• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 594 Views, 2 Comments

The Honeymoon - CrackedInkWell

After Fancy Pants and Acrylic Brush had officially got married, they go out of Canterlot for their honeymoon. However, things didn't go quite according to plan.

  • ...

Chapter 8

The bar was unusually quiet that night. Not because the town’s sheriff came to ask the barpony some questions. Not just because they’ve been going at it for well over an hour. But what few ponies that bothered to stay have heard of the rumors of why he’s being questioned. In a corner, sitting at a table, Braeburn, Acrylic, and the local Sheriff sat with two open bottles and a picture of lemonade. Across from them, hoofcuffed to the sheriff was the barpony.

“So, let me get this straight,” Braeburn said, putting a hoof to rub his forehead but looking forward at the artist. “Ya’ve seen the barpony’s hooves that had a coatin’ of that blue powder?”

“Yes. At the same time gave me a warning of what the stuff was. I didn’t think about it at the time but...”

“Are ya sure about it?”

Acrylic tilted his head. “What do you mean? In fact, why are you giving me these questions anyway? You’re talking to me like those… what do you call them… private-eyes in books from Fancy’s library.”

“You saw the blue stuff behind that bar, on him, around him… anywhere. The point is, you’re sure that he had it?” Braeburn pushed, leaning over the Acrylic.

“One hundred percent.” Acrylic backed off, leaning away.

“Mares and Mustangs, with the leads I found, coupled with some mighty fine interrogation, I’m sure we found our dealer. Sheriff, sure enough, check the bar for money, ‘cause I can guarantee he will have a wad he didn’t earn off from whiskey.” He turned back to the Barpony who gave Braeburn a sinister stare, but he only returned the favor, glaring back just as angrily. “Now we just need to know your supplier. Come on now, save yerself the trouble and jail time, and just tell us who gave it to ya.”

The barpony shook his head. “Even if Ah did, do ya really want ta know the answer? Trust me, son, ya won’t like it.”

Braeburn reached over for the glass bottle. “What makes ya think Ah won’t?” When the barpony didn’t answer, in a fit of anger, he smashed the bottle on the edge of the table, holding up the other, jagged end up.

“Braeburn!” The Sheriff warned. “You are here to question ‘em, not ta threaten ‘em.”

“Besides,” the barpony added, “Ah couldn’t tell ya even if Ah tried. Do you know how unicorns can cast curses? Well Ah have one on me that if Ah reveal the truth of who, it would kill me instantly before gettin’ a word out.”

Braeburn, not being discouraged, tossed the bottle to the other end of the room. “But you did. Ya jus’ gave me a clue.”

Acrylic blinked, “Uh, sorry, what are you talking about? He didn’t say a name or anything.”

“That’s where yer wrong.” He pointed at the barpony, “Ya said that if Ah knew who it was, Ah wouldn’t like it. Why…? The only time anyone would say that is that is because somepony they knew personally has done somethin’ bad, so they say that ta protect them. It’s someone Ah know, isn’t it?”

But the bar pony remained silent.

The yellow cowpony snorted. “Fine. Sheriff, go check the bar, and its safe.”

“C’mon, son.” The sheriff stood up, dragging the pony along to the bar.

Braeburn cleared off the remaining glass on the table as he propped up his forelegs so he could rest his head on his hooves. Meanwhile, the artist sitting by him only looked at him stunned. “Okay, maybe it’s because I know you for only a few days but… that seems out of character for you, isn’t it? I mean, you went from a chatty, happy-go-lucky sort of guy to an angry officer.”

“Not right now-”

“You know what? No. I had enough! I have been answering your questions but you’ve been avoiding mine. Just who are you really and what in Celestia’s plot hole is going on?”

“‘Crylic, Ah’ll chat later, anything ya wanna know, but right now I’m thinkin’, and ah’m thinking hard… Just check up on Fancy,” Brae turned away and thought, smacking his head and racking his brain in frustration.

Acrylic turned and headed out of the bar, eager to get to Fancy and far away from Braeburn’s radical shift in personality.

“Fancy? What in Equestria are you doing?” Acrylic was more than surprised to see Fancy Pants, not only away from the house with Rock Slide, but using his magic to help the miner pull his heavy carts across town.

“It’s surprisingly lighter than what you would think, Rock just needed me to help him fetch some canvased rock carts to empty their storehouse!” Fancy beamed, using his magic to engulf two of the three carts.

Acrylic looked between the two, in complete confusion. “Who’s looking after the… the powder?! Down at Brae’s place? There is an investigation going and you’re moving stock?”

“Hey, my job is important to me!” Rockslide waved around angrily, pointing at Acrylic. “I need to get this order filled or the nearby towns will be very disappointed, investigation or not!”

“What is even in there? Fancy is carrying three! Surely it isn’t rocks if it’s…” Acrylic tried to look under the canvas, but it was quickly snapped shut by Rock’s glare.

“Ah highly suggest you cut that out there, Mr. Acrylic.” Rock stared at him angrily.

“Or you’ll what?” Acrylic, summing up all his courage, glared at him back. “What do you have to threaten me with it’s all just rocks?” He reached for the canvas once more, but a hoof grabbed him.

Leave it be,” Rock commanded with a low growl.

“Acrylic?” Fancy asked as he looked over. “Is something the matter?”

His husband released the canvas to casually turn to him. “Matter? Oh not really, it’s just this!” As fast as lightning, Acrylic swiftly turned around to lift the canvas off, in which all three stallions not only saw the sponges falling off, not only more bags that had some blue dust, but his paintings as well. “You thief!

Before Acrylic could turn on Rock in his rage, he was given a swift punch in the stomach.

“‘Crylic!” Fancy screamed.

“What’s going on out here!” Yelled out the Braeburn, marching out from inside the tavern, he stopped dead in his tracks. Acrylic was doubled over, lying next to a cart filled with blue dust, his paintings, and Rock Slide was wildly ripping into Fancy who attempted to tackle him to the ground. They were both yelling and shouting, but finally, Rock Slide managed to wriggle his way out of the hold Fancy had, stumbling back onto his hooves. With a sickening sound, he mercilessly stomped on Fancy’s ribs and turned around wildly, looking directly at his coltfriend, tears streaming from Braeburn’s face.

“For weeks… Ah didn’t wanna believe it, ah held off, just prayin’ that maybe, just maybe, my roads weren’t pointing to you.”

By now the sheriff was outside, standing right behind Braeburn with another two deputies. Rock looked at the scene before him, turning to the cart and the two stallions both knocked down by him. He looked up and spat at the ground.

“Buck you Braeburn!” He shouted out before making a desperate run out of the town. Braeburn lowered his head and covered his face with his hat.

“Get him, boys.” Was the last thing he said before trotting back into the tavern and collapsing in a chair. The deputies ran after Rock Slide, not taking long before they were tackling him to the ground.

Fancy and Acrylic were carried back into their room by the locals. A doctor was called to check up on both of them. More so for Fancy as every breath he took was painful. They were recommended that due to Fancy’s condition, he would have to go to a hospital as soon as possible, even though the next train out of Dodge wouldn’t come until tomorrow.

The doctor did all he could, giving them painkillers while the mare that ran the hotel desk went to the bar to borrow some ice. By the time they’ve managed to be alone for a moment when it was just the two of them, the first thing Fancy could say was:

“I’m so sorry Acrylic.”

“It’s okay… I guess we didn’t exactly see this coming.”

“No kidding.” Fancy smiled. “I think we’ve earned the award for the worst honeymoon of all time.”

“It’s just a matter of perspective, really,” Acrylic stared at the ceiling. “Maybe I should have taken you seriously from the start?”


“You said from the beginning that something was going on with those miners, maybe I should have taken you seriously. None of this would have happened.”

“‘Crylic, no. No, you were right. I was a little too trusting Rock Slide. You were the one who saw right through this. I should have been on my guard.”

Acrylic looked over to Fancy next to him on the bed. Bruised and fragile. He moved his hoof to place it over his. “There wasn’t anything wrong in giving the benefit of the doubt. You were trying to see the best in ponies like you did for me. The only thing either of us did wrong is us being at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“But it was still fun,” Fancy smiled. “Up until recently, there is still plenty of good things in Dodged Junction. We’ve met some colorful characters and had an adventure in a mine, Braeburn’s gorgeous garden, and the festival. Yes, nothing went according to plan, but by Celestia… I don’t think either of us will forget this if we tried.”

“No kidding!” Acrylic laughed but winced. “Still… I feel sorry for Braeburn.”

“In what way?”

“I mean… can you imagine what it would be like if it turned out that I was lying behind your back and did something this illegal? He must feel horrible by now.”

“I see what you mean.” Fancy nodded, “I think they were in love. I saw it and you did too. But having this must be a betrayal… I don’t know if I would even forgive after something like that.”

They heard hoof steps from someone climbing up the stairs. A moment later, Braeburn entered their tiny room. “Ah came ta check up on the both of ya. Thought ta let ya fellas know that Rock has been captured, along with the miners involved. That, and ta… apologize fer both of ya gettin’ hurt.”

“Great to hear,” Fancy said, “I would shake your hoof, but it hurts to move at the moment.”

“Really, I’m shocked that Rock hurt ya this bad and…” Braeburn inhaled deeply. He closed the door behind him with a hindhoof. “Seriously, this shouldn’t happened at all. But on the other hoof, you two should get some credit. Without yer help, Ah wouldn’t have piece together what’s goin’ on. So really, Ah should be thankin’ ya.”

“So what is going on?” Acrylic lifted his head, though his stomach clenched and ached to do so. “Ow… I mean, who are you, really?”

“Ah was hopin’ ta avoid that. But given what happened, ya at least deserved that.” Braeburn sat on his hunches beside their bed. “When Ah said that Ah worked fer the sheriff, this is both true and false. Yes, Ah was workin’ with the sheriff… so was Rock… or so Ah thought. But truth is, we were more than that. Ya ever heard of the Pinkertons?”

“The detective agency?” Fancy blinked, shifting his head over. “You’re a Pinkerton?”

Braeburn undid his vest to show that on the inside was a silver badge.


“What was really goin’ on,” Braeburn said, “was that my partner, Rock Slide, and I were given’ a case that involved the production and smugglin’ of Sky Salt that all pointed near Dodged Junction. We had an idea where it was all comin’ from, but not so much who exactly was involved. Ah’ve sent Rock ahead ta see if he could blend in and see what was goin’ on. Little did Ah know that… well…”

“He’s the one behind all this?” Acrylic asked.

He nodded. “With the festival, Ah thought it would be a good cover fer me. Ah would both have a reason comin’ up here and scout fer anypony suspicious. Believe it or not, you two arrivin’ was what changed everythin’. Not jus’ pointin’ where the mine was, but who the dealer was, who the lackeys were, and… the supplier. Because of you two, you fellas played a role in shutting down a multi-million operation.”

“That much!” Fancy asked surprised before wincing.

“Easy there. But yeah, you fellas were a mighty big help, even when didn’t know it. Although… Ah’d probably shouldn’t go braggin’ around about this fer a while. Not until after the trial and all.”

“Okay wow, didn’t see this coming.” Acrylic said, “But the one thing I didn’t get was why did they stole my paintings for? It had nothing to do with all this.”

“Well… kinda… At least, one of yer paintings did. The one that showed exactly where the mine was.”


“That,” Braeburn nodded, “and the fact that yer a famous artist that can turn splattered paint inta gold seemed ta play a role as well. So really, them stealin’ those paintings is jus’ another thin’ ta add to the list of their crimes.”

“Wow…” Fancy blinked. “Well, glad we could help, I guess?”

“Look, first thin’ tomorrow we’ll have ya be on a train ta get you to a hospital. That Ah can promise ya.”

Acrylic shifted to where he sat up. “And what about me?”

Braeburn raised an eyebrow. “Pardon?”

“I mean, if it’s alright, I want to stay at least for another day.”

“What?” Fancy raised an eyebrow. “Whatever for? Aren’t you injured as well?”

“Oh I ache, but at least my hooves are still in one piece. That, and I did promise Braeburn a painting.”

Braeburn’s eyes widen, “Oh shoo, no sir, ya don’t really have ta-”

“I made a promise. Before I go, I want to paint your garden. And really, it should be painted. It’s the very least I can do for you for us.” He looked down at Fancy. “You should go ahead first thing tomorrow. I’ll be fine but I want to stay for one more day.”

Fancy gave a weak smile, “I’ll send a telegram to let you know where I’m at so you can come to visit me.”

Braeburn tipped his stetson. “Mightly appreciate it. There’s still one more thin’ Ah still need ta do on my end. But fer now, you two should rest up. And again, thank ya fer yer help.”