• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 764 Views, 10 Comments

Discord and Fluttershy's Misadventures in G3 - ViolentStar

Fluttershy and Discord are enjoying an abnormal afternoon in his realm. Unfortunately, Discord recalls some of the more unpleasant dimensions he's been in, causing trouble for his sweet bird pony. Poor Fluttershy has no idea what she's about to face.

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Fluttershy's Special Day

Fluttershy and Discord were spending the afternoon comfortably in his chaotic realm. More specifically, lounging on his thinking tree and enjoying the occasional nonsense that passed by. Fluttershy was curled up on Discord’s chest, her eyelids drifting shut only to open again as she attempted to remain awake. Though it was slightly more difficult to stay conscious with Discord’s claw combing through her mane absently.

Fluttershy took a moment to marvel at the situation. Before Discord came into her life, she couldn’t even began to imagine how comfortable she would become with the odd and out of place. Sure, she was still timid and quiet, but now that was more out of natural instinct rather than her wariness to speak up. She’s really come a long way, and Discord’s chaos became a welcome complacency in her life. Of course, she would never tell him that. It is funny to imagine his reaction if she were to tell him that his weirdness was now normal to her.

She looked up at said draconequus. He seemed to be staring at nothing, eyes not directed toward anything in particular. A three headed tongue demon flew by, drool leaking up as it passed. Fluttershy smirked at the thought of Twilight trying make sense of the many oddities with Discord’s realm. Her giggle caught his attention, and he grinned down at the pegasus.

“Now my dear, it’s not polite to laugh before one has even made a joke.” He said playfully.

Fluttershy smiled and shook her head, “Oh, I was just thinking about how Twilight would handle your place here.” This brought a mischievous glint to Discord’s eye, and she could tell instantly what he was thinking.

“Not that I’m making suggestions.” The stern tone was betrayed by Fluttershy’s grin.

“Don’t worry Flutters, I’m not planning on messing up the eggheads worldview by revealing to her the secrets of the multiverse,”

He stroked his beard in thought, grinning, “...yet.” Fluttershy sighed, knowing she couldn’t stop Discord from being himself. Not that she wanted to.

“Twilight has gone to another dimension, the one where Sunset Shimmer is. I mean I haven’t been there, but I believe she handled that one just fine.”

Discord’s eyes widened in recognition, “Ah yes, the fruit snack human dimension. I haven't bothered with that one in a while.”

He waved his hand dismissively, “Besides, that ones not very shocking, in fact, I’d say that dimension is even more organized than yours.”

Discord scoffed, “It’s no wonder Princess Twilight got along so well there.”

That got Fluttershy thinking. “Um, Discord?”


“What are some places that have shocked you?” His pupils shrunk. Nervously, he scratched the back of his neck.

“Darling, places that have shocked me are few and far between. I wouldn’t dream of showing you those places.” Sweet innocent Fluttershy, the light of Discord’s ridiculous life; he couldn’t bear it if she were to witness some of the harsh mind shattering truths about the universe. Had it been anyone else, he wouldn’t have bothered, but Fluttershy was different. Still, she got him thinking about some of the more...unpleasant worlds he’s passed through. A shiver shot down his spine as he recalled one that contained multi colored horses. Which sounds quite standard, except for the fact that them being colorful ponies was not what made that dimension stomach churning.

Unbeknownst to Discord, he had inadvertently summoned a portal to said dimension. He was lost in the memories of that horrible place, and had let his magic get away from him. The portal appeared below them. Fluttershy stretched tiredly, a yawn overtaking her. She leaned to the left, losing the balance she had on Discord and slipping off the branch.

They both noticed the portal at the last second; Discord barely had time to register Fluttershy’s cry as she fell through and the gateway closed after her. “Fluttershy!”

The God of Chaos blinked. A moment of disbelief passed through him, as it registered that Fluttershy had just fallen into a random doorway to Celestia knows where. He slapped his hands against his face.

He stopped and focused on Fluttershy’s signature, attempting to pinpoint her whereabouts. A familiar tug and he found the vague coordinates. In his mind, he saw the general setting of the dimension. His eyes snapped open so hard that his horn and antler fell off. Discord gulped as an uncommon but not unfamiliar knot of fear settled in his gut.

“Oh no…”


Before she knew it, Fluttershy was falling through the sky at an alarming rate. She whimpered and tried to angle her wings to push herself upward. Her wings snapped back to her sides when this only aided in her descent. “Oh dear…” If only she were Rainbow Dash, her friend wouldn’t have a problem with this at all. She let loose a scream as she broke through the clouds, and saw the approaching ground.

She covered her eyes with her hooves, waiting with dread for the inevitable. “Discord,” she whispered to herself, fearing his reaction when he would find her. Or what was left of her.

“I’m sorry.”

Seconds went by, and Fluttershy left out a yelp as she was engulfed in a soft plush feeling rather than the unforgiving ground. She opened her eyes and was greeted by the sight of multicolored fabrics. She felt around and pulled the blanket off her head.

Fluttershy squinted as she took in her surroundings. She seemed to be in a moving wagon that was traveling through an obnoxiously colored town. The houses were very loud in appearance, some decorated with various rainbows, cupcakes, or flowers. Looking to the front of the wagon carrying her, Fluttershy was startled to see that large chicks were pulling the cart. While she was happy to see some animals, she couldn’t really prove the ethical value in having babies pull your wagon. Carefully, she shuffled out of the wagon and took a look around. There was a small bridge nearby, and Fluttershy was happy to see a pony on it. She sighed in relief. Given the circumstances, it was very lucky that she wasn’t thrown into a completely foreign universe.

Fluttershy made her way over to the blue pony, who started to look very familiar as she got closer. It was faint, but her mane had similar rainbow colors. Then she gasped, “Rainbow Dash?” The pony turned, and Fluttershy was completely floored. This was by far the strangest pony she had ever seen, and certainly not the Rainbow Dash she knew. Her head was uncomfortably large, with doll like eyes to match, there were no wings, and her muzzle jutted out as she grinned at Fluttershy.

“I don’t believe we’ve met darling, my names Rainbow Dash. What’s yours?” Fluttershy couldn’t help it. She fainted.

Author's Note:

I had a dream that Discord went to rescue Fluttershy after she accidentally fell into the G3 universe. So now I'm writing about it. What's funny is that I grew up with generation 3 MLP, so while brushing up on names and settings for this fic I was blasted with nostalgia. Sure, G3 was the dark ages of My Little Pony but I remember having fond memories of watching it when I was a kid. Now I'm going to make fun of it like hell.