• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 950 Views, 7 Comments

The Filly of the Stars - Ink Splasher

This is an eternal promise made by Luna with a filly who has no one to rely, to share or to love

  • ...

Autumn Cry

The Filly of the Stars
by Ink Splasher
Chapter Three: Autumn Cry

Luna woke up at the sight of a bright Saturday morning from her window. She turned over to her right finding an adorable filly sleeping lithely with her stuffed toy pressed onto her cheek. The alicorn gingerly trying not to disturb the dreaming pony shuffles out of her bed sheets. The princess trotted out her room to the bathroom across her way. The sapphire alicorn stared into her mirror, levitated her hairbrush and combed her starry hair. As she combed she hummed the melody of the song she sang to Selene last night.

"What is that song called?" the princess of the night thought stopping her rhythmic combing and wondered.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" cried a voice from Luna's bedroom." the alicorn dropped her comb and rushed into her bedchamber. She blasted the doors finding Selene sitting on a stool staring at her reflection on the mirror on Luna's bureau, disoriented.

"Selene what's wrong?" Luna pleaded.

"My...my mane wha...what happened to my mane!" Selene replied. Luna looked at her mane then her tail. She remembered her odd pattern, both the tail and the mane are ebony but her mane had one narrow stripe of white on her mane but not on her tail. Usually the two would be color oriented but Selene had an unusual pattern when Luna met her.

"What do you mean, wasn't it like that before?" Luna asked.

"No my mane was always black and all of the sudden this white streak came out of nowhere," she explained still staring at her mirror.

"Oh dear... well maybe my sister knows what's wrong," Luna replied.

"Can you fix it?" Selene asked.

"Well I can't perform a counter spell if I don't know what to counter, come on I'm starving and I know you are too, Celestia's probably having breakfast at the royal dining hall," Luna added. Selene hopped off her stool following Luna to the dining hall.

The two were trotting down the carpeted spiral staircase to the ground floor. Luna turned to her friend finding her doleful as they spiral down the stairs.

I promise I will make you smile again

"You know, I like the look," Luna smiled. Selene shot her head up in wonder at the princess.

"You... you do,"

"Why yes it makes you eccentric like me, also it doesn't matter on the outside..."

"It's always about the inside, yeah my Mom gave me that speech, but if you like it... then it must be nice because you have such a pretty mane," Selene interrupted. Luna blushed at the filly as the two reached the end of the stairs.

"Well it doesn't matter what I think," Luna pointed at a large mirror. "Take another look," she added. Selene trotted and looked at the mirror. She tilted her head making many poses and playing with her mane with Luna quietly snickering.

"Well I guess it is kinda cool, but I still want to know why its like this," the filly replied looking at Luna.

"Well let's go to the dining hall and ask my sister," she replied as her stomach made a blatant growl. "Whoa I'm starving let's get some breakfast," Luna added trotting to the to the dining hall with Selene hopping behind her obviously satisfied with her new look.

The two entered the large hall where a very long table stood in the middle on the walls were beautifully decorated stained glass windows with pictures of Starswirl the Bearded and one of Celestia and Luna and one window displayed the story on how the earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns all united to find Equestria. Sat alone enjoying a mouth-watering omelette was Princess Celestia. As the alicorn noticed the pair trotting up to her she wiped the crumbs off her lips with her handkerchief and turned to the pair.

"Good morning Luna and Selene I presume you two had a restful slumber," the sun goddess asked.

"Well you could say that," replied the shy filly.

"Whatever do you mean, did something happen last night?" Celestia asked worried.

"Unfortunately little Selene here had a nightmare, so I let her sleep with me," Luna responded.

"How nice of you Luna it reminds me of you when you get a bad dream and you knocked on my door," the alicorn added. Selene giggled a little of Luna's embarrassment. "I suppose you two aren't here only for chit-chat what would you like to eat?" the benevolent princess asked.

"The usual Celly, a grilled cheese sandwich mhmmm," the princess hummed. "And you Selene?" Luna inquired.

"Umm do you have some 'Wonder-flakes'?" asked Selene. 'Wonder-flakes was a popular breakfast cereal merchandised by the popular Wonderbolts. It contained sugary flakes in the shape of pegasi in Wonderbolt uniform

The two princesses exchanged looks and Celestia turned to Selene with a smile. "I'll ask the servant," replied the Celestia waving her hoof at one of the servants. "Excuse me Miss Lime?" the princess asked. A green mared maid cantered slowly to the royal alicorn shyly.

"How may I help you your highness," Miss Lime asked.

"May I have a grilled cheese sandwich and do you have any 'Wonder-flakes'?" Luna added. The unicorn maid looked confused when Luna mentioned the cereal's name. She tilted her head spotting Selene looking very shy on front of the earth pony.

Miss Lime smiled and turned to Luna. "'Wonder-flakes' umm... I'll check in the kitchen," she added. Leaving the dining hall. Celestia continued feasting on her breakfast until Selene asked. "Princess Celestia may I ask you something?" Luna smiled at the filly for her politeness, the alicorn was never well mannered when she was a filly and she was a royal princess.

Celestia stopped her chewing, swallowed her food and replied. "Why yes Selene what is it?"

"Well I only found out until this morning but there is a white streak and that was never there before," Selene described. Celestia leaned in at the filly's mane examining the whiteness.

"Oh I see what the matter here is," she examined.

"Is everything alright sister is this normal," asked the concerned younger sister.

"Well this isn't normal I'm afraid this-"

"Good news we have Wonder-flakes!" interrupted Miss Lime leaving the kitchen with a bowl of cereal and a plate with grilled cheese sandwiches hovering over the unicorn trotting to the table placing in front of the princess and Selene.

"Thank you very much Miss Lime, what do you say Selene?" Luna asked stretching her head at the filly.

"Oh...sorry thank you Miss Lime," thanked the adorable filly.

"Oops I forgot one thing," the maid blurted galloping in the kitchen. Returning shortly with something hovering behind her head. "This fell out of the box," Miss Lime added holding up a Spitfire toy to Selene's face. In some boxes they contain small collectibles of either Spitfire, Soarin' and Fleetfoot.

"Oh my gosh Spitfire finally she was my last one!" Selene cheered grasping the toy. "Thank you so so much Miss Lime," the thanked once more.

"Oh it was my pleasure ladies, and please call me Lemon Lime Miss Lime was my mother's name," she giggled "Well I won't interfere any longer enjoy your meals," Lemon Lime added once again leaving the dining hall to tend to her duties.

"Sister what were you saying about Selene's mane," Luna pleaded stroking the filly's mane.

"Oh yes you see things like these do not come naturally usually these things only happens when someone gets a terrible fright not a regular hopping out of a door trying to scare someone... Luna," Celestia looked at Luna. The alicorn blushed remembering when they were fillies and they always try scare one another. "Something must have traumatized the poor girl you mentioned you only discovered the white streak this morning?" Celestia asked.

Selene finished chewing her cereal and looked at the alicorn. "Yes so I guess this happened last night?" she wondered.

"Did you get a fright last night?" the princess asked. Placing her hoof on the filly's shoulder.

"Well I was scared when I lost my parents that could that be the fright?" Selene asked looking up at Celestia.

"Hmm... probably, do you not like it, do you wish for me to remove it?" asked the sun goddess. Selene hesitated and turned to Luna enjoying the final bits of her sandwich.

She turns back to Celestia with a smile. "Well actually I like it," she answered. Luna stopped eating and turned to the conversation. "It makes me look... eccentric," Selene added with Luna smiling behind her.

"Very well then," the alicorn replied hopping off her chair. "Well I had a delicious breakfast but I must return to my duties, I'll see you girls later," added Celestia leaving the dining hall.

Celestia left the two ponies alone to finish their breakfast. Luna eventually breaks the silence. "So Selene what do you wish to do today?" the princess asked.

The filly was still playing with her new Spitfire toy and looked up at Luna. "Well what do you do for fun around here?" she replied. Luna thought for a while this castle wasn't designed for little fillies to run around and have fun. The ancient castle of the royal pony sisters now abandoned in ruins and rubble in the Everfree Forest had a room just for Celestia and Luna for playing, learning and as Selene describes having fun.

Since Luna's return she was grown up and couldn't afford time for fun remastering her magic on lifting the moon. There probably wasn't anything fun to do in the castle but there has to be something to keep Selene occupied before she tells her about her parents. "Well I usually stay in my room and read," Luna answered trying to pull a smile but failing awkwardly.

"I love reading!" cheered the filly. Luna was very surprised at this attitude even she knew fillies aren't that interested in books.

"Oh delightful follow me and I'll take you to the Royal library and we could pick out some books sound fun?" Luna asked rhetorically. Trotting out the doors Celestia went through a while ago.

The library wasn't too far away from the dining hall only a three minute trot before reaching the library. The room was filled of many books novels, encyclopedias, spell-books you name it every published document ever made for the last thousand years are kept here. They keep the most influential and most popular books in the room on display while the less important ones would be kept in a store room which was probably four times the size of the original library itself.

Luna and Selene walked up to the librarian's desk where a brown coated pony wearing glasses was reading a book. "Good afternoon you highness," the librarian whispered she notices the dainty filly by her side. "May I ask who your little friend is?" she asked.

"Missus Hooves this is Selene she'd like a book to read," the alicorn replied.

"How lovely what kind of book would you like dear?" the kind pegasus asked.

"Do you have any books with fairy tales like 'Canterella' or 'The Mare and the Beast'?" Selene asked.

"Oh I have just the thing," Missus Hooves said. She gallops across the shelves of books to find the right section, the pegasus flew up scanned through the shelf before finding the right one. She grabbed a hardcover book and flew back to her desk. "This is a personal favorite of mine 'Equestrian Tales of Myths and Fables' it has the stories you mentioned and hundreds more I'm sure you will enjoy it," added the librarian.

"Thank you Ms. Hooves and may I have my personal book for my lunar spells," asked the sapphire princess.

"Of course your highness you two sit over there and I will bring your book over your highness," Missus Hooves responded trotting to the door of the "Special Archives" where the most prized books were kept. As told Luna and Selene walked to a small desk and upon arrival Selene began reading her stories. Missus Hooves returned giving Luna her spell-book and she too began reading or studying for a special night the princess of the night is planning.

The two bookworms were reading for a good half hour in silence (it was a library after all) until Selene broke the silence. "Luna what does this word say?" whispered the puzzled filly pointing the text on the page.

"It says...bitterness...in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness...Nightmare Moon," Luna eyes narrowed in fear with mouth agape. She thought over time she was forgotten but she never knew she was a myth. "Selene sweetie what story is this called?" asked the stunned alicorn.

"This one's called 'The Mare in the Moon' its kind of a sad one though," she added.

"Quite sad I have heard of it before," Luna lied in a sigh. "I feel pity for both sisters," Luna grudgingly added.

"For both? But what about the sister that sent her sister to the moon why do you feel sad for her?" Selene curiously asked.

"The elder sister truly loved her sister but she saw the evil in her heart, she knew it was her fault and she didn't have a choice, she now lives in regret and depression thinking what could have been for eternity, what I'm trying to say is she did it out of love and compassion," Luna let out a sigh. Basically she was repeating what her sister told her after her return two years ago. Those words Celestia told her remained in her memories and she knows it always will. "It's a nice story but maybe you should read the next one," Luna said smiling. Selene lifted the corner of the page over with her hoof.

"Ow!" Selene yelped.

"Are you alright?" the worried alicorn asked.

"I got a frickin' paper-cut!" exclaimed the filly pressing her lips on the wound to stop the blood flow.

"Oh dear, Timid do you have any bandages?" Luna pleaded to the librarian. Timid Hooves stopped reading her book and searched for the drawer where the bandages where located.

Once obtained the pegasus flew over to the injured Selene with her bandages. Timid gently placed the bandage on Selene's wound. "Oh dastardly paper-cuts those are very unpleasant," she said pressing it softly on the cut. "There now isn't that better?" Timid asked.

"Yes it isn't that sore anymore thanks Mrs. Hooves," Selene replied rubbing her new bandage. Timid nodded at Selene and trotted back to her desk resuming her reading.

"Say Selene have you ever attempted magic?" asked the curious princess.

"Magic? No I never tried it," replied the grey filly.

"Well for one thing it prevents paper-cuts," Luna said showing off her levitation flicking the pages of her spell-book boastfully with Selene laughing silently at her cockiness. Luna uses her magic to hover the spell-book 'Magic for Beginning Fillies' over between the two. With her magic once again she flicks through the pages for levitation. "Let's see alteration chapter eleven article eleven telekinesis take a read of that," the princess added.

The young filly studied the guide for a while before gaining the confidence to attempt the feat. "Okay Luna I'm gonna try it!" Selene said with enthusiasm. The gray filly shut her cyan blue eyes attempting to turn a page of that book. Sparks flickered out of her horn letting out hard grunts of concentration. Selene slightly opened her eye to see if it was working. The page was glowing in a blur color and was hovering an inch over the page under it. Selene exhaled loudly cancelling her efforts.

"I did it!" Selene cheered. The smile suddenly altered to a confused frown. The page was still lifted with the same glow surrounding it. Selene looked at Luna trying not to smile with her horn still glowing in the same color as the page was. Selene realizing what was happening began to laugh with Luna who couldn't contain hers.

"Sorry Selene you were trying real hard but even Clover the Clever had to study before she could try magic," Luna laughed. The princess of the night turned to the clock reading quarter to six. "Selene would you like to watch me raise the moon?" asked Luna.

The filly silenced her laughing and looked at Luna. "Would I!" cheered the young pony hopping on the princess' back.

"Thank you for your services Timid," Luna thanked passing Timid's desk.

"You two are very welcome feel free to stop by anytime," Timid Hooves replied smiling eyes closed. The two nodded at the pegasus and left the royal library.

Luna and Selene went to the nearest balcony of the castle. The princess of the night was able to lift the moon and stars anywhere as long as she can witness her lunar orb rising over the horizon. The alicorn halted on the balcony signalling the filly on her back to hop off.

"Stand back," Luna instructed with Selene following her order. Looking a little nervous. "Don't worry it's only a precaution just look at the sky." the alicorn added pointing her hoof up in the air. Luna widened her front and back hooves giving herself a solid stance for the task ahead of her. Eyes shut with her horn glowing the sun was setting in a soothing bright maroon sky. The princess was letting out grunts of exhaustion and determination with bigger sparks spraying out the tip of her horn.

The sky completely darkened bright beautiful stars birthed brightening the dark sky. Selene looked at the magic-wielding alicorn opening her eyes that lost its cyan iris and replaced by a magical achromatic glow. Selene couldn't keep looking at Luna as she sees the peak moon looming over the horizon. Luna began flapping her wings slightly airborne still raising her moon with a filly under her with a look of disbelief.

Eventually the moon reached it's final position sitting atop the horizon further illuminating the shadowy night. Luna gracefully landing on the marble floor. Her glowing eyes dimmed to her normal look. The princess searched for her young companion who was leaning over the balcony admiring what she had just witnessed. Luna stared at the filly remembering the day they had together connecting in so many forms she wishes she could do it again.

"Mmm hmm... your highness,"

Luna turned to find her faithful guards, Dark Valor standing by the doors of the balcony. "Major Valor, a problem?" Luna asked.

"Well Shadow Tail and Poison Thorn completed your mission last night," the major added.

"Oh...I see, so they're in the morgue?" asked Luna

"As the mission foretold," Valor replied

"Okay thank you you're dismissed," the princess grudgingly said hanging her head. She looked up and at the end of the hall was her sister staring at her with a frown.

You let her rest, she has dealt with enough drama for the night and then you must tell her tomorrow,

I must... but why?

Tonight, you made an important decision to be her best friend and her guardian and now you must take its responsibility, this isn't a punishment for your actions this is a distasteful pleasure, do you understand,

Luna looked at her sister and nodded signalling she knows what must be done. She turns to find Selene still stargazing. The princess sat next to the filly amazed by her night.

"Did you enjoy it?" Luna asked.

"It was a little scary but it was still pretty cool," Selene added.

"Apologies it's just how I do it," Luna replied as the two returned to staring a the sky. "Selene there's something I need to tell you," she sighed.

"What is it Luna?" Selene asked looking up at Luna with the biggest eyes the alicorn's ever see.

"We..we found your parents,"

"Really! Where are they Luna?" The princess didn't respond. "Luna?"

"They're... Selene... your..." Luna was rambling at this point trying to salvage her words. "Selene your parents...are dead," Luna said cringing with tears floating her eyelids.

"Wh...what's dead?" the filly asked. This was indeed a distasteful pleasure for Luna. Not only telling her the demise of her parents but must also teach her the meaning of demise in the process. Luna was on the brink of tears failing to figure out how to break it to her. She looked over at the balcony seeing orange leaves scattered on the park and green leaves still on their trees

With her telekinesis she brought two green leaves and two orange leaves and presented them to the young filly. "Selene you see the green leaves they're flexible, moisturized and importantly full of life, however these orange leaves are stiff, dry and dead and," Luna blew on the leaves over the balcony. "You must let them go," the princess added as the leaves cascaded to the ground. Luna looked at the filly that had tears streaming down her cheeks leaping herself to Luna's hoof soaking it with her tears.

I promise I will be your shoulder to cry on

Luna began stroking the mournful filly's mane "There, there Selene I know its hard but everything will be alright," Luna said nuzzling Selene. "Would you like to see them?" the princess asked. Selene stepped back and wiped her eyes and nose and nodded signalling she does.

Luna grabbed the filly and placed her on her back sadly trotting to the exit. While walking Celestia was there waiting for her.

"Do you want me to come along?" she asked.

"No sister this is for me and Selene, sorry," Luna replied.

"I understand sister I'm very proud of you," Celestia replied nuzzling her sister. The white alicorn walked to the crying filly. "I'm deeply sorry of your loss Selene," she said nuzzling the filly. Too sad to respond Selene simply nuzzled back at Celestia. As the princess walked past the pair she hung her head and cascaded a tear.

That poor...poor filly she sadly thought.

Luna and Selene took a short chariot ride to the Canterlot morgue. The pair hopped out and made their way to the entrance escorted by two guards. It was a cold gloomy place the Canterlot morgue. The guards made the appointment and were told the location of the corpses.

Luna and Selene stood in front of the doors and gazed the sign above 'Room B3' it read. The princess asked the guards to check if the bodies weren't too gruesome to traumatize a child and the two walked in.

Luna laid on her stomach to gain eye-contact with Selene. She took her hoof and stroked the foal's dark mane and whispered. "They are asleep, but you can't wake them." One of the guards poked his head out the door gesturing that she and Selene can enter. "Alright, follow me," Luna exclaimed.

End of Chapter Three.

Comments ( 3 )

Sorry for the delay I have been tending to let's say "priorities" so enjoy chapter three!

I really am enjoying your story. ^^ I am hopeful for more^^

i really like this story hope to read more soon

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