• Published 31st Jan 2018
  • 250 Views, 29 Comments

Sunburst's Quest for Love - StormLuna

The Spring Formal is just a couple months away and Sunburst is hoping to take a girl he's had his eye on. He has one problem, she's not into guys but ultimately she will assist him in finding the right girl, one much more like him.

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Sunburst Get's a Date

For so long Sunburst had pursued Starlight and always either got the cold shoulder, got shot down or yelled at but now he was finally having a positive interaction with her. Given her nature, he was surprised when she actually turned off a ballgame to take him to meet a girl she was certain would go with him to the dance, Twilight Sparkle.

Once they got to Twilight's house Starlight pointed at the door and suggested, "Knock on her door."

He asked, "Can't you knock on the door instead? I'm afraid that she'll just reject me."

Starlight sighed, "Sunburst, she needs to know that it is YOU who wants to go with her. If she sees me first, she'll probably think you aren't truly sincere in your desire to go with her."

Sunburst nodded and approached the door. He was filled with nervousness as he knocked on the door, filled with worry that Twilight may simply not answer the door or that she would reject him. Not long after he knocked, the door was answered by Twilight.

"Sunburst, it is good to see you." She then saw who was with him and asked, "Starlight, Trixie, what are you two doing here?"

Starlight could see that Sunburst was getting very nervous and would soon come to the rescue, "Twilight, he wants to talk to you about something but is very nervous about it so Trixie and I are here for moral support."

Twilight knew that Starlight and Trixie neither one cared for Sunburst so this shocked her. She gasped, "You are?"

Trixie replied, "Yes we are." She tapped Sunburst on the shoulder and suggested, "Ask her, Starlight didn't shut her ballgame off for nothing!"

Sunburst was still very nervous but knew that he had to do this. He did like Twilight and also knew the fury that Starlight would go into if he chickened out and caused her to miss her game. He asked, "Uhm Twilight, I was wondering....I was wondering if you'd go with me to the...to the spring formal?"

Twilight got a huge smile on her face and asked, "Really, you're asking me to the spring formal?"

Sunburst could tell that Twilight was thrilled that he asked her, "Well yeah. Starlight said that you and I have a lot in common and suggested I ask you."

Twilight continued to smile and said, "Well that was nice of her and to answer your question, yes I'll go to the spring formal with you!"

Sunburst was ecstatic over her response, so much so that he embraced Twilight without even thinking. Twilight returned the embrace and exclaimed, "Finally! I was wondering if you were ever going to ask me about this!"

Sunburst asked, "Really? You've wanted me to ask you to the dance?"

Twilight exclaimed, "Well of course! Haven't you ever noticed the smiles and blushes I give you during our study sessions?"

All of a sudden memories of their prior study sessions came flooding into Sunburst's mind. She always had a smile on her face when they studied and tended to blush a fair amount. He then realized that had he not been so obsessed over a girl who he had nothing in common with that he could have had a girlfriend a long time ago. He knew he had to be honest when replying, "Well I guess I always had my eyes on Starlight and I never really noticed it."

Twilight gave him a smile, "Just think, had you not been so focused on Starlight, you could have had a girlfriend long ago." She then turned to Starlight and added, "Thank you so much for finally getting him to ask me to the dance. I've wanted this for so long."

Starlight replied, "It was just today that I finally realized that you would be perfect for him."

Trixie nudged her and added, "Had you thought about that earlier everyone would have been much happier."

Before Starlight could reply Sunburst turned to Twilight and suggested, "If you'd be ok with it, maybe us and Starlight and Trixie could double date."

Twilight agreed, "We could, that would be very fun." She then turned to the couple who brought them together and asked, "What would you two think about it? What would you think about double dating?"

Starlight had an unsure look on her face, "I'm not sure. Vanhoover has qualified for the playoffs and they might have a game...."

Trixie had finally had it with Starlight's hockey obsession. She let out an ear splitting screech, "I've had it Starlight! It seems like all you care about is your hockey team and I feel like you love them more than me!" Trixie calmed down a bit and it was clearly visible that she felt hurt, "Starlight, why do you always put hockey ahead of your girlfriend, why do you always put hockey ahead of me?"

Trixie had shown a bit of displeasure over her obsession before but that was at home out of view from others. Starlight was in a state of shock as not only was Trixie giving her a displeased look but so were Twilight and Sunburst. Starlight replied, "I'm sorry Trixie, it is just that when you come from Vanhoover, hockey is very...."

Trixie cut her off, "Starlight, I know hockey is very important but what about me? Is hockey more important than me, the girl you claim to love so much?"

The very fact that Trixie was speaking in the first person caused Starlight to realize that Trixie truly was hurt and that her hockey obsession could cause her to lose the one that she loved the most. She replied, "I'm sorry Trixie, I'm sorry that I've always seemed to put sports first." She turned to Twilight and Sunburst before adding, "Well if it is alright with Trixie, doing a double date could be fun."

Trixie threw herself around Starlight and exclaimed, "Of course The Great and Powerful Trixie is alright with it!"

Twilight was thrilled, "Alright, it looks like we have a date but if we're going to need a car and I'm not sure if any of us even have a license, much less a car."

The four began to look at one another and Trixie replied, "Well The Great and Powerful Trixie has a license but she will have to ask her mom if she can borrow her car."

Starlight asked, "Do you think she will let you use it?"

Trixie replied, "Well when Trixie's mom hears that you are finally putting Trixie ahead of hockey, she will be happy and will let Trixie use it." She then turned to Sunburst and Twilight, "And then we can all go to the dance together!"

Twilight and Sunburst began to cheer while Starlight had a surprised smile on her face. She never imagined that Trixie would be the one who would suddenly be so enthusiastic. Once they had calmed down a bit and Twilight and Sunburst had talked some more, Starlight let out a huge yawn, "Ugh I don't know about all of you but I'm beat."

Trixie wasn't sure if Starlight truly was tired or this was her way of saying that she wanted to cut this short. She commented, "But Starlight, it is a Friday night and we really should do something for Twilight and Sunburst to celebrate them having a date for the spring formal."

Starlight was really hoping to get home and maybe catch the last inning of the ball game but knew that with the way Trixie reacted earlier, that bringing that up would be a mistake. She replied, "Alright, let's do something special for them."

Trixie suggested, "Twilight, Sunburst, how about you come to our house and then Trixie can ask her mom if she can borrow her car and we could go out to eat!"

Sunburst was beyond happy that it seemed like the girls who hated him not that long ago were suddenly being very nice since he had a date for the dance. He replied, "I would love that." He turned to Twilight and asked, "What do you think?"

Twilight exclaimed, "I'd love that!" She then turned to the girls who got them together and added, "Thank you two so much! Thank you so much again for getting him to ask me to the dance."

Trixie replied, "No problem Twilight. It makes me happy to see the two of you happy." She looked back towards her house and suggested, "How about we get back to our place, have Trixie talk to her mom about using her car and then go grab a bite to eat."

As they headed towards Trixie's house, this was something that Sunburst never imagined would happen. He never once imagined that Starlight and Trixie would even want to spend any time with him for any reason. He also never imagined that they would help him find a date for the spring formal, a dance he had been wanting to go to ever since his freshman year. Finally he had a date for it and he felt truly happy.

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