• Published 15th Feb 2018
  • 515 Views, 9 Comments

Secrets and Lies, Love and Heartbreak - DJ Variety

Rainbow Dash has a secret she wants to reveal to Rarity, but her secret is a lie.

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"Stand still Rainbow Dash, stop your fidgeting. Do you want to try on this dress or not?" asked Rarity as she struggled to get an elegant red dress onto Dash. The dress was one of Rarity's favorites. It was sleek and form fitting but loosened the closer it got to the tail and hind legs. A gold lace design trimmed the bottom of the dress as well as the hole for where a pegasus' wings would be. Rarity always wished she could wear the dress herself but without modifying it for a none pegasus it'd look ridiculous.

"Are you almost done Rarity?" asked an impatient and restless Rainbow Dash. "I want to see how I look," she quickly added with the most forced smile she had ever mustered. Fortunately Rarity wasn't able to see her face.

"Soon dear," chirped Rarity with a smile. Rainbow couldn't see the smile but knew by the tone of her voice that she was. As Rainbow tried her best to stand still and be patient she thought of the previous night and the morning that had followed.


Up in her cloud home Rainbow Dash paced. It was late, or rather it was really early. "What am I going to do Tank?" asked Rainbow to her pet tortoise, who was already sound asleep and had been for several hours. "I have to tell her. I can't tell her. I should tell her. I won't tell her. Ahhh!" screamed Dash. "I have to do something."

"I haven't been able to get hardly any sleep the last few days, it's getting worse," announced Dash to more herself then any pony else. "Think Dash think." Rainbow tapped a hoof to her head several times, increasing the force with each one.

"Okay, I just need to see her. Normally I feel better after spending time with her. No need to rush anything." Rainbow dug through her mind trying to find any reason she could to spend time with the one pony on her mind.

"I can't just show up at her house for no reason, that'd be weird. Let's see, normally when I'm with Rarity we're either saving Equestria or helping one of our friends. I suppose asking for the end of the world probably isn't the best idea. Come to think of it neither is trying to force a friendship problem. Twilight proved that. Maybe I should just ask her to lunch," pondered Rainbow as she shifted from idea to idea.

After several seconds of internal debate Rainbow continued, "No way I can do that! I'm suppose to just walk up and ask her on a date? Yeah, like that'd work." As Rainbow continued to pace another idea hit her.

"Maybe I could write her a letter. From like a secret admirer. I wouldn't have to tell her it's me and since she's so good at mysteries she'd eventually figure it out and come looking for me." The gears in Dash's mind were slowly starting to spin. "Yeah, and then she'll come looking for me. I'll be waiting by a pond surrounded by rose petals and chocolates and..." The gears came to a screeching halt. "And that sounds totally lame, and soooo uncool."

"Besides, she'd probably think the letter was from a stallion and never find me. I'd just be waiting there with wilting flowers and melting chocolates." Rainbow sighed ready to give up before one last thought popped into her head.

"What if I just spent time with her by trying on dresses? We've done that before." Rainbow was thinking it over in her head and decided it wasn't the worse possible idea but would Rarity even believe it. Rainbow had been so reluctant in the past. "Every time I've tried on dresses for her I've complained, but I've always used the excuse that it was uncool. I could tell her that I like looking nice but don't want other ponies to know because of my image." A smile started to form on Rainbow's face. "That might work. I can make her promise to keep it between us. Then I could spend the whole day with her."

With a plan Rainbow decided to retire to her bed and get some sleep. After only a few seconds Rainbow popped back up, "I can't sleep now I'm to excited. A whole day with Rarity. It's going to be so awesome. Wait, what if some pony beats me to her house in the morning? What if she has plans?" From giddy to worried in less then ten seconds. Rainbow was once again pacing, a new problem plaguing her mind.

"I'll just have to fly over there now and tell her. What time is it?" asked Rainbow as she glanced over at the clock which read a little past four. "It might be a little early. I know how much she loves her beauty sleep. I have to do something." Rainbow glanced around her room in hopes of finding anything that might give her an idea. As luck would have it on her desk was paper and a pencil. "I'll just leave her a note, it's perfect. She'll wake up, see it, and wait for me to arrive. She wouldn't make plans if I told her I was coming over."

Satisfied with the solution she had thought of, Rainbow jotted down a quick note which was immediately crinkled up and tossed onto the floor. Several more attempts were followed by the same action. "This might be harder then I thought."

Half an hour passed before she had finished her final draft of the note, it was short and rather vague. With the note in hoof Dash exited her cloud home and sped towards Carousel Boutique. It was a short and rather uneventful flight. Landing just outside of the establishment Rainbow Dash approached the front door and went to slide the note under the door. However, something in her froze her on the spot.

A little voice rang in Rainbows head, begging her to just slip the note under the door and leave but there was another, louder voice. Go ahead and knock, see her. You know you want to.

"I can't, it's way to early. It's still dark," Reasoned Rainbow to herself.

Just fly up and peek into her room, she doesn't need to know.

"No way. That's really creepy," protested Dash.

Come on, no pony is here to see you.

The voice made a good point and Rainbow desperately wanted to see her friend. Dash slowly flew up to Rarity's bedroom window and gazed in. It was dark, too dark to see. With out thinking Rainbow Dash started to knock on the window. There was some stirring from inside the room. She knocked harder. This time a shadow appeared to rise from the center of the room and start to move towards her. "Oh no I'm not ready for this," said a very frazzled Rainbow Dash.

The window slid open to reveal a dazed and tired Rarity. Her confusion only lasted a split second as a disapproving look started to form on her face. Realizing that Rarity was about to give Dash another lecture on etiquette, Dash shoved her hoof into Rarity's mouth to silence her before she could speak.

"Sorry for waking you so early Rares but it's important. Here take this," said Rainbow Dash as she handed the letter to Rarity. Not prepared for any form of objections or questions Dash jetted off into the night sky yelling over her shoulder, "See you soon Rarity!"

Once back to her cloud home Rainbow Dash proceeded to pace some more. "Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! Did I really just do that? Stupid, stupid" Rainbow berated herself for her actions. "I didn't even give her a chance to say anything and now I have to go see her. It's going to be so awkward. I didn't think this through enough."

"You can't change the past Dash. Focus on the future. What do I tell her when I show up?" asked Rainbow to herself once again. Not only had she been doing this a lot tonight, but for the last several months. There seemed to always be a question she needed herself to answer. And they all seemed to be related to Rarity in some fashion.

"Okay, calm down Rainbow we just need to think. We like wearing dresses, that's the plan. Even if it is a lie." After rehearsing several possible things she'd say she decided to hit the hay. It was nearly six and she was meeting Rarity at ten. Some sleep would be better then none.

Author's Note:

Next chapter down. So, my last story was exclusively told through the eyes of Rarity and I was planning on doing that again for this one. As you can see plans or no plans that didn't happen. I figured alternating between Rarity and RD's perspectives might be more interesting, I guess only later chapters will prove if that's true or not. Anywhos hope you enjoyed.