• Published 21st Mar 2018
  • 758 Views, 5 Comments

Yugioh: Dark Realm Rises - goldenrise365247

The group had finally thought all the crazy magic was taken care of. That's not the case. The magic has started to infect cards and turn people into power hungry card collectors. Now it is up to a group of individuals to stop this new evil.

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Dancing with Darkness

The field was shrouded in darkness as the two stood across from each other. Eclipse had his duel disk ready to go, and the Shadow Man had five stone slabs in front of him. “This is where I finally end you.”

“Your the only one not getting out of this alive.” Eclipse gave a deathly glare towards his opponent.

“Enough chatter, on to the main event.” One of the slabs sank back into the ground. “ I activate the spell card, Forbidden Memories.” The slab returned and faced eclipse. On it was a picture of a worry writhing in pain and clutching his head. “This card lets me summon out a Foreboding Token to the field.” A black flame appeared on the field. “And don't bother attacking it, you'll only get burned. I end my turn with that.”

“My go.” Eclipse drew his card. ‘So I can't attack that thing. I'll just have to get around it.’ Eclipse drew in a sharp breath. “Now I set the pendulum scale with Scale 10 Solar Scope and Scale 2 Lunar Map.” Eclipse placed the cards on each side of the blade. Two columns of light exploded from the ground. The first column had a bronze telescope, with golden rings surrounding it. The second had a blu scroll with sketches of the moon. “Now I-” Eclipse felt a sharp pain run through his chest as he fell to the ground on one knee. “What’s… happening?”

“Your starting to remember the truth.” Shadow man waved his hand in front of his face. “The truth of your birth from that night.”

“Shut-up.” Eclipse got to his feet.

“The more you resist, the more pain-”

“I use my two monsters to Pendulum Summon Solar Knight.”

A portal appeared behind Eclipse. A yellow light shot through the portal and a figure appeared. A figure in yellow armor with blazing wings and a silver blade appeared on the field. “Now thanks to his affect, your Foreboding Token is changed to a light attribute monster.

The black flame gained a yellow hue around it, but then it burnt out. “Thanks to Forbidden Memories my token is not affected by effects of light attribute monsters.”

“Darn it. I set two cards face down and end my turn.” Two cards appeared in front of Eclipse.

“Then it's my turn. Come to me Dark Monsters.” Another tablet shot up from the ground. “ i sacrifice my token to summon out my Copy Gem.” A purplish goo began to swarm at his feet. It soon formed into a distorted creature, with stretch out eyes, and no mouth. “Now my copy gem can take on any form of any monster I discard.” Three of the tablets turned around.

“No it can't be.”

“Something wrong? I mean you were a demigod, so seeing these shouldn't scare you.”

The three tablets were copies of Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra. “How do you have these? Where did you even get these stone tablets?”

“You wouldn't believe what a stone carver would do to stay alive. But there is one thing missing, three souls with the powers of the god cards.” A wicked grin spread across his face. “Thats until you came along.”

Another sharp pain hit eclipse. “Ah. How are you doing this?”

“Whatever do you mean? Your only feeling the pain of that night. The night your world changed!”

The entire field was cleared as a purple mist shrouded the two.

Shadow man’s voice was now in Eclipse’s head. “You were blind to the truth for so long. Don't you want to know the origins of your powers.”

Eclipse grabbed his head. “Get out!”

“You still blind yourself. That’s why I’m here, to open your eyes.” The area around them changed. A young colt was seen running through the Everfree Forest, watching the battle between two distant figures. “You wanted to help your mother. Save her from the darkness that consumed her. Or that's what you told yourself.”

A bright light pierced the heavens. “That was the winning blow, or so she said.” The colt sat down and cried to himself.

The scene changed to inside a castle. The colt was crying into Celestia's leg. “And this is where you gained your true power, and had your memory wiped.”

‘Memory... wiped?’

Celestia had her horn lit and set it upon the his head. A bright light cut the scene away. “Then it was just loss after loss.”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up!”

“Your love ran away, and then your closest friend moved as well. The darkness within you was starting to grow.”

“Twilight? Sunset? No I didn't lose them.” Eclipse clutched his chest again. “What is this?”

“Your starting to feel the power within well up. Your true self.”

The scene turned to another battle in the castle. “And here’s where you gave up all your potential.” Eclipse was stuck in a loop of pain at the different sights.

‘I will not listen.’ “I activate the spell card Divine Hope.” The area returned to the normal field.

“You still deny-”

“Shut your goddamn mouth.” A card flipped up on Eclipse’s side of the field. “This trap allows me to summon out a Divine Light monster if my opponent special summon a monster.” He looked through his deck. “Now I summon out Divine Light King.” The field was now brought into the light. A huge spotlight beamed down in front of Eclipse. A figure descended from the sky. It was a giant with a flowing cape of sunlight, armor made from pure gold, a fiery phoenix feather was adorned on his silver blade, and his eyes were blazing suns through the slits of his helmet.

“What is this light energy?”

“It's the true power that I have within me.”

“No matter, its still my turn. I discard Slifer the Sky Dragon to use Copy Gem’s effect.” The Slifer tablet crumbled to dust, and flew towards Copy Gem. The two joined and it started growing in size. The goo started to take the shape of Slifer, but then it stopped. “It's still not perfect.” The Gem had turned into a prule tinted Slifer. “At least it will serve its purpose. Attack, destroy his Solar Knight.” The Slifer copy charged up a blast. The ball of energy was sparking and on the brink of exploding. The copy then let the attack loss.

Solar Knight was wiped out within seconds. Eclipse was sent flying back and hit the school wall. There were gasps from his friends. “I won't go down that easily.”

Eclipse: 5000

Shadow Man: 8000

“The pains just started. I activate Direct Assault so Slifer can attack you again.” Another blast was already charged, and sent flying. It enveloped Eclipse and destroyed the wall behind him. Rubble kept him from moving.

Eclipse: 1000

Shadow Man: 8000

“I end my turn. And if you don't make a move soon, you'll lose!”

“Eclipse!” His friends were rushing over, but another blast kept them at bay.

“No interruptions! This is where he will prove himself.” Shadow man started walking towards Eclipse. “Your at your lowest now. No magic, no power. What are you to do?”

Eclipse started to laugh. “That’s what… you think?”


“My power is still with me.” Eclipse’s deck started to glow, and a card was pulled from it. “When you hit me with that damage” ‘cough’ “you activated one of my monster’s effects.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m talking about my own monster. Divine Judgment Loki.” The light around the area began to shift. The shadows seemed to dance along the wall. The shadows and light started to form into one being. This being wore a white jester’s outfit with black diamond pattern, a hat with three tassels, one white, one black, and the third a combination. Its eyes were a white and black diamond, and its face was split between sadness and happiness. It brought up its flat fingers and gestured towards Shadow Man.

It spoke with two voices, one monotone and the other hyper. “We are Loki, god of tricks and were once judge by the Great Odin. Now we have been trusted to judge all evil souls.”

The rubble disappeared off of Eclipse and the wall was repaired. Eclipse stood right next to Shadow Man. “It’s judgement time for you.”

Shadow Man backed away. “What is this power?!”

“It's the power that I weild. Now on to the main event. By sending one light and one dark attribute monster to the graveyard, Loki’s attack increases by their attack.”


“No, it can't be!”

“Loki attack, Hand of Judgment!” Loki brought up his hand and held an energy ball. He brought it down on top of the Slifer Copy. Thye copy started to break apart and fall to the ground.

“No!” Shadow Man began rushing towards Eclipse. “I'll end you myself!”

Loki swatted him away. “The only thing that will end is you!”

The copy collapsed and enveloped the entire area in light. Shadow Man took the full force of the shockwave. His body turned to mist as he gripped the ground, trying to stay together. “This is not our last battle Eclipse. We will meet again.” The last wisp disappeared into the light.

Eclipse collapse to his knees as the field returned to normal. The stone was shattered and the lost memories were returning to his friends. “And that's, that.” He pushed himself up, and wobbly stood.

Sunset ran over and wrapped Eclipse in a hug. She had tears streaming down her face. “Im so happy your’re safe.”

“Me too.” Eclipse smiled, but looked over to see a defeated Wallflower. He wrapped an arm around her and walked her over.

Wallflower picked up a piece. “When i first found this I used it to get rid of small memories. But then it started to consume me. When I saw how everybody saw Sunset, I used it to change there thoughts to how I saw her."

Sunset walked up behind her. "We've all made mistakes like that. I mean just look at me."

Eclipse smiled a bit more. "And all you need are some good friends to help you along the way."

Wallflower turned around and smiled at the group. Sunset and she hugged it out.

Eclipse looked off towards the statue. "Now it's time for me to get some answers."

Comments ( 2 )

Wonder if this will continue?

Where's Spike anyway?

I was kind of confused on whats going on too.

Wonder what happened to the author anyway?

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