• Published 9th Oct 2018
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Ask Roseate Grimsbane, the Witch - Robipony

NOT A CLOPFIC! Roseate Grimsbane is a unicorn mare who tries to live as peacefully as she can in Equestria, or as peacefully as you can when you're a witch and your husband is an eldritch being from outside our known universe. Ask her some questions.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - The Big Night of Nightmare Night

“It would be funny if you knew what lay just beyond the edges of your sight. On the other hoof if you were capable of doing so, madness would undoubtedly be the final result. There are many who have come before you, who willingly gave themselves over to their insanity and all the pleasures that come with it. Will you do the same?”

A vague translation of a passage from; The Book of Salacious Tongues.

"Quillian? Is that you?"

The colt continued to cry despite Roseate's call, creating an eerie atmosphere. Still, if this was her student, Roseate needed to help however she could.

"Quillian, it's okay. It's me."

Walking over, Roseate placed a hoof on the colt's shoulder. As she did she felt something like slime against it, black ink stretching forth from the point of contact.

As black sludge crawled up her foreleg, Quillian slowly turned around to reveal his face. The creature lacks eyes and a mouth, instead a large hole dripping with black ink looked back up at her. This Quillian wasn’t her student but a hideous monstrosity.

With some difficulty, Roseate pulled herself free from the hideous mimic. A gurgling moan escaping the monster’s gaping maw.


There standing in the doorway was Quillian, her real student, an expression of fear and confusion on his face. However, as it became clear that the mare before him was in fact his teacher, a twinkle of hope appeared.

"Come on, this way!" Quillian shouted before running down the hall.

Following her student, Roseate saw the fake Quillian out of the corner of her eye as she left the room. The creature's head expanding like a large balloon. Roseate was barely out into the hall when the sound of an explosion erupted and black ink sprayed across the wall.

Roseate continued to follow her student as the ran through the halls, the sound of menacing laughter echoed off the walls.

Ink dripped from the ceiling, splattering to the floor before taking on shapes that were mere mockeries of the pony form. Their bodies stretching in crude ways as they advanced on their prey.

Passing through one of the doors, Roseate was surprised to see that they were back in the upside down mansion. Running into the room, Roseate watched as Quillian jumped through one of the paintings, the canvas tearing before closing shut.

Looking behind her, Roseate saw a puddle of ink form into a new shape, similar to the adult version of Quillian that she had seen in the Scryial, but clearly more sinister. It's coat was dripping, sloughing off it's body like slime, only to be replaced by more oozing flesh. The whites of it's eyes were black as pitch, with small pinprick irises staring Roseate down. Lines of ink, like black tears, streamed from the black pits it used to see, streaking lines over it's melting face. It's smile, however, was the most unnerving part. Carved straight from it's muzzle, this apparition had no lips or teeth, but simply a gaping grin, seeping with black ichor.

"Your intrusion here will not be tolerated," The shape said in a deep, otherworldly voice that bubbled grotesquely, as if it were speaking though a layer of clotted blood. The mouth barely moved, but black ink spilled fourth over it's chin, making it clear that somewhere in that horror of a face, something had opened and closed.

His horn glowed with dark magic as spheres of black ink, pulsing with nightmarish static began to spiral toward Roseate's position.

Seeing the incoming attack, Roseate threw herself through the painting. Passing through the canvas, Roseate could hear the sound of corroding wood and metal as magically-charged ink splattered across the area she had been standing seconds ago.

Propelled forward, Roseate found herself sliding into an inky blackness, the only sounds were the sound her hooves made on the floor along with Inkheart's breathing. However, the longer she listened the more audible were the sounds of somepony whispering became.

Roseate's horn lit up, illuminating the room in a soft green light.

They were in a small chamber lined with inky flesh, pulsing and twitching. Looking up at the source of the whispering, Roseate saw various pony shaped faces looking down at them. The congealed ink snarling and glaring with pale white eyes at the guests below.

"What is this place?" Roseate asked.

"This is the safe space," Quillian answered, "none of the others come here."

Listening intently to the whispers, Roseate could barely make out what they were saying. Words like ‘worthless’ and ‘weak’ seemed to repeated in the depraved chorus of shame.

"Do you hear what they say?" Roseate inquired.


"Why do you listen to them?"

"Because as painful as it is... at least they don't lie to me."

"What do you mean?"

Quillian looked down at his hooves. "All the other ponies act nice around me, but I know they all think I'm a freak. That I can't do anything. That I'm worthless. They won't tell it to my face, but I know that they talk about me behind my back about my difficulties in using magic. At least here the voices affirm how worthless I am."

"You're not worthless."

"Yes, I am!" Quillian yelled, tears streaming down his face, "You're only saying that because you're my teacher! You're paid to be nice to me!"

Roseate took a deep breath and pondered what to say next. She could see where her student was coming from, after all, she had once shared similar feelings in her youth. Feelings that HE had taken advantage of. After giving a brief sigh, Roseate took Quillian's head in her hooves and lifted it so he would look at her.

"Quillian, can ask you to keep a little secret for me."

A confused look appeared on the colt's face, but he nodded.

"Like you I am not so magically gifted." Roseate gave a faint smile. "In fact, my magic isn't even my own."

"B-but, how can that be?" Quillian asked, "I've seen you hold books and assignments with your magic."

"It is a difficult matter to discuss," Roseate replied, "I have well... Dead Horn. Needless to say, I understand how you feel. When I was younger unicorn children were judged by how good they were at magic, and if they failed to meet expectations they were confined to a life of poverty at best."

A confused look swept over Quillian's face as he recognized one of the terms.

"Dead Horn inhibits all the signals from the brain to magicron glands in the horn. Preventing any magic use at all... So how are you..."

"That doesn't matter!" Roseate interrupted, "All I am trying to say is that you magic doesn't define you. You are not your magic. You are Quillian Inkheart, one of my best students and you have a lot of potential. Don't let those voices tell you otherwise."

Quillian gave Roseate an unsure look before glancing back up at the faces overhead. The whispers were growing louder, and it was then that Roseate knew that she couldn't defeat this nightmare. Try as she might, Roseate knew that she couldn't truly defeat this darkness, only Quillian could do that.

However, perhaps Roseate might be able to delay the nightmare, suppress it for a time so that when Quillian was older, he would be able to take it on himself.

"Quillian, I need you to trust me, okay."

There was a moment of silence, as Quillian considered what Roseate had said, before nodding in affirmation.

Roseate closed her eyes, as she tried to remember an old sealing ritual.

"By the will of Nad, the last to fall, I seal away this darkness," Roseate called out, "to give this child solstice until his true strength awakens."

As Roseate chanted a glow of purple magic illuminated the center of the room, the image of a canine skull with seventy seven eyes appearing as the source. Once more, Roseate repeated the incantation, speaking in the tongue of her husband.

"Kabrup t'tust gahluyng yog Nad, t'tiph lest tos fell, yel siel ewey fob’th n’ghft, tos gake fob’th chold salstoci untol mur trui stringth ewekin'tadhe."

As if feeling the effects of the sealing spell, the faces on the ceiling began to wail bitterly. The safe zone giving way to reveal an abandoned room. Even as more ink constructs began to swarm the room, Roseate continued the chant. The chorus of the black sludge's cries joining in with Roseate's mantra, the dark energies of the nightmare being absorbed by the skull. As more of the energy was pulled into the seal, it began to shift, transforming into a small black slug, about the size of a pea pod.

Even as all of the nightmare had congealed into the tiny form, Roseate knew that the ritual was far from over.

"Now, here comes the hard part." Roseate held the slug in her left hoof. The inky creature's body pulsing with nightmarish energy.

"What will happen next?" Quillian asked.

Roseate took a deep sigh, and held the hoof containing the nightmare out to Quillian.

"Now, you need to swallow it."


"In order for the nightmare to be sealed away it needs a vessel," Roseate replied, "more specifically, it needs to be contained inside its original host."

"I-I don't understand."

"Think of it this way," Roseate explained, "We are taking the nightmare out of your mind and sealing it away in your body. When you consume the nightmare, it will become a part of you, but your mind will adapt to it. Then one day it will have no power over you."

"A-and all I have to do is eat it?"

"Sort of. You can't bite into it as doing so will release the nightmare. So you will have to swallow it whole."

Quillian took the slug from Roseate a disgusted look covering his face.

"It doesn't look very good."

Roseate shook her head.

"I'm not going to lie," Roseate replied, "it isn't going to taste good."

Quillian peered down at the nightmare in his hooves, a fearful and worried expression on his face. Then closing his eyes, Quillian opened his mouth wide and threw the slug to the back of his throat. He coughed a couple of times before he managed to swallow it.

"Is that it?" Quillian coughed.

Roseate watched as a small black spot grew on Quillian's right hoof, growing to the size of a small coin. A mark that would only be visible in the dreaming world. Even as the nightmare's sign formed, the world around them began to crumble.

"Yes," Roseate answered, "I do believe so."

Nightmare Night, a holiday stretching back to before the unification of the pony tribes. It was a day where ponies wore costumes, children ate candy and nopony had to go to school. A day when Roseate should be able to sleep in, resting in her husband's embrace.

So why in the nine rings of Tartarus was somepony knocking on her door?

Tired and grumpy, Roseate made her way to the front door with the ringing doorbell. Looking through the peephole, Roseate couldn't see anything despite the door bell still ringing.

"If this is somepony's idea of a prank, so help me!" Roseate growled as she opened the door.

Looking down, Roseate saw one of her students, Maple Sugar standing on the porch, wearing a Filly Guide uniform with a red wagon filled with cookies behind her. Her parents owned the Maple Family Diner.

"Good morning, Roseate!" Sugar said shyly.

"Oh, hello," Roseate uttered as she adjusted her mood to be friendlier, "isn't it a bit early to be trick or treating?"

"I'm not trick or treating yet. I'm selling cookies for the Filly Guides."

Roseate raised an eyebrow.

"I thought the Filly Guides sold their cookies during the summer?"

"Well, normally yes, however... I was kind of sick this year, so they let me hold onto the boxes to sell."

Maple Sugar looked down at her hooves.

"As long as I meet my quota before the end of the year, I'll be able to go to camp next year."

"I see," Roseate replied, "and you thought that since Nightmare Night was today you might be able to sell some boxes to those who hadn't bought any candy for the evening."

"Y-yes." Sugar stuttered.

Looking down the hill, Roseate could see Maple Sugar's dad watching from a distance.

"I actually already have some candy for tonight." Roseate said, her tone coming off more grim then intended.

"Oh, okay." Sugar's posture drooped. "Sorry for wasting your time."

Maple Sugar turned to leave, looking sad and gloomy as she went. If this was an effort to make Roseate sad, it was working.

Roseate let a deep sigh, "Fine. I will buy a box."

A large smile grew across the child's face in response to Roseate's declaration of purchase. As Roseate fished out a few bits, she heard Maple Sugar gasp.

"Who is that!"

Roseate's heart skipped a beat until she realized that the filly was pointing at her familiar.

"Oh, that's just my cat." Roseate answered, relieved that Sugar hadn't seen one of Arsthotua's tentacles or any of his other non pony organs.

"What's his name?"

"Mittenz." Roseate replied as she finished paying for the cookies. All the while, Maple Sugar's eyes were transfixed on Mittenz.

"You love cats, don't you?"

"I do!" Sugar reached out to pet Mittenz, who purred in response to the attention.

Once Maple Sugar had given Roseate a box of cookies she pulled on the handle of her cart and began to walk away.

"Goodbye Miss Roseate! Goodbye Mittenz!"

Roseate waved to her student before shutting the door, thankful that Mittenz had kept his mouth shut during the transaction.

"I want one!" Mittenz said as Roseate made her way to the kitchen.

"Want what?" Roseate inquired.

"A cookie!"

Roseate set the box down on the counter.

"You know I can't give you any cookies."

"Why not?" Mittenz whined.

"Because cats don't eat cookies," Roseate replied as she pulled a cookie from the box and sniffed it, "You know that."

"Oh come on!" Mittenz groaned, "One cookie won't hurt!"

Roseate took a bite of the crispy mint. It wasn't half bad. Looking back down to her familiar, Roseate found herself looking into Mittenz's sad, wide eyes.

"Oh alright! You can have one!"

"YES!" Mittenz cheered as Roseate tossed him a cookie.

Closing the box, Roseate put the cookies up into the cabinet.

"Once you are done eating that cookie, you need to go work it off."

"What! Why?"

"Because I need you to spy on somepony for me," Roseate replied, "and you won't do me any good if you’re fat and get caught."

Mittenz growled and mumbled something before leaving the room.

"Well, since I'm up I guess I should do some research."

Stepping back into her bedroom, Roseate picked up Ginger Fizzle's journal and the Isidria. On the floor sat a doll, a sign of Roseate's dealings in the dream realm. Something she would deal with later.

A large tentacle descended from the ceiling, forming a hammock, which she could sit in. Laying down on the tendril, Roseate read through the pages of Fizzle's journal once more. Paying close attention to the last entry the teacher had made.

I can't take it anymore! I'm going to the woods. After school when class is over I will leave and rid this voice from my head once and for all!

To the Swanling House I will go.

It was that last segment that puzzled Roseate.

"Where have I heard of that before?"

Turning through the pages of the Isidria, Roseate tried to see if there was anything in the tome about this Swanling House.

'What is it you are looking for exactly?' Arsthotua inquired.

"I am seeking some information on a location mentioned in Ginger's journal," Roseate replied, "the Swanling House. I swear I have heard of it before!"

'It is possible that what you are looking for didn't even exist prior to the creation of the Isidria,' Arsthotua suggested, 'since you are the most recent owner of the the grimoire, chances are that knowledge of the location you seek hasn't been added... yet.'

"Then where can find it?"

Roseate felt a little frustrated, like she was standing on a sandy island where a treasure was buried, all while missing the map designed to show the designated area. She was positive that the Swanling House had something to do with her nightmares and Ginger's disappearance, however with so little information what could she do?

'You obtained a book from the Muleport Library. Perhaps that book will have what you seek.'

"I suppose you could be right."

Sliding off of the tentacle, Roseate stepped out of the bedroom and made her way downstairs to the living room. Next to the couch was her school bag containing the books she had for her class. Picking up the bag and sitting on the couch, Roseate began to search for the book she sought.

A smile crept across Roseate's face as she found the book she was looking for, Ancient Equestrian Artifacts. Opening the book, Roseate examined the index before turning to the desired section.

Once there was a beautiful unicorn mare named Mistmane who showed kindness to everypony around her. She was so lovely that many suitors sought to gain her hoof in marriage.

Among them was a stallion named Fog Tail, who swore that it was he that would be the one to claim her as his bride. Because of this he delved heavily into sorcery.

One day in an attempt to save her friend, Mistmane gave up her beauty, her image becoming like that of an elderly version of herself.

Seeing his love transformed this way, Fog Tail became determined to find a magical means of restoring her beauty. While Mistmane explored the rest of Equestria and became one of the Pillars of Equestria, Fog Tail sought out ancients forms of magic, including the forbidden arts, all so he could fulfill his promise.

It is said that he created a house somewhere in one of the Equestrian forests on top of the corpse of an ancient beast where eventually he went mad.

Roseate nodded as she read the book, indeed she remembered hearing about Fog Tail, the Mad. Occasionally a journal of his would be uncovered and while most of them were considered to be mad gibberings, that didn't stop rich unicorns from bartering for them at a high price.

So the creature haunting Ginger Fizzle's dreams had been luring her to the Swanling House. Did that mean it was located somewhere in the Whitetail Woods? Furthermore, was this entity at the Swanling House and if so, what was its purpose for luring the former teacher there?

"Well, at this point in time, there isn't enough information to go on."

Roseate set the book aside.

'So what are you going to do now?'

After some pondering, Roseate answered, "There is one thing I need to address. Once that is complete, how about we go ahead and put on our costumes. After all, we are going to have to wear them later."

'Very well, I will see what I can do. However, I might need help with my costume.'

"Don't worry, I will help you when you are ready."

Heading upstairs, Roseate went back to her bedroom and inspected the doll that lay on the floor. Picking up the doll, Roseate noticed that it was that of a pony made of black fabric with two black button eyes stitched into the face. A sign that Quillian's nightmare had been sealed... for now.

Taking the doll, Roseate went to the toy room and set it down next to the crab plushie and Mister Smelly Bottoms.

Leaving the toy room, Roseate went back to the bedroom to put on her outfit.

The witch outfit was black with some purple trim. The skirt of the dress had a frayed edge, cut into a triangular pattern. While it was a lengthy dress, Roseate trimmed the edge of the skirt so it was just short enough that occasionally her cutie mark could be seen.

Next, Roseate grabbed the jack-o'-lantern stockings she had purchased, removing them from the package before putting them on.

The stockings were orange and fuzzy with black shapes resembling the eyes and mouth of a leering jack-o'-lantern just along the thigh.

Of course, no witch costume was complete without a wide brimmed hat with conical crown. Roseate had such a hat with an orange ribbon tied on with a pumpkin pin attached.

With each article of clothing in place, Roseate analyzed her costume in the mirror. A smile stretching across her face as she admired herself.

There was a knock at the front door, it was too early for any of the fillies and colts to be about in search of Nightmare Night candy. Walking over to the door, Roseate peered through the peephole to see a pale white unicorn with dark purple mane. Much of her face was obscured by a fashionably gray shawl, but Roseate was able to see the single azure blue eye, in the center of the unicorn's forehead.

Opening the door, Roseate gave her quest a smile.

"Rarity, it is so nice to see you," Roseate said motioning for the cyclops pony to enter, "is something the matter with the amulet I gave you?"

"I'm afraid it is broken," Rarity entered the house, her face melancholy due to the situation she was in, "I took it off when I was working on my costume for Nightmare Night, when Sweetie Belle tried to examine it out of curiosity and dropped it."

Roseate guided Rarity toward the kitchen table, "Did you bring the pieces with you?"

Sitting down, Rarity reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a small sack made of purple fabric, resting the pouch on the table.

"Here are all the pieces I could find," Rarity answered.

Looking at the contents of the bag, Roseate could see that the amulet had been severely damaged and most likely she would need to make a new one.

"I am probably going to make a new amulet sadly," Roseate said, "even with all these pieces, if one is missing then I won't be able to make it work properly."

"Will it be long?" Rarity asked.

"I can't say for sure," Roseate made her way to stairs, "it depends on if I have the materials I need. Let me check."

Going upstairs, Roseate made her way to the alchemy room she had set up and began looking for the materials she would need. A locket with a silver chain and a gem, some Foal's Breath and a drop of Roc oil.

Having recently been given some Foal's Breath as a gift by one of the viewers from beyond the Fifth Veil, it was easy for Roseate to locate.

Lifting the false bottom out of one of the alchemy table's drawers, Roseate brandished a small purple bottle containing the Roc oil.

Picking up one of the cardboard boxes in the room, Roseate examined its contents for the amulet.

"Oh, for crying out loud!" Roseate growled as she found a locket, which had a silver chain but the gem had fallen out.

Looking through the box, Roseate's hoof came across a small, wooden statuette of an owl. Seeing the object filled Roseate with a slight sense of loss.

Setting the figurine aside, Roseate resumed her search for the gem.

"Yes, there it is!"

Underneath the cracked skull of a deformed hydra was the small blue crystal that Roseate was looking for. Picking up the gem, Roseate was pleased to see that it hadn't been damaged when it had been dislodged from the original amulet.

"Oh, thank goodness!"

She would just need an adhesive that wouldn't contradict the magical effects she wished to apply. Fortunately magic negating adhesives were extremely rare, so any common glue could be used. Going through her alchemy table, Roseate was pleased to find a vial of Shalkris Mucilage that should do a trick. Placing a large amount of the adhesive plant liquid in the amulet's socket, before placing the gem inside.

As the glue went to work, Roseate pulled out a mortar and pestle and added three drops of Roc oil and ten petals of the Foal's Breath. With the ingredients in place, Roseate began to crush the contents until they formed a blue paste.

Once it was the appropriate consistency, Roseate poured three drops of the blue paste on the amulet and began to whisper her incantation.

"Kaah futerir yog shepi ngi farm, ellaw fob’th meri tos eppier istire esh t'tiph athir'teter."

As the words were spoken, the gem began to glow as it absorbed the paste into it's crystalline structure. Looking closely, Roseate could see the liquid inside the gem, twisting and writhing like numerous snakes.

Now that a new amulet had been fashioned, Roseate took the trinket downstairs to the kitchen where Rarity had been patiently waiting. Her single eye lighting up when she saw the amulet.

"Oh, thank you so much, dear!" Rarity said as she took the amulet and put it on.

"It will work," Roseate replied, "however it's going to need time to attune to you in order for it to work properly."

"How long?"

"About a day."

A gloomy expression swept over Rarity's face.

"Oh, that's disappointing," Rarity groaned, "I was looking forward to wearing my Vampony Empress costume this evening."

"Well, unless you have a way of explaining how you costume has a single, large, very realistic eye in it, I suggest you just stay home. Maybe watch a few spooky movies."

"Are you sure there isn't a way you could, you know... Speed up the attunement process?"

"Not without jeopardizing the integrity of the medallion," Roseate answered, "or creating other worse magic side effects."

Worse might be an understatement. The chance of being teleported to an alien dimension, dying or being mutated into a giant monstrosity from beyond the stars, were the lucky options on the list of horrible things that could occur if Roseate attempted to use magic to speed up the process.

Rarity let out a deep sigh.

"Well, thank you dear for helping me. Here are the twenty bits, as a part of our agreement." Rarity said, placing a bag of coins on the table.

Roseate didn't bother looking at the bag.

"So tell me." Roseate focused her full attention in Rarity. "How is your sister doing?"

Rarity swallowed. "Well her eyes are normal. Though she still hasn't found her cutie mark yet."

"Well, keep a watchful eye on her," Roseate said, "while I’m sure she doesn't share your Monoculosis, it would be wise to watch and make sure."

Monoculosis was the term given to the mutation where a pony possessed a singular large eye. Often referred to as cyclops ponies, these ponies usually suffered from a lack of depth perception and were usually shunned by most ponies. Though with the right spell, both problems could be resolved easily.

"I will continue to keep an eye on her. By the way." Rarity pointed at Roseate's stockings. "Those are very creative looking, where did you find those stockings?"

"Oh, these?" Roseate posed to show off the jack-o'-lantern stockings in greater detail. "I found them in the costume shop when my husband and I went shopping the other day."

"Hmmm... I might have to borrow that design for a future outfit."

Roseate smiled as she showed Rarity to the door. "I will have to keep an eye out for it."

"Take care and have a happy Nightmare Night, my dear!" Rarity said as she left.

Now that her task repairing Rarity's amulet was complete, Roseate began working on putting up the Nightmare Night decor. Taking the two jack-o-lanterns Roseate and her husband had carved yesterday outside, she placed them just opposite each other next to the door. Serving as two pumpkin sentries against the horrors of the night.

After hanging a few paper skeletons from the windows, Roseate felt that the house was decorated a decent amount, though if she had her way there would have been more spooky props nearby. Roseate even placed a little scarecrow on the porch holding a bucket of candy for the trick-or-treaters, with a sign saying, "Please take just one."

While Roseate considered the idea of placing a curse on the bucket, so that anypony that took more than one piece would grow a blue tongue covered with eyeballs, she decided against it, seeing as doing so could cause some trouble with the annoying detective walking around.

"Miss Roseate."

A shiver ran down Roseate's spine as she was almost startled by the colt standing in front of her house. Turning, Roseate saw that it was Quillian standing there, wearing a red scarf.

"Oh, hey Quillian. What are you doing here? You aren't wearing a costume."

"I'll put it on later," Quillian replied, "I just wanted to talk to you about something."

A feeling of unease radiated in Roseate's stomach.

'What if he remembered what happened last night.'

"What is it?" Roseate asked.

"So I had a strange dream last night and I was wondering." Quillian paused as he contemplated how to continue. "Do you... have Dead Horn?"

Roseate wasn’t sure how to proceed. It was instinctive for her to lie in moments like these, to do anything necessary to protect her secret. Yet, Roseate could remember Quillian expression is distaste for being lied to. If Roseate deceived Quillian now and he found out the truth, the seal on his nightmare could break prematurely.

Furthermore, this was her student and one that she respected greatly. She had seen his fears and weaknesses through the lens his dreamscape, forming a very personal bond.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Roseate asked.

Without hesitation and a determined look on his face, Quillian nodded.

Roseate let out a dead sigh, "Yes, I have Dead Horn."

"So then how are you able to use magic?" Quillian inquired.

"It is... complicated. All I can say is that it was given to me as a gift."

"I see. Is there a chance I could receive the same gift?"

Roseate walked over to her student and patted him on the head.

"Quillian, l... You don't need it," Roseate continued, "you are still young and you are special in your own way. Please remember that."

"Okay. I still would like to know what kind of gift gave you your magic."

"Trust me, Quillian, you don't need it." Roseate just gave Quillian a light hug. "I would never want you to go through what I did before I received my gift."

Roseate's ear twitched as she heard the door open.

"Hey honey, could you help me with my suit?"

Looking over her shoulder, Roseate saw her husband standing in the doorway, his costume making him look twice his size, except for his head. Seeing Roseate with one of her students, Arsthotua once more attempted to give a smile. Well, the shape was right, however the amount of teeth that he was showing was quite unsettling.

A very concerned expression appeared on Quillian's face as he took note of the fake pony's grin.

"Now, how about you head home, Quillian." Roseate gave a reassuring smile while also positioning herself between the young colt and her husband. "You don't want to miss out on trick-or-treating."

"Uh... Yeah."

After backing off a few steps, Quillian cautiously made his way out of Roseate's front yard.

Turning around, Roseate saw her husband still wearing that same creepy smile, before letting out a small sigh.

'It's a good thing, he'll be wearing a mask most of the night.'

Taking a quick survey of the decorations, Roseate smiled before walking back into the house and taking Arsthotua's pony vessel into the living room.

"Alright, let's take a look."

After checking the zipper and making sure that everything was okay, Roseate helped Strange Sight put on the teddy bear costume's head.

"How do I look?" Arsthotua asked, a green eyeball materializing so that he could examine himself.

Looking at her husband's costume, Roseate had to admit there was something about the giant teddy bear that she found kind of arousing. It was shame that they had a party to go to.

Roseate walked up and nestled her neck on her fluffy shoulder.

"I think it looks great."

*Ding! Dong!*

The doorbell rang as both Roseate and Arsthotua stood at the front door to Bell Flower's house. The sound of Nightmare Night-themed music could be heard in the other side. A smiling Bell Flower answered the door, wearing the Somnambulan Princess costume, Roseate had seen her purchase at the Costume Shop.

"Hello Roseate," Bell Flower greeted, "it is great to see that you could make it."

Stepping inside, Roseate examined her surroundings and took a quick look at the other guests.

While the walls were probably white or a pale tan naturally, the paper mache ghoul heads that hung over the lanterns and lamps illuminated the room in numerous shades of green, purple and orange. There was a table with various little treats along with a punch bowl resembling a cauldron.

Fortunately, there was no sign of Frost Brook. Unfortunately, it would seem that May Berry had received an invitation to the party, her costume being that of a Saddle Arabian queen with some mummy wrappings. It was rather odd considering the outfit the mother was making her daughter wear. Though for once, Roseate had to admit that the mayor didn't look uptight for once.

There were the Stone Brothers who served as merchants in Muleport, each wearing a knight outfit. Jade Stone was wearing white armor, Copper Stone in black armor, and Sand Stone who was wearing some red armor. The three stood around a bucket as Copper Stone had his head below the green fluorescent water, bobbing for apples.

Roseate could also see Moonlight Raven there at the party, sitting in the back wearing a maid costume. Well, Roseate was fine with the creepy-looking mare, so long as she kept her distance.

During her surveillance, Roseate noticed Flashtruth walking over wearing a suit and tie. A camera in his hooves and a smile on his face.

"You made it!" Flashtruth exclaimed.

"Yes, we did," Roseate answered nervously, knowing full well what the stallion wanted.

"Are you ready to take a picture?"

"I guess so."

Flashtruth motioned to one of the walls for Roseate and Arsthotua to stand by. The couple followed Flashtruth's directions, despite Roseate's lack of enthusiasm.

"Come on, Roseate, put a smile on your face," Flashtruth chuckled as he motioned from behind the camera, "and Strange, I know you are wearing a mask but try to make it look like you are smiling. Okay."

Biting her tongue, Roseate did her best to smile for the photographer. The camera flashed and made a clicking sound as it adjusted the film. Even as the flash faded away, it lingered in the back of Roseate's eyes.

"That's great!" Flashtruth beamed brightly. "Thank you both very much. I will make a copy for you guys when the film is done developing."

As Flashtruth walked away, a concerned Bell Flower came over to see Roseate.

"Is everything all right?" Bell Flower asked.

"Yes, why?" Roseate replied.

"You just didn't look so happy about having your picture taken."

"It's fine. I'm just... a little camera shy is all."

Truth be told, Roseate wasn't very fond of having her picture taken. There was always the fear that somepony might see it and recognize her from somewhere else.

"I'll talk to him about it." Bell sighed. "Flashtruth is a nice guy but he can go a little overboard with his photography."

"You don't have to make a big deal about it."

"Don't worry, I won't be harsh to him," Bell reassured, "I'll just fill him in on the situation. How about you and your husband go play a few games. We have bobbing for apples and a spider toss."

"A spider toss?" Strange Sight seemed rather curious about the game, though his ignorance made Roseate feel some concern.

"Uh... come with me, dear!" Roseate stuttered, "Let's go play it together."

As they walked over, Roseate saw both Sugar Zap and Signal Flare competing at the Spider Toss. Sugar Zap, Maple Syrup's husband was wearing an angel costume while the watch pony, Signal Flare was wearing a vampony count outfit. Judging by their reactions it would appear that it was a very close game.

"Oh for crying out loud!" Sugar Zap growled as his spider bounced off the target, which was designed to resemble a spider's web.

"Yes!" Signal Flare cheered, raising a hoof to signal his victory.

"Well, it was worth a shot," Zap groaned, "it has been a long time since I played."

"Hey, why don't you grab a can of hard cider and have another game?" Flare suggested. Zap shook his head.

"No, can do. I promised my wife and my daughter, I wouldn't touch a drop of the stuff after I got out, and I have no intention of breaking it."

Hearing Sugar Zap's response, Signal Flare scratched the back of his head nervously, "Oops, I forgot about that. Sorry."

"Hello," Roseate said, alerting the two stallions to her presence.

"Oh, hello." Sugar Zap was the first to speak. "It's Roseate, right? You’re the teacher at my daughter's school?"

"That is correct," Roseate answered, "and this here is my husband, Strange Sight."

The vessel inside of the teddy bear costume waved, "Hello."

Both stallions raised an eyebrow as they examined the costume before nodding.

"So, my husband really hasn't played much spider toss," Roseate said, "and he is very curious about it. Would either of you two be willing to show us how it is done?"

Signal Flare smiled, "I would be more than happy to, how about you Zap?"

Sugar Zap nodded. "I wouldn't mind."

Taking one of the spiders out of the basket, Signal Flare stood ten feet away from the spider web target. Taking up a position, held the spider with a hoof as he planned the angle of his throw.

"You see, your objective is to toss the spider onto the web." Signal Flare explained, "The closer to the center your spider lands, the more points you get. If the spider bounces off the web, you lose points. Now normally once you are done with your throw, it goes onto the next participant in line, however if your spider lands directly in the center you receive ten points and you get to go again."

"I see."

"Well, now that the rules have been explained, how about we play a game," Sugar Zap inquired, "just the four of us."

It was then that Roseate felt somepony tap her on the shoulder. Turning around, Roseate saw Scroll Keeper standing next to her. Scroll Keeper was wearing a rather cute-looking cat outfit. The worried expression on Scroll Keeper's face, told her that something was wrong.

"Ummm... Roseate can I have a word with you?"

"Yeah, sure, what is it?" Roseate asked.

Scroll Keeper looked around nervously, "Could we speak... privately?"

A chill ran down Roseate's spine as she began to wonder if Scroll Keeper had learned that Roseate had used her glamour on her. Indeed, it would be wise to speak privately to this mare. Roseate gave a nod.

"My apologizes." Roseate returned her attention to the three stallions that were present. "Scroll Keeper and I need to use the little mare's room, to powder our faces. We'll be right back. Go ahead and play without me."

"Thank you," Scroll Keeper said, her mood seeming to calm.

Roseate raised her hoof. "Lead the way."

Scroll Keeper and Roseate walked into another room, which appeared to be Bell Flower's personal study. Even this room was decorated with a few items that made it look like an archaeologist's office. There was a window just above the desk, providing a view of the world outside.

"So, what is it you would like to talk about?" Roseate asked as she closed the door, just in case more grim measures were needed for Scroll to keep her silence.

The young mare took a deep breath, "I was wondering if you might be able to help me find somepony?"


Scroll Keeper blushed a little, "You see there was this stallion, by the name of Star Watcher. He's really nice and used to come in every day to see the star charts in our library. However, the last two days he hasn't shown up and I fear that he may have gone missing."

"Really? That is what you wished to talk to me about?" Roseate asked, both relieved and confused by Scroll Keeper's inquiry.

"Yeah." Scroll Keeper squirmed under Roseate's gaze. "However, I also understand if you’re busy with teaching duties."

"No, I'm sure I can help," Roseate answered.

The librarian's mood greatly improved as she heard Roseate's answer, "Oh, thank you so much!"

"However, I would like to know why you came to me with this request?"

Scroll Keeper blinked a few times in response.

"Uh, Moonlight Raven suggested I come to you," Scroll Keeper answered, "she said that you had a secret knack for finding things."

A twinge of irritation rose in the pit of her stomach at the revelation of Moonlight's involvement.

'Of course, she did.'

"Is everything okay?"

It was then that Roseate realized that her mood was showing through. Quickly, Roseate replaced her frown with a smile.

"Yes, everything is fine."

Having answered Scroll Keeper's inquiry, Roseate opened the door and made her way back to the main room. As she entered Roseate thought she caught a glimpse of Moonlight Raven smiling in the corner. Quickly, Roseate decided to ignore the annoying mare and made her way back to the Spider Toss, where a bewildered Signal Flare and Sugar Zap stood watching Arsthotua play.

"What is going on?" Roseate asked.

"I have not seen anything like it," Sugar Zap said in disbelief.

"Like what?"

"He lost two games."

"Okay... so?" Roseate couldn't understand why the stallion was so bewildered.

"That was ten games ago," Signal Flare answered, "and he hasn't missed a bull's eye since."

"I've heard of beginner's luck, but..." Sugar Zap muttered, "this is pretty ridiculous."

Well, this could be a problem. If her husband was using magic somehow to win this game and somepony found out, they might be able to deduce Roseate and Arsthotua's true natures. That was something that needed to be avoided.

"Honey, can I have a word with you?" Roseate asked as she tapped her husband on his fluffy shoulder. Wow, the fabric was surprisingly soft.

"Of course, my dear."

Setting down the spider he was holding, Arsthotua followed his wife off to the side.

"Is something wrong?"

Roseate looked around to make sure nopony could eavesdrop on their conversation, "You’re not cheating are you?"

The large teddy bear tilted its head to the side, "What do you mean?"

"You’re not using magic to hit the bull's eye are you?"

"No," Arsthotua replied, "After a few attempts I was able to determine a precise trajectory to hit the center of the target. Once the process was complete I simply had to repeat it."

Well, at least he wasn't using magic, though some might still consider what he was doing as cheating.

"Honey, ponies... normally aren't able to do that," Roseate explained, "nor do they normally win games like this every single time."

"I see. Then should I stop playing?"

"No," Roseate answered, with a wink, "just let them win a few games. Just a few."

"Very well, I will do my best."

As Arsthotua returned to his game, Roseate made her way to the punch bowl and poured some of its sweet contents into a red, plastic cup. After filling her cup, Roseate turned to leave and nearly stumbled into May Berry.

"Oh, sorry," Roseate apologized, trying her best to hide any animosity she might feel for the mayor.

May blinked almost as if she hadn't been paying attention to where she was going herself. The mayor shook her head.

"I-it's fine." May Berry answered.

After closer inspection, Roseate noticed a few rings under May's eyes along with some smudged makeup. Had she been crying?

"Are you sure you're okay?" Roseate asked, partially concerned as well as curious as to what could make the annoying mare so distraught.

May Berry looked Roseate over, an expression of defiance in her eyes, which faded as she let out a deep sigh. After filling her own cup with punch, May made her way over to the sofa and Roseate followed. In front of the couch was a small wooden coffee table with a small plastic skull resting on top.

Sitting down, May took a sip of her beverage.

"It's been difficult lately," May groaned, "It is hard enough being the mayor of this town, but then on top of that I have to be a single mother and my daughter has been acting weird."

Hearing May's testimony, Roseate couldn't help but feel some empathy for her. Roseate had recalled Bell Flower telling her about how May Berry's husband had passed.

"It must be difficult."

"Yeah, tell me about it," May spoke up, "the mayor before me ran off with over half of the money reserved to take care of this town. Leaving me to clean up her mess. Then my husband had to die, leaving me to take care of June all by myself."

May gulped down some more of her punch.

"Without my sister, Snow, I would have gone insane a long time ago. She is currently watching June while she fetches candy."

Roseate felt a twinge of envy at May's statement. Pushing the feeling back into the recesses of her mind, Roseate took a sip of her drink.

'At least you can spend time with your child.'

"I'm either stuck being the mayor or a mother," May continued, "and while I don't mind being a mom, it has been just so hard since Huckle passed."

A tear dripped down May's cheek, staining it with more makeup as she took another big gulp of her punch.

"How has June been taking it?" Roseate asked.

"We haven't really talked about it," May said holding back a sob, "I just haven't been able to find the time."

Perhaps this is what Moonlight Raven was talking about when she startled Roseate in the costume shop. The fact that Moonlight may have been onto something made Roseate feel very uncomfortable.

"Then maybe you should make time."

May Berry glared back at Roseate.

"Don't talk to me like you know what's best for me and my child," May growled, "I don't see any little foals holding onto your leg!"

There was an urge for Roseate to reach out and smack the dumb mayor right in her dumb little mouth. To yell eldritch curses that would make May Berry eat her own words as her thoughts were consumed by insanity. However, self-control won in the end.

In a way, May was right. Roseate really had no place telling this mother what she should do with her child.

"You're right," Roseate replied, "I'm sorry."

All Roseate could do was look down at her own hooves, doing her best to hold back her own tears. However, this time her emotions won and tears began to drip down her own cheeks as she remembered how unlikely it was that she would ever be in May Berry's hoofsteps.

Even as the tear drops began to fall, Roseate could feel herself being pulled into a comforting embrace.

"Thank you anyway for trying," May whispered softly as she hugged Roseate.

Roseate wasn't sure if May Berry truly knew what was bothering her in that moment or if she was just trying to comfort her, but in that instance, Roseate didn't care. Roseate returned the embrace and for a moment the two of them just sat there, their bodies shaking with their own emotional baggage.

May was the first to pull away her tears, a soft smile on her face.

"I don't know about you," May sniffled, "but I think I could use another drink."

Roseate was pleased to finally be back home. While she did end up having fun at the party, there was a part of her that was yearning to "help" her husband out of his outfit. Well, maybe help wasn't the right word.

On their way in, Roseate was pleased to see just a few pieces of candy still sitting in the bottom of the scarecrow's bucket. Using her magic, Roseate brought the container with the remaining sweets inside the house.

"That was a very interesting experience," Arsthotua said, "Perhaps we should try something like that. With a few select friends, of course."

"That might be fun," Roseate replied, "Now, how about we go upstairs and... relax."

"But don't you need to check in on your viewers?"

An annoyed sigh escaped Roseate's lips as she was reminded of those beyond the Scryial. Flustered both by her forgetfulness and the fact that she was really wanting to spend some time with her husband. However, there was something else she needed to do with the mirror, so she couldn't just blow it off.

"Yeah, I guess you’re right," Roseate grumbled.

As Arsthotua took his pony vessel into the bedroom, Roseate went downstairs and grabbed a big bag of candy. Well, if she was going to be sitting in front of a mirror, talking instead of spending time with her husband she might as well enjoy some tasty treats.

With the bag of sweets in her possession, Roseate went upstairs and made her way into the toy room. A sleepy Mittenz sat in his bed.

"Looks like you’re home." Mittenz yawned.

"Come with me," Roseate growled, "there is something I need you to help me with."

"Really? I was just in the middle of a good dream... or at least I think it was a dream."

"Yeah, well it’s important," Roseate answered, "and if I'm going to be miserable then you're going to be miserable too."

"Oh, fine." The familiar crawled out of bed, seeming to not to want to get into a fight with his master.

Admittedly, Roseate felt a bit bad for making Mittenz do this.

"Fine!" Roseate declared in exasperation. "You can bring your bed along as well!"

"Yay!" Mittenz shoot her an annoyingly wide grin. All Roseate could do was roll her eyes and leave the room.

The two of them walked into the Mirror room. After calming herself down and putting on a smile, Roseate pulled off the blanket covering the mirror.

"Thank you all for your feedback," Roseate said, "Arsthotua and I had a lot of fun at the costume party tonight. Now, tonight we have an important decision to make. As many of you know, a few nights back I created a familiar, which after reading your suggestions, I gave the wonderful name of Mittenz."

"Please stop bringing that up."

Mittenz lounged in his small cat bed, clearly irritated at his lot in life. Roseate ignored him and continued.

"Well, today we are going to get him to do some work for us."

"I didn't volunteer to do this!"

"You don't really have a choice," Roseate growled, before returning to her cheerful disposition, "There have been a few ponies around town that are proving to potentially be an issue. So I am going to send Mittenz here to go spy on one of them. Here are the options."

Roseate pulled out a piece of paper and after adjusting her glasses began to read off names.

"There is Detective Frost Brook, a Solar Guard who is here investigating the disappearances in town. It is possible that he might learn some information that could jeopardize my safety. Then there's May Berry, the annoying mayor and her spoiled spawn who both love making my job miserable."

Roseate contemplated this statement, after remembering her encounter with the mare at the party. Perhaps she wasn't all bad, but that didn't mean that Roseate didn't want to keep a close eye on her.

"And then last but certainly not, there is Miss Moonlight Raven. There is just something off about her and I feel she knows more than she is letting on."

Setting the page aside, Roseate smiled.

"So, please feel free to vote on who we should send Mittenz to spy on, and now onto the questions."

NicLove asks: "No, I mean I feel bad for asking about your kids."

"It is okay," Roseate sighed, "you are not the first to ask and you probably won't be the last. However, if we could avoid talking further on the subject, I would greatly appreciate it."

Rhawkas asks: "What is your favorite kind of candy? What is Arsthotua's favorite kind of food that ponies eat?"

"I like dark chocolate drops, though pretty much anything with dark chocolate tastes good if you ask me. As for Arsthotua, he is still learning how pony taste buds work. If you give him free range of a refrigerator, the food he would make, would resemble something a pregnant mare might make. However, I can say that his sense of taste is improving."

Quillian Inkheart Asks: "What are your favorite kind of chocolates for Hearts and Hooves Day?"

"Well..." Roseate held a hoof to her chin as she contemplated the question. "Dark chocolate is by itself pretty good. Of course, I also like chocolates that caramel or some sort of fruit flavored gelatin inside them too. Raspberry is my favorite out of those flavors."

Rhawkas asks: "What's your favorite flavor of ice cream and do you like anything on it?"

"I LOVE chocolate chip ice cream." Roseate blushed a bit. "Would it be bad if I wanted chocolate sprinkles on top? Maybe with a cherry."

NicLove asks: "What did your husband give you last Hearts & Hooves day?"

"His attempts at gifts are a little different compared to ponies," Roseate answered, "while most stallions would buy some chocolates or a bouquet of roses, my husband found me a few pages from the book of Ivalcona. It doesn't have any magical use but they are an interesting read."

Picking up the bag of candy, Roseate tore it open to grab a treat. Mittenz's ears twitched at the sound.

"Can I have a piece?" Mittenz begged.

Roseate rolled her eyes and tossed him a piece of butterscotch. The familiar caught it and proceeded to chew on the yummy sweet.

After putting a chocolate marble in her mouth, Roseate resumed answering the questions.

NicLove asks: "Have you ever tried to cut your horn off, thinking that there was no point to have one if you couldn't use magic? Did you wish you were born an Earth-pony?"

"I never considered cutting my horn. However, when I was younger the thought had occurred to me that I might have been better off as an Earth pony. That perhaps if I had been an Earth pony, I would have been..."

Roseate paused, a grim look stretching across her face. After shaking her head, Roseate putting on a slight smile.

"But that's over now."

NicLove asks: "This one is for your husband. Do you have something like Hearts & Hooves Day where you live?"

A single eye materialized in front of the Scryial.

"We don't have much in the way of holidays or celebration in the Elder Realm. We do have events to help us remember historical events in our history. One such event is Nevir, which serves as a memorial to the death of a thousand worlds. However those events are drastically different from your pony customs, so learning about your holidays has been... interesting."

Sentinel053 asks: "Hi, I’m from the Multiverse delivery company do you know somepony by the name of Al’ergath’nic’therag the deranged? If so, where is his address? My address locator keeps bringing me to a Brewery?"

"Sadly, I haven't," Roseate answered, "sorry."

Lunar Flarion asks: "Hm, interesting, that is quite a fair point to be made... Next question for Arsthotua, if I may, have you ever had a bad experience with a Dimension Hopper? Or have you met a very powerful entity?"

"Well, if by Dimension Hopper, you mean someone who travels through the Fifth Veil to another dimensions, I have met a few, however most are relatively harmless. Most are just beings seeking to explore other worlds and to expand their knowledge of the universe. Occasionally one will appear that will cause trouble, but most of these individuals tend to be defeated on the world they are causing problems for. That is, if they're lucky."

NicLove asks: "Have you ever kiss 'somepony' other than your husband?"

If an eyeball could look irritated without eyelids, then Arsthotua's eye somehow managed to convey that.

"Do you mean in a romantic sense? Not really," Roseate answered, while scratching her chin, "There was one time a mare in Las Pegasus tried to kiss me on the lips, it is one of the few reasons I have no intentions of going back. That, and apparently Arsthotua and I are banned from more than half of the hotels there. Something to do with them having issues cleaning the rooms afterwards."

The eyeball faded away.

Quillian Inkheart asks: "What is the most powerful grimoire you've ever found? What magics did it contain?"

"The only grimoire I have had the pleasure of coming in contact with is my Isidria."

Roseate lifted the time to show the mirror.

"I have heard of a few others. Such as the Oscuralis and the Dizghul. However, it is said that the most powerful tome is none other than the Vowlem Thum, known by most unicorn scholars as the Book of Salacious Tongues. While I nearly had the opportunity to obtain this volume, a meddling stallion prevented me from doing so."

Roseate furrowed her brow.

"A shame really."

Salreix Von Otsuu asks: "Perhaps the creature has chloromantic (plant-manipulating) powers? Might be worth looking into."

"That is possible," Roseate answered, "however, something tells me that this being's influence might affect more than just plants."

NicLove ask: "You said that you have 'Blood on your Hooves'?"

"Sometimes a pony with a loose tongue or ill intent might find out your secret," Roseate replied, "in that situation there are two ways to appease them and keep them silent. Either you bribe them and have to deal with them blackmailing you for every bit you’re worth. Or they suffer an unfortunate accident. It is much safer to perform the latter."

Roseate furrowed her brows as she recalled her meeting with Quillian earlier.

"There are of course, exceptions."

Dr film asks: "I’m curious how you ponies reproduce?"

"Well, when a mare and a stallion... bond, the male's seed will fertilize the female's egg," Roseate answered, a slight blush to her cheeks, "Once conception has occurred, the baby will grow inside the mother's womb until the time of birth."

CrimsonRose97 asks: "How did you and your hubby met?"

"It was a long time ago," Roseate answered nervously, "I would prefer not to discuss the circumstances of our meeting. Needless to say it worked out for both our benefits."

Quillian Inkheart asks: "How long could one live in the realm of dreams, if their body was placed in perpetual slumber?"

"Living wouldn't be the proper word for it. Experiences in the dream realm, while seemingly real are a mere mockery of reality. Furthermore, staying inside the dream realm doesn't prevent your body from decaying over time, due to age and a lack of nutrition. Even if you were able to remove these factors from the equation, after roughly ten years the mind would begin to falter as the subconscious tried to convey the false reality. Eventually the dreamer would go mad."

Dr. Film asks: "I know what it’s like to lose children. But enough about my existence I want to ask if you remember when those nightmares started and I’d like for you to have a gift this was one of my children. It doesn’t have any power but I know that it can be used in rituals and spells."

"That is very... kind of you." Roseate answered, "I am honored you feel comfortable giving me such a gift. Please don't be offended if I don't return the favor. I just don't feel comfortable doing... that."

Death is disturbed asks: "I think I can scrounge up a package to send the plague doctor’s mask in... Ah, there's a box! Also I may be able to ask more questions since there is a lull in combat, so I'll ask, do either you or your husband know of the N'taca? They are also known as the star gods as well as the Inugyr."

"While I am not familiar with them," Roseate replied, "all that means is that they either haven't come in contact with this dimension or interacted with a world that my viewers originate from. So you would be the first to mention them."

Viper Pit asks: "Rose have you thought about asking Hades to look for the teacher in Tartarus?"

Roseate let out a deep sigh.

"To avoid some confusion, allow me to clarify some things on my knowledge of Tartarus." Roseate adjusted her glasses. "Tartarus is merely one of many layers belonging to the realm of Infernios. The layer known as Tartarus is merely one of the layers that can be reached from her in Equestria and even that is an arduous task. As for Hades, he was overthrown a century ago. It's a complicated tale that I don't really have the time to tell."

Rhawkas asks: "What's your favorite animal?"

"Well, cats can be cute. So are parasprites if you can get past them eating everything. However, if you want my opinion on lesser known creatures, I would have to go with krakens. While they can be extremely violate when agitated, krakens can be very loveable when swimming the seas. They also have the most adorable courting habits when searching for a mate."

Once more the voices beyond the mirror grew silent.

"Well, I guess it is time for bed."

Roseate looked over to see Mittenz sleeping comfortably in his little bed. Not wishing to disturb her familiar, Roseate stood up and put the blanket back over the Scryial.

Picking up the bag of candy, Roseate stepped out of the mirror room and made her way to the bedroom, where Arsthotua was having some difficulty removing his teddy bear costume. A few tendrils hung from shadowy "holes" on the ceiling, trying to pull the bear head off the suit.

"Do you think you could help me with this?"

Roseate was about to go assist her husband when a little dirty thought came to mind. With a sly grin on her face, Roseate closed the door and levitated the sack of sweets over to the bed.

"Hey honey, are you able to... summon any of your tentacles inside there?"

In response, a few green tentacles emerged from between a couple seams in the suit. Roseate's smile grew wider. Taking a hold of the giant teddy bear, Roseate placed it right on the bed in a sitting position. With her husband in place, Roseate crawled onto the bed.

"I'll help you out of the suit, but first..."

Making her way up the bed, Roseate took the teddy bear's head in her hooves, holding it gently before giving it a kiss on the snout.

"I want you to give me a little treat."

Author's Note:

Who should Roseate send Mittenz to spy on?

  1. Detective Frost Brooks (5)
  2. May Berry (1)
  3. Moonlight Raven (3)

OC List:
Below is a list of OCs that were borrowed from their respective owners.