• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 1,126 Views, 23 Comments

It's Only A Matter Of Time - Dropgasm

Read how the Changeling Queen's visit affects the princesses and things unravel for the worse.

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Chapter I: An Evening At The Palace

As the cart clinged away into the night, the crowd started to make their way home and soon enough the palace grounds were empty. The six saviors of Equestria had a good time and were down for a good night sleep. It was getting late and the beautiful night Luna had put up was now entirely covering up the sky.

“Where’s our carriage? It should have been here by now!” asked Twilight, sounding somewhat frustrated and confused.

“Give it a few minutes darling, it is probably on it’s way,” Rarity said, trying to calm her friend down before her stress levels get too unbearable. We all know twilight does not have room for mistakes when it comes to planning.

“Yeah Twilight, calm down, I’m sure everything is fine.” Rainbow let out a few laughs while trying to say that.

“Wait! What about my bachelor party?”

They all laughed yet again.

“Oh Spike, we are all very tired and you and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I’m afraid there won’t be a bachelor party,” Twilight said, trying her best to forget about the missing carriage situation.

The disappointment on spike’s baby dragon face was almost enough to make pinkie burst out in tears.

The wind picked up, the fire spread...

They were sitting next to the road as minutes went by, people were cleaning up the palace. No one seemed to notice the time, as they were all chatting about whatever thoughts came to their mind but mostly their thoughts of the wedding and the changeling Queen. Although, this was all interrupted by the sight of Princess Celestia herself.

“Howdy Princess!” Applejack spoke up while everyone bowed down to the majesty. It seemed obvious everyone was wondering what she was doing here, on the street.

“Twilight, it looks like you and your friends’ carriage had a mishap on the way here and it won’t make it any soon. For that I am offering you all a suite in the castle, where you can sleep for the night and brunch tomorrow morning.”

Everypony was joyfully surprised at the words that they just heard. Not only are they staying at the palace for the night, but they also get to brunch together!

This was all paused when Rainbow asked what happened to the carriage.

“Oh, It’s nothing to worry about. Follow me and I’ll guide you to your chambers.” said Celestia.

“Good thing you have chambers like these in case visitors are in trouble, Princess!” Twilight said, relieved that everything will be alright.

“Well, we very rarely get cases like yours around here, so the additional chambers are always empty, I’m glad to finally have a use for them,” Celestia replied, letting out a small chuckle.

They all followed the princess in happiness, and even without his bachelor party, spike was happy. It was hard to leave all his planning behind but he knew he had to. After all, what was spike thinking to plan a bachelor party after the marriage?

On her way to the chambers Celestia started to get dizzier and dizzier. “Oh, It’s probably just an outcome of what the Changeling Queen’s magic has done to me. A good sleep should fix this.” Trying to reassure herself as much as possible, she continued walking down the long beautiful halls she had built herself.

Celestia arrived to her destination with her six and a half followers. They entered, amazed, and wished a good night to their majesty, who was already on her way to finish her tasks as soon as possible.

The chambers all ran along in the same corridor, connected to a huge dinner room - probably where they will eat tomorrow morning - with a few windows here and there offering a great view of the palace gardens. The rooms themselves were actually rather huge considering they are connected to a tiny corridor like this one. All of them had a queen-sized bed, a table with a few chairs and a drawer where they could put their dresses and things in.

They all made there farewells and went into their respective chambers. It didn’t take long before they were all asleep. The atmosphere was so calm and peaceful, you could barely hear anything else than your own breath.

The grapevine signing, left for dead...

Celestia was barely walking straight now, but she knew she had things to do and her situation was not enough to convince her not to do her final tasks. At this point it seemed just like a normal headache, after all she had been defeated by an evil queen and then suspended in a coccoon, and with all the blood being lowered down to her head that headache was definitely predicted. “Okay, focus. I still need to talk to the janitors and give them an extra on their pay check, I also need to talk to th-”

“Tia! Is everything alright?”

Previously lost in her own mind, walking towards her goal like a robot, the sun goddess was now paying attention to a very familiar figure.

“Yes Luna. I am just having a small headache right now,” Celestia explained.

“Oh, sister. This looks much worse than a normal headache! Here, you know what? Do not worry about your duties for now, go get some rest and I will take care of cleaning things up.” Luna said.

“Luna it’s fine really, I can do this on my o-”

“I will not take denial for an answer. Go to bed darling, before anything happens to you. Please.” Luna interrupted.

Celestia sighed, nodded and thanked her sister for her generous offer. She then headed straight to her room as Luna went and ordered some servants to do some overtime. The Sun Princess really hoped Luna would not buck anything up and just dropped on her bed, falling asleep instantly. Sweet dreams Celestia.

The northern skies looked like the end of days, the end of days.