• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 735 Views, 3 Comments

Lord of the Crowns - Professor Coconuts

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Chapter 1

Thanks to my Editor/Descriptive writer, United Bronies.

There were 20 crowns made for all of the kings of Middle Equia. 9 for the Pegasi, 7 for the Earthbound and 4 for the Magic Wielders. These were called the Crowns of Power. But one draconequus was jealous and turned evil. He forged another crown over the fiery mountains of doom. This crown was not normal. It took over Discord and made him more powerful than ever. The free ponies of Middle Equia feared him. The Magic Wielders and the Pegasi formed an army to destroy Discord. One pegasus had a magic sword called the Blade of Hope. Discord came out of the old castle of the royal pony sisters in the Everfree Forest, and walked to the frontlines of the battle. He pulled out his Mace of Destruction and swung it three times. The Pegasi were thrown back into the rocks surrounding the battlefield. Only the Magic Wielders and the lone Pegasus were left.

Discord walked over to the pegasus who had the magic blade. In fear, he swung his sword and cut off the head of Discord. The battle was won. The pegasus, still in shock, picked up the crown of Discord. He could hear it speaking to him and taking over his body. He put it on his head and felt victorious. A Magic Wielder took the pegasus to Mount Doom so that he could destroy it in the fire of which it was built, but the pegasus was stubborn and kept the crown for himself. But the evil forces that were still loyal to Discord attacked him and the crown was lost, until a river pony named Gollum found the crown. The crown had a mind of it’s own and ruined Gollum’s life. The crown was still trying to get back to its owner. A wise pony called Granny Smith picked up this crown in one of her many adventures and kept the crown as a trophy. Granny Smith could withstand the power of the crown, but only for a while. She took it back to her home and kept it.

“Applebloom, Applebloom, are you here Applebloom?”
“Where is that filly?”

Applebloom was sitting beneath the trees. She was looking forward to Granny Smith’s birthday party, as they would be drinking heaps of creamy apple cider. But then she heard a horse-drawn cart travelling along the road to Hobbiton. Applebloom galloped as fast as her hooves could take her. She stopped when she got to a hill and saw the pony in the cart.

“You’re late.” Applebloom said bluntly.

“A wizard is never late.” said Twilight the Grey.

They looked at each other with emotionless faces. Then their faces both burst into grins.
“It’s great to see you Twi!”

“I wouldn’t miss Granny Smith’s birthday if my life depended on it! How is your old Granny anyway?”

“She seems to be lonely, all she does is sit and write in that book of hers. I think she might be hiding something from me.” Applebloom whined unhappily.

A group of young ponies heard that Twilight was coming down the road.

They mobbed her cart and started shouting “Twilight! Twilight!”

They were expecting some spectacular magic trick to happen.

BANG! A loud explosion of multicoloured fireworks shot up into the air.

All the young ponies shouted in amazement.

“Sorry my little ponies, but I have to go now.” Said Twilight.
She kept going along the road. At long last, she arrived at Apple End.

Twilight rapped on the door three times with her hoof. Immediately, a faint voice said, “Go away, no visitors allowed.

“How about old friends?” said Twilight. A clopping noise got louder and louder until it reached the door. Granny Smith opened the door and was delighted to see that at least one friend of hers was able to make it. Granny Smith offered for Twilight to come in. She gave her a mug of apple cider to drink. Twilight could see that there was something different about Granny Smith though. She seemed tired and wasn’t in an adventurous mood like she usually was. Granny smith came back with some cider, sat down and sighed. Twilight now knew that something wasn’t right. Granny Smith’s bag was on the table that they were sitting at. She kept looking at her bag, just staring into it; it was talking to her, taking over her body.

Twilight snapped her out of it.
“I best be off to check out how the celebrations are going Granny.”

“All right then, but it would have been nice if you could have stayed for longer.”

Twilight walked out door and made her way to the party. She got to the party and was amazed at just how much work was put into it. She hoped that Granny Smith would be all right for the party. The sun went down and the party started. Everypony was having the time of their life, drinking cider, dancing in the moonlight, and of course enjoying the fireworks.One of Applebloom’s friends, Sweetie Belle, was day dreaming about a stallion that giving out cider.

“You should go ask him if he wants to dance.” said Applebloom.

“Na, he’s probably way too busy giving out cider. And besides, he’s probably already got a special somepony.”

Twilight was walking around and could hear that Granny Smith was telling the young ponies about all of her adventures, and how she once encountered 3 trolls that were going to cook her up in a stew. The young ponies gasped in amazement as she told the tale. Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo, in all their recklessness and wild partying, were able to sneak into the tent that contained all the fireworks.

“Ooh! Take the big one, take the big one!” Pinkie shouted.

Scootaloo tried bury part of the firework into the ground, but Pinkie accidentally lit it on fire. They realised that they hadn’t set it up properly, and thus a hectic game of hot potato started. They kept throwing it at each other, forcing the other to hold it. Whoosh! The rocket shot into the air, leaving a bright, blazing trail, and two ponies with black ash all over their faces. Everypony looked at the fireworks in amazement. It suddenly exploded into the air and formed into a fiery red pegasus that was diving straight for the party. Ponies screamed in horror.

“Granny Smith, duck!” shouted Applebloom.

“Wha’d you say?”

“Duck!” Applebloom pulled Granny Smith down in the nick of time. The fiery visage flew through the air, over everypony’s head and exploded into a shower of glistening colours in the middle of the night sky. The party, although still in shock, resumed. Granny Smith was called up and was pressured into give a speech. She stood up, walked to the stage slowly and took a deep breath.