• Published 20th Jun 2018
  • 531 Views, 2 Comments

When someone goes to Equestria somewhat prepared... - icebreath8686

After a poor experience on earth he's sent to Equestria by a certain draconequus as an earth pony.

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A New Day

Good morning Virginia! It is a lovely Monday morning with nothing but sunshine and cool weather!

I sat up in bed and glared at the alarm clock, "Euuuugh. Already!?" I lazily rolled onto my left side before blearily looking at my pink alarm clock. Wait a minute... 6:45!? "Shit! I'm going to be late!" *THUD*. I laid there for a moment, wondering if the floor had an agenda, before I hoisted myself up. I scrambled to pull my clothes on, threw my backpack over my shoulder, and ran out the door. Screw breakfast! Screw hygiene! I gotta go! I tore down the street to the bus stop, where the other students were already boarding.

I stopped next to my friend, panting from the excessive and extremely unwanted exercise. He watched me jog the last few steps, wearing a shit-eating grin. "Late again. If only you took school as seriously as me."

"If only you could see the miserable life we live. We are only level one in a dark souls game. The only difference? We can't respawn."

He chuckled, "Wise words for a shut-in."

"Shut up Kevin."

He's a cool dude. Moving had been a hassle and I was glad that I had managed to make at least one friend. Being in a new school and house could have been much more difficult without him.

I sat down and shook my head. "Mondays..." The bus lurched forward and we were off. I turned to lean against the window, my head occasionally bouncing off the window when the bus hit a pothole. The sun was just coming up and the horizon was a watercolor of reds, oranges, purples, and blues. I loved watching the sky. It's a pity so many don't appreciate its beauty. I always thought the night sky was full of hopes and dreams. Why else would we wish on stars?

Oh, that reminds me. *SNAP* "Nothing huh?" After reading so many books on fimfiction, I'd developed a couple cheesy quirks, including thanking Luna for the night sky and snapping my fingers. Before long, My snaps could be heard from down the road. I always hoped that, by snapping my fingers, I could do something impossible. Nothing had happened so far, but I continued to do it anyway, because why not?

I was 6 feet tall (it's actually 5' 11 3/4" but I'm rounding up), with skin pale from many hours inside, hidden away from the sun in front of a screen. My eyes were brown and I had dark brown hair, pretty standard for a guy, not shaggy, but not really short either. I had some dramatic side-bangs that are pretty useful for hiding half of my face from the world. I usually wore a white hoodie with black jeans and grey sneakers I got for Christmas. I had a fit-bit and a watch on each wrist. On my right was the fit-bit, which records steps, pulse, and the date. It was pretty interesting (distracting), so I ended up constantly checking my steps and experimenting with how to make my pulse change. On my left was the Rainbow Dash watch my little sister got for her birthday, which I "borrowed" after she got bored of it.

So. I was heading to school, which wasn't exactly my favorite place. I didn't like being around people, never really feeling welcome. I had problems actually talking to people, every conversation started eventually ending up as an argument. I didn't hate interacting with others, I loved talking and spending time with my friends. I just didn't have many.

School was important, but I had a hard time staying awake when the teachers were so boring. For example, the teachers were boring enough that I couldn't even pay attention when I stayed awake. This resulted in an unbelievable amount of free time in school, which, in turn, meant lots of time to read fanfics. I tended to favor fanfics that had Discord in them. He is a sadistic son of a bitch, so he had to be my favorite. He was only imprisoned twice and each of those times he was in a garden and he was never sent to Tartarus, so he must be doing something right. Finally, class started, and my mind shut down.


School ended and all of the students headed for the parking lot. I'd always thought that the traffic on the way out was dangerous and irritatingly time consuming. It would only take one person with the right kind of gun to mow down the huge group leaving the door. The grouping would hinder their movements, keeping them from running, probably just tripping over each other. After hearing that multiple schools were attacked by shooters, thinking about scenarios, necessary precautions, and what I could do became something of a habit. I never thought that those precautions would be useful.....