• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 992 Views, 10 Comments

Battlepony 3 - Rainbow|Dash

Mareine's are at all odds against the PLR (Ponies Liberation and Resistance) terrorist group.

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Chapter 1 - Intro/Operation Ponybreaker

This was her last day in Ponyville before she was shipped off to basic training, Twilight Sparkle was walking over to her library, when she heard somepony shouting her name from behind. Twilight turned to look behind her and saw a ivory colored pony trotting toward her. It was Rarity. The pale purple mare halted, and waited for Rarity to come to her. Twilight pondered as to why she was in such a rush to see her until she was suddenly laying on the ground by a cyan colored pegasus. Twilight and Rainbow Dash stood up, as Rarity stopped in front of them. The cyan mare spoke out.

"Gee, sorry Twi! I needed to speak with you before we go to basic tomorrow" Rainbow Dash said.

"So did I my dear Twilight. We need to be ready to go, The Mareines are no laughing matter!" Rarity said.

"It's okay Rainbow, and yes we do. Where are Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy at right now?" Twilight stated.

"That's why i came to you." Spoke the cyan pegasus. " I don't know where they could be!"

"Ah! Pinkie is holding a party over at Sugarcube Corner!" Rarity spoke. "They are helping her prepare the party for us!" Rarity said with glee. "I have taken the liberty of informing the two of you of this. We must certainly attend! Everyone we know will be there! Including Princess Celestia and Princess Luna!"

Twilight's face began to light up with joy. She knew that having a party the princesses would attend would be important and fun! Twilight wanted her last day in Ponyville to be fun and enjoyable, especially when there was party Celesta would attend.

"What time is the party at?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"At 8:00 tonight" Rarity said. "Do not be late!" As she started trotting away. "Goodbye ladies!"

"Cya Rarity" Rainbow said. "See ya Twi! I'm going to go pack up my things for tomorrow"

"Okay see you later Rainbow!" As the pegasus left with a rainbow streak.

Twilight started to trot to her home to gather her item's for tomorrow as well as for tonight. She grinned. Tonight was going to be a good night, she thought. Twilight smiled and continued her trot to her home.

----3 months later----

The squad had left the weight room to the mess hall. They had got in line to grab some chow, grabbed their tray's and the server scooped beans, handed them a piece of bread, and placed broccoli on the veggie part of the tray. Rainbow Dash was the first to sit at their squad's table, joined by Twilight Sparkle then sat down Applejack followed by Pinkie Pie. Rarity and Fluttershy soon joined them.

"So we are getting deployed in 2 weeks... Over on the shit side of iran... Buckin' bummer." Rainbow dash said.

"At least we are getting the hell out of here... Heh heh!" Twilight said with a cheap smile.

"So... Dia... what are you so quiet for?" Pinkie pie said.

"I'm a little nervous... the iran reigion is infested with the damn PLR!" Rarity said sounding a bit out of tune.

The squad gave each other nickname 's based on personality. Rarity's being "Diamond"... Twilight's being "Starboard"... Rainbow Dash's was "Fireflight"... Applejack's was "Workhorse"...Pinkie's was "LoudandProud"... and Fluttershy's was "Animal". They were happy about their nicknames. They enjoyed working as a squad in their training. The company they were assigned to was "ZuluPony". The company's leader was Sargent Rolling Thunder. The Mareine's had made an exception for the 6 of them to be a squad of six instead of a standard of four. They were the Elements of Harmony after all! The particular squad was a recon classified squad, meaning they were to scout out the area for the rest of the company and part of the platoon. They would be first to go and check out the area to make sure it was safe.

"Hay ya'll, don't get scared... we all are gonna be fine" Applejack said.

"Thank's workhorse, that make's me feel an ounce better" Rarity said in a sarcastic tone.

"Ya'll are quite welcome!" Applejack laughed.

"Enough you two, we better get back to the barracks, Sargent Colt is gonna get pissed that we will be out pass curfew." Twilight said.

----5 weeks later---- Operation Ponybreaker

Twilight sat with her squad mares in an armored vehicle, suddenly a voice came on her earpiece along with the rest of the squads earpiece's.

"We are stopping just up ahead squads" Spoke Sargent Colt on the com.

"Why the buck are we stopping here in this shit stain?" Rainbow said.

"I don't know Fire. Why are we putting down here" Twilight spoke to rainbow and colt.

"MS i have no further information, just meet me for briefing." Colt had said.

"Hay open up the doors!" Twilight commanded to the drivers.

The rear doors on the vehicle opened. The squad stepped out, one by one. The beaming rays of the sun shining on them in full gear made them hot and sticky. They started to trot over to their Sargent.

"Ever wonder how this place get so bucked up all the time?" Rainbow dash said.

"I don't know i just work here Fireflight." Said Rarity.

The squad reached their destination. The objective currently was to see what they were going to scout.

"Your our quick reaction force mare's, I need this area scouted and secured. Radio for fire teams to enter to help claim the area after you have scouted it". Sargent Colt said.

The squad examined the mapped area needed to be claimed.

"Alright Mare's lets get this over with." Twilight said

"This way girls... Through here!" Fluttershy said standing next to a gate.

The squad double timed it through the gate and into an alleyway. Once they reached the end of the alley, they made a right into a school building.

"Huh... looks like a buckin school!" Rainbow dash said.

"Somthin' ya'll never went ta" Chuckled Applejack. As they made it into another fence gate, a bit bigger than the other one.

"Why I oughta..." She was cut off by Pinkie Pie.

"Get into cover!" Pinkie Pie Whispered "Sounds like an approaching vehicle."

The squad quickly got behind a dumpster waiting for the vehicle to pass. It was a PLR technical vehicle composed of a beat up pick up truck and a large machine gun mounted on the back of it. The squad got out of cover and walked toward the gate and looked onto a street. They saw nothing. That was the issue. Nothing to move into cover with out being noticed. They would be exposed to any PLR watching the street. Worst would be the technical turning back and mowing the fire team down. They had to act fast.

"There's no cover. We will be exposed! We need to get across!" Rarity said.

"There! Half through the door and the other half through the alley next to the building. Clear out any hostiles, we will see each other on the other side of the building." Rainbow Said. "We will need to be quick though."

"Okay Diamond, Workhorse, and Animal will go through the alley, Rest of us will move though the building" Twilight Said.

"Move it Mareines!" Said rainbow.

Rainbow and Fluttershy flew to their designated spots, ready to go into the area. The rest of the group caught up with them. Rainbow breached the door and readied her assault rifle, while Twilight held up her carbine, and Pinkie held her sniper rifle up. The building was clear. Rainbow and Twilight opened a garage door while Pinkie was watching their backs. The rest of the squad moved though the alley and met up with them in the garage. Applejack was standing outside looking around for any hostiles, when she was on the ground crying in pain in mere seconds.

"SNIPER!" Yelled Rarity.


"I gotcha Workhorse... Your gonna be fine trust me" Rainbow said pulling her squad mare.

"MAH FUCKIN' LEG IS BLEEDIN' OUT!" Applejack yelled over the firefight happening right outside of the garage.

Quickly the rest of the squad got into cover and eliminated all enemy hostiles. Except the sniper who hid after hitting Applejack. A medical squad showed up just in time and started to patch up Applejack.

"We will take care of her, just provide some covering fire over us when we cross the street back to the platoon." One of the other squad mates said.

"Okay but we have to take out the buckin' sniper first." Rainbow said.

"Radio us when your ready then" As one of the other squad's mate said while he closed the garage door.

The squad kicked in a door and ran up a flight of stairs.

"You think Workhorse is gonna be fine?" Said Fluttershy.

"Don't Worry Animal, she's a tough son of a bitch!" Said Pinkie Pie.

The squad entered a room that had small windows on the side where the sniper was camping at. Rarity walked up first to go across the room. A shot flew right by her. The whole squad started to sprint towards the other side of the room while being shot at. Luckily all of them got across safely, when a door flew open and two PLR guys walked through and were dropped instantly. The squad walked though the door, and up more stairs until they the reached the roof.

"Okay move from cover to cover, don't buck up guys, we can't have any losses here." Twilight said.

Twilight moved, then Fluttershy, followed by Pinkie, and Rarity. Shots were fired towards them.

"That's a fuckin' fifty girls!" Rainbow said.

"Fuck! GO GO GO.... Shit!" Pinkie said when she barely made it into their next cover.

"Okay we are gonna get down right there. Twilight, give Pinkie the AT4... shes the best shot!" Demanded Fluttershy.

"Sounds like a plan... we are gonna put down some suppressing fire, so don't fuck up Pinkie!" Said Twilight.

They slid into the position designated by Fluttershy. They knew the situation was serious, any mistake would fuck them over... hard. It had to be perfect.

"3...2...1... SUPPRESSING FIRE!" Yelled Rainbow dash while firing at the sniper.

The rest of them joined in as Pinkie aimed at her target, and fired at the bastard. The whole area where the sniper was at was completely destroyed.

"WOO-HOO...Fuck yes!" Yelled Fluttershy as she jumped for joy.


"Okay lets check the street now" Said Twilight.

The squad looked over at buildings and the street itself. They gave the okay to move across the street when a shot was fired from an balcony the PLR popped out on. The squad on the street got into very little cover they could find. The mare's had to eliminate the PLR fast. Or their friend would not make it to see them again. They started to pick one off one by one until they were all down.

"Okay we are moving out, your friend is gonna be fine, have a nice day." A voice said on the com.

"Let's get back to the mission girls, we need to get to the main street." Said Rarity.

"This way, those fucks are probably infesting this fucking building!" Spoke Fluttershy. As she flew to grab a board from a building right next to the building they were on.

Fluttershy lay the board on both buildings creating a bridge from the building they were on to another one they could use to get down on. They walked across and rainbow being the last one kicked it off into the drop that was below them. They quickly scaled the buildings until they reached the ground. They moved into a nearby alleyway into another building.

The building was cleared out of PLR after they got though to the main street. Pinkie checked a nearby friendly vehicle.

"Oh horseapples! We got dead and wounded here, Radio Colt!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"That's not it I got a wire here!" Said Rarity. "FireFlight trace the wire"

"Oh man i don't like this at all, were exposed and there's some activity going on here..." Twilight said.


Rainbow did what she was instructed. She walked to a building the wire went into, and saw a duct the wire was in. Rainbow got down and crawled in to the duct. A parasprite flew through and she found the exit to the duct into a room. She hopped down, walked into a cage like room, with a desk and shelves with lots of tech to make bombs and other stuff. The box the wire was connected to had two port for two wire's. She pulled the first one. Nothing happened, except getting jumped by a PLR plothole who she beat to death. Rainbow pulled the other wire just in time, when Twilight radioed her.


Rainbow hauled it up to the surface, and saw her squad and regrouped with them.

"Get the m249 up there and provide some suppression so we can get the wounded out of here" Fluttershy said to Rainbow dash.

"Got it" Rainbow replied as she flew up to an overpass.

Twilight was up on the overpass with Pinkie Pie firing and taking out lots of PLR. A couple of Mareine engineers had acquired a technical and needed to fix it to fire the machine gun on the back of it. Rarity was there helping them. Twilight had got pulled back to help out. While Pinkie and Rainbow were protecting the rest of the company.

"The technical is good to go!" One of the mareines yelled out.

"Rainbow! Get on the gun!" Twilight commanded.

Rainbow dash left her LMG for the HMG on the technical. She flew over fast and swiftly. Rainbow mounted the gun and fired east of the position she was at. A loud scream was heard from Fluttershy as the ground was shaking very hard.

"EARTHQUAKE" Yelled Fluttershy

A building was falling down toward the mareines on the street. Soon everything in the squad's vision was dark.