• Published 23rd Feb 2018
  • 2,076 Views, 52 Comments

Terror of the Flutterbat - Discord The Narrator

Flutterbat attacks Canterlot High. What will her friends do?

  • ...


Twilight was at the Science Lab, where she needed to get some cure for the terryfying infection in Canterlot High.

The book provided a good list of instructions for the formula, so she looked for the ingredients to make it.

When she had everything ready, she focused on the book's instructions. Everyone's safety depended on Twilight.

If she didn't get a cure, Canterlot High School would be doomed.

And the rest of the city would be the next...


Inside the gym, Sunset was still recording with her camera. Pinkie's weakened state appeared on it.

"Whatever happens here, I'll record everything! People will know if we don't make it!" said Sunset.

"Where's Twilight right now? Do ya see her, Sunset?" asked Applejack. She and Rainbow looked at the camera, and Twilight's own recording appeared.

"She is at the Science Lab. Maybe she is trying to make a cure!" said Rainbow.

"But she won't be able to do that if Rarity or Fluttershy catch her. We have to help her." said Sunset, reaching for the doors.

"Wait, what about Pinkie? Someone has ta be here with her." said Applejack.

"She is bitten, AJ! If she transforms, what will happen?" said Rainbow.

"Forget that! She needs us for this moment!" said Applejack.

"Don't be so stubborn, Applejack! We need you as a human!" exclaimed Sunset.

"Ah'm not leaving her, darn it!!" exclaimed Applejack, before a screaming Pinkie pounced on her.

They helped her by getting the new vampire away, but they were too late: the farm girl had got bitten.

She got up and grabbed Pinkie with all the strength she had. "Go and help Twilight! Ah'll hold Pinkie!"

Still scared, Rainbow and Sunset nodded in response before leaving the gym, and Applejack threw Pinkie to the floor so she could have a chance to block the doors.

"At least Ah'll have it a little more difficult ta go after mah friends..." she said, chuckling before succumbing to the infection.

The next thing she was thinking was leaving the gym as soon as possible...

Because she felt hunger...


Twilight had finished the cure when Sunset and Rainbow got inside the lab. Their faces told her that things were worse.

"Two more, Twilight! Applejack and Pinkie!" said Rainbow.

"Oh no! How?" said Twilight.

"Rarity was able to enter the gym! When I arrived, she had already bitten Pinkie! Then, she infected Applejack! Both of them are still at the gym!" said Sunset, only to hear something just one second later, on her camera.

"What is it? Are the cameras still working?" asked Twilight, looking at Sunset's. Rainbow did the same.

On the screen, there was one camera with a lot of static, but they recognized it as the one Applejack was using.

They saw the farm girl breaking the gym's blockage and getting out. Looking at the end of the hallway, she ran through all of it, passed by Rarity, who was shaking uncontrollably, and reached the cafeteria.

Once inside, she got directly to the kitchen and started looking for something to eat. Just at that moment, her camera stopped working.

"Are you kidding me!? That's the only one camera we could have used for tracking Applejack! And now it's gone! Seriously?" exclaimed Rainbow, feeling angrier each passing second.

"Well, at least the other three seem to be doing well." said Sunset, seeing that Twilight and Rainbow's cameras still appeared on her own.

"And I already have the cure ready. We have to use it on all our infected friends. As the book says, they will hold still wherever they are, feeling a strange sensation until it's daytime. Then, our friends will be back like it didn't happen anything!" explained Twilight.

"Eh... I don't want to interrupt this dramatic moment, but my stomach needs some food..." said Rainbow.

"Really? Did you eat anything during all the time we were here?" asked Sunset.

"I guess not..." said Rainbow, chuckling nervously.

"Well, we could try to go to the cafeteria and get something for you." said Twilight.

"As the three of us have working cameras, I can track whatever you see. Besides, we can communicate between us." noted Sunset.

"That sure helps. We shouldn't have big problems." said Rainbow.

"Ok, we are going there." said Twilight, and all of them opened the lab's doors and got out.


On the way to the cafeteria, they didn't find anyone. The school looked really empty, with the exception of broken doors. The silence was in the air, but they still wanted to talk whispering, so they didn't risk themselves too much.

As they arrived, Rainbow entered alone. "I will look for some food and then I'll tell you so we can go back ir anything."

"Be careful. We'll be here at the halls." said Twilight. Rainbow nodded and got inside.

Twilight and Sunset kept guarding the cafeteria's hallway, inspecting every single classroom on it.

Just as Sunset opened the next door and focused her camera, Pinkie appeared from nowhere and tried to attack her. The vampire's scream motioned Sunset to close the door quickly.

"Sunset!? Are you ok?" said Twilight, looking for any bite mark.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Pinkie was not able to grab me." said Sunset.

Just then, more screams filled the air as Fluttershy and Rarity ran towards them. There was no sign of Applejack.

As the vampires attack them, Sunset and Twilight tried so hard not to get bitten. Twilight tried to use some of the cure on Rarity, but she wouldn't allow it.

Sunset was trying to defend herself against Fluttershy, with a lot of efforts as she didn't want to lose the camera.

"We have to hide somewhere!" she said.

Finally, they saw an empty class behind them. It could be the perfect place for them. They looked at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Twilight.

"Sure." answered Sunset.

They pushed the vampires making them fall to the floor. That gave them enough time to hide inside the class and block the door.

"Well, they didn't bite me. What about you?" said Sunset.

"It's not my moment yet." said Twilight.

Suddenly, they remembered: Rainbow was still at the cafeteria!

"The camera!" said Sunset, looking at the screen. Rainbow's recording appeared on it.


Inside the cafeteria...

"Rainbow! Are you ok?" asked Sunset.

"Sure! I had enough time to block the doors when I heard them arrive." said Rainbow, looking at the hallway.

Fluttershy was trying to enter the classroom as Rarity looked everywhere. Pinkie was ripping apart another door so she could get out.

"I already ate something that was on one of the tables. It looked good for me, but now I'm trapped here!" said Rainbow.

"Hold on, Rainbow. We'll try to get out as soon as they go away." said Twilight, as Rainbow moved around.

"It's really hard to see anything here. At least the camera had a flashlight." said Rainbow, having activated it earlier.

At some moment, she turned her head, and the light revealed Applejack growling at her. Those red eyes had found their prey.

"A-A-Applejack?" said Rainbow, stepping back.

"Hit her. Grab anything and hit her." said Sunset.

"Hold still, AJ! Whatever you are going to do, don't do it!" said Rainbow.

"Hit her! Now! repeated Sunset, before Applejack screamed.

Rainbow grabbed one of the chairs and hit Applejack on the head. The vampire remained still on the place.

"Good. Now get away, Rainbow." said Twilight.

Rainbow got to the cafeteria's doors, only to see Rarity crashing through them and screaming. She grabbed another chair and threw it to Rarity, almost hitting her. But the vampire moved aside on the last second.

"Rainbow, you have to get out!" exclaimed Twilight.

"I'm trying! Have you tried to escape from a good number of vampire friends!?" exclaimed Rainbow, looking between Applejack, who had recovered and was walking slowly, and Rarity, still in front of the doors.

Suddenly, Fluttershy appeared with a bone-chilling scream, while Rarity ran towards Rainbow. In a desperate attempt, she grabbed Rarity and pushed her against Applejack, making them fall.

Then, she grabbed one desk with both hands and, with a lot of strength, threw it against Fluttershy. The vampire wasn't able to avoid it, so the desk collapsed against her.

"Now is the moment, Rainbow! Run to the Science Lab!" said Twilight.

Rainbow got out of the cafeteria, ducking down as Pinkie jumped to attack her. Just as Pinkie fell, Rainbow got up and continued her race.

When she arrived, she blocked the doors with everything useful on the lab. The blockage proved to be good when the vampires tried to enter, having a bad time with it.

"Girls? I would be so glad if you could help me with this!" said Rainbow, looking at a mirror as the vampires tried unsuccessfully to open the doors.