• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 1,958 Views, 57 Comments

Don’t make deals with Chrysalis - ThePhonyBronyPony

A 7 year old boy finds himself sent to equestria only to strike a deal with Queen Chrysalis to get home.

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Chapter 4 Plans

Chapter 4

My plan was simple.

Step 1 Negotiate visiting times with chrysalis.

Step 2 Learn how to change form, and other things I am going to need to learn as a changeling.

Step 3 Break mother out of prison, using newfound ability’s.

Unfortunately, I was stuck in a class room with fillies and colts listening to someone named, Cheerilee talk about the founding of Equestria. I wasn’t paying attention though. The only reason I was here was because Twilight didn’t believe I could read or wright. Just wait until I get my first weighting assignment, won’t she be shocked.

“Class, you may have noticed we have a new student today.” Cheerilee said catching my attention. I thought it was a bit odd we didn’t do introductions at the beginning of class. But hey, each teacher does things differently. “Titania would you please come to the front of the class.”

I get up hoping my walking practice pays off. I pass the desks one by one, each face looks scared. Except one, it’s a cream-colored filly with a pink bow in her red mane. She stares at me and doesn’t blink. I am so busy looking at her that I trip and fall in front of the whole class. If not for the fact that they were all terrified of me, they probably would have laughed. Instead I just get back up and continue my walk.

“Are you alright? That looked like a nasty fall.” I say I am fine and she nods once. “Would you like to tell the class about yourself?” Asks the teacher in a kind voice.

“Sure, why not.” My name is Titania I am four days old. I am also Queen Chrysalis’s daughter; therefore, I am a princess.” Also, I plan to kill Princess Sunbutt one day and rule my own hive. That last sentence I say in my head. I don’t think it would have gone over well.

“Do you have any talents or things that make you special, that you would like to share?”

“Like I said I am four days old, and I can already, walk, talk, write, read, and do math.” I say proudly.

“Well that’s wonderful! You may return to your seat, Titania.”

I walk back to my seat, and this time I am paying attention so I don’t fall. I look at the clock to find that it is past noon. “I wonder what I am going to do for lunch break.” I wonder to myself. “Probably work on my walking.” I think remembering the fall I had recently. “I wonder how far away Mother can hear my thoughts. It would be great if we could communicate through distance.”

“Oh, look at the time. I guess we can call that a day. Enjoy the rest of your day class.” Says the teacher, making me wonder if there Is even a school board, or rules for school teachers. The class runs outside. While I hang back. One thing I always hated about my job was the lack of thanks from my class. I walked up to Miss Cheerilee. She was looking at some papers on her desk and didn’t see me.

“Miss Cheerilee, I wanted to thank you for teaching us today.” I say.

Cheerilee looked shocked to hear that, let alone from me. “Your very welcome, I hope to see you tomorrow.” She smiles.

“You might.” I say not really caring either way. It’s not like I had anything better to do. I turn and leave the school house.

It was a sunny day, in the small town. The fillies and colts played in the playground, while I walked back towards the castle. Twilight should be inside in the library, she is almost always in the library. That’s what Spike says at least. Suddenly I am lifted off of the ground in a magical aura.
“Hey, put me down!” I yell, trying to see who is levitating me.

“Where do you think you are going?” asks Twilight as she walks into my vision.

“Me, going somewhere? I think you have the wrong changeling, Miss Sparkle was it?” I say in a British accent.

“You know if you changed into an actual pony, I might be fooled!” she says in sarcastically. “But not a bad try.” She says after a moment.

“So, warden where are we going today? Am I being transferred to the same hellish prison as my accomplice!”

Twilight sighs. “No, we are not going to see, Chrysalis. We are going to go see, Fluttershy, so she can show you how to be kind to somepony.”

“But when can I see Chrysalis?” Now is my chance to enact step one of my plan. “I am worried about her, and I want to see if she is alright.” I say, hoping for the adorable kid card to be in the deck of cards that came with this new body.

“I am sure she is fine. It’s good that you care for somepony, even if it is Chrysalis. But I don’t think I can let you vist her. She might affect you negatively in your search for friendship.” She says in a kind tone as she floats me away.

Cue the tears. “But I miss her. She is the only family I have. How could you be so mean, Twilight Sparkle.” I cry letting the tears flow. Man, this body can really turn on the tears. I think glad to know I have that card in my deck.

“Oh, please don’t cry!” says Twilight. Floating my tears away. “I will talk to, Princess Celestia and try to get her to let you see your Mother.”

So, she is going to talk to, Sunbutt not the outcome I was looking for but I guess it will do. Now It is time to seal the deal. “But you don’t like Mommy, you won’t try you bestest.” I sniff.

“I promise to do my best.” She says smiling at me.”

“Really!?” I ask.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She says as she crosses her heart and slams a hoof into her eye. “Ouch, fiddle sticks happens every time!” she says.

“Thanks Twilight!” Who uses fiddle sticks anymore? Maybe it’s still in use in this world. “So, who is, Fluttershee?” I notice that we are headed towards a forest. “Also, can you please put me down. I need to work on my walking as much as possible.”

“Her name is, Fluttershy. She is one of the kindest ponies you will ever meet.” Twilight says as she puts me down on the ground.

As my legs are smaller than Twilight’s I have to walk quicker than usual to keep up. The new element of speed is more difficult to pull off. But I manage it without falling too many times.

“So, where are we going to meet this, Fluttershy pony?” I ask my legs getting far more use than normal today.

“She should be at her cottage. She spends most of her day taking care of the woodland creatures that come out of the everfree forest.”

“So, she is like a vet?”

“Not quiet while she dose take care of sick animals, she doesn’t have the degree that is required to be a vet.” Twilight says glancing at me. “How do you know so much for one so young?”

“That Is something only, Chrysalis and I know the answer to. Good luck prying the answer form my lips, and well I doubt my Mother would tell you anything you wanted to know out of the kindness of her heart.” I say concentrating on not falling.

“I was just curious.”

“Curiosity killed the cat.” I say looking at her.

“Oh my, that’s just dreadful. Did you give it a proper funeral?” Asks a soft feminine voice from above.

“What?” I look up to see a yellow pegasus with a light pink mane and tail.

“Is that a baby changeling?” Asks the newcomer, she descends on me quicker than I can get away.

“Hello, Fluttershy. Why yes, it is a baby changeling. She is also a Princess.” Says Twilight as Fluttershy plucks me up in a big hug.

The hug is soft and warm. She hugs me gently carful not to crush me. Then I feel it, the love. My eyes go wide as I feel it. I open my mouth and gulp it in. Her love, unlike the guards is strong. Her love actually has a taste to it, sweet like watermelon. I gulp in more savoring the flavor like a wine taster. With love like this I need to be careful, to not take too much. I take one last gulp and break out of the hug. I didn’t think I was hungry before, but now I was sure that I had been because I felt full for the first time in days. I looked at the yellow pony to see her smiling and reaching for me again. I knew if she hugged me again I wouldn’t be able to stop feeding until she had no more love. “Stop!” I shout before she can touch me. Fluttershy recoils looking scared at my outburst. “Maybe no more hugging, for now at least.” I say clearing my throat.

“Okay.” She says nodding.

Meanwhile Twilight looks at me curiously. I wonder if she saw me feeding.

“So, Fluttershy where are you off to.” I ask smiling.

“Well I thought I would pick up some tea for when, Discord comes over later.” Fluttershy says in a cheery voice.

“Who is, Discord?” I ask Twilight.

“Discord is the spirt of chaos and disharmony.” Twilight explains.

“Reformed spirit.” Says a voice that sounds familiar. One very familiar voice. Suddenly a creature appears. It is an odd thing as it seams to be made up of parts from several different creatures. “Why hello Fluttershy. It is very good to see you, are you well?”

“Q!? What are you doing here?” I ask shocked to hear the voice of John de Lancie.

The creature turns to look at me. “Are you talking to me, little Princess?” asks Q.

“Of course, I am talking to you, Q.” I say happy to hear a familiar voice.

There is a pop and suddenly a small version of the creature is standing beside me, wearing a tan trench coat and fedora. A mini rain cloud hovered above him dousing him in rain. “Hey, Josh, my girl you don’t blow my cover, and I won’t blow yours deal? I will be in touch. Oh, and by the way call me, Discord.” Discord says quietly to me, before diapering in a flash. Leaving me slightly confused to how he knows me.

“What was that about?” Asks Twilight looking down at me.

“None of your beeswax, Twilight.” I snap.

“And that, Fluttershy is why we were coming to find you.” Twilight sighs. “Miss Changeling Princess over here is the daughter of, Chrysalis, and, Princess Celestia wants her taught about the magic of friendship. But before that can happen I need her to learn to be kinder.” She explains.

“Oh my. Well, I will do my best, Twilight.” Fluttershy says shyly.

“I can be nice. When I feel like it.” I sigh knowing my point will not dissuade Twilight one bit.

“That’s not often enough.” Twilight says.

“I will see what I can do, Twilight.” Fluttershy says she picks me up in her hooves and flies off.

I enjoyed flying far more than walking. I think to myself as Fluttershy sets me down gently, then goes to land herself. I notice that we made it to Flutershy’s cottage. It looks like something off of a Disney movie, where the Princess is friends with all the woodland creatures.

“Would you like to help me feed the animals?” Asks the shy pony. When she lands all sorts of animals come out of nowhere, and literally surround her. There are bunnies, mice, birds, hedgehogs, even a bear!

“Uh, sure.” I say backing away slowly from the bear.

“Let’s get started. These poor animals must be starved.” Actually, all these animals looked rather plump. I think to myself.

“What can I do to help?” I ask picking up a white bunny.

“Would you like to feed, Harry?”

“Sure, why not. Is this, Harry?” I ask holding up the bunny.

“No, that’s, Angle Bunny. That is, Harry.” She says pointing a hoof toward the bear. Suddenly the Angle bites me on the hoof and runs away.

“More like demon bunny.” I mutter under my breath, as I shake my hoof. That’s when I realize what I signed up for. “Crap, so this is how I die.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait.