bars just as they had done before. Disaster swung his front hoof to knock it away but the unicorn maneuvered around it with his magic. The collar suddenly dived under the attack before rising up and latching around Disasters neck, the guard making sure to make his extra tight.

Lastly was Pestilence, who had sat up on his bed watching them through narrowed eyes. As the collar came at him, he jumped from his bed at the very last second. He dodged it, but it didn't stop coming at him. When the collar came close again he flapped his wings, carrying him up as high as he could. The collar changed direction once again and with limited room in the air it finally snapped around him. Pestilence knew as well as War and Despair that he couldn't avoid wearing the collar but if the guards were going to take him, he'd at least make them work for it. He floated back down to the floor, scratching at the device as he descended.

"Yeah, Golds not really my color." Pestilence huffed sarcastically. "Got any in blue?" the guards didn't grace him with a response. Instead, the earth pony guard went on to explain the situation.

"The collars around you're necks have been specifically designed to keep you in line, Not only are your powers rendered useless but you'll be unable to take any actions considered hostile or unnecessary."

"Ohhh, so it's like the ring of silence." Madness interrupted earning him a disgruntled glance from the guards.

"You should feel honored that the Princess was willing to devote so much time and effort into their development, its only because of that we can let you all out today." the statement made each of their ears perks up. They had begun to believe they'd never see the light of day again, and now they were being told they were about to be freed. "Don't get too excited. You're only being released temporarily on Princess Celestia's orders. Your presence is requested in the throne room." With the use of his magic, the green unicorn unlatched the cell doors and they began to move out of the way.

As the cell doors slowly opened Pestilence began piecing together his escape plan. He looked to Disaster, Pestilence knew that his brother would attack as soon as the opportunity presented itself regardless of the circumstances. He could tell by the look in his eyes. Pestilence also noticed War had gotten up and was as close to his door as he could be. He didn't know if War was planning on launching an attack of his own or not but he didn't dwell on it, he just needed them to buy him the time he needed. He looked at the collar around his neck, it reminded him too much of the brace the master had built. He had to be ready for whatever kind of effect it had on him, but as long as he could run he had to try.

Just as predicted. Once the path was clear Disaster lunged, thirsty for blood. However what Pestilence didn't account for was War bolting from his own cell at breakneck speed. Placing himself between Disaster and the guards, forcing his brother to a halt.

"Stand Down," War ordered. It seemed as if War had anticipated Disasters actions just as he had, but instead decided to stop him before he managed to make things worse for himself. Regardless it served as a suitable distraction. Pestilence slipped through his door and ran down the hall as fast as his legs would carry him.

Pestilence hadn't pieced together a full plan yet, he wasn't even sure of where he was running. All he could think about was getting as far from the guards as he possibly could. Before he even made it halfway down the hall something seemed to grab him by his neck and jerk him backward. The force strong enough to pull his entire body off the ground onto his back. A quick look and he noticed a gold chain of magic had materialized, reaching all the way from his collar to a set of gold rings around the unicorn guards hoof.

"Not so fast." the unicorn taunted. At that moment a fierce golden light came from the ring on his hoof that ran down the length of the chain into Pestilences collar. The magic filled his body with a blazing sensation, like fire running through his veins. He let out a painful cry as he twitched and jerked on the ground until finally going as still as a corpse. It was as if all the energy in his body had been sucked away in an instant.

"Pestilence!" War snapped. As he watched helplessly as his brother lay motionless on the ground. Death couldn't even bring himself to watch, he could only hide his face behind his hooves.

"I have to admit I wasn't expecting you all to try something so soon." remarked the earth pony guard. "but it's for the best," he added as he approached the steaming pegasus and pointed to him with a hoof. "Now you all get a good look at what will happen if you try to resist." He said and turned back to the rest of them. "But just in case you need a little more convincing." he nodded to the unicorn guard.

The unicorn activated the collars, materializing a magic chain between one of the rings around his hoof to their corresponding collars. Magical energy flowed through them sending them into crippling pain, they couldn't move and even the weakly constituted Despair toppled over unable to pick himself up until the pain subsided. War looked upon the guards with anger building behind his eyes. He couldn't stand his brothers being in such pain while he stood by doing nothing, but fighting back would only make things worse.

"Now enough wasting time, you're all needed in the throne room." ordered the unicorn guard as the brothers fell in line before them. They marched until they came upon Pestilence still lying motionless on the ground.

"Get up! Time to go!" the unicorn commanded. Pestilence struggled to pull himself up but his limbs didn't want to follow his commands. "Want another shock?" Pestilence had to push against his muscles, he finally managed to get up on a single hoof cursing them all the while. He wanted nothing more but to see these guards melt in a cloud of his miasma. Yet no matter how hard he tried the collar kept his poison breath locked away.

Halfway to standing his brother War leaned against him to help him onto his hooves but Pestilence could barely manage to stand and hardly wanted to. He had sacrificed everything and risked his very life to gain freedom, but now not only was he still a captive but things had become far worse. As if fate had decided to play a cruel sick joke. He'd rather the Princesses have executed him on the spot than spend another moment like this. However, with a heavy heart and a deep breath, he managed to carry himself along beside his brothers.

The brothers traveled with their heads low, the guards herding them like cattle down the halls and up the stairs into Canterlots Castle. Such powerlessness was a foreign feeling to the brothers, they were use to always being in control and always coming out victorious. This crushing defeat was weighing heavy on them, the only one who seemed to have any cheer was Madness.

He had never been to a place so regal and immaculate as Canterlot castle. Even under such harsh constraints, the vigorous pony saw fit to explore the new environment.

"Hey whats that?" he asked pointing to a ceramic bust sitting upon a pedestal.

"Quiet!" the unicorn gave Madness a quick shock like a crackling whip to prod him into silence.

"Ya know I've never seen ceilings so high. Hey, Disaster have you-" he received another shock. It was untelling if these quick small shocks didn't bother him, or if his curiosity simply outweighed his fears.

"Oh, do you think we could -" he earned himself another shock. War eventually had to use one of his stern looks to quiet him down, knowing very well the unicorn would never do so on his own.

As they neared the throne room a faint noise could be heard in the distance. It started as a mere light buzzing but seemed to be steadily growing.

They came upon a wall lined with windows, allowing the warmth of the sun to wash over them. The sight of the sun hanging high in the sky, its rays warming their freezing bodies. It managed to rekindle their feeling of hope, ever so slightly. More importantly, Despair took note that the sound they had been hearing grew much louder by the windows. Being closest to them he managed to get a full view of the grand city. His eyes drawn to the castle gates where hundreds if not thousands of ponies had gathered, he could understand what the sound was. All the ponies voices shouting in unison left incomprehensible by the distance.

"Whats going on down there?" he asked aloud forgetting for a moment that any questions would only be answered with a shock.

"Quiet." the guard reminded sending a shock up Despairs spine. "Nothing to concern yourself with now eyes forward. We're almost there."

Canterlot Castle, Throne Room

Princess Celestia sat on her throne, watching the ponies as they entered. A cold feeling seemed to creep into the room as well, as the last time she had seen them they were covered in the blood of her valued followers. Even with the brothers under the collars control, Princess Celestia saw fit to place a line of guards on each side of the rooms long red carpet. Her sister Luna was currently absent.

The brothers took in the beautiful sight. Until now they had only heard stories of the beautiful Canterlot Castle. Every square inch of the structure shined with regality. From the pristinely kept floors to the ceilings that seemed to reach up to the heavens. Integral moments of Equestrias history were frozen in stain glass windows that displayed proudly on the walls.

Once the brothers reached the throne, a single guard stepped forward ready to read the accusations.

"Followers of Cross Stitch." said the guard, not knowing their names it was all they had to call them by.

"Cross Stitch....?" Madness said in a hushed voice. "Was that the master's name?"

"You stand accused of committing heinous crimes all throughout Equestria. Including countless murders, trespassing, theft, kidnapping, arson, criminal damage, and association of a known criminal." he finished.

"Princess Celestia." Addressed War before anypony else could speak.

"Quiet!" the guard snapped once again administering a painful shock to the pegasus. "You will speak only when the Princess allows you."

"It's alright." Celestia raised a hoof "Let us hear what he has to say." War bent over into a bow of respect, diplomacy wasn't Wars strong suit but he was the leader of their small band and thus served as the group representative.

"I am the one at fault," he announced taking even his brothers off guard. "My brothers are innocent, the crimes they carried out were done entirely under the orders of our master and myself. As such I am willing to accept any punishment you see fit. But I beg of you, please pardon them. Don't let them suffer for my crimes." While Wars attempted sacrifice struck a chord with some of his brothers the guards didn't seem so touched. They huffed and scoffed as they watched on with scornful eyes. Celestia sat in silence for a moment, shutting her eyes as she took in the pegasus's words.

"The is very noble of you." she opened her eyes to gaze upon the murderous ponies once more. "But I do not accept your offer."

War gritted his teeth as the last glimmers of hope faded from their eyes. Wars pleading was their last defense and it did them no good. Now all they could do was wait, wait for Celestia to make the announcement. They'd finally know if this was the end of their lives or if they'd carry out the rest of it behind bars.

"I cannot accept, for what we have decided on cannot be considered a punishment." She announced. While the vagueness of her words made it difficult to tell if this was good or bad news. They couldn't help but get a slight sense of relief knowing at the very least, they might not face execution.

"While these crimes are beyond forgiveness I have decided that the blame lies with Cross Stitch, and he has already paid for them." Celestia's gaze took on a sorrowful look.

"Are you saying you intend to let us go?" Despair asked.

"Not quite, while Cross is the one accountable your involvement in carrying them out is something that I cannot ignore. But with the creation of the collars, we can begin the rehabilitation process." The guards groaned, clearly displeased with this decision but Celestia stood firm.

"What do you mean by reformation?" asked War.

"You and your 'brothers' shall go to the nearby town of Ponyville, where you will study our ways under the Princess of Friendship. Once you have proven to us that you no longer pose a threat, we will begin inducting you into our society." War wasn't certain about this situation, in his travels he had learned a lot about Equestrian society and it was hard to imagine his brothers fitting in. Regardless he was satisfied, given the circumstances, this was the best possible outcome.

Perhaps it was the stressful situation or the days without sleep, or perhaps it was just in his nature but Disaster had finally grown tired of holding himself back and couldn't help but explode.

"Are you bucking kiddin' me!" his screams seemed loud enough to shake the walls. "So what? Got you all shaking so bad all you can think to do is dump us on some Princess. Can't figure out what to do so you're just gonna make us somepony else's problem!?"

"Hold your tongue!" the guard shouted striking him with a magic shock, intense enough to make the earth pony let out a cry and stumble forward.

"Disaster, calm down," War said through his own gritted teeth. Trying to stay civil with his brother even though he was clearly not helping things.

"No! Buck that idea, I could level this whole castle in a minute if I wanted too, you think I'm gonna take orders from some stuck-up Princess just so I can waste my life actin' buddy buddy with you sorry excuses for ponies." Disaster was shocked once again this time much more intense. All the air was sucked from his lungs and he dropped onto his front hooves, desperately trying to catch his breath. He turned his head from his brothers, unable to face them in such a pitiful condition. It crushed War seeing him like that, While he was always brash and loud. Disaster was also beaming with confidence and spirit. He wanted to help his brothers out of this but right now all he could do was grit his teeth and bear it.

"Princess Celestia, I apologize on my brother's behalf. We thank you for showing mercy on us," said War bowing once again, causing Disaster to shake his head disapprovingly. It was embarrassing seeing War act like a frightened foal just to get on the Princesses good side.

"Now then, we have a zeppelin ready to take you all to Ponyville, you shall depart immediately," stated Celestia. The unicorn guard shook his head before causing all the magic chains to materialize and tugged on them.

"You heard the Princess, now get moving," he called.

"I promise you have nothing to worry about Princess," War assured but Celestia only nodded hoping his words were true. The brothers turned one by one to follow the guards out of the throne room. The large doors slamming behind them as the exited.

With the brothers gone and the guards returning to their duties, Celestia finally allowed herself to let out a sigh of remorse. Her eyes motioning to a certain stain glass window, it showed a young purple alicorn proudly extending her wings with a smile on her face. Gazing upon that window was the only times she began to feel doubt but she had no choice but to swallow it and hope she had made the right decision.

The brothers found themselves once again being guided down the silent hallways. None of them dared to speak and neither of their guards seemed in the mood for conversation. As they roamed it was becoming increasingly apparent just how dead the castle was. They'd hadn't seen a soul wondering around since stepping out of their cells. Perhaps the castle denizens were actively avoiding them.

All of sudden they found themselves at the end of their chain, unable to move forward. Behind them, the unicorn guard responsible for controlling their collars had stopped in his tracks.

"Is something wrong?" asked his partner. The unicorn was noticeably distraught. His eyes were wide and his entire body was shaking.

"What are we doing?" he asked. "Are we really suppose to just let them go?"

"I don't like it any more than you but it's Celestia's orders." reminded the earth pony.

"But they're criminals!" the unicorn raised his voice. "After everything they've done. The murders, the kidnapping.... what happened in the bunker." He lowered his head, unable to face his partner. "I was dragging my friend's mutilated corpses out of that place for hours." He said. They could hear him grinding his teeth together and saw the tears dripping from his eyes onto the floor. "And now that we finally found the ones responsible, now that we can finally put an end to all this. Celestia says to just let them go!?"

His partner let out a heavy sigh. He empathized with his feelings but at the same time, he understood their duty.

"The Princess has declared that-"

"Then the Princess has gone crazy!"

"That's enough!" his partner cut him off before he said something he'd regret. "I understand how you feel, but there is nothing we can do."

"....Maybe there is." muttered the unicorn lifting the hoof that held the control braces. The magic chains rematerialized with a bright golden glow.

"What are you proposing?" his partner narrowed his eyes. Wary of his partner's actions. He was clearly upset but it was becoming apparent he may be on the verge of a full breakdown.

"These collars could do it. It would only take a second and all this will be over."

The brother's eyes widened at the realization that the one holding what was essentially their kill switch could go rogue at any second.

"W-W-W-War..." Death lowered himself as the panic set in.

"Now I realize that tensions-" Despair began his attempt at calming the unicorn but War quickly cut in.

"Stay quiet," he commanded in as low of a voice as he could. It didn't matter what they said they'd only make him angrier. Luckily his partner seemed to at least be on the side of letting them live, he was their only hope of reasoning with him. Otherwise, they were helpless, if they tried to fight him they'd surely be killed and running wasn't an option. They could only stand in silence, tense as they could be while the guards debated.

"That's enough." said the earth pony guard. "The situation is under control, I don't want to hear any more about this."

"But what if something happens! What if somepony else gets killed because we just stood by and let them walk away!?"

"Princess Celestia knows what she's doing." advised his partner. "The criminals are contained and we can all go back to our homes. It's over. But if you go through with this then it will never be over, not for you. You'll be another murderer just like them and you'll never see the ponies you've been protecting ever again. So just forget about it, go home and don't worry about this again while it's still an option."

The unicorn stood still for a few moments, weighing his options. Finally, he held out his hoof.

"Just take them," he muttered somberly. One by one the collars lifted themselves through the air, latching onto the hoof of the earth pony guard. The unicorn was disgusted with himself for going against orders, and insulting the Princess in the process.

"Good choice, now why don't you go. I'll find somepony else to help escort-"

"No, I want to be there if they try to make an escape." The unicorn moved his bloodshot gaze to the brothers.

"Pft." Pestilence finally got the spirit to speak up. "You know I'm starting to think these ponies don't trust us."

"Alright, that's enough dilly-dallying. Let's get a move on." their new captor ordered as the brothers moved forward, happy to still be breathing.

Aboard the Zeppelin

The airships interior was reminiscent of a hotels suite. The room was filled with glossy furniture and fancy decor. Violet colored drapery bounced off the deeply colored walls. The air permeated with the thick scent of potpourri.

"This is a ship for transporting prisoners?" asked Despair skeptically.

"We don't build ships for transporting prisoners." asserted their guard. "But since we can't use the train we're making an exception, you should feel honored. Most ponies pay top dollar to travel like this."

"The train?" Despair raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing for you to concern yourself with. Now Ponyville isn't far so don't worry about getting comfortable."

Pestilence didn't bother to listen to him. After dragging his pained body around all day he was more than eager to lie down for a rest. He threw himself onto the sofa, allowing himself to be overcome by the coolness of the silk as his muscles finally relaxed.

"No, No, off the sofa." commanded his guard.

"Quit being so freaking paranoid." Pestilence gripped. "Trust me if I could've killed you I would have by now," he assured.

"That sofa is for paying passengers." the guard pointed to an open space by the windows. "The floor will suit you all fine. Stay close together, I don't want any of you where I can't see you."

Pestilence groaned once again as he lifted himself back up and trudged over to the open space. He flopped onto the floor as the rest of his brothers adjusted themselves around him, getting as comfy as possible.

"I've never been to Ponyville before. Whats it like in Ponyville? Hey, Disaster you ever been to Ponyville before?" asked Madness leaning much closer to Disasters face then he would have liked.

"Piss off." Disaster grunted as a response, still upset from earlier events. Rather than to go on bothering his brother, Madness stood up and gazed out the window to the outside world.

The cabin began to rock back and forth, a clear sign they were taking off as the ship steadied itself.

"War." Despairs voice was faint, eyes still fixed on the guard making sure not to earn himself another shock. "Seeing as we have some time to kill, I want to ask you about something."

"Something on your mind?" War asked.

"About what Celestia said, about our master paying for his crimes." Wars could see Despairs heart sink as his gaze lowered to the floor. "You don't think..."

"I don't know..." War could only shrug. It had seemed that either their master had already been killed or imprisoned. War couldn't help but feel sorry for his master, while not quite a father figure he had given them all life and raised them to be what they are. For that, War would always be immeasurably grateful. At the same time he wondered if it was for the best, it had become clear that he saw them as nothing more than weapons, tools he could implore to further his own goals.

Regardless he found the idea hard to accept. The master always seemed like a towering immortal figure to them. The image of him being struck down seemed like an illusion. Despair also seemed to be struggling with that reality. For if the master was gone, so was any chance he had of being fixed.

"Hey, guys! You gotta check this out." said Madness who had his face and hooves flat against the window. Each of the brothers stood up to see what he was making such a commotion about, save for Pestilence who was content with staying on the floor.

They gazed out the window to see the land of Equestria stretched out before them. The land seemed to go on infinitely. Covered in dense wilderness, rivers, waterfalls, even the clouds gushed with vibrant multicolored rain. A railroad could be seen cutting its way through the trees, reaching out to every corner of the land.

"It is pretty...." commented Death.

"Look at all the trees! Can we see the compound from here? Are those ponies? There so small from up here!" Madness was giddy with excitement at seeing the land in all its glory.

"So this is where we have been living all this time." Despair smiled looking out at the world. The first time he had laid eyes on anything outside the compound.

War looked out to the land wondering if his brother Famine was still down there searching for them.

"Is that a city on the clouds!?" Madness grabbed the sides of his head dumbfounded. "War, War, hey War." he grabbed his big brother with both hooves and began shaking him with excitement. "C'mon let's go, Can we go there? I wanna walk on clouds." War gave his brother a smile, he knew he couldn't make any promises but still wanted to reassure his brother, Right now they needed all the joy they could get.

"Sure. We'll all go sometime," he said with a chuckle. Looking out upon the horizon it was clear that in one way or another, they're lives were about to change drastically. All War knew was that he was going to do everything in his power to make sure it was for the better.