• Published 11th Feb 2018
  • 790 Views, 4 Comments

Not All Bad Things Are....Evil.... - The Pony of Lost Legend

Cadence hears his chilling voice in her head....But who is he? She's going to find out.

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~Where the Voices Shriek~

The morning light poured through the window as Cadence awoke the next day. Looking around rubbing her eyes she noticed Shininig's side of the bed was empty. She sighed. No doubt he was off talking to Princess Luna about her nightmares again. He worried for her. She knew that. But she could take care of herself. Cadence got up with a yawn and her ears perked as she heard Luna and Shining's hoofsteps heading for her bedroom door. She jumped out of bed. Cadence really didn't want to trouble Luna just because she had a scary dream. After all..everypong had bad dreams for Tia's sake! And just like that...she was gone.

"She should be right in here...I really feel you should talk to her my Princess...her dreams are going haywire," Shining mumbles as he opens the door and walks in with the Princess of the Night by his side.

"Ah. Tho shall talkith to Cadenza about thy's dreams...," Luna spoke in her olden tone. The two looked around to see Cadence missing.

"I was sure she'd be here..," Shining frowns. Luna pats his shoulder.

"Im sure we can find her dear Shining Armor!," Luna shouts in her Cantorlot voice. He sighs.



Cadence blinks and opens her eyes to a darken room. She couldn't see even her hooves in front of her.

"Where am I?," She says softly to herself. She'd bed in her bedroom and in the blink of an eye she had been brought here.

"Welcome at last dear Princessss," A voice..The voice that had been in her nightmares hissed. A shiver ran down her spine.

"W-Where am I-I?," Cadence whimpers in fear. The voice only chuckles.

"The Crysssstal Cavesss,"it replies. She blinks in surprise.

"This place has been shut down for years after.....h-him....," She shivers in memory of the dark king that use to rule over the crystal ponies with fear and agony. The voice laughs darkly.

"You seem to fear this 'him'," It says in what sounded like amusement. Cadence steps back.

"Do you not know of him? Of what he has done to this Empire and it's ponies?!," she asks the darkness. It gives a crackle as the voice speaks once more.

"Do I KNOW him? Do I KNOW what he's done?!," The voice laughs loudly, echoing so loudly it causes Cadence to sink to the cold crystal floor in fear.

"Don't be foolish young filly. Of course I do. In fact...I know better than anypony in this damn place!!"

"W-What do y-you mean?," Cadence asks in a almost whisper. The voice gives another dark chuckle.

"Is it so hard to figure out mm? Fine. Let me help you." The voice coes. "Why does nopony come to these mines anymore my dear princess? Why did they close it off?" Cadence begins to think.

"B-Because there were stories that t-the ponies who would come in here would go insane over hearing a.......voice....," Cadence's eyes widen as she began to tremble. The voice chuckles.

"Yessss. Who's voice did they say they'd hear? Who was the pony banished to this damn place?" Cadence looks into the darkness, eyes wide with fear.
